Fall 2007






The Theme House is a six-person on-campus duplex house that will accommodate groups of two and four students, or a group of six students with a shared interest. The residents will lead two (2) educational, social, or service activities per semester to build awareness and create change on campus and throughout the La Crosse community. This is a great chance to work together, build community, and create a lasting impact. The house is located on campus and close to parking, dining facilities, and classes. The house offers unique independent living and is equipped with bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchen, living, and dining areas and additional common space. Students must apply as a group to establish a theme house. Applications are available at www.viterbo.edu/residence and in the Office of Residence Life.


Honor House – The Honor House provides students with an opportunity to live with others dedicated to academic excellence.

A 3.2 cumulative grade point is required for application to the It’s an Honor House and must be maintained.

Examples of House Activities:

1. Tutor at the Boys and Girls Club in the Mathy Center.

2. Assist with and attend the Ethical Leadership Series presentations and Humanities Symposium.

3. Collaborate with an Honors Program project occurring on campus.

Health and Wellness House – The Health and Wellness House provides an opportunity to live with others dedicated to living an active lifestyle.

Examples of House Activities:

1. Form a team for at least one intramurals session per semester.

2. Actively participate in events sponsored by Rec Sports, and assist with promoting events.

3. Partner up with the Friar Frolic, or help plan a 5k during spring semester.

Substance Free House – The Health and Wellness House provides an opportunity to live in an environment free of tobacco, alcohol and drugs.

Examples of House Occupant Responsibilities:

1. Sign a written agreement to abstain from alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs while in or around the House. (Any occupant who does not adhere to the written agreement is subject to house eviction).

2. Actively participate in Taking New Tactics, River Watch or educating high school students on the effects of alcohol, drugs and/or tobacco.

3. Assist Sue Danielson with Health Fair, volunteer with the Boys & Girls Club, or partner up with the Friar Frolic.

Environmental Responsibility House – The Environmental Responsibility House focuses on opportunities to make the

Viterbo Campus and La Crosse community more aware of environmental issues and organizes projects that pertain to recycling and sustainability.

Examples of House Activities:

1. Complete a gardening project with the Garden Club and Boys & Girls Club.

2. Participate in a highway clean-up or work with the Washburn Neighborhood Association for Neighborhood Day.

3. Have a booth at the Living Green Expo to promote environmental responsibility.

Designer/Create Your Own House – The theme for a Designer/Create Your Own House is created by the applicants.

Acceptance of this opportunity will be determined by applicants’ background and the quality and depth of the application.

Example house themes are: Diversity, The Arts, or Nursing.

Dates for Theme House Application

Thur., January 29 th Theme House Informational Meeting, 7:30 pm in the Hawk’s Nest

Mon., February 9 th Theme House Applications due in Office of Residence Life by 4pm

Wed., February 18 th Theme House decision announced and in student mailboxes by 4pm

Thur., February 19 th Housing & Meal Plan Agreement completed online and $100.00 deposit for each selected theme house member is due.


1. Current full-time (12 credits or more) students with a 2.5 cumulative GPA who will be sophomores, juniors, or seniors during the 2015-2016 academic school year.

2. Students must live in a Viterbo University housing facility at the time of application.

3. Student records must demonstrate the student have acted in accordance with University policy.

4. Males and females may complete a joint application as long as residents of the same gender live on the same level.


Address Number of Occupants

821 South 7th Street

(Lower Duplex)

823 South 7th Street

(Upper Duplex)

4 Residents

(Rooms: 2 Single and 1 Double)

2 Residents

(Rooms: 2 Singles or 1 Double)

For more information please contact:

Crystal Lillge calillge@viterbo.edu

(608) 796-3116

It is highly recommended that you touch base with Crystal if you plan to submit an application for the Theme

House! She is more than happy to talk to you about your theme, give ideas for programs, help with your program calendar, and give general information about living in the Theme House!

Examples of previous Theme House Applications are available in the Office of Residence Life for review.





Residents in your group may not be in any other Theme House application group. It is up to house residents to determine who will receive which room in the house. Each resident of the group must currently have a 2.5 cumulative grade point average to be considered.


House Theme: ______________________________________________________________________


Please select the house(s) in which you are interested. Four, two, or all six spots can be selected.

821 South 7th Street 4 Residents (Lower Duplex) ________

823 South 7th Street 2 Residents (Upper Duplex) ________


You will also need to note who will be the Theme House Head and liaison to the Office of Residence Life.

The Rose First Floor RA will be assigned to the Theme House to help keep residents informed of various events and information. The House Contact Person will assist in conducting house meetings and completing necessary paperwork.

RESIDENT #1/HOUSE CONTACT PERSON NAME _________________________________ MALE / FEMALE

CAMPUS EMAIL ADDRESS ______________________________________ LOCAL PHONE #____________

CURRENT CLASSIFICATION: FRESH SOPH JUN SEN Anticipated Graduation Date: ________

CUMULATIVE GPA__________________________ FALL 2014 GPA_____________________

My signature verifies my understanding of the university policies and authorizes the Residence Life staff to verify my cumulative and semester grade point average with the Registrar’s Office. And I will be responsible as the main contact person for the house.

SIGNATURE_____________________________________ DATE ________________

RESIDENT #2 NAME __________________________________________________________ MALE / FEMALE

CAMPUS EMAIL ADDRESS ______________________________________ LOCAL PHONE #____________

CURRENT CLASSIFICATION: FRESH SOPH JUN SEN Anticipated Graduation Date: ________

CUMULATIVE GPA__________________________ FALL 2014 GPA_____________________

My signature verifies my understanding of the university policies and authorizes the Residence Life staff to verify my cumulative and semester grade point average with the Registrar’s Office.

