High Crags Primary School Literacy Policy September 2013 Rationale At High Crags we believe that language is fundamental to the overall development of the child and their access to all aspects of the curriculum. We aim to deliver quality teaching of the basic and higher order reading, writing speaking and listening skills to enable the children to become successful in literacy. We follow the Primary Framework for Literacy and other guidance to enable quality learning and teaching to take place. The key skills for communication involve speaking and listening, reading and writing. Skills in speaking and listening include the ability to speak effectively for different audiences, to listen, understand and respond appropriately to others and to participate effectively in group discussion. Skills in reading and writing include the ability to read fluently for a range of purposes and audiences, including critical analysis of their own and others writing. Aims At High Crags Primary School we aim to provide a positive, secure and caring environment where: Pupils develop the key skills for effective communication Pupils regard Literature highly Pupils’ self image as learners is high Speaking & Listening Foundation Stage In line with the Literacy Framework, we believe that speaking and listening is fundamental to children’s development and that confidence in this area is essential to be successful in all areas of literacy. The four strands to speaking and listening are: Speaking; Listening and responding; Group discussion and interaction Drama These oral skills are taught directly, modelled and sensitively encouraged in whole class and small group settings. Opportunities across the whole curriculum are planned for and developed. Children play an active part in presentations, topic talks, group discussions, debates and drama activities. We follow the guidance and ideas from the Literacy framework and the Talk Across the Curriculum Document. There is progression in the skills taught and assessment of significant achievements in speaking and listening. We believe that communication and language with opportunities to explore reading and writing underpins children’s future learning. Speaking and listening skills are developed through the six areas of learning. Personal, Social and Emotional Development Communication, Language and Literacy Problem Solving, Reasoning and Numeracy Knowledge and Understanding of the World Physical Development Creative Development Key Stage 1 Speaking and listening activities include role play, paired talk, drama and hot seating and talk for writing. We expect children to: Speak with confidence and listen to what others have to say, responding appropriately. Use language in imaginative ways and express their ideas and feelings. Key Stage 2 children are expected to: Speak appropriately, adapting what they say and how they say it, according to their audience. Respond to others in an appropriate manner. Please see Speaking and Listening Policy for further clarification. High Crags Primary School Reading We believe in developing a reading ‘culture’ throughout the school by creating welcoming book areas in the classrooms, a school library and attractive print rich displays. All children have their own individual reading targets. They are aware of the level they are working at and where they need to go next. Pupils are able to take home a reading book to read to their parents/carers at least three times a week. Parents are expected to write a comment or sign their home/school reading diaries regularly. All children are encouraged to read at least 3 times a week, and children who do so will be displayed in their class. Throughout Key stage 1 & 2 three comments per week are celebrated in Friday celebration assembly, with the class having the highest percentage rewarded. There is a progression of reading skills through school from Foundation to Key stage 2: Pupils are introduced to print through; rhymes, songs, stories, role play, puppets Pupils are exposed to books with quality texts from a range of different genres Pupils learn to read with fluency and understanding using a range of strategies They begin to use inference and deduction. Pupil’s pleasure in reading is developed. Pupils learn to read, with increasing accuracy, a range of challenging and lengthy texts independently They are able to reflect on the meaning of texts, developing an ability to analyse and discuss texts with others Pupil’s love of books is fostered and developed. All reading books have been levelled and colour coded using the “Book Bands” scheme. They range from Level 1 (Pink) to Level 14 (Ruby Red). These are stored in the KS1 and KS2 corridors. Guided Reading take place across the school from Reception to Year 6, and this may take different forms, in different classes/key stages. Phonics Currently we follow the “Letters and Sounds” phonics scheme, which encapsulates the reading recommendations led by Jim Rose. Phonics is taught explicitly, in Foundation Stage and KS1 and where necessary in KS2. From September 2013, Phonics is taught discretely each day for 20 minutes, with children grouped across the phases. When children enter Foundation Stage, they are introduced to Phase 1 of Letters and Sounds, there is progression through the phases with the majority of children completing phase 6 by the end of Key Stage 1. Phonics sessions continue as necessary in key stage 2, with children receiving regular timetabled spelling or phonics teaching. Spelling In Key Stage 2, The “Support for Spelling Document” is used to teach spelling. Dedicated time is allocated for teaching and investigating spelling, as well as word work linking to a related text in the main literacy session. Spelling Bank investigation is used along side individual and whole class spelling logs. Children are encouraged to practise their spellings through investigation as homework. Word banks along with dictionaries can be used to support children’s spelling at the point of writing. Writing We believe that writing should be a creative/ developmental process both at a functional and imaginative level. All attempts at writing are valued and we know that all children have potential to become successful writers. The compositional and transcriptional skills are taught alongside the creative aspects. We recognise the importance of Talk for writing which is essential to the writing