(A) Quillinan: Identifying optimal, low

Title: Identifying optimal, low-risk aquifers for wastewater disposal in the Southern
Powder River Basin
Start Date: 03/01/2016
End Date: 02/28/18
Project Funds Requested: $190,188
Principal Investigators:
Scott Quillinan, M.S.
Senior Hydrogeologist
Carbon Management Institute-School of Energy Resources
University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY
Email: scottyq@uwyo.edu
Phone: 307-766-6697
Yuriy Ganshin, Ph.D., Chief Geophysicist
Carbon Management Institute
Email: yganshin@uwyo.edu
Phone: 307-766-6898
J. Fred McLaughlin, M.S., Petrographer,
Carbon Management Institute
Email: derf1@uwyo.edu
Phone: 307-766-6697
Ramsey Bentley, B.S., Senior Geologist
Carbon Management Institute
Email: rbentley@uwyo.edu
Phone: 307-766-6697
Evan Egenolf, B.S. , Research Scientist
Carbon Management Institute
Email: eegenolf@uwyo.edu
Phone: 307-766-21
Non-Technical Statement of Relevance to Wyoming Water Development: This study will
investigate the storage potential and risks associated with waste-water injection into
aquifers of the Southern Powder River Basin using geological subsurface modeling
strategies and injection scenarios adapted from industry applications. The proposed study
will provide the State of Wyoming a comprehensive geological and geophysical assessment
of the aquifers targeted for injection, deliver a life-cycle analysis and beneficial use
assessment of produced water, assess storage capacities, identify aquifer-specific risks,
quantify failure parameters, identify and validate optimal aquifers for safe wastewater
disposal, and make recommendations for best water management practices in a region of
active energy development. The results of this study will help to identify produced water
slated for injection that could be successfully treated, thereby encouraging the development
of advanced water treatment facilities. A comprehensive characterization of low-risk, highvolume wastewater disposal aquifers will help improve the overall safety of injection
strategies, inform regional planning decisions, decrease the burdens of uncertainty for State
regulators and the production industry, increase the understanding of storage
potential/volumes, and provide a scientific assessment of the potential for new uses. The
results can be used by the oil, gas, and uranium industries to locate and manage injection
wells and volumes, and by state and federal planning/regulatory agencies (EPA, BLM,
WWDC, WOGCC, WDEQ) to guide produced water production, treatment, and
management strategies in an area of increased energy development. This study will help to
protect Wyoming’s groundwater resources by providing effective energy by-product
management strategies.
Title: Identifying optimal, low-risk aquifers for wastewater disposal in the Southern
Powder River Basin
Water co-produced with oil and natural gas in Wyoming exceeds 1.9 billion barrels per
annum. The most common produced water management practice in Wyoming is to reinject the water into subsurface saline aquifers. Injecting into deep saline aquifers
introduces risks. Wastewater injection has been linked to induced seismicity in Oklahoma,
and associations between injection well disposal and seismicity are currently under
investigation in other areas. Other concerns arise regarding contamination to overlying
fresh water aquifers, and the lack of adequate storage volumes in areas of new energy
We propose to build high resolution 3-D property and dynamic fluid models for aquifers of
the Southern Powder River Basin. Utilizing a 3-D seismic survey, geophysical well logs,
core, and water quality data, we will calculate and identify velocity, time and depth maps,
contrast in physical rock properties, fault location, fracture orientation, sealing capacity,
rock strength, fracture gradient, porosity/permeability, pore pressure and storage capacity.
We will consider the volume and water quality of produced water in the area and perform a
life-cycle analysis to determine the best water treatment and management practices for
produced water.
These results will help improve the management of wastewater, and provide models to
assess plume migration and volumetric effects of wastewater disposal in selected aquifers.
These results can then be used to identify aquifers that satisfy the regulatory requirements
set by Underground Injection Control managed by the Wyoming Department of
Environmental Quality. Integrating the physical and regulatory constraints of wastewater
injection will provide a guide for waste injection in the Southern Powder River Basin.
Title: Identifying optimal, low-risk aquifers for wastewater disposal in the Southern
Powder River Basin
Statement of critical regional or State water problem:
Water co-produced with oil and natural gas in Wyoming exceeds 1.9 billion barrels per
annum1. Once at the surface, co-produced water requires management. The most common
produced water management practice is to re-inject the water into subsurface saline
aquifers. In Wyoming ~45% of all produced water (876 million Bbls per year) is re-injected
to enhance oil recovery, and still more is injected into deep formations for disposal1.
Injecting into deep saline aquifers introduces various risks. Wastewater injection has been
linked to induced seismicity in Oklahoma, and associations between injection well disposal
and seismicity are currently under investigation in other areas2, 3. Other concerns arise
regarding risk to overlying fresh water aquifers, and the lack of potential storage aquifers in
areas of new development.
The Southern Powder River Basin (SPRB) has seen unprecedented oil and gas
development in recent years. New development requires comprehensive, adaptable water
management strategies, including locating new water waste disposal wells and disposal
aquifers. In addition to new oil and gas development, wastewater injection and storage from
regional uranium production increases the need for identifying low-risk aquifers in the
SPRB. With a substantial need for produced wastewater management in the SPRB,
investigating and validating low-risk injection aquifers is a priority for state regulators and
industry partners. Research is needed to fill crucial information gaps to address the State of
Wyoming’s Energy-Plan Strategy for produced water disposal including, 1)
characterization of potential regional disposal aquifers and associated fluids, 2) developing
advanced management strategies for beneficial uses and/or recovery potentials of produced
water relative to specific chemistries and regional water-use needs, and 3) identification of
optimal near-site aquifers for low-risk, high volume injection of produced water in areas of
new oil and gas activity.
To help meet the challenges of identifying low-risk injection aquifers for wastewater
management, the Carbon Management Institute (CMI) proposes to utilize a proven
interdisciplinary reservoir characterization technique. This includes assessing storage,
injection risks, seismic attributes, dynamic injection modeling scenarios, geomechanics,
and fluid geochemistry. CMI has extensive experience in identifying, characterizing,
qualifying, and certifying low-risk storage reservoirs in Wyoming for the purpose of CO2
storage. For this project, CMI will adapt the reservoir assessment methodologies developed
for CO2 storage for assessment of wastewater injection aquifers. The goal of this proposal
is to fully investigate the risk associated with wastewater injection and to inform long-term
produced water management plans.
Statement of results or benefits:
The proposed research will benefit both state and federal regulatory agencies and the oil
and gas industry by providing the following:
High-resolution property and physical assessments of aquifers in the SPRB
Optimal water treatment scenarios for the SPRB
Models to assess volumetric, pressure and geochemical effects of wastewater disposal
Student intern training, publication and presentation of results
Nature, scope, objectives, and timetable of activities:
The objective of this study is to investigate injection risks in SPRB aquifers associated with
wastewater disposal to help validate produced water management strategies. The specific
tasks that will be undertaken to meet this objective include:
1. Comprehensive geological and geophysical aquifer
characterization of potential injection aquifers
2. Life-cycle analysis and beneficial use assessment of
produced water
3. Identification of and validation of lowest-risk aquifers for
wastewater disposal in the Southern Powder River Basin
4. Recommendations for best water management practices
Methods, procedures, and facilities:
Task 1. Geological and geophysical aquifer characterization. We propose to employ an
integrated, multi-disciplinary approach to develop a high-resolution property and physical
assessment of aquifers in the Southern Powder River Basin. This will be accomplished by
combining analysis and interpretations from a 3-D seismic survey, petrophysical data,
available core, production assessment and life-cycle analysis, and water quality data4.
