Uploaded by Aishera Japhrodite Pis-ing

Acceptance: Finding Peace and Moving Forward

Giving Up in Giving it All Up
"Acceptance doesn't mean resignation; it means understanding that something is what it is and that
there's got to be a way through it." -Michael J. Fox
Acceptance could be one of the hardest things to achieve in this world full of denials, challenges and
bargaining. Wanting to accept the reality that there is in every situation that cannot be undone is simply
hard because of regrets of what could have been done to avoid these unfortunate circumstances. Some
people never believe in acceptance and just move on with a deep void within their hearts, when in fact,
acceptance is the key for moving on. It is being aware that something cannot be changed, but there is a
way to be at peace after the storm.
As what the quote above said, acceptance does not mean accepting defeat or resignation. Acceptance is
not a sign of weakness, but an evidence of strength and resiliency. Learning to embrace the things that
make you feel like it is the end of the world and start thinking that it is just the beginning.
Acceptance is the first step of attaining peace, happiness and contentment. It is what lets people move
forward and not give up, rather, give up in giving all of their energy in mourning, seeking for revenge, or
stressing out on what could have been.