December Activity Schedule (YMCA)

WEEKS NOVEMBER 26 – December 14
Rip Art
Supplies: construction paper, glue, white paper
1. Rip up construction paper into small pieces
2. Place glue all around a full piece of construction or white paper
3. Place torn up pieces of construction paper on the glued places to make a picture or
4. Let dry and they can share their designs if they wish
Indoor Snowball Soccer
Supplies: Either balloons or crumpled up paper, cones
Make a few soccer balls either out of balloons or crumpled up pieces of paper. Designate
goals using cones and pick two goalies. Divide the players into two teams. Scatter the balls
around the playing area. The object is for the teams to get as many balls into their
opponent’s goal as possible. Once the balls get into the goal they stay there until there are
no more balls in the playing area. The team that scored the most goals wins.
Fuse beads
Supplies: Fuse beads, iron, fuse bead pattern grids, wax paper
Let kids make their own fuse bead designs and then once they are done, place a piece of
wax paper over the design and place iron on top to let beads melt together
Pac Man
This game is easier when you have basketball court lines, but if not just use some sidewalk
chalk and draw your own line. Spread out the kids on the line. Pick one or three
(depending on size of group) kids to be the "ghosts." They stand on the lines in the middle
of the court. The "ghosts" chase down the other "Pac Man" players. Everyone must stay on
the lines, no jumping from line to line. When a player gets tagged, he/she must sit down on
the line where he/she was tagged and become a roadblock for all of the remaining Pac Man
players. Only ghosts can walk around a roadblock. The last 2-3 players left standing
become the ghosts for the next game.
Holiday Bookmarks
Supplies: construction paper, markers, crayons, scissors
Let kids cut out and design their own holiday bookmarks
Air dry putty
Supplies: Air dry putty, paint, paint brushes
1. Hand out air dry putty to each kid
2. Let them form their own shapes and designs and let them dry
3. Once they are dry, they can paint their designs
Secret Tag
Gather the children into a group and then pick three to come to the front. Whisper to one
child that he is “it”, whisper to the other that he is a “normal player”, and to the third that
he is “the doctor”. (the doctor can touch tagged players and untag them). Let the rest of the
group know what you told the three children, but don’t tell them who you told it to. Then
let the game and confusion begin.
Shaving Cream Art
Let kids use shaving cream and design on the table top
Snake Wall, Fire Wall
Assign 2 walls; one being SNAKE WALL, the other being FIRE WALL. Children will line up
on one of these walls to begin with. When the command of a wall is given, all kids need to
run to that wall as quickly as possible. Last one to touch the wall is out.
EX. If you scream, "FIRE WALL!!" the kids must run to that wall or stay if it's the wall they
are currently on.
Popsicle Stick Snowman
Supplies: Popsicle sticks, white paint, black paint, googly eyes,
orange foam pieces (for nose), paint brushes, black marker (for
mouth), tacky glue, string
1. Glue about 6 popsicle sticks together like the picture shown
2. Glue an additional popsicle stick that lays across the other
glued sticks
3. Once dried, paint the top half of the popsicle sticks black as
well as the stick that lays across.
4. Paint the bottom half with white paint
5. Once dried, glue on googly eyes and an orange foam piece for the nose
6. Draw on the mouth with a black marker
7. Tape a string to the back so the snowman can hang
Supplies: blindfold and a smallish object
Have the group stand in a circle, with one volunteer in the middle, who will be blindfolded.
Place the object at their feet. Point to one person who will “sneak” toward the middle to try
and get the item. The entire group needs to be very quiet (sometimes a challenge). The
blindfolded person in the middle is instructed to point in any direction they think they hear
sound. If the sneaking person is pointed at, they must go back, and the leader points to
someone else. You may begin pointing to more than one person at a time if you choose.