Geometrical (morphological) attributes will be used to extract information on reflector
dip, azimuth, and terminations, which can be related to faults, karst, and fractures. Physical
attributes (seismic event magnitude, frequency and waveform characteristics, propagation
velocity, etc.) will be used to estimate lithology, porosity, reservoir thickness, and porefluid content. Seismic trace properties, such as amplitude, phase, and frequency, will be
correlated with petrophysical data. Selected seismic attributes that are statistically
correlative will be effective for estimating aquifer properties across the seismic volume. In
this study, both stacked amplitude volume and prestack common midpoint gathers will be
used to perform the basic seismic measurements necessary to derive attributes. The basic
parameters that were measured are travel-time, amplitude, waveform, and frequency from
which we will calculate velocity, time and depth maps,
contrast in physical rock properties, location of faults and
dominant fracturing, dip magnitude and azimuth of beddings,
and stratigraphic changes. Seismic attribute analysis will
increase the analytical capacities of the project area relative
to standard amplitude data, and further define volumetric
analysis and storage assessments.
Core containing intervals from selected aquifers will be
requested for evaluation at the USGS Core Research Center
in Golden, Colorado. Optimal sample locations will be
defined from each core via integration of core inspection and
geophysical log correlation. Core plug samples will be
collected for the following analyses and preparations: thin
section petrography, quantitative clay XRD/XRF, routine
core analysis, mercury capillary displacement pressure
Figure 1: Modified from Anna, 2009 illustrates the
analysis, and triaxial shear testing.
lateral extent of the Niobrara Fm. (pink polygon)
Converse County SPRB, and the location
Thin sections will be impregnated with a dyed epoxy for underlying
of the Brown Springs seismic survey (blue rectangle)
porosity quantification and analysis, as well as stained to
and oil (green dot) and gas (red dot) wells.
evaluate the character of cementation. Thin sections will be evaluated at CMI using a Zeiss
petrographic microscope and both in-house and commercial analytical software. A portion
(approximately 5-10 g) of some samples will be retained and powdered for XRD/XRF
analysis. These samples will be powdered and processed for XRD/XRF analysis including
pressed to form a pellet, melted to create a glass bead, or treated with glycol to orient clay
samples. Core plugs from aquifers will be analyzed at reservoir conditions for axial and
radial strain responses. These data will provide mechanical strength data for the selected
reservoirs, which will be correlated to risks from pressure during injection phases. Analysis
will be done on equipment in the Geology and Geophysics Department, or at laboratories in
the Engineering Department at the University of Wyoming.
Selected plugs will be analyzed for porosity and permeability. Apparent grain density
will be calculated from dry weight and grain volume. Pore volume and permeability
measurements will be made with the samples mounted in a rubber-sleeved, hydrostatically
loaded overburden cell. Samples will be tested at 800 psig and then calculated at reservoir
net confining stress. Boyle’s Law principle, using helium as the gas medium, will be used
to determine pore volume. Unsteady-state Klinkenberg permeability will be measured
concurrent to pore volume measurement. Selected samples will be analyzed for mercury
capillary displacement pressure and pore throat sizes/distribution. Samples will be
subjected to mercury injection in a vacuumed porosimeter until entry pressures are reached.
Analysis will likely be done at a commercial facility. Core analysis will be used to refine
geological and geophysical property models, assess the potential for formation damage
during wastewater injection, and provide mechanical property data for aquifers of interest
relative to fracture potential.
Task 2. Life-cycle analysis, treatment, and management program. Available water
quality databases will be queried to identify produced water samples with a full-suite of
analytical data. These data will be examined for statistical relevance and used to estimate
baseline water quality for regional aquifers. Regional water use will be assessed by type
and volume. On the basis of statistical assessment and the potential beneficial use of the
region, CMI will identify optimal water treatment scenarios for the SPRB. These data will
also be used in Task 3, to populate geochemical injection models.
Task 3. Identify optimal, compatible and low-risk aquifers for reinjection. All data
from previous tasks will be combined to populate a property model for dynamic injection
assessments. Reservoir engineering principles will be utilized to build injection/storage
scenarios for wastewater using the geologic property model. Analytical parameters from
previous tasks will be evaluated in order to upscale into a dynamic fluid model. Critical
parameters include volumetrics, permeability and porosity, reservoir pressure and porepressure analysis, pressure volume temperature analysis of all fluids, and rock fluid
interactions. Qualitative calculations relative to the final fluid model will be made to
estimate storage capacities of potential reservoirs, and to determine the physical feasibility
of injection.
After the property model is fully integrated and up scaled, dynamic injection scenarios
will be modeled using a reservoir simulator. These scenarios will define quantitative
volumetrics relative to injection rates/volumes and plume migration responses, and
qualitatively assess reactions to various wastewater injection scenarios (pressure, fracture
response, etc.). Reservoir simulations will show the effects of different injection
realizations and reduce uncertainties relative to storage capacity. Conclusions from the
dynamic injection scenarios will help improve the safety of the design of storing these
waste products, and provide models to assess plume migration and volumetric effects of
wastewater disposal in selected aquifers.
The petrographic results will be integrated with the water quality data to generate
geochemical models that will estimate geochemical reactions in the fluid and rock system.
These results will be used to identify compatible fluids and aquifers are at low- risk to
formation damage (mineral scale, loss of injectivity, and formation of H2S).
Task 4. Develop recommendations to identify and characterize low-risk aquifers for
effective wastewater injection. All conclusions from previous tasks will be compiled into a
final report. The report will detail the best aquifers/zones for low-risk waste-water injection
in the SPRB. The final report will include recommendations for methodologies and best
practices needed to duplicate this study in other areas of Wyoming, detail the impacts of
wastewater injection on aquifers relative to the injection models, and define the parameters
that are critical to assessing potential risks.
Related research:
One of the biggest challenges with large volume injection is pressure management. The
host brine must be displaced in injection zones, and the resulting migration can result in
pressure fronts, breakthroughs, and even fracturing of the aquifer matrix. Key questions
must be addressed to avoid adverse effects. Is the accommodation space sufficient? Given
the geologic heterogeneity, can fluid migration pathways be maintained without disrupting
the confining units and compromising the integrity of the fluid/rock system? What are the
largest uncertainties relative to the geologic character of the injection aquifer, confining
units, and study site?
