Institute of Nature Management, Spatial Development and Urban Planning No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Programme/course Foreign language (Master study, specialty “Geography) Foreign language (Bachelor study, specialty “Geography”, “Hydrometeorology”, “Ecology and Natural Sources Management”) Basics in Ecology and Natural Sources Management (Bachelor Study, specialty “Natural Sources Management”) Basics in Geography (Bachelor Study, specialty “Geography”) Basics in Oceanology (Bachelor Study, specialty “Hydrometeorology”) Foreign Language (Specialty “Geography”, “Geoecology”, “Oceanology”, “Ecology and Natural Sources Management”) Basics in Geography (specialty “Geography”) Academic year/ Hours ECTS Language semester 1st semester of 108 3 English the 1st German academic year 1st -4th 288 8 English st semesters, 1 German 2nd academic years Test/ examination Exam Overview (description, aims, goals) Basic course 1st -3rd semester – test 4th semester – exam Basic course 6th semester of the 3rd academic year 72 2 English Russian Test Optional course Specialty-orientated in-depth study of English 6th semester of the 3rd academic year 6th semester of the 3rd academic year 1st -6th semesters 1st – 3rd of academic years 72 2 English Russian Test Specialty-orientated in-depth study of English 72 2 English Russian Test Specialty-orientated in-depth study of English 340 10 English German 1st -5th semester – test 6th semester exam Basic course 50 1 English Russian Test Specialty-orientated in-depth study of English 8th -9th semesters, 4th – 5th academic years Institute of Physics and Technology No 1 Programme/course Foreign Language for Technical Specialties (Bachelor study) Academic year/ semester 1st – 2nd semesters of the 2nd academic year 1st semester of the 1st academic year 2 3 Hours ECTS Language Test/ examination 72 4 English German 1st semester – test 2nd semester exam 36 6 English Test The programme is aimed at forming the skill and preparing to use it in the intercultural communication and typical situations in professional communications. Foreign Language for Technical Specialties (Master study) Modern Problems in st 1 semester of Physics the 1st academic (Master study, “Theoretical year and Mathematical Physics”) Overview (description, aims, goals) 28 3 English Test The programme studies the most important discoveries and problems connected with their physical interpretation which took place between XX–XXI centuries. Students familiarise with main theoretical and experimental problems in physics. Institute of Applied Mathematics and Informational Technologies No 1 Programme/course Problems in Mathematics Academic year/ semester st 1 semester of the 1st academic year Hours ECTS 100 3 Language English Test/ examination Test Overview (description, aims, goals) Students learn about the basic notions of the abstract algebra, analytical geometry, linear algebra and mathematical analysis. 2 Problems in Mathematics 3 Methods and algorithms for the generation of hyperelliptic curves for cryptography 1st semester of the 1st academic year th 9 -10th semesters of the 5th academic year 100 3 German Test 140 4 English Test The programme is aimed at familiarizing students with basic mathematical terminology in English and German. The programme includes discussions in English and German, writing a report and presenting it to other students. European Business School No Programme/course 1 International monetary and credit relations (Bachelor Study, specialty “World Economy”) 2 Investment management (Master study, specialty “European Economy and Entrepreneurship”) Academic year/ Hours ECTS Language semester 8th semester of 100 2,5 English th the 4 academic year Test/ examination Exam 3rd semester of the 2nd academic year Exam 144 4 English Overview (description, aims, goals) The aim of the programme is to familiarise future economists with theoretical foundations, modern norms and regulations of activities, empirical status of the international monetary and credit relations and institutional structures of the global foreign exchange market, the global credit market, the loan market, the world's financial centers, their tendencies in development, problems and contradictions of their regulation at various levels. The programme familiarises with economic categories of investment and management to achieve the maximum economic effect in different time frames; studies the main aims of investment management, formation rules of investment portfolio, investment assessment considering Russian and foreign approaches. The programme is aimed at forming the knowledge about the world experience in investment management, law 3 3 International Human Recourse Management 3rd semester of the 2nd academic year 108 3 English Test Conflict management and international negotiations 2nd semester of the 1st academic year 72 2 English Test basics in investment activities and estimating its economic feasibility. The aim of the programme is to explore current theoretical positions, methodological and applied research in the field of international human resource management, which contributes to the successful development of management skills and solution of specific tasks in professional activity in Russian and international companies. The aim of the programme is to raise awareness of future specialists of the range of possible behavior strategies in conflict situations and international negotiations, and to help them acquire the conflict competence. Institute of Social and Humanitarian Technologies and Communications Faculty of Linguistics and Cross-cultural Communications No 1 Programme/course Academic year/ Hour semester s History and culture of the 3rd semester of 108 state of first foreign the 2nd academic language (Great Britain) year Bachelor study ECTS 3 Language English Test/ examination Test Overview (description, aims, goals) The aim of the programme is to develop students’ professional competence, including basic knowledge of the history and culture of the UK, the formation of ideas about the historical path of development of these countries, the dynamics of development of the culture of Great Britain, its main stages, types of cultural activities and the nature of spiritual values of a particular era. Topic 1. The period of ancient history and the history of the Middle Ages Theme 2. Modern history Theme 3. Art and Culture 2 History and culture of the 3rd semester of 108 state of first foreign the 2nd academic language (Germany) year Bachelor study 3 German Test 3 History and culture of the 3rd semester of 108 state of first foreign the 2nd academic language (French) year Bachelor study 3 French Test Theme 4. Literature of the 20th century The aim of the programme is to develop students’ professional competence, including basic knowledge of the history and culture of Germany, the formation of ideas about the historical path of development of these countries, the dynamics of development of the culture of Germany, its main stages, types of cultural activities and the nature of spiritual values of a particular era. Topic 1. Introduction. Germany, review: