ACTION PLAN for implementation of the Strategy for Development of Public Procurement in the Republic of Serbia for the period 2014-2015 ACTIVITIES IMPLEMENTING INSTITUTION DEADLINE INDICATOR IMPROVING THE REGULATORY FRAMEWORK 1. 2. 3. Analysis of the effects of PPL implementation in practice Analysis of justifiability of regulating public procurements in the fields of defence and security, so caalled “sectoral” procurement and review procedures by special laws. Gap-analysis of the level of harmonization of PPL with the new EU Directives PPO PPO/MoD/MoIA/MoME/MoTT/MoCTI PPO Q2/2015 Analysis of the effects of PPL implementation in practice prepared; Q2/2015 Analysis of justifiability of regulating public procurements in the fields of defence and security, so called “sectoral” and review procedures by special laws prepared. Q2/2015 Gap-analysis of the level of harmonization of PPL with the new EU Directives prepared 1 4. Analysis of other regulations relevant for public procurement, concessions and PPP 5. Amendments to the PPL PPO/MFIN/MoTT/MoCTI/MoME/MoD/ MoIA/MoH/MoESTD/MAGR/ MoE/MoL/MoC/SAI PPO/MFIN/GoRS/NA Q3/2015 Analysis of other regulations relevant for public procurement, concessions and PPP prepared Q4/2015 Public hearing held; Draft Amendments to the PPL adopted by the Government IMPROVING EFFICIENCY AND SUSTAINABILITY OF THE PUBLIC PROCUREMENT SYSTEM 1. Upgrading the Public Procurement Portal with new options: possibility for contracting authorities to publish procurement plans, announcements of procurements conducted according to international procedures, English version of Portal, improved search function of the Republic Commission decisions, setting up register of public contracts, development of the PPO reporting system 2. Improvement of the call centre which provides support to users of the Public Procurement Portal PPO PPO Q3/2015 Continually Public Procurement Portal upgraded with all listed options Daily number of consultations provided to the users of the Public Procurement Portal increased by 30 % 2 3. Training for users of the Public Procurement Portal 4. Preparing analysis of the existing legislative and institutional framework for implementation of e- procurement in RS (е-bidding, е-auctions, e-dynamic procurement system, е-catalogues...) 5. Preparing analysis of technical solutions and options used or currently being in the process of development in EU Member States in the field of e-procurements (еbidding, е-auctions, е-dynamic procurement system, еcatalogues...) PPO PPO/AJSRB/MoTT PPO/AJSRB/MoTT Continually Q3/2015 Number of organized trainings -2 per year Analysis of the existing legislative and institutional framework for implementation of e-procurements in Serbia prepared Q3/2015 Analysis of technical solutions and options used or currently being in the process of development in EU Member States in the field of e-procurement prepared 6. Preparing analysis of centralised public procurement: bodies, subjects of procurement, organizational and functional structure PPO Q3/2015 Analysis of centralised public procurement prepared including recommendations regarding subjects of procurement that should be procured in a centralised way, contracting authorities that should be covered by centralisation and the organizational forms of the bodies in charge of centralised PP 7. Preparation of a Guidelines for improving economic performances PPO Q3/2015 Guideline for improving economic performance of public procurement 3 of public procurement 8. Preparation of guidelines for “green" procurement 9. Preparation of guidelines for public procurement with enterprises providing professional rehabilitation and employment opportunities to persons with disabilities, i.e. social enterprises Promotion of good practices of 10. implementation of social aspect in public procurement procedures 11. Training of SMEs prepared Q3/2015 Guidelines for “green" procurement prepared PPO/MoL Q3/2015 Guidelines for public procurements with enterprises providing professional rehabilitation and employment opportunities to persons with disabilities, i.e. social enterprises, prepared PPO/MoL Q4/2015 Good practices of implementation of the social aspect in public procurement procedures promoted PPO Continually PPO Q4/2014 Number of trainings held - 2 per year Examinations for public procurement officers started with minimum one exam monthly Start of the certification exams for 12. public procurement officers PPO 13. Organization of trainings for contracting authorities PPO Continually Number of trainings held - 2 per year 14. Organisation of trainings for bidders PPO/SCC Continually Number of trainings held - 2 per year CURBING IRREGULARITIES IN PUBLIC PROCUREMENT 4 1. Upgrading the software used for procurement planning and quarterly reporting 2. Software upgraded and the users started to use it in practice PPO/SAI Q1/2015 Training of police and prosecutors in the area of public procurement PPO/RC/SAI Continually Number of workshops for police and prosecutors - 2 per year 3. Training of CAs’ managers on their management accountability as well as on their role in implementation of internal procedures PPO/MFIN-IAICD/SAI Continually Number of trainings held - 2 per year 4. Development and improvement of websites of public procurement institutions PPO/RC Continually Websites of public procurement institutions improved 5. Sanctioning of violation of the PPL violations PPO/RC/SAI Continually Number of misdemeanor proceedings for violations of the PPL List of abbreviations NA GoRS PPL LPPPC National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia Government of the Republic of Serbia Law on Public Procurements Law on Public-Private Partnership and Concessions PPO Public Procurement Office RC Republic Commission for the Protection of Rights in Public Procurement Procedures 5 SAI PPPC State Audit Institution Public-Private Partnership Commission MFIN Ministry of Finance MoIA MoTT Ministry of Internal Affairs Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications MoE Ministry of Economy MoCTI Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure MoME Ministry of Mining and Energy MoD Ministry of Defence MoH Ministry of Health MoESTD Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development MoL Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs MAGR Ministry of Agriculture and Environment Protection MoC Ministry of Culture and Information IAICD Internal Audit and Internal Control Department (within the Ministry of Finance) AJSRB Administration for Joint Services of Republic Bodies SCC Serbian Chamber of Commerce EU European Union Q quarter 6