In many geological formations in Rocky Mountain Basins, injected fluids have the
potential to increase formation pressure above natural fracture pressures5. This problem is
well known and even manipulated during hydraulic fracturing processes. However,
unexpected induced fractures can cause extensive damage (e.g. earth quakes, leakage,
faults, and fractures). Induced seismicity has been linked to wastewater injection in
Oklahoma and Colorado, and is under investigation in Texas, Arkansas, Colorado, New
Mexico, and Ohio2,3. Recent work from the Wyoming State Geological Survey6 found little
relationship between the number, size, and location of earthquakes and the location of Class
II injection wells in Wyoming. However, most induced seismicity to-date has been found to
be associated with injection into non-producing formations with native pressures3. Nonproducing formations are more susceptible to failure during injection than similar
formations that become under-pressured as a result of oil and gas production. Assessment
of injection impacts on these aquifers is critical to produced water management in
Wyoming, and the multi-disciplinary aquifer characterization and injection modeling
proposed in this study can lay the groundwork for this discussion.
Recent work funded through the WWDC provides a statistical analysis of water quality
and descriptions of the hydrogeology4. This work will provide the hydrogeological
foundation for this study, and allow for site-specific results to be projected outside of the
seismic domain. Current groundwater salinity mapping by the Wyoming State Geological
Survey7 will also provide foundational data for statistical water quality assessments.
CMI has completed several reservoir and seal characterization projects to identify,
investigate, and certify low-risk saline injection/storage reservoirs in Wyoming and China5,
. This project will utilize the current expertise and methodologies developed by CMI that
has been/is being used to validate reservoir pressure management and plume control
strategies through brine extraction and treatment in southwest WY (DE-FE0021659, DEFE0009202), assessing feasible uses of produced water/life-cycle produced water
assessments (SER Rare Earth Element Research Funding) and develop an integrated
strategy for extracted water treatment and enhanced oil recovery in the Ordos Basin in
China through complex, stacked reservoir management (DE-PI0000017).
References cited:
1. Wyoming Oil and Gas Commission Website; http://wogcc.state.wy.us
2. Keranen, K., Savage, H., Abers, G., and Cochran, E., Potentially induced earthquakes in
Oklahoma, USA: Links between wastewater injection and the 2011 M 5.7 earthquake,
Geology, v. 41, no. 6, pps 699-702
3. Ellsworth, W., 2013, Injection-induced earth quakes, Science, vo. 341, no., 6142.
4. Taucher, P., Bartos, T.T., Taboga, K.G., Hallberg, L.L, Clark, M.L., Stafford, J.,
Gracias, T., Hinckley, B., Worman, B., Clarey, K., Lindemann, L., Quillinan, S.A.,
Copeland, D., Hays, R., and Thompson, M., 2013, Available Groundwater
Determination Technical Memorandum, WWDC Platte River Basin Water Plan Update,
Level I (2009-2013), Wyoming State Geological Survey, Laramie, Wyoming. 481 p.
5. Surdam RC, Jiao ZS, Stauffer P, Miller T, 2009, An integrated strategy for carbon
management combining geological CO2 sequestration, displaced fluid production and
water treatment. Wyoming State Geological Survey Challenges in Geological Resource
Development no. 8
6. Quillinan, S.A. and McLaughlin, J.F., 2013, Reservoir Fluid Characterization of the
Weber Sandstone and Madison Limestone on the Rock Springs Uplift in Southwest
Wyoming, in Surdam, R.C. (eds), Characterization of Geological CO2 storage sites:
Strategy for optimizing and implementing storage, Springer, pp. 151-169
7. Anna, L.O., 2009, Geologic assessment of undiscovered Oil and Gas in the Powder
River Basin Province, Wyoming and Montana, Digital Data Series DDS-69-U
8. Larson, M.C., and Wittke, S. J., 2014, Relationships between injection and disposal
well activities and known earthquakes in Wyoming, from 1984 to 2013, Open File
Report 2014-05
9. Taboga, K., personal communication, Wyoming State Geological Survey
10. Surdam, R.C. (eds), 2013 Characterization of Geological CO2 storage sites: Strategy for
optimizing and implementing storage, Springer
11. McLaughlin, J.F., Bentley, R.D., Quillinan, S.A., (2014) Regional geologic history,
CO2 source inventory, and groundwater risk assessment of a potential CO2
sequestration site on the Rock Springs Uplift in Southwest Wyoming, in Surdam, R.C.
(eds), Characterization of Geological CO2 storage sites: Strategy for optimizing and
implementing storage, Springer pp. 33-55
12. McLaughlin, J.F., Quillinan, S.A., Jiao, Z., (2014) Geologic Controls on Sealing
Capacity; Defining Heterogeneity Relative to Long-Term CO2 Storage Potential in
Wyoming, The thirteenth Annual Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage Conference:
Accelerating Deployment to meet New CO2 Emission Reduction Mandates, Abstract #
13. McLaughlin, J.F., Quillinan, S.A., Jiao, Z., Surdam, R.C., 2013, Refining reservoir
estimates and long-term CO2 storage capabilities by reducing geologic uncertainties:
Petrographic and geochemical evaluation of potential reservoirs, seals and associated
formation fluids in southwest Wyoming, 1A-Storage Capacity, Abstract #213, Carbon
Capture, Utilization and Storage Conference, Pittsburgh, PA May 2013
14. Quillinan, S.A., Surdam, R.C., McLaughlin, J.F., (2013) An Integrative Strategy to
Increase the Economic Feasibility of CO2 sequestration: Mining Brines from Saline
Storage Reservoirs, Session No. 313, T80. Geology for the Common Good: Sustainable
Resources for the 21st Century, Geological Society of America Abstracts with
Programs, Vol. 45, No. 7, Paper No. 313-11
15. Surdam, R.C., and Quillinan, S.A., (2013) Displaced fluid management – Key to
commercial-scale geologic storage, in Surdam, R.C. (eds), Characterization of
Geological CO2 storage sites: Strategy for optimizing and implementing storage,
Springer, pp. 233-245
Training potential:
CMI is requesting funds from the Water Research Program to fund one geology or
engineering undergraduate/graduate student intern for three months of each year of the
project. The intern will be employed during the summer months of 2016 and 2017. The
student will gain working knowledge of reservoir/aquifer characterization, and have the
potential to make beneficial networking relationships with industry professionals and
state/federal agencies.
Investigators qualifications:
Researchers at the Carbon Management Institute have applied interdisciplinary
competencies in geology, geophysics, petrology, hydrogeology, geochemistry, and
reservoir engineering.
Scott Quillinan is a registered Professional Geologist and Senior Hydrogeologist for
the School of Energy Resources-Carbon Management Institute (CMI), at the University
of Wyoming. Quillinan’s research focuses on the challenges associated with
interconnections between energy resource production and groundwater resources. He
has worked with groundwater challenges associated with the production of coal,
coalbed methane, oil and gas, hydraulic fracturing and CO2 sequestration; specializing
in predicting and identifying water/rock geochemical reactions, isotopic groundwater
tracing, confined and unconfined aquifers, efficient reservoir dewatering techniques,
and identifying beneficial use for produced waters.
