December 11-17, 2011

Children in the Iraqi Media:
The Reporting of Iraqi Children's Issues and Rights
December 11 – 17, 2011
UNICEF in the Iraqi Media:
Mutlaq calls to communicate with UNESCO and the World Bank to support the National Strategy draft for Education
in Iraq
A conference for cadres in the Ministries of Labour of Baghdad and Kurdistan on dealing with the kids
National conference of justice for children
UN in the Iraqi Media:
Minister of Migration demands Sweden to respect the agreement between two countries and not to deport Iraqis by
Children in the Iraqi Media:
Allocate 4 trillion IQD for the ration card
One basket for the items of the ration
Wasit Provincial Council decides to rebuild old schools without help of the Ministry of Education
The construction of 795 schools referred to implementation
Physicians assert that most Iraqi women suffer from anemia during pregnancy
The spread of chicken pox among students in Samawa
Parliamentary Health Committee reveals the existence of one doctor per 40 thousand Iraqis
Contract with UAE Company to implement sanitation projects in Basra
90% of the urban population lack access to sanitation and safe drinking water
Thi Qar’s sewage doubled the served areas by 400%
Marriage of young girls increases rates of divorce
Environment Committee reports 2,500 victims for landmines blasts
Baghdad Hosts Int'l Conference on Children's Books
Girls schools targeted in Maysan
The Parliamentary Foreign Relations Committee discusses the situation of refugees
All media reports are categorized by key children’s issues within the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)
Eradicate extreme poverty & hunger
Allocate 4 trillion IQD for the ration card
Baghdad – Assabah Newspaper, Dec. 14
The Finance Committee in the House of Representatives announced the allocation of four trillion IQD to
provide ration card items within the general budget for the year 2012.
The Committee Chairman Haider al-Ebadi said, "The Minister of Trade objected on the amount allocated to
support the ration card items, because the items that are given to the citizen monthly are few and need
greater support, indicating that the Council of Ministers may issue a decision to monitor additional amount to
support the ration card in the event of an abundance of financial difference by selling crude oil."
One basket for the items of the ration
Baghdad – Assabah, Mada & Badr Newspapers, Dec. 13
The Parliamentary Economic Committee decided to work with the system of one food basket in the
distribution of the ration card items starting from early next year, in agreement with the Ministry of Trade.
Committee’s Chairman Ahmed al-Alwani told a news briefing that the Ministry of Trade and Economic
Committee agreed to the introduction of one basket in the distribution of the ration card items early next year,
indicating that the mechanisms of the system would be clear after the return of the Minister of Trade of his
visit with the government delegation to Washington.
Nothing to report
Malnourishment (under nutrition and obesity)
Nothing to report
Iodized Salt Consumption
Nothing to report
Achieve universal primary education
School Enrolment, Attendance and Completion (pre-School, primary, intermediate and secondary)
Nothing to report
Education Services (infrastructure, quality of education)
Mutlaq calls to communicate with UNESCO and the World Bank to support the National Strategy draft
for Education in Iraq
Baghdad – Voice of Iraq News, Sumaria News Site, Ikhbariya News Agency, All Iraq News Agency &
Fayhaa TV, Dec. 13
Deputy Prime Minister for Services Affairs Saleh al-Mutlaq, Monday, called to the need to obtain the support
of UNESCO and the World Bank to the national strategy draft for education and higher education, calling on
the relevant ministries to send their suggestions on the draft in preparation for launching it early next year.
Mutlaq said in a statement on the sidelines of chairing a meeting of the Higher Committee on the Elaboration
of National Strategy for Education and Higher Education, that there is a need "to communicate with the
UNESCO and the World Bank for technical support and experiences contribute to raising the educational
level commensurate with the science history of Iraq," pointing to determine "the twenty-fifth of current
December as a deadline for receiving comments and suggestions."
Mutlaq had announced on 24 of last August that the strategy draft will include high rates of school enrollment
starting from kindergarten 20%, primary schools 99%, intermediate 75%, and the preparatory 60%, in
addition to higher education, which will see high rates of 20% during the period of this strategy to be work
with between the years 2011-2020.
