This is a sample announcement you may revise as appropriate and

This is a sample announcement you may revise as appropriate and submit to your
local media to promote your participation in Morris Animal Foundation’s
Golden Retriever Lifetime Study.
Media Contact:
Tina M. Martinez
<NAME OF DOG> or <CITY NAME Golden Retriever> Joins Nationwide
Effort to Improve Health of Dogs
<INSERT DATE, CITY, STATE> — Golden Retriever, <NAME OF DOG> owned by
<NAME OF OWNER> of <NAME OF CITY> has enrolled in Morris Animal Foundation’s
Golden Retriever Lifetime Study. This study is a groundbreaking effort to learn how to prevent
cancer and other diseases in dogs. The study will last 10 to 14 years, making it the largest and longest
observational study ever undertaken to improve the health of dogs.
Cancer is a disease that affects many of us and is one of the leading causes of death in dogs. “Morris
Animal Foundation’s Golden Retriever Lifetime Study will fundamentally change the way we
understand all canine diseases and will help us identify the major risk factors for developing the
primary types of cancer we see in dogs,” said David Haworth, DVM, PhD, president/CEO of
Morris Animal Foundation. “Understanding is the first key step in fighting cancer, and good science
is the only way we can really understand this disease.”
With the help and commitment of <NAME OF DOG>’s owner, <NAME OF OWNER>, and
veterinarian, <NAME OF VETERINARIAN> of <NAME OF CLINIC>, Morris Animal
Foundation will collect genetic, environmental, nutritional and health data on <NAME of DOG>.
The study needs to enroll 3,000 Golden Retrievers to follow throughout their lifetimes. Although
restricted to Golden Retrievers younger than 2 years of age at the time of enrollment, results from
this study will benefit all dogs. The Foundation has surpassed the halfway mark but still needs help
to reach the goal of enrolling 3,000 Golden Retrievers.
To take a stand against cancer and help provide a brighter future for all dogs, visit and register your dog today.
About Morris Animal Foundation:
Morris Animal Foundation is a nonprofit organization that invests in science to advance animal
health. The Foundation is a global leader in funding scientific studies for companion animals, horses
and wildlife. Since its founding in 1948, Morris Animal Foundation has invested more than $92
million toward 2,300 studies that have led to significant breakthroughs in diagnostics, treatments,
preventions and cures for animals. Learn more at