J. Fred McLaughlin is a registered Professional Geologist and Senior Petrographer for
the CMI. Areas of research include isotopic and geochemical evolution of basement and
sedimentary rocks and groundwater, geochemistry and petrology, natural gas, uranium
and coal systems, and the evolution of reservoirs. McLaughlin has extensive experience
analyzing the petrogenic evolution of lithics through the interpretation of cores,
geochemistry, and thin sections.
Yuri Ganshin is a Senior Geophysicist for CMI. Dr. Ganshin's primary research
interest is in the development and calibration of new and conventional seismic attributes
to aid in seismic processing, seismic interpretation, and reservoir/seal characterization.
Recent work has focused on applying detailed seismic velocity analysis, spectral
decomposition, coherence, and volumetric curvature to attribute-assisted processing as
well as mapping fractures, karst, and hydrocarbons. His special interest is in
development of computer software for automated, high-resolution velocity analysis
that facilitates subsurface imaging.
Evan Egenolf is a research associate for CMI and a licensed Engineer in Training in
the state of Wyoming. Evan has spent most of his time in reservoir engineering,
enhanced oil recovery, and simulation during his stints in industry and academic study.
Ramsey D. Bentley is a registered Professional Geologist CMI, at the University of
Wyoming. Bentley has 30 years of oil and gas related experience, mainly in Wyoming
and surrounding states. His areas of research have focused on oil and gas and CO2
reservoirs and potential storage sites through the use of petrophysical log applications
and interpretations.
Senior Hydrogeologist, Carbon Management Institute,
School of Energy Resources
The University of Wyoming 2020 Grand Avenue, suite 500
Laramie, WY 82072, (307) 766-6697, scottyq@uwyo.edu
Registered Professional Geologist, No. PG-3824, State of Wyoming
M.S. Geology, University of Wyoming
B.S., Geology, University of Wyoming
Senior Hydrogeologist, Carbon Management Institute, School of Energy
Resources-University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY
Project Geologist, Groundwater Program Coordinator, Wyoming State Geological
Survey, Laramie WY
Geologist, Unconventionals, Wyoming State Geological Survey, Laramie
Research Associate, Coal Geology, Wyoming State Geological Survey, Laramie
Relevant Publications:
1. Quillinan S.A., and Frost, C.D., (2013) Carbon isotope characterization of Powder River
Basin coal bed waters: Key to minimizing unnecessary water production and implications
for exploration and production of biogenic gas, in Karacan, C.O., Soeder, D., and Engle,
M., Environmental Geology and the Unconventional Gas Revolution, International Journal
of Coal Geology
2. Quillinan, S.A. and McLaughlin, J.F., (2013), Reservoir Fluid Characterization of the
Weber Sandstone and Madison Limestone on the Rock Springs Uplift in Southwest
Wyoming, in Surdam, R.C. (eds), Characterization of Geological CO2 storage sites:
Strategy for optimizing and implementing storage, Springer, pp. 151-169
3. Surdam, R.C., and Quillinan, S.A., (2013) Displaced fluid management – Key to
commercial-scale geologic storage, in Surdam, R.C. (eds), Characterization of Geological
CO2 storage sites: Strategy for optimizing and implementing storage, Springer, pp. 233-245
4. Quillinan, S.A., Surdam, R.C., McLaughlin, J.F., (2013) An Integrative Strategy to Increase
the Economic Feasibility of CO2 sequestration: Mining Brines from Saline Storage
Reservoirs, Session No. 313, T80. Geology for the Common Good: Sustainable Resources
for the 21st Century, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 45, No.
7, Paper No. 313-11
5. Quillinan, S.A., and Frost, C.D., 2012, Spatial variability of coalbed natural gas produced
water quality, Powder River Basin, Wyoming: Implications for future development,
Wyoming State Geological Survey Report of Investigation No. 64-2012 56p.
6. McLaughlin, J.F., Bentley, R.D., Quillinan, S.A., (2014) Regional geologic history, CO2
source inventory, and groundwater risk assessment of a potential CO2 sequestration site on
the Rock Springs Uplift in Southwest Wyoming, in Surdam, R.C. (eds), Characterization of
Geological CO2 storage sites: Strategy for optimizing and implementing storage, Springer
pp. 33-55
7. Quillinan, S.A., McLaughlin, J.F., and Bentley, R., (2014) The Geochemical
Characterization of Reservoir Fluids: Defining the Fluid and Rock System and Identifying
Changes to Baseline Conditions Due to Well Completion, The thirteenth Annual Carbon
Capture, Utilization and Storage Conference: Accelerating Deployment to meet New CO2
Emission Reduction Mandates, Abstract # 43, April 30, 2014
8. Quillinan, S.A., McLaughlin, J.F., and Frost C.D., 2012, Geochemical and stable isotopic
analysis of the Tongue River and associated tributaries in the Powder River Basin: An
analysis of the cause of annual elevated salinity in spring runoff, Wyoming State
Geological Survey Report of Investigations No. 63-2012 15p.
9. Jones, N.R., Quillinan, S.A., Hays, R.J., Rodgers, J.R., 2006, Net coal thickness within the
Powder River watershed Wyoming ,Wyoming State Geological Survey Open File Report
OFR 06-9, 1:200,000
10. Quillinan, S.A., 2007, Perimeter Sedimentation in a depression swamp as an alternative to
raised mires as a means of accumulating low-ash peat, Geological Society of America
Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 39, No. 5, p. 14.
11. Jones, N.R., Quillinan, S.A., and McClurg, J., (2009), Wyoming Coal, Wyoming State
Geological Survey Public Information Circular No. 44
12. Quillinan, S.A., Wormen, B., Rodgers, J.R., (2009), Coalbed Natural Gas Activity in the
Atlantic Rim area, south central, Wyoming, Wyoming State Geological Survey Open File
Report OFR 09-7 scale 1:100,000
13. McLaughlin, J.F., Quillinan, S.A., Jiao, Z., (2014) Geologic Controls on Sealing Capacity;
Defining Heterogeneity Relative to Long-Term CO2 Storage Potential in Wyoming, The
thirteenth Annual Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage Conference: Accelerating
Deployment to meet New CO2 Emission Reduction Mandates, Abstract # 89, April 30,
14. Surdam, R., Jiao, Z., Ganshin, Y., Bentley, M., Garcia-Gonzalez, Quillinan, S.A.,
McLaughlin, J.F., Stauffer, P., Deng, H., (2013) Detailed CO2 Storage Reservoir Site
Characterization: The Key to Optimizing Performance and Maximizing Storage Capacity,
AAPG Annual Convention, Pittsburgh, PA
15. McLaughlin, J.F., Quillinan, S.A., Surdam, R.C., 2012, Characterizing diagenesis and its
opposing impacts on porosity in the Weber and Madison Formations in southwest
Wyoming: Applying geochemical, petrographic, and isotopic analysis to describe reservoir
heterogeneity in potential CO2 storage sites, Geological Society of America Abstracts with
Programs, Vol. 44, No. 7, p. 151, GSA Annual Convention, November 4th , 2012,
Charlotte, North Carolina
Synergistic Activities:
International Organization for Standardization, Working group on Carbon Dioxide
Storage through Enhanced Oil Recovery, TC-265, Technical Advisory Group
Hydraulic Fracturing Investigation at Pavillion, WY Technical Team member,
State of Wyoming Technical Representative
University of Wyoming Water Research Program, Member of the Priority and
Selection Committee
State of Wyoming Ambient Groundwater Monitoring Program, Member of the
Steering Committee
Wyoming-Shanxi, China Energy Cooperation Project, Wyoming International
Delegation Technical Team
Unconventional Fuels Task Force (see EPACT 2005 S. 369h.), Wyoming
Yuriy V. Ganshin, PhD
Chief Geophysicist, Carbon Management Institute,
School of Energy Resources
The University of Wyoming 2020 Grand Avenue, suite 500
Laramie, WY 82072, (307) 766-6898, yganshin@uwyo.edu
Professional Profile: I have extensive experience in geophysical data analysis,
including surface seismic processing and interpretation, vertical seismic profiling,
and well log calibration to seismic. I have also participated in several research
projects associated with the subsurface imaging for reservoir/seal characterization
in Wyoming Laramide Basins. I am also very adept in developing and operating
computer applications.