Count Down Links
Supplies: Paper, scissors, markers/crayons, staples, tape
1. Cut out strips of paper
2. Have the kids decorate the strips and put a number on each strip that counts down to the
last day of school before winter break
3. Once they are decorated, loop the strips so that they all link together like a chain
4. Hang up the chain so that the kids can remove a link every day until winter break!
You need a foam sword or paper tube, and one blindfold. One player is chosen to be “it” and
is snowblinded and provided with a sword. Set boundaries (smaller area for younger
children). “It” begins by chanting “I love snow” five times during which time the other
players flutter around the area like snowflakes. After the fifth time, “it” yells “STOP” and
everyone must freeze. “It” then ventures forth with their sword and attempts to tag
someone. Players’ feet are frozen but they may try and duck out of the way. When a player
is tagged, this person becomes “it”.
Hanging mitten
Supplies: Construction paper, markers, string, felt pieces, anything else the kids want to put
on their mitten.
Have the children trace their closed hand so they create a shape of a mitten. Put two pieces
of paper together and cut out the mitten shape on both pieces. Glue the edges of the mittens
together so the middle is open and you can place things into it. Allow the kids to decorate
the outsides of their mittens using the markers, felt pieces, and whatever else they like.
Once they are finished, have the kids tie a string to the top of the mitten so it can hang.
Penguin shuffle
Supplies: A bean bag or something the kids can keep between their feet like an “egg”
Have children side by side with their “eggs” on top of their feet. Players try to shuffle across
the room without dropping their “eggs”. The first one to get across first wins.
Paper snowflakes
Supplies: white paper, scissors
1. Turn any rectangular piece of paper (e.g. A4 or Letter size copy paper) into a square by
folding the top right corner diagonally down to meet the paper's left edge.
2. Fold the excess paper up over the edge of the triangle. Unfold then cut along the crease.
3. Fold the resulting triangle along the middle to come up with a smaller triangle.
4. Have the kids cut out different shapes in the triangle
5. Unfold the triangles to reveal the snowflake patterns
Polar Bear Handprint
Supplies: Light blue or blue construction paper, white paint, black marker, paper plate,
paper towels
1. Pour white paint onto paper plates
2. Give each kid a piece of construction paper
3. Have kids dip their handprint in the paint
4. Have them place their hand on the paper so that the fingers will look like legs and the
thumb will be like the neck and face
5. Once the paint has dried the kids can decorate the polar bear as they would like
6. If they want, they can paint snow in the background
Soccer Basketball
Supplies: a ball (preferable a wall ball or other soft ball)
Divide the group into two teams. One player on each team acts as a goalie under the
basketball rim. The goal is for each team to pass the ball around and shoot it into the
basketball hoop to score without the other team stealing the ball. If the ball is dropped then
you must kick the ball into the designated goal area passed the goalie. Shots are worth 1 or
2 points and goals are worth 7 points. Basketball rules apply while ball is in the air, and
soccer rules apply while ball is on the floor.
Reindeer Candy Canes
Supplies: Candy canes, brown pipe cleaners, red pom-poms, googly eyes, tacky glue
1. Tie a brown pipe cleaner at the curve of the candy cane to create antlers
2. Glue a red pom-pom to the tip of the cane as a red nose
3. Glue two googly eyes on the candy cane
Steal the Snowball
Supplies: One ball
Split the kids into two groups and have them stand in parallel lines, about 40 ft apart, facing
each other. Assign numbers to each player on both sides from one to the final person. In
the center place a ball (this is the snowball). Then call out two numbers (one number from
one team and the other number from another team). The two kids who correspond with
those numbers must run to the center. The goal is to be the first to reach the ball, and bring
it back to your side without being tagged by the other person. If you make it back safely,
your team scores a point, if you are tagged, the ball goes back in the middle, and new
numbers are called.
Puzzle Decoration
Supplies: paper, markers, paint
1. Create and cut out a large puzzle with the children
2. Distribute one puzzle piece to each kid
3. Have them decorate their piece
4. Once they are done they can put the puzzle together with all of their pieces
Poison Ball
Supplies: Various balls
Separate the group into four equal teams. Set up a square playing field and mark it off with
cones. Have the team’s line up on the different sides of the square without entering. You will
need a variety of balls in the center of the playing area; preferably softer balls so no one gets
hurt. The teams will be lined up on the outside of the square. You will give out all the balls
except for one ball, and tell them that this ball is “the poison ball”.