SIGNATURE_______________________________________ DATE ______________

RESIDENT #3 NAME _____________________________________________________ MALE / FEMALE

CAMPUS ADDRESS ______________________________________ LOCAL PHONE #____________

CURRENT CLASSIFICATION: FRESH SOPH JUN SEN Anticipated Graduation Date: ________

CUMULATIVE GPA__________________________ FALL 2014 GPA_____________________

My signature verifies my understanding of the university policies and authorizes the Residence Life staff to verify my cumulative and semester grade point average with the Registrar’s Office.

SIGNATURE_______________________________________ DATE ______________

RESIDENT #4 NAME __________________________________________________________ MALE / FEMALE

CAMPUS ADDRESS ______________________________________ LOCAL PHONE #____________

CURRENT CLASSIFICATION: FRESH SOPH JUN SEN Anticipated Graduation Date: ________

CUMULATIVE GPA__________________________ FALL 2014 GPA_____________________

My signature verifies my understanding of the university policies and authorizes the Residence Life staff to verify my cumulative and semester grade point average with the Registrar’s Office.

SIGNATURE_______________________________________ DATE ______________

RESIDENT #5 NAME _____________________________________________________ MALE / FEMALE

CAMPUS ADDRESS ______________________________________ LOCAL PHONE #____________

CURRENT CLASSIFICATION: FRESH SOPH JUN SEN Anticipated Graduation Date: ________

CUMULATIVE GPA__________________________ FALL 2014 GPA_____________________

My signature verifies my understanding of the university policies and authorizes the Residence Life staff to verify my cumulative and semester grade point average with the Registrar’s Office.

SIGNATURE_______________________________________ DATE ______________

RESIDENT #6 NAME __________________________________________________________ MALE / FEMALE

CAMPUS ADDRESS ______________________________________ LOCAL PHONE #____________

CURRENT CLASSIFICATION: FRESH SOPH JUN SEN Anticipated Graduation Date: ________

CUMULATIVE GPA__________________________ FALL 2014 GPA_____________________

My signature verifies my understanding of the university policies and authorizes the Residence Life staff to verify my cumulative and semester grade point average with the Registrar’s Office.

SIGNATURE_______________________________________ DATE ______________


Each resident must answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper that you attach to your application.

Remember: be as detailed as possible! Creativity is highly encouraged!


Why are you interested in living in a theme house, and why did you choose your theme?


What are three goals you have for your year at the Theme House?


How do you plan on meeting the requirements and goals of your theme? Do you have any plans for implementing the theme for your house in addition to the requirements?


How will you maintain contact with and involve your Resident Assistant, Community Coordinator, and

Advisor? What role will they play in your programming requirements?


Why should your application for a theme house be selected over other applications?

Along with the questions, please provide the following:

A personal statement from each housemate introducing him/herself and why he/she wants to live in the house.

Each housemate needs an individual letter of recommendation from a faculty member

One Theme House Advisor Recommendation form (they will fill out and email to me)

A House Management, Cleaning, and Responsibilities Plan including which residents will be living with whom.

(The Office of Residence Life has examples from past applications)

A Program Calendar for the school year of activities, events, and programs the house plans to participate in and organize regarding their theme. (Be as detailed as possible- include who will be responsible for what)


We, the members of the _____________________________ Theme House, agree to abide by the expectations and responsibilities as laid out by the Office of Residence Life. We pledge to fully support our theme and to promote it to the best of our ability within the Viterbo University and La Crosse community throughout the entire academic year. We acknowledge that failure to fulfill our obligation as a Theme House may result in sanctions from the Office of Residence

Life, since living in a Theme House is a privilege. We understand that it is an expectation that we follow our application and complete our theme. We also understand that any student handbook violation we receive that occurs in or around a

Theme Housing may result in additional sanctions since expectations of a Theme House resident are higher than traditional apartments. Significant or repeated sanctions may result in removal from the house. If a member of the house does not return to the house for Fall housing, we will contact the Office of Residence Life to either recommend a new resident or be assigned a new one. Each Theme House will have to maintain full occupancy.

Signatures by all residents:

Resident #1 _______________________________________

Resident #2 _______________________________________

Resident #3 _______________________________________

Resident #4 _______________________________________

Resident #5 _______________________________________

Resident #6 _______________________________________

Please return this application by 4 pm on Monday, February 9 to the Office of Residence Life. If your Theme House is selected, all members must complete the Housing & Meal Plan Agreement online and make the $100 deposit on or before

Thursday, February 19, 2015 .

The application and any accompanying materials become property of the Office of Residence

Life once they are submitted.

Office of Residence Life

Theme House Advisor Recommendation

Submit to Crystal Lillge (


) by February 9, 2015


Thank you in advance for your willingness to mentor this group throughout the academic year. The application process for a Theme

House is intensive. We strongly suggest that you have a meeting with the group and review their application before completing this form. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you,

Crystal Lillge




New Advisor or


Advisor? Title:

Name of Theme House:

Question for New Advisor:

How have you been involved in developing the group’s application (specifically their theme and program ideas)?

Question for Returning Advisor:

How have you been involved with the group this year?

Question for New Advisor:

Why are you interested in advising this group? How do you anticipate supporting them next year?

Question for Returning Advisor:

What do you see as being the biggest achievement for the group? Area of improvement?

Please offer any information that might be helpful to the Selection Committee.