Employment History:
Post-Doctoral Research Associate, Dept. Geology/Geophysics,
UWYO, Laramie, WY
Research Scientist Assistant, Institute for Energy Research at UWYO,
Laramie, WY
Senior Geophysicist, Innovative Discovery Technologies (IDT)
LLC, Laramie, WY
Senior Geophysical Analyst, Julander Energy Company, Denver, CO
Geophysicist, Wyoming State Geological Survey, Laramie, WY
Chief Geophysicist, CMI, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY
Ph.D. in Geology, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming
1978 M.Sc. in Geophysics, State Mining University, St. Petersburg, Russia
Professional Interests and Skills:
(a) Seismic studies of different scales and dimensions, seismic attribute analysis
(b) Geophysical modeling and reservoir characterization
(b) Seismic monitoring of fluid injection/production processes
(c) Petrophysical and statistical well-log analysis
(e) Computer software engineering for geology/geophysical applications
Selected publications (in chronological order):
1. Ganshin YV, Smithson SB, Morozov IB, Smythe DK, Garipov VZ, Karaev
NA, Kristoferson Y. Seismic studies around the Kola Superdeep Borehole, Russia.
Tectonophysics 288, pp 1-16, 1998.
2. Ganshin YV, Surdam RC, and Jiao ZS. Detection of anomalously pressured gas
reservoirs: 2-D seismic surveys in the Wind River Basin, Wyoming. AAPG
Search and Discovery Article #90004, AAPG Rocky Mountain Section, 2002.
3. Surdam RC, Jiao ZS, and Ganshin YV. Reducing the risk of exploring for
anomalously pressured gas assets. GasTIPS, Winter 2004, 4.
4. Surdam RC, Jiao ZS, and Ganshin YV. A new approach to exploring for anomalously
pressured gas accumulations. Exploration Memoir No. 1. Wyoming State
Geological Survey, 2005.
5. Ganshin YV, Quillinan SA, Surdam RC. Mapping an Almond Bar wedge
at Stagecoach Draw Field, southwestern Wyoming: Application of Spectral
Decomposition Technique. Report of Investigations No. 59. Wyoming
State Geological Survey, 2010.
Surdam RC, Ganshin YV, and Jiao ZS. Burial history, thermal maturity, and
seismic attributes at Cow Creek Field: A study of the reservoir and source rocks,
Washakie Basin, Wyoming. Report of Investigations No. 61. Wyoming State
Geological Survey, 2010.
7. Ganshin YV. Velocity trends in Cretaceous rocks in Wyoming Laramide basins.
Report of Investigations No. 62. Wyoming State Geological Survey, 2012.
8. Surdam, R.C., Ganshin, Y., Copeland, D., Jiao, Z., Quillinan, S.A., Bentley, 2013,
Relative permeability of the Middle Madison Reservoir, Sequestration Reservoir
Studies/Evaluations, Abstract #229, Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage
Conference, Pittsburgh, PA May 2013.
9. Yuri Ganshin and Ronald C. Surdam, 2013, Utility of 3-D Seismic Attribute Analysis
and VSP for Assessing Potential Carbon Sequestration Targets on the Rock Springs
Uplift, Southwest Wyoming: in Ronald C. Surdam editor, Geological CO2 Storage
Characterization, Chapter 7, pp. 97-150, Springer.
10. Yuri Ganshin, 2013, Predicting Permeability in the Target Reservoirs of the Rock
Springs Uplift, Southwest Wyoming: in Ronald C. Surdam editor, Geological CO2
Storage Characterization, Chapter 9, pp. 169-190, Springer
Senior Petrographer, Carbon Management Institute,
School of Energy Resources
The University of Wyoming 2020 Grand Avenue, suite 500
Laramie, WY 82072, (307) 766-6685, derf1@uwyo.edu
2011-2015 (expected) Ph.D. Geology, University of Wyoming
M.S. Geology, University of Wyoming
B.S., Geology, University of Wyoming
2012-Present Senior Petrographer, Carbon Management Institute, School of Energy ResourcesUniversity of Wyoming, Laramie, WY
Geologic Manager, Wyoming State Geological Survey, Laramie WY
Geologic Analyst, Wyoming State Geological Survey, Laramie Wyoming
Professional Affiliations:
Registered Professional Geologist, No. PG-3824, State of Wyoming
Division Officer, Energy Geology Division. Geological Society of America
Relevant Publications:
1. McLaughlin, J. F., Ganshin, Y., Quillinan, S., Bentley, R., & Jiao, Z., 2014. Mitigating
Risks Associated with Long-term CCS: Characterizing the Geologic History and
Heterogeneity of Sealing Strata. Energy Procedia, 63, 4999-5009.
2. McLaughlin, J. F., & Garcia-Gonzalez, M., 2013. Detailed Geologic Characterization of
Core and Well Data from the Weber and Madison Formations and Associated Seals at a
Potential CO2 Sequestration Site in Southwest Wyoming: Defining the Lithologic,
Geochemical, Diagenetic, and Burial Histories Relative to Successful CO2 Storage.
Geological CO2 Storage Characterization: The Key to Deploying Clean Fossil Energy
Technology, 55-96.
3. McLaughlin, J. F., Bentley, R. D., & Quillinan, S. A., 2013. Regional Geologic History,
CO2 Source Inventory, and Groundwater Risk Assessment of a Potential CO2
Sequestration Site on the Rock Springs Uplift in Southwest Wyoming. In Geological
CO2 Storage Characterization (pp. 33-54). Springer New York.