The object of the game is to knock the ‘poison ball’ into an opposing team’s side. The players
cannot use their bodies in any way to touch the poison ball, nor can they enter the square. They
have to throw the other balls at the poison ball to knock it across the opposing team’s lines.
The first team to get the poison ball three times loses.
Tube sock snowman
Supplies: tube socks, rice (to keep the bottom stable), and cotton (as a filler), markers,
rubber bands, googly eyes, felt pieces,
1. Give each kid a tube sock
2. Fill the bottom with about half a cup of rice
3. Fill the rest with cotton
4. Tie the top of the tube sock (where it would normally hit your ankle bone)
5.Fold down the extra tube sock and then start folding it back up over it’s self (it will look
like a little hat)
6. Have the kids decorate their snowmen. They could use the felt to make a scarf, add
buttons and a face, and so on…
Five Hundred
Supplies: 1 ball
One person is the thrower and stands at one end of the playing field. Everyone else waits at the
other end of the playing area (throwing distance away from the thrower). The thrower tosses the
ball in the air towards everyone else and announces a number between 50 and 200. If a kid
catches the ball they get as many points as the thrower yelled. If the ball is missed or dropped,
that person loses the same number of points (negative scores are possible). The first person to get
500 points wins and becomes the thrower for the next game.
Snowflake Photo Frame
Supplies: Craft foam, glitter glue, glue, magnet tape
1. Cut two different colors of craft foam, one smaller than
the other, into the shape of a snowflake.
2. Glue the smaller snowflake onto the larger snowflake.
3. Have the kids glitter glue the ends of the snowflake,
but leave the middle open so they can put a picture there
when they home.
4. Glue a magnet on to the back of the snowflake
Everybody’s It!
Supplies: cones
Set up cones to make boundary lines. Proclaim, "everybody's it!" and the participants must begin
trying to tag others, while avoiding getting tagged. Decide beforehand if simultaneous tags result
in both sitting down, or both remaining free. Once tagged, participants sit down, extend their
arms, and try to tag those left running around.
Gingerbread Trees
Supplies: sugar ice cream cones, white icing, M&M’s/ sprinkles, paper plates, plastic spoons
1. Give each kids a paper plate and a cone and distribute out icing, M&M’s/sprinkles
2. Let them spread the icing with the plastic spoons on their cones so that it looks like a tree
covered in snow.
3. Spread the candies all over the tree
4. If they want, they can take home and eat
Finger Paint Tree
Supplies: white paint, construction paper (darker colors), markers, paper plates
1. Pour some white paint out on to a paper plate
2. Have kids draw a tree on the paper
3. Let them use their fingers to make snowflakes around the paper (using the white pant)
4. Once they are done painting, have them wash their hands
Cotton Ball Hockey
Supplies: Cotton balls and two blindfolds.
Have two people sit on opposite sides of a table. Spread a few cotton balls on the table. The
people are then blind folded. Tell them they have to grab cotton balls, one by one, and
sweep them off their side of the table. Once the kids start, quietly throw more and more
cotton balls onto the table. Once all of the cotton balls are cleared, have the kids switch
places. All of the remaining kids standing around can yell and tell the players where to
reach for a cotton ball
Glitter Snowflakes
Supplies: glitter, white paper, scissors
Have the kids cut out and decorate snowflakes
Walk This Way
Have the kids pair up and line up shoulder to shoulder. Pick a line, parallel to the kids and
about 15 feet away. The partners must then take turns getting from their line to the other
line. However, once someone has done an action no other pair can do this same action. For
instance, if the first pair walks, no one else can walk, if the second pair runs, no one else can
run. Keep playing the game until the kids are fully out of ideas.
Find the Leader
Players sit in circle. One player is asked to leave the room. While that player is gone the
group decides on who the leader will be for the round. Player outside the room is then
allowed back in.
Everyone sitting in the circle then must imitate whatever the leader does (arm motions,
facial expressions, etc), but tries not to make it obvious who the leader is.
The player who was outside the room then stands in the center of the circle and tries to
guess which player is the leader (by attempting to see who the other players are taking
cues from). Player gets 3 guesses. Leader then becomes player who goes outside for the
next round.
Holiday Cards
Supplies: Construction paper, markers, crayons
Have kids make and decorate their own holiday cards