development process. All children have Writing Booklets/Ladders, with their individual targets. These are completed by both teacher and child together. Children’s writing is assessed using APP on a half termly basis. High Crags Primary School Foundation Stage Pupils have opportunities to experiment with writing through role-play, mark making areas and more structured teaching sessions such as shared writing. This is modelled and led by the teacher with the children watching and contributing ideas. Guided writing takes place on a one to one basis, where the pupil is encouraged to apply their knowledge and understanding of phonics. Key Stage 1 In shared writing the teacher will decide where the emphasis may be: The generation of ideas Grammatical awareness Spelling and phonics Compositional Transcriptional Presentational Text level skills Guided writing takes place in small groups with a teaching focus related to individual targets. Progress records are completed at each writing session in order to inform the writing ladders. Independent Writing: After completing a unit in the renewed Literacy Framework, children are given the opportunity to develop their confidence and practise their writing skills independently. Key Stage 2 In addition to the above; Teachers refer to ‘The Grammar for Writing’ document, in order to fulfil the National Literacy requirements on the teaching of sentence level objectives Pupils are made aware of key grammatical principles and their effects, to increase the range of choices open to them when they write, such as: the use of complex sentences, the use of main and subordinate clauses, the use of more powerful verbs, adjectives and adverbs, and the use of appropriate punctuation Pupils recognise how the purpose of a piece of writing and its audience govern the type of text used and the style in which it is written Pupils learn to edit their work, taking on board the principles of Plan, Draft, Revise, Edit, Present and Evaluate. Every week, children do “Ready, Steady, Write” – an independent piece of writing. Handwriting Throughout the school we use the Collins Primary Focus Handwriting programme, (Sue Peat) in order to support children to develop a clear and fluent style of handwriting. Using the pre cursive and cursive styles the children progress from using the movements and patterns needed to form the letters, through to the development of a personal style. In Foundation Stage children are taught to write their name through tracing, copying and writing from memory. Pencil hold is developed and they are given the opportunity to practise the basic letter patterns. The correct way of forming letters with joining flicks is modelled by the teacher. Children have adult intervention to ensure that incorrect formation is not practised. In Year 1 the teacher begins to model all letters starting on the line and using the lead in approach. Clear ascenders and descenders are modelled and practised. Some simple joins may be introduced later on in the year. When children enter Year 2 they are ready to start to join their letters using cursive script. High Crags Primary School The children have a separate handwriting book or sheets from the above programme and there is at least one session a week dedicated to demonstrating and practising the joins in handwriting. By the end of Year we expect most children to be producing cursive script. In KS2 cursive handwriting practise continues. Joins are reinforced using Collins Primary Focus Handwriting and the children are given the opportunity to develop their own personal style. Good presentation is emphasised at all times and through all forms of writing. Planning All Medium Term Planning is based on the units in the Primary Framework for Literacy. However, there will be changes to the curriculum in September 2014. The literacy plans will be revised in the run up to September 2015. Both classes in a year group plan together to ensure coverage of the literacy units. Each Literacy unit covers a different text type or genre. Planning formats indicate: The learning intentions and outcomes, the success criteria, the shared learning and teaching, guided learning, independent learning, the plenary, assessment for learning and next steps, Assessment Progress of Reading and Writing is recorded on to trackers each half term. Pupil’s written work is assessed using APP. Records of written assessments, indicting levels, are kept on each child and passed on to child’s teacher. Guided and Individual Reading Records are kept and appropriate comments are made on pupils progress Reading ages are determined at the end of each academic year-Suffolk Reading Test Spelling Tests or Dictation are undertaken on a weekly basis Pupils are assessed at the end of each key stage in the National Statutory Key Stage Assessments Children are assessed on Letters and Sounds and a record is kept on the tracker. Children in Year 1 (and year 2) do the Statutory Phonics test. Monitoring and Evaluation Formal assessments across the school are monitored regularly by the Assessment leader to check that assessment is happening and to record the results for tracking. The Literacy leader monitors this data and uses it to inform intervention programmes. The Literacy leaders (KS1 and KS2) and SLT conduct regular observations and walkthroughs to monitor the teaching of literacy and phonics. INSET Literacy has a high profile in the school and inset is arranged for all staff on a regular basis. There is regular training for the Literacy leader from the authority. All staff have attended moderation workshops and the literacy leader has regular network meetings. The Literacy Consultant will be called upon to provide support where necessary. SEN & Equal Opportunities All pupils have access to the full curriculum. Individual Learning Plans are in operation for those pupils whose needs have been identified. This policy aims to promote all pupils’ self esteem. Gender and Race The scheme of work provides for equality of access for all pupils. Resources Resources for Literacy are available in classrooms. ICT resources are used to enhance the Curriculum. This Policy has been revised and updated during the Summer term 2013. High Crags Primary School Signed……………………………………….(for the Governing Body) Date………………… Signed……………………………………….(Headteacher) Date………………… Next Review Date: .............................................