4. McLaughlin, J.F., Quillinan, S,A, and Frost, C.D., 2013. Geochemical evolution of deep
saline brines from Paleozoic reservoirs in southwest Wyoming; implications for potential
CO2 sequestration, Session No. 60, T255. Produced Waters: Characterization and impacts
of subsurface brines and formation water associated with hydrocarbon production
(Posters), Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 45 No. 7
5. McLaughlin, J.F., Bentley, R.D., Quillinan, S.A., 2014. Regional geologic history, CO2
source inventory, and groundwater risk assessment of a potential CO2 sequestration site
on the Rock Springs Uplift in Southwest Wyoming, in Surdam, R.C. (eds),
Characterization of Geological CO2 storage sites: Strategy for optimizing and
implementing storage, Springer pp. 33-55
6. McLaughlin, J.F., Frost, C.D., Sharma, S., 2011. Isotopic analysis of Atlantic Rim
waters, Carbon County, Wyoming: A new tool for characterizing coalbed natural gas
systems. AAPG Bulletin vol .95, no. 2. P. 191-217
7. McLaughlin, J.F., Quillinan, S.A., Jiao, Z., 2014. Geologic Controls on Sealing Capacity;
Defining Heterogeneity Relative to Long-Term CO2 Storage Potential in Wyoming, The
thirteenth Annual Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage Conference: Accelerating
Deployment to meet New CO2 Emission Reduction Mandates, Abstract # 89, April 30,
8. McLaughlin, J.F., Quillinan, S.A., Jiao, Z., Surdam, R.C., 2013. Refining reservoir
estimates and long-term CO2 storage capabilities by reducing geologic uncertainties:
Petrographic and geochemical evaluation of potential reservoirs, seals and associated
formation fluids in southwest Wyoming, 1A-Storage Capacity, Abstract #213, Carbon
Capture, Utilization and Storage Conference, Pittsburgh, PA May 2013
9. McLaughlin, J.F., Quillinan, S.A., Surdam, R.C., 2012. Characterizing diagenesis and its
opposing impacts on porosity in the Weber and Madison Formations in southwest
Wyoming: Applying geochemical, petrographic, and isotopic analysis to describe
reservoir heterogeneity in potential CO2 storage sites, Geological Society of America
Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 44, No. 7, p. 151, GSA Annual Convention, November
4th, 2012, Charlotte, North Carolina
10. McLaughlin, J.F., Quillinan, S.A., Surdam, R.C., Bentley, R., Ganshin, Y, 2013.
Dolomitization of Madison Limestone in the Green River Basin, Wyoming; Geochemical
Evidence for Low Temperature Diagenesis and the Relation to Regional Porosity Trends,
AAPG annual convention, Pittsburgh, PA
11. Quillinan, S.A. and McLaughlin, J.F., 2013. Reservoir Fluid Characterization of the
Weber Sandstone and Madison Limestone on the Rock Springs Uplift in Southwest
Wyoming, in Surdam, R.C. (eds), Characterization of Geological CO2 storage sites:
Strategy for optimizing and implementing storage, Springer, pp. 151-169
12. Quillinan, S.A., McLaughlin, J.F., and Frost C.D., 2012, Geochemical and stable isotopic
analysis of the Tongue River and associated tributaries in the Powder River Basin: An
analysis of the cause of annual elevated salinity in spring runoff, Wyoming State
Geological Survey Report of Investigations No. 63-2012 15p.
Ramsey D. Bentley,
Senior Geologist,
Carbon Management Institute
(307) 766-‐6833
Education and Training
University of Wyoming, Laramie
B.S., Sociology, 1974
B.S., Geology, 1980
State of Wyoming Professional Geologist, Registration Number PG--‐1264
Research and Professional Experience
Senior Geologist, Carbon Management Institute, University of Wyoming, 2011--‐Present
Geological Manager, Wyoming State Geological Survey, 2009--‐2011
Staff Geologist, Wyoming State Geological Survey, 2004--‐2009
Oil and Gas Geologist, Bureau of Land Management, 1984--‐1996
Oil and Gas Geologist, Duncan Oil Properties, 1980--‐1982
Selected Recent Publications
1. Surdam, R.C. (Ed.), 2013, Geological CO2 Storage Characterization: The Key to
Deploying Clean Fossil Energy. Springer Verlag, p.301.
2. McLaughlin, J.F., Quillinan, S.A., Surdam, R.C., Bentley, R., Ganshin, Y, (2013)
Dolomitization of Madison Limestone in the Green River Basin, Wyoming;
Geochemical Evidence for Low Temperature Diagenesis and the Relation to
Regional Porosity Trends, AAPG annual convention, Pittsburgh, PA
3. Surdam, R.C., Bentley, R., Jiao, Z., McLaughlin, J.F., Quillinan, S.A, .Ganshin, Y.,
2013, The importance of CO2 storage in designing strategies for sustainable
development of energy resources, 2C-Utilizing Anthropogenic CO2 for EOR and
other beneficial uses, Abstract #283, Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage
Conference, Pittsburgh, PA May 2013
4. Bentley, R., Kirkwood, R., Surdam, R.C., Copeland, D., Jiao Z., McLaughlin, J.F.,
Quillinan, S.A., 2013, Carbon Dioxide (CO2) sources in Wyoming: Mapping a
carbon management strategy, EOR Abstract #285, Carbon Capture, Utilization and
Storage Conference, Pittsburgh, PA May 2013
5. Stauffer, P.H., Surdam, R.C., Jiao, Z., Miller, T.A., and Bentley, R.D., 2009,
Combining geologic data and numerical modeling to improve estimates of the CO2
sequestration potential of the Rock Springs Uplift, Wyoming: Energy Procedia, v.