The Ministry of Education had confirmed in last April that the national strategy will work to shape a policy to
address the retardation caused by the previous stage by creating a healthy environment commensurate with
the scientific progress in the world, particularly with the participation of international organizations,
government institutions and civil society organizations in drawing up a work roadmap.
The national strategy draft for education and higher education aims at drawing a policy for the two sectors
and develop plans and mechanisms to raise the educational reality in Iraq in cooperation with UNESCO,
UNICEF and the World Bank.
Wasit Provincial Council decides to rebuild old schools without help of the Ministry of Education
Cut - Voice of Iraq News, Dec. 11
Chairman of Wasit Provincial Council, Mahmoud Abdul-Ridha, said the Council decided to close the mud and
ramshackle schools across the province and rebuild them without waiting for the Education Ministry’s
approval, noting that the province will refer those schools to companies to implement within the projects of
development of regions for the year 2012.
He added that the aim of this decision is to build modern schools without the routine of the Ministry of
The construction of 795 schools referred to implementation
Baghdad – Assabah Newspaper, Dec. 11
The Ministry of Education has referred 795 schools to be built since the beginning of the year.
The Undersecretary of the Ministry, Hassanein Ma’ala told a news conference held Thursday in Najaf,
"Another 85 school buildings will be referred this month for implementation."
He stressed that the cabinet has allocated an appropriate budget this year to resolve the crisis of school
He added that his visit to Najaf is to follow-up educational reality in the province, pointing out that the Ministry
formed an operation room, headed by the Minister, to follow up the problem of lack of school buildings and
re-distribution of the school staffs.
Eliminate gender disparity in primary education
Girls School Enrolment, Attendance and Completion (pre-School, primary, intermediate and
Nothing to report
Women’s Literacy
Nothing to report
Reduce child mortality
Child Deaths (diseases, health-related)
Nothing to report
Nothing to report
Improve maternal health
Mothers Dying at Birth
Nothing to report
Maternal Health Services (infrastructure, medical treatment)
Physicians assert that most Iraqi women suffer from anemia during pregnancy
Kirkuk - Voice of Iraq News & Sumaria News Site, Dec. 12
Competent doctors at the University of Kirkuk, Sunday, asserted that most women in Iraq suffer from anemia
during pregnancy, and warned of its danger to the life of embryos.
The head of the Gynecology and Obstetrics Division at the University, Khalida Mohammed Amin, said that
"anemia is the predominant feature of a large number of pregnant women in Iraq, compared with other
countries where the disease had disappeared totally."
Amin added that "the reasons for the increased incidence due to lack of health awareness among women
about the causes of the disease, which its complications may lead to problems that could affect the functions
of other organs of the body."
For her part, the specialist in Gynecology and Obstetrics, Esra Abdul-Karim, said that "anemia significantly
affects the child's life because the fetus depends 100% on the nutrition received by the mother, and that
anemia causes the lack of hemoglobin in the blood and significantly affects the baby's life”.
Combat HIV and AIDS, Malaria and other diseases
Health Services (infrastructure, medical treatment, etc.)
The spread of chicken pox among students in Samawa
Samawa – Mutamar Newspaper, Dec. 13
The member of the Parliamentary Committee on Health and Environment, Faleh al-Ziadi said that the
disease which outbreak in a school in Samawa is the chickenpox, indicating that the reason for its spread is
the deterioration of the environmental situation in the governorate.
He added, "the chickenpox is a transitional disease spread widely recently, especially among children due to
the deteriorating of environmental situation in the majority of Iraqi schools and the lack of attention to health
issues, as well as congestion happening in some schools and triple shifts of studying in one school due to
the lack of buildings, which facilitated the spread of epidemics and diseases."
Parliamentary Health Committee reveals the existence of one doctor per 40 thousand Iraqis
Baghdad – Voice of Iraq News, Dec. 13
Health and Environment Committee in the House of Representatives, revealed on Monday, that the
percentage of doctors in Iraq is one doctor per 40 thousand of Iraqis, pointing out that the appointment for
graduates of medicine and nursing was not enough to fill the shortage of medical staff that is suffered by the
The head