numbers, facts, information Theme 2. German history and culture of the early Middle Ages. Theme 3. Germany in the late Middle Ages. Theme 4. Germany in the first period of modern history. Theme 5. Germany during the second period of modern history. Theme 6. The Weimar Republic (1918/19191933) Theme 7. Germany in the era of the III Reich and the Second World War. Theme 8. The history and culture of a divided Germany: East and West Germany before 1990 Theme 9. The unification of Germany, contemporary history, socio-cultural identity. The aim of the programme is to develop students’ professional competence, including basic knowledge of the history and culture of France, the formation of ideas about the historical path of development of these 4 Lexicology of English 4th semester of 144 the 2nd academic year 4 English Exam countries, the dynamics of development of the culture of France, its main stages, types of cultural activities and the nature of spiritual values of a particular era. Topic 1. Gaul. Theme 2. The great migration of peoples. Frankish Empire (VIII-IX centuries) Theme 3. France in the Middle Ages (X-XV centuries) Theme 4. Revival and Reformation (XVIXVIII centuries) Theme 5. The Great French Revolution and its aftermath. Theme 6. France in the XIX century. Theme 7. France in the XX century. Theme 8. The culture of modern France. The aim is to develop students' professional competence, including formation of ideas about the lexical-semantic system of the language and its role in the implementation of expressive, communicative and pragmatic functions of language, knowledge of basic structural units of the English language, their specific characteristics and patterns of functioning in English discourse and linguistic methods of their study. Theme1. Theoretical and applied lexicology. Relation to other sections of linguistics. Theme 2. The word as a basic unit of the lexical system. The main methods of nomination in language. Etymological basis lexicon. Theme 3. Semasiology. The semantics of 5 Lexicology of German 4th semester of 144 the 2nd academic 4 English Exam lexical units. Meaning of the word in the functional aspect. Methods of differentiating values and identify components of meaning. Theme 4. Cultural identity of semantic structure of words in Russian and foreign languages. Historical volatility of semantic structure of a word. Theme 5. The structure of words and word formation. Theme 6. Word formation. Morphological structure and derivational word formation. Historical volatility of word structure. Theme 7. Principles and methods of the word-formation and morphemic analysis of word structure in the language. The concept of word-formation model. The main unit and integrated system of word formation. Theme 8. Homonyms and its place in the lexicon of English. Sources of homonyms. Theme 9. The compatibility of lexical units. The concept of valence. Free and set phrases. Phraseological units. The correlation of phraseological units and words. The classification of phraseological units. Theme 10. General characteristics of the vocabulary of modern English. Theme 11. Social and spatial differentiation of the vocabulary of modern English. Theme 12. The etymological characteristic vocabulary. Theme 13. Fundamentals of lexicography. The aim is to develop students' professional competence, including formation of ideas year about the lexical-semantic system of the language and its role in the implementation of expressive, communicative and pragmatic functions of language, knowledge of basic structural units of the German language, their specific characteristics and patterns of functioning in German discourse and linguistic methods of their study. Topic 1. Theoretical and applied lexicology. Relation to other sections of linguistics. Theme 2. The word as a basic unit of the lexical system. The main methods of nomination in language. Etymological basis lexicon. Theme 3. Semasiology. The semantics of lexical units. Meaning of the word in the functional aspect. Methods of differentiating values and identify components of meaning. Cultural identity of semantic structure of correlative words in Russian and foreign languages. Historical volatility of semantic structure of a word. Semantic groups in the lexical system of the language. Theme 4. Homonyms and its place in the lexicon of English. Sources of homonyms. Theme 5. Word formation. Morphological structure and derivational word formation. Historical volatility of word structure. Principles and methods of word-formation and morphemic analysis of the structure of the word in the language. The concept of word-formation models. The main unit and integrated system of word formation. 6 Stylistics of English 7th semester of 144 the 4 academic year 4 English Exam 7 Stylistics of German 7th semester of 144 the 4 academic year 4 German Exam Functional aspect in the system of word formation. The methods of word formation in the language. Cultural specifics of the word formation. Theme 6. The compatibility of lexical units. The concept of valence. Free and set phrases. Phraseological units. The correlation of phraseological units and words. The classification of phraseological units. Theme 7. Social and spatial differentiation of the vocabulary. Theme 8. Fundamentals of lexicography. The aim is to develop students' professional competence, which involves: - Improving speech culture of students; - Developing ability to use all stylistic devices as linguistic markers of various functional styles; - Mastering the basic techniques and skills of stylistic analysis of language and speech units in the system of functional styles of the modern English/German language. Theme 1. Place of stylistics in the modern language sciences Theme 2. Style as an object of linguistic research Theme 3. Functional Styles of Modern English/German Theme 4. The theory of stylistic meaning Theme 5. The system of expressive means in English/German Theme 6. The main aspects of phonostylistics Theme 7. Stylistic classification of the vocabulary of the English/German language Theme 8. Features of characterological vocabulary Theme 9. Problems in syntactic stylistics Topic 10. Compositional-speech forms as global stylistic phenomenon Faculty of Service No 1. Programme/course Academic year/ Hours ECTS Language semester Tourism marketing for 2.5 semesters 4320 120 English sustainable development (total) Russian Master study Test/ examination Exam Overview (description, aims, goals) The programme includes several modules: sustainable tourism, practical training on sustainable tourism, planning of tourist destinations marketing, methods and methodology of research in tourism. Students are to write three course papers. Test/ examination Exam Overview (description, aims, goals) There are two groups: German for beginners and for intermediate students. The lessons are taught by the German teacher from IKBFU and the assistant teacher from the German partner university. Institute of Law No 1. Programme/course German for future lawyers Academic year/ Hours ECTS Language semester 1st-4th academic 96 3 German years