1, Elsevier, pp. 2717–2724
6. Bentley, R.D., Lusk, A., 2008, Clean coal technology, carbon capture and
sequestration, and enhanced oil recovery in Wyoming’s Powder River Basin, an
integrated approach: Wyoming State Geological Survey Challenges in Geologic
Resource Development No. 7, 2008
Assistant Research Associate, Carbon Management Institute,
School of Energy Resources
The University of Wyoming 2020 Grand Avenue, suite 500
Laramie, WY 82072, (307) 766-6697, eegenolf@uwyo.edu
Engineer in Training, No. 6049, State of Wyoming
B.S., Petroleum Engineering, University of Wyoming
Summer 2014
Summer 2013
Associate Research Scientist, Carbon Management Institute, Laramie WY
Reservoir & EOR Engineering Intern, Pioneer Oil Company, Lawrenceville IL
Project Coordinator, Lindal Group, Columbus IN
ASU Support, University of Wyoming Information Technology, Laramie WY
Relevant Publications:
1. Egenolf, E.P., 2015, Pore-pressure prediction in sedimentary rocks using seismic data
acquired at the Rock Springs Uplift (RSU) in southwestern Wyoming, Geological Society
of America Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 47, No. 26, GSA Annual Convention,
November 1st, 2015, Baltimore, Maryland
Synergistic Activities:
Anadarko Excellence in Energy Fellowship
2011-Present SPE member
Start Date of FY16: 3/1/16
End Date of FY16: 2/28/17
Project Title:
Identifying optimal, low-risk aquifers for waste water disposal in the Southern Powder River Basin
Principal Investigators (names only -- i.e., no addresses etc.):
Scott A. Quillinan, Yuriy Ganshin, J.Fred McLaughlin, Ramsey Bentley, Evan Egenolf
Cost Category
1. Salaries and Wages - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Totals
Principal Investigator(s)
Graduate Student(s) on assistantships (i.e., stipends)
Undergraduate or Grad Student(s) employed hourly
Others, full-time benefited
Others, part-time non-benefited
2. Fringe Benefits - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Totals
Principal Investigator(s), 46.55%
Graduate Student(s) on assistantships, 1%
Undergraduate or Grad Student(s) employed hourly, 9%
Others, full-time benefited, 46.55%
Others, part-time non-benefited, 20%
3. Graduate Student Tuition, Fees, Health Insurance- - - - - Totals
Tuition and Fees
Health Insurance
4. Supplies - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5. Equipment - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Totals
Individual items costing $5,000 or less
6. Services or Consultants - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
7. Travel - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Individual items in excess of $5,000
8. Other Direct Costs - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 101,177
Indirect costs on federal share
Indirect costs on non-federal share
9. Total Direct Costs* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10. Total Indirect Costs - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(0.44 direct, except grad tuition/fees/health ins & equip>$5000)
11. Total Cost - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Start Date of FY16: 3/1/17
End Date of FY16: 2/28/18
Project Title:
Identifying optimal, low-risk aquifers for waste water disposal in the Southern Powder River Basin
Principal Investigators (names only -- i.e., no addresses etc.):
Scott A. Quillinan, Yuriy Ganshin, J.Fred McLaughlin, Ramsey Bentley, Evan Egenolf
Cost Category
1. Salaries and Wages - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Totals
Principal Investigator(s)
Graduate Student(s) on assistantships (i.e., stipends)
Undergraduate or Grad Student(s) employed hourly
Others, full-time benefited
Others, part-time non-benefited
2. Fringe Benefits - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Totals
Principal Investigator(s), 46.55%
Graduate Student(s) on assistantships, 1%
Undergraduate or Grad Student(s) employed hourly, 9%
Others, full-time benefited, 46.55%
Others, part-time non-benefited, 20%
3. Graduate Student Tuition, Fees, Health Insurance- - - - - Totals
Tuition and Fees
Health Insurance
4. Supplies - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5. Equipment - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Totals
Individual items costing $5,000 or less
Individual items in excess of $5,000
6. Services or Consultants - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7. Travel - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
8. Other Direct Costs - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9. Total Direct Costs* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
10. Total Indirect Costs - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Indirect costs on federal share
Indirect costs on non-federal share
(0.44 direct, except grad tuition/fees/health ins & equip>$5000)
11. Total Cost - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Project Start Date: 3/1/16
Project End Date:
Project Title:
Identifying optimal, low-risk aquifers for waste water disposal in the Southern Powder River Basin
Principal Investigators (names only -- i.e., no addresses etc.):
Scott A. Quillinan, Yuriy Ganshin, J.Fred McLaughlin, Ramsey Bentley, Evan Egenolf
Cost Category
1. Salaries and Wages - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Totals
Principal Investigator(s)
Graduate Student(s) on assistantships (i.e., stipends)
Undergraduate or Grad Student(s) employed hourly
Others, full-time benefited
Others, part-time non-benefited
2. Fringe Benefits - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Totals
Principal Investigator(s), 46.55%
Graduate Student(s) on assistantships, 1%
Undergraduate or Grad Student(s) employed hourly, 9%
Others, full-time benefited, 46.55%
Others, part-time non-benefited, 20%
8. Other Direct Costs - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
9. Total Direct Costs* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
10. Total Indirect Costs - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Indirect costs on federal share
Indirect costs on non-federal share
3. Graduate Student Tuition, Fees, Health Insurance- - - - - Totals
Graduate Student(s), Tuition and Fees
Graduate Student(s), Health Insurance
4. Supplies - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5. Equipment - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Totals
Individual items costing $5,000 or less
Individual items in excess of $5,000
6. Services or Consultants - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7. Travel - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(0.44 direct, except grad tuition/fees/health ins & equip>$5000)
11. Total Cost - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Project Start Date: 3/1/16
Project End Date:
Project Title:
Identifying optimal, low-risk aquifers for waste water disposal in the Southern Powder River Basin
Principal Investigators (names only -- i.e., no addresses etc.):
Scott A. Quillinan, Yuriy Ganshin, J.Fred McLaughlin, Ramsey Bentley, Evan Egenolf
9. Total Direct Costs* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Yr 1 ($)
Yr 2 ($)
Yr 3 ($)
Project ($)
10. Total Indirect Costs - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Indirect costs on federal share
Indirect costs on non-federal share
Cost Category
1. Salaries and Wages - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Totals
Principal Investigator(s)
Graduate Student(s) on assistantships (stipends)
Undergrad or Grad Student(s) employed hourly
Others, full-time benefited
Others, part-time non-benefited
2. Fringe Benefits - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Totals
Principal Investigator(s)
Graduate Student(s) on assistantships
Undergrad or Grad Student(s) employed hourly
Others, full-time benefited
Others, part-time non-benefited
3. Tuition, Fees, Health Insurance - - - - - - - - - - - Totals
Graduate Student(s), Tuition and Fees
Graduate Student(s), Health Insurance
4. Supplies - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5. Equipment - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Totals
Individual items costing $5,000 or less
Individual items in excess of $5,000
6. Services or Consultants - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7. Travel - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8. Other Direct Costs
11. Total Cost- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Project Title: Identifying optimal, low-risk aquifers for wastewater disposal in the Southern Powder
River Basin
Salaries and Wages for PIs. Provide personnel, title/position, and compensation proposed for each
Requested funds
Scott Austin Quillinan, Senior Hydrogeologist $13,096
J. Fred McLaughlin, Senior Petrographer $13,096
Yuriy Ganshin, Chief Geophysicist $13,072
Evan Egenolf, Reservoir Engineer $8,334
Ramsey Bentley, Senior Geologist $6,069
Total requested salary and wages for P.I.s for the project = $53,667
Match funds
Scott Austin Quillinan, Senior Hydrogeologist $6,925
Yuriy Ganshin, Chief Geophysicist: $6,925
Total match funds for wages for the P.I.s for the project = $13,850
Total P.I. salary and wages = $67,517
Salaries and Wages for Graduate Students. Provide personnel, title/position, estimated hours and the
rate of compensation proposed for each individual. (Other forms of compensation paid as or in lieu of
wages to students performing necessary work are allowable provided that the other payments are
reasonable compensation for the work performed and are conditioned explicitly upon the performance
of necessary work. Also, note that tuition and health insurance, if provided, have their own category
Salaries and Wages for Undergraduate Students. Provide personnel, title/position, estimated hours
and the rate of compensation proposed for each individual. (Other forms of compensation paid as or in
lieu of wages to students performing necessary work are allowable provided that the other payments
are reasonable compensation for the work performed and are conditioned explicitly upon the
performance of necessary work. Also, health insurance, if provided, is to be included under fringe
Salaries and Wages for Others. Provide personnel, title/position, and compensation proposed for
each individual.
Student intern: 510 hrs x $20.60= $10,500
Total salary and wages for others = $10,500
Fringe Benefits for PIs. Provide the overall fringe benefit rate applicable to each category of
employee proposed in the project. Note: include health insurance here, if applicable.
