SWIMMING THROUGH SAND: CONNECTIVITY OF AQUATIC FAUNA IN DESERTS Ashley L Murphy, Alexandra Pavlova, Ross Thompson, Jenny Davis and Paul Sunnucks Ecology & Evolution Appendix S1. Dataset of 133 desert freshwater connectivity studies reviewed to give an overview of the trends in the field, with selected details of study systems, methodologies and conclusions noted. Details include: Species – species names as provided in source; Class – taxonomic class of organism; Disp – predicted dispersal ability of organism (low, moderate, high – see Methods for definitions); Study Location – country where species sampled (number only where more than two countries sampled); Habitat Type – habitat type sampled (pools, rivers, springs or multiple); Markers Used – class/es of molecular marker used in study (allozymes (Allo), amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLP), nuclear DNA sequences (nDNA), microsatellites (msats), mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD), restricted fragment length polymorphisms (RFLP) and single-primer amplification reaction (SPAR)); Analytical Method – method used for analyses of genetic data (deterministic or probabilistic*); Connectivity Model Concluded – conclusion of connectivity model or description of gene flow (Panmixia, Isolation By Distance (IBD), Stream Hierarchy Model (SHM), Death Valley Model (DVM), no, restricted or high gene flow (GF)), at each of three scales*. *See Methods section for definitions of these terms. A full reference list of sources is provided below. Source Species Class Disp Study Location Echelle et al. 1987 Cyprinodon bovinus Cyprinodon elegans Cyprinodon pecosensis Cyprinodon tularosa Gambusia nobilis Fonscochlea accepta Fonscochlea aquatica Fonscochlea variabilis Fonscochlea zeidleri Trochidrobia punicea Trochidrobia smithi Poeciliopsis occidentalis Tiaroga cobitis Meda fulgida Agosia chrysogaster Branchinecta sandiegonensis Hyalella azteca Hyalella montezuma Osteichthyes Osteichthyes Osteichthyes Osteichthyes Osteichthyes Gastropoda Gastropoda Gastropoda Gastropoda Gastropoda Gastropoda Osteichthyes Osteichthyes Osteichthyes Osteichthyes Branchiopoda Malacostraca Malacostraca Low Low Low Low Mod Mod Mod Mod Mod Low Low Mod Mod Mod Mod Low Low Low USA USA USA USA USA Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia USA USA USA USA USA USA USA Echelle et al. 1989 Ponder et al. 1995 Quattro et al. 1996 Tibbets & Dowling 1996 Davies et al. 1997 Thomas et al. 1997 Habitat Type Markers Used Analytical Method Connectivity Model Concluded Within Between Between Systems Systems Basins Multiple Springs Rivers Springs Springs Springs Springs Springs Springs Springs Springs Rivers Rivers Rivers Rivers Pools Pools Pools Allo Allo Allo Allo Allo Allo Allo Allo Allo Allo Allo mtDNA Allo, RFLP Allo, RFLP Allo, RFLP Allo RAPD RAPD Deterministic Deterministic Deterministic Deterministic Deterministic Deterministic Deterministic Deterministic Deterministic Deterministic Deterministic Deterministic Deterministic Deterministic Deterministic Deterministic Deterministic Deterministic High GF IBD High GF Low GF High GF IBD IBD IBD IBD IBD IBD High GF No GF Restricted GF Restricted GF – Restricted GF IBD – – – – Restricted GF – – – – – – Low GF No GF No GF No GF Low GF – – – – – – – – – – – – – Low GF – – – – – – 1 Swimming through Sand: