Autumn One Curriculum

Autumn One Curriculum
Religious Education
 Families – God’s love and care for every family
 Belonging – Baptism an invitation to belong to God’s family
 Other Faiths – Judaism – Stories – Abraham and Moses
Labels and Captions
Descriptive words and phrases
Discuss the purpose of labels
Writing labels
Spelling simple words
Write a caption for an object or a picture
Stories with Familiar Settings
 Reading and discussing stories which are set in key places e.g. park, garden, school,
 Recall key events from a story and answer questions
 Explore familiar themes and characters through improvisation and role-play
 Name the letters of the alphabet in order
 Discuss the purpose of dictionaries
 Play and sing alphabet songs
 Use dictionaries to collect new vocabulary
Children to develop their understanding by:
 Leaving spaces between words
 Joining words and joining clauses using ‘and’
 Beginning to punctuate sentences using a capital letter and a full stop, question mark or
exclamation mark
 Using a capital letter for names of people, places, the days of the week, and the
personal pronoun ‘I’
Spelling tests will begin the week commencing Monday 2nd November. Spelling lists will
be given out on a Friday with the spelling test taking place on the following Thursday.
Spelling lists can also be found on the school website.
Counting to and across 100
Count forwards and backwards
Count in 2s, 5s and 10s
Count, read and write numbers to 100 in numerals
Read and write numbers in numerals and words to 20
Identify and represent numbers using objects and pictures
Everyday materials – Children can:
Tell the difference between an object and the material from which it is made
Name a variety of everyday materials, including wood, plastic, glass, metal, water
and rock
Describe some everyday materials
Make groups of materials based on what they are like
 Clothes – Children can:
Identify some similarities and differences between ways of life in different
Sort historical objects from ‘then’ and ‘now’
Talk, draw or write aspects of the past
 Black History Month – Look significant people and their achievements
 Self – portraits – Children can:
Use the names of tools, techniques and elements they use in their artwork
Can say what they like about other people’s artwork
 Designing a t-shirt – Children can:
Design useful, pleasing products for themselves and others based on a brief
Can assess their ideas and products against a design brief
 E-Safety – Children can understand:
Keeping their passwords private
Talk about why it is important to be kind and polite
Recognise an age appropriate website
Agree and follow sensible e-safety rules
Dance – Children can:
Perform with control and co-ordination
Respond imaginatively to a variety of stimuli
Can vary dynamics, levels, speed and direction
Discuss their own and others performance with simple vocabulary
Understand the need for warm up and cool down
Gymnastics – Children can:
Copy, remember and repeat simple actions, varying speed and levels
Begin to select simple actions to construct basic sequences
Begin to identify the difference between their own performance and that of others
Understand what is happening to their body during exercise
Understand the need for warm up and cool down
Song preparation for welcome assembly
'Carnival of the Animals' - contrasts loud/quiet, high/low and smooth/jumpy listening to
Develop a sense of rhythm, structure, style and mood through music and movement
Children have two lessons a week with our specialist Spanish teacher, Pachy.