The fringe benefit is calculated using 46.55%
Total requested fringe benefit for PI’s: $24,982
Total match fringe benefit for PI’s: $6,447
Total PIs fringe benefits for the project: $31,429
Fringe Benefits for Graduate Students. Provide the overall fringe benefit rate applicable to each
category of employee proposed in the project.
Fringe Benefits for Undergraduate Students. Provide the overall fringe benefit rate applicable to
each category of employee proposed in the project. Note: include health insurance here, if applicable
Fringe Benefits for Others. Provide the overall fringe benefit rate applicable to each category of
employee proposed in the project. Note: include health insurance here, if applicable.
The fringe benefit for the student intern is calculated at 46.55%
Fringe benefits for the Student Intern is estimated to be $4,888.
Tuition, Fees, and Health Insurance for Graduate Students. Specify tuition, fees, and health
insurance (each, if provided) separately.
Supplies. Indicate separately the amounts proposed for office, laboratory, computing, and field
supplies. Provide a breakdown of the supplies in each category
Equipment. Identify non-expendable personal property having a useful life of more than one (1) year
and an acquisition cost of more than $5,000 per unit. If fabrication of equipment is proposed, list parts
and materials required for each, and show costs separately from the other items. A detailed breakdown
is required.
Services or Consultants. Identify the specific tasks for which these services, consultants, or
subcontracts would be used. Provide a detailed breakdown of the services or consultants to include
personnel, time, salary, supplies, travel, etc.
Thin sections: $20/sample x 2 (duplicates as necessitated by USGS) for 30 samples ($1200 total)
Routine core analysis: $100/sample x 14 samples (1400 total).
Mercury capillary displacement: $400/sample x 4 samples ($1600 total)
XRD/XRF clay and mineral analysis: UWyo laboratory rental at $300 total
Triaxial shear and mechanical testing: UWYo laboratory rental $500 total
Total funds requested for Services and Consultants: $5,000
Travel. Provide purpose and estimated costs for all travel. A breakdown should be provided to include
location, number of personnel, number of days, per diem rate, lodging rate, mileage and mileage rate,
airfare (whatever is applicable).
Travel to Denver for two people for two trips.
272 mi x $.575 per mile=$156
Hotel 2 rooms @ $200=$400
Per diem 2 days @ $132 for two people=$264
Total travel to Denver=$1,640
Other Direct Costs. Itemize costs not included elsewhere, including publication costs. Costs for
services and consultants should be included and justified under “Services or Consultants (above).
Please provide a breakdown for costs listed under this category.
Indirect Costs. Provide negotiated indirect (“Facilities and Administration”) cost rate.
Indirect costs are calculated at 44% of total project costs.
Total indirect cost: $53,094
Project Title: Identifying optimal, low-risk aquifers for wastewater disposal in the Southern Powder
River Basin
Salaries and Wages for PIs. Provide personnel, title/position, and compensation proposed for each
Requested funds
Scott Austin Quillinan, Senior Hydrogeologist $13,096
J. Fred McLaughlin, Senior Petrographer $13,096
Yuriy Ganshin, Chief Geophysicist $13,072
Evan Egenolf, Reservoir Engineer $8,334
Ramsey Bentley, Senior Geologist $6,069
Total requested salary and wages for P.I.s for the project= $53,667
Match funds
Scott Austin Quillinan, Senior Hydrogeologist $6600
Yuriy Ganshin, Chief Geophysicist: $6600
Total match funds for wages for the P.I.s for the project = $13,200
Total P.I. salary and wages = $66,867
Salaries and Wages for Graduate Students. Provide personnel, title/position, estimated hours and the
rate of compensation proposed for each individual. (Other forms of compensation paid as or in lieu of
wages to students performing necessary work are allowable provided that the other payments are
reasonable compensation for the work performed and are conditioned explicitly upon the performance of
necessary work. Also, note that tuition and health insurance, if provided, have their own category below.
Salaries and Wages for Undergraduate Students. Provide personnel, title/position, estimated hours and
the rate of compensation proposed for each individual. (Other forms of compensation paid as or in lieu of
wages to students performing necessary work are allowable provided that the other payments are
reasonable compensation for the work performed and are conditioned explicitly upon the performance of
necessary work. Also, health insurance, if provided, is to be included under fringe benefits.)
Salaries and Wages for Others. Provide personnel, title/position, and compensation proposed for each
Student intern: 510 hrs x $20.60= $10,500
Total salary and wages for others = $10,500
Fringe Benefits for PIs. Provide the overall fringe benefit rate applicable to each category of employee
proposed in the project. Note: include health insurance here, if applicable.
The fringe benefit is calculated using 46.55%
Total requested fringe benefit for PI’s: $24,982
Total match fringe benefit for PI’s: $6,145
Total PIs fringe benefits for the project: $31,127
Fringe Benefits for Graduate Students. Provide the overall fringe benefit rate applicable to each
category of employee proposed in the project. Note: include health insurance here, if applicable.
Fringe Benefits for Undergraduate Students. Provide the overall fringe benefit rate applicable to each
category of employee proposed in the project. Note: include health insurance here, if applicable
Fringe Benefits for Others. Provide the overall fringe benefit rate applicable to each category of
employee proposed in the project. . Note: include health insurance here, if applicable.
The fringe benefit for the student intern is calculated at 46.55%
Fringe benefits for the Student Intern is estimated to be $4,888.
Tuition, Fees, and Health Insurance for Graduate Students. Specify tuition, fees, and health insurance
(each, if provided) separately.
Supplies. Indicate separately the amounts proposed for office, laboratory, computing, and field supplies.
Provide a breakdown of the supplies in each category
Equipment. Identify non-expendable personal property having a useful life of more than one (1) year and
an acquisition cost of more than $5,000 per unit. If fabrication of equipment is proposed, list parts and
materials required for each, and show costs separately from the other items. A detailed breakdown is
Services or Consultants. Identify the specific tasks for which these services, consultants, or subcontracts
would be used. Provide a detailed breakdown of the services or consultants to include personnel, time,
salary, supplies, travel, etc.
Travel. Provide purpose and estimated costs for all travel. A breakdown should be provided to include
location, number of personnel, number of days, per diem rate, lodging rate, mileage and mileage rate,
airfare (whatever is applicable).
Travel for one person to Geological Society of America conference to present the results
Round trip air fare from Laramie to Seattle: $600
Hotel 5 nights @ $200.00=$1,000
Per Diem 5 days @ $71 = $355
Conference registration: $400.00
Total to GSA Travel: 2,355
Travel for five to Cheyenne to meet and present results to WDEQ
Mileage 90mi @ .585 = $52.65
Per diem 5 @ $23= $115
Total Travel to Cheyenne= $167
Total Travel= $2,522
Other Direct Costs. Itemize costs not included elsewhere, including publication costs. Costs for services
and consultants should be included and justified under “Services or Consultants (above). Please provide a
breakdown for costs listed under this category.
Indirect Costs. Provide negotiated indirect (“Facilities and Administration”) cost rate.
Indirect cost are calculated at 44%
Total indirect costs: $50,997