Connectivity of Aquatic Fauna in Deserts – Supporting Information Source Species Class Disp Study Location Viard et al. 1997 Duvernell & Turner 1998 Bulinus truncatu Cyprinodon nevadensis Cyprinodon salinus Gila copei Oxylema haydeni Chondrostoma lusitanicum Macrobrachium australiense Gila atraria Ambrysus thermarum Psephenus montanus Oncorhynchus clarki Catostomus latipinnis Cherax destructor Catostomus occidentalis Macrobrachium australiense Gammarus pecos Bulinus forskalii Velesunio spp. A Velesunio spp. B Velesunio spp. C Velesunio spp. D Cyprinodon nevadensis Anodonta californiensis Nymphophilus minckleyi Macrobrachium australiense Cherax destructor Hybognathus amarus Tryonia porrecta Mexipyrgus churinceanus Ladigesocypris ghigii Squalius aradensis Iotichthys phlegethontis Leiopotherapon unicolor Notopala sublineata Macrobrachium australiense Notopala sublineata Gastropoda Osteichthyes Osteichthyes Osteichthyes Gastropoda Osteichthyes Malacostraca Osteichthyes Insecta Insecta Osteichthyes Osteichthyes Malacostraca Osteichthyes Malacostraca Malacostraca Gastropoda Bivalvia Bivalvia Bivalvia Bivalvia Osteichthyes Bivalvia Gastropoda Malacostraca Malacostraca Osteichthyes Gastropoda Gastropoda Osteichthyes Osteichthyes Osteichthyes Osteichthyes Gastropoda Malacostraca Gastropoda Low Low Low Mod Low Mod Mod Mod Low Low Mod Mod Mod Mod Mod Low Low Mod Mod Mod Mod Low Mod Low Mod Mod Mod Low Low Mod Mod Low High Low Mod Low 8 Countries USA USA USA USA Portugal Australia USA USA USA USA USA Australia USA Australia USA Cameroon Australia Australia Australia Australia USA USA Mexico Australia Australia USA USA Mexico Greece Portugal USA Australia Australia Australia Australia Johnson & Jordan 2000 Miller et al. 2000 Mesquita et al. 2001 Cook et al. 2002 Johnson, 2002 Miller et al. 2002 Nielsen & Sage 2002 Douglas et al. 2003 Hughes & Hillyer 2003 Whitehead et al. 2003 Carini & Hughes 2004 Gervasio et al. 2004 Gow et al. 2004 Hughes et al. 2004 Martin & Wilcox 2004 Mock et al. 2004 Moline et al. 2004 Murphy & Austin 2004 Nguyen et al. 2004 Alo & Turner 2005 Hershler et al. 2005 Johnson 2005 Mamuris et al. 2005 Mesquita et al. 2005 Mock & Miller 2005 Bostock et al. 2006 Carini & Hughes 2006 Carini et al 2006 Habitat Type Markers Used Analytical Method Connectivity Model Concluded Within Between Between Systems Systems Basins Rivers Rivers Rivers Rivers Springs Rivers Rivers Rivers Rivers Rivers Rivers Rivers Rivers Rivers Rivers Springs Multiple Rivers Rivers Rivers Rivers Springs Multiple Springs Rivers Rivers Rivers Springs Multiple Rivers Rivers Springs Rivers Rivers Rivers Rivers Msats mtDNA mtDNA mtDNA AFLP, mtDNA mtDNA, RFLP Allo, mtDNA mtDNA AFLP AFLP Msats mtDNA mtDNA AFLP, Msats mtDNA Allo Msats Allo, mtDNA Allo, mtDNA Allo, mtDNA Allo, mtDNA Msats AFLP, mtDNA Allo mtDNA mtDNA Msats, mtDNA Allo, mtDNA mtDNA RAPD, RFLP Msats, mtDNA AFLP, mtDNA Allo, mtDNA Allo, mtDNA mtDNA Allo, mtDNA Deterministic Deterministic Deterministic Deterministic Deterministic Deterministic Deterministic Deterministic Deterministic Deterministic Deterministic Probabilistic Deterministic Deterministic Probabilistic Deterministic Probabilistic Probabilistic Probabilistic Probabilistic Probabilistic Deterministic Deterministic Deterministic Deterministic Deterministic Deterministic Deterministic Probabilistic Deterministic Deterministic Deterministic Deterministic Probabilistic Deterministic Deterministic IBD Restricted GF No GF – No GF High GF Panmixia – High GF No GF – High GF High GF IBD Restricted GF IBD – Restricted GF Restricted GF Restricted GF Restricted GF Restricted GF – High GF – Restricted GF High GF – IBD High GF – Restricted GF High GF Restricted GF High GF High GF Restricted GF No GF – – – – DVM IBD High GF No GF No GF High GF Low GF Restricted GF Restricted GF – High GF No GF – Low GF – Low GF No GF – Restricted GF Low GF – – No GF – Restricted GF No GF High GF Restricted GF – – No GF – – No GF – Low GF DVM No GF – – – – Low GF – No GF – – – – No GF – – – – No GF No GF – Restricted GF – No GF No GF – High GF No GF – – 2 Swimming through Sand: Connectivity of Aquatic Fauna in Deserts – Supporting Information Habitat Type Markers Used Analytical Method Connectivity Model Concluded Within Between Between Systems Systems Basins nDNA, mtDNA nDNA, mtDNA Msats mtDNA mtDNA Allo, mtDNA, Msats mtDNA, Msats Allo, mtDNA Allo, mtDNA AFLP, mtDNA mtDNA, AFLP mtDNA Allo mtDNA Deterministic Deterministic Probabilistic Deterministic Deterministic Restricted GF Restricted GF Multiple No GF No GF – – Restricted GF – – No GF No GF – – – Probabilistic Probabilistic Probabilistic Probabilistic Deterministic Deterministic Probabilistic Deterministic Probabilistic Panmixia Panmixia Restricted GF SHM High GF – – IBD IBD No GF – No GF No GF IBD Restricted GF No GF IBD – No GF – No GF No GF – No GF – – – Probabilistic SHM SHM No GF Probabilistic Probabilistic Deterministic Deterministic Deterministic Probabilistic IBD – – – – High GF IBD – – No GF Restricted GF IBD No GF No GF No GF No GF No GF – Deterministic Deterministic Deterministic Deterministic Deterministic Deterministic Deterministic Deterministic Probabilistic Deterministic Deterministic Deterministic Deterministic IBD Restricted GF Restricted GF Restricted GF Restricted GF Restricted GF No GF Restricted GF SHM Restricted GF IBD Restricted GF Restricted GF – – No GF No GF Restricted GF – – Restricted GF No GF – – – – – – – – – – – No GF No GF – – – – Source Species Class Disp Study Location Carson & Dowling 2006 Cyprinodon atrorus Cyprinodon bifasciatus Oncorhynchus clarkii Caldicochlea globosa Caldicochlea harrisi Osteichthyes Osteichthyes Osteichthyes Gastropoda Gastropoda Low Low Mod Low Low Mexico Mexico USA Australia Australia Multiple Multiple Rivers Springs Springs Neosilurus hyrtlii Porochilus argenteus Nematolosa erebi Retropinna semoni Valvata utahensis Catostomus ardens Fundulus lima Branchipodopsis wolfi Hyalella azteca Osteichthyes Osteichthyes Osteichthyes Osteichthyes Gastropoda Osteichthyes Osteichthyes Branchiopoda Malacostraca Mod Mod Mod Low Low Mod Low Mod Low Australia Australia Australia Australia USA USA Mexico Botswana USA Rivers Rivers Rivers Rivers Rivers Rivers Springs Pools Rivers Neosilurus hyrtlii Osteichthyes Mod Australia Rivers Nematalosa erebi Macrobrachium australiense Artemia salina Astyanax aff. bimaculatus Chondrostoma lusitanicum Fonscochlea accepta Osteichthyes Malacostraca Anacostraca Osteichthyes Osteichthyes Gastropoda Mod Mod High Mod Mod Mod Australia Australia 8 Countries Brazil Portugal Australia Rivers Rivers Pools Rivers Rivers Springs Allo, mtDNA, msats mtDNA mtDNA mtDNA RAPD, SPAR mtDNA, Msats Msats Cyprinodon eremus Austrochiltonia dalhousiensis Austrochiltonia spp. A Austrochiltonia spp. B Austrochiltonia spp. C Austrochiltonia spp. F Phreatochiltonia anophthalma Pseudacris cadaverina Oncorhynchus clarkii Gambusia nobilis Gammarus pecos Gammarus sp. "roswell" Gammarus sp. "toyah" Osteichthyes Malacostraca Malacostraca Malacostraca Malacostraca Malacostraca Malacostraca Amphibia Osteichthyes Osteichthyes Malacostraca Malacostraca Malacostraca Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Low Mod Mod Low Low Low Mexico, USA Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia USA USA USA USA USA USA Rivers Springs Springs Springs Springs Springs Springs Rivers Rivers Springs Springs Springs Springs Msats Allo, mtDNA Allo, mtDNA Allo, mtDNA Allo, mtDNA Allo, mtDNA Allo, mtDNA mtDNA mtDNA, Msats Allo Allo mtDNA mtDNA Cegelski et al. 2006 Colgan et al. 2006 Huey et al. 2006 Hughes & Hillyer 2006 Miller et al. 2006 Mock et al. 2006 Bernardi et al. 2007 Hulsmans et al. 2007 Zickovich & Bohonak 2007 Huey et al. 2008 Masci et al. 2008 Munoz et al. 2008 Pamponet et al. 2008 Sousa et al. 2008 Worthington Wilmer et al. 2008 Loftis et al. 2009 Murphy et al. 2009 Phillipsen & Metcalf 2009 Pritchard et al. 2009 Sei et al. 2009 Seidel et al. 2009 3 Swimming through Sand: Connectivity of Aquatic Fauna in Deserts – Supporting Information Habitat Type Markers Used Analytical Method Connectivity Model Concluded Within Between Between Systems Systems Basins Source Species Class Disp Study Location Wang 2009 Faulks et al. 2010 Billman et al. 2010 Henriques et al. 2010 Jungels et al. 2010 Korn et al. 2010 Bufo exsul Macquaria ambigua Rhinichthys osculus Squalius torgalensis Bufo cognata Triops baeticus Triops gadensis Triops vicenticus Cyprinodon nevadensis Anodonta californiensis/ nuttalliana Fonscochlea accepta Ngarwa dirge Phreatomerus latipes Wangiannachiltonia guzikae Iberochondrostoma almacai Hyalella azteca Retropinna semoni Amphibia Osteichthyes Osteichthyes Osteichthyes Amphibia Branchiopoda Branchiopoda Branchiopoda Osteichthyes Bivalvia Low Mod Mod Mod Mod High High High Low Mod USA Australia USA Portugal USA Portugal, Spain Spain Portugal USA USA Springs Rivers Rivers Rivers Rivers Multiple Multiple Multiple Springs Rivers Msats Msats mtDNA mtDNA, Msats Msats mtDNA mtDNA mtDNA mtDNA, Msats Msats, mtDNA Probabilistic Probabilistic Deterministic Probabilistic Deterministic Deterministic Deterministic Deterministic Probabilistic Deterministic Restricted GF High GF – High GF IBD – – – High GF – – Restricted GF – – IBD High GF High GF – Low GF No GF – No GF Low GF – – High GF High GF No GF – No GF Gastropoda Ostracoda Malacostraca Malacostraca Osteichthyes Malacostraca Osteichthyes Mod High Low Low Low Low Low Australia Australia Australia Australia Portugal USA Australia Springs Springs Springs Springs Rivers Springs Rivers Probabilistic Probabilistic Probabilistic Probabilistic Deterministic Deterministic Probabilistic High GF High GF High GF No GF Panmixia No GF Restricted GF High GF High GF SHM No GF Restricted GF No GF Low GF – – – – – No GF – Palaemonetes suttkusi Macquaria ambigua Tandanus tandanus Macrobrachium australiense Orestias ascotanensis Oncorhynchus tshawytscha Phreatomerus latipes Iberochondrostoma lemmingii Apalone atra Trochidrobia minuta Trochidrobia punicea Trochidrobia smithi Limnadopsis birchii Limnadopsis paratatei Limnadopsis parvispinus Limnadopsis tatei Nothobranchius furzeri Lepomis megalotis Malacostraca Osteichthyes Osteichthyes Malacostraca Osteichthyes Osteichthyes Malacostraca Osteichthyes Reptilia Gastropoda Gastropoda Gastropoda Branchiopoda Branchiopoda Branchiopoda Branchiopoda Osteichthyes Osteichthyes Mod Mod Mod Mod Mod Mod Low Low Low Low Low Low High High High High Low Mod Mexico Australia Australia Australia Chile USA Australia Portugal, Spain Mexico Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Australia Mozambique Mexico Springs Rivers Rivers Rivers Springs Rivers Springs Rivers Multiple Springs Springs Springs Rivers Rivers Rivers Rivers Pools Rivers mtDNA mtDNA mtDNA mtDNA Msats, mtDNA mtDNA, nDNA Allo, Msats, mtDNA mtDNA Msats Msats Msats mtDNA Msats Allo, mtDNA Msats, mtDNA Msats mtDNA, nDNA mtDNA, nDNA mtDNA, nDNA mtDNA, nDNA mtDNA, nDNA mtDNA, nDNA mtDNA, nDNA mtDNA, Msats mtDNA Probabilistic Deterministic Deterministic Deterministic Probabilistic Probabilistic Probabilistic Deterministic Deterministic Probabilistic Probabilistic Probabilistic Probabilistic Probabilistic Probabilistic Probabilistic Probabilistic Probabilistic Restricted GF Restricted GF Panmixia Restricted GF Restricted GF High GF Restricted GF – – No GF No GF No GF IBD Panmixia Multiple Panmixia IBD – – – – – No GF Low GF No GF Restricted GF No GF No GF No GF No GF Panmixia Panmixia Panmixia Panmixia – Low GF Low GF – – – – – – No GF – – – – IBD Panmixia IBD Panmixia IBD No GF Martin 2010 Mock et al. 2010 Murphy et al. 2010 Sousa et al. 2010 Stutz et al. 2010 Woods et al. 2010 Chaves-Campos et al. 2011 Huey et al. 2011 Morales et al. 2011 Small et al. 2011 Guzik et al. 2012 Lopes-Cunha et al. 2012 McGaugh 2012 Murphy et al. 2012 Schwenter et al. 2012 Bartakova et al. 2013 Coghill et al. 2013 4 Swimming through Sand: Connectivity of Aquatic Fauna in Deserts – Supporting Information Habitat Type Markers Used Analytical Method Connectivity Model Concluded Within Between Between Systems Systems Basins Source Species Class Disp Study Location Hopken et al. 2013 Nguema et al. 2013 Murphy et al. 2013 Van Leeuwen et al. 2013 Robertson et al. 2014 Schwentner et al. 2014 Sousa-Santos et al. 2014a Sousa-Santos et al. 2014b Catostomus discobolus Biomphalaria pfeifferi Wangiannachiltonia guzikae Physa acuta Wangiannachiltonia guzikae Eocyzicus species Anaecypris hispanica Iberochondrostoma olisiponensis Crocodylus suchus Abedus herberti Osteichthyes Gastropoda Malacostraca Gastropoda Malacostraca Branchiopoda Osteichthyes Osteichthyes Mod Low Low High Low High Low Low USA Oman Australia Spain Australia Australia Portugal Portugal Rivers Rivers Springs Springs Springs Rivers Rivers Rivers mtDNA, Msats Msats mtDNA, nDNA Msats Msats mtDNA, nDNA mtDNA, nDNA nDNA, mtDNA Probabilistic Probabilistic Probabilistic Probabilistic Probabilistic Deterministic Probabilistic Deterministic SHM Restricted GF DVM – SHM – Restricted GF No GF SHM No GF DVM IBD – High GF No GF – No GF No GF – – – High GF No GF – Reptilia Insecta Mod Low Mauritania USA Rivers Rivers mtDNA, Msats Msats Probabilistic Deterministic High GF – Restricted GF No GF – – Velo-Anton et al. 2014 Phillipsen et al. 2015 References Alo, D. & Turner, T.F. 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Colgan, D., Ponder, W. & Da Costa, P. (2006) Mitochondrial DNA variation in an endemic aquatic snail genus, Caldicochlea (Hydrobiidae; Caenogastropoda) in Dalhousie Springs, an Australian arid-zone spring complex. Molluscan Research, 26, 8-18. Cook, B.D., Bunn, S.E. & Hughes, J.M. (2002) Genetic structure and dispersal of Macrobrachium australiense (Decapoda: Palaemonidae) in western Queensland, Australia. Freshwater Biology, 47, 2098-2112. Davies, C.P., Simovich, M.A. & Hathaway, S.A. (1997) Population genetic structure of a California endemic branchiopod, Branchinecta sandiegonensis. Hydrobiologia, 359, 149-158. Douglas, M.R., Brunner, P.C. & Douglas, M.E. (2003) Drought in an evolutionary context: molecular variability in Flannelmouth Sucker (Catostomus latipinnis) from the Colorado River Basin of western North America. Freshwater Biology, 48, 1254-1273. Duvernell, D.D. & Turner, B.J. 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Hershler, R., Mulvey, M. & LIU, H.P. (2005) Genetic variation in the desert springsnail (Tryonia porrecta): implications for reproductive mode and dispersal. Molecular Ecology, 14, 1755-1765. Hopken, M.W., Douglas, M.R. & Douglas, M.E. (2013) Stream hierarchy defines riverscape genetics of a North American desert fish. Molecular Ecology, 22, 956-971. Huey, J.A., Hughes, J.M. & Baker, A.M. (2006) Patterns of gene flow in two species of eel-tailed catfish, Neosilurus hyrtlii and Porochilus argenteus (Siluriformes: Plotosidae), in western Queensland's dryland rivers. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 87, 457-467. Huey, J.A., Baker, A. & Hughes, J. (2008) The effect of landscape processes upon gene flow and genetic diversity in an Australian freshwater fish, Neosilurus hyrtlii. Freshwater Biology, 53, 1393-1408. Huey, J.A., Schmidt, D.J., Balcombe, S.R., Marshall, J.C. & Hughes, J.M. (2011) High gene flow and metapopulation dynamics detected for three species in a dryland river system. Freshwater Biology, 56, 2378-2390. Hughes, J., Baker, A.M., Bartlett, C., Bunn, S., Goudkamp, K. & Somerville, J. (2004) Past and present patterns of connectivity among populations of four cryptic species of freshwater mussels Velesunio spp. (Hyriidae) in central Australia. Molecular Ecology, 13, 3197-3212. Hughes, J.M. & Hillyer, M.J. (2003) Patterns of connectivity among populations of Cherax destructor (Decapoda: Parastacidae) in western Queensland, Australia. Marine and Freshwater Research, 54, 587-596. 6 Swimming through Sand: Connectivity of Aquatic Fauna in Deserts – Supporting Information Hughes, J.M. & Hillyer, M.J. (2006) Mitochondrial DNA and allozymes reveal high dispersal abilities and historical movement across drainage boundaries in two species of freshwater fishes from inland rivers in Queensland, Australia. Journal of Fish Biology, 68, 270-291. 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Proportion of studies of desert freshwater taxa that concluded three categories of connectivity, at three different scales, compared between the three most-studied taxonomic classes. 80% Connectivity: High 60% Restricted None 40% 20% Fish Crustacean Between-Basins n=6 Between-Systems n = 16 Within-Systems n = 26 Between-Basins n=9 Between-Systems n = 15 Within-Systems n = 27 Between-Basins n = 25 Between-Systems n = 35 0% Within-Systems n = 47 Proportion of Conclusions 100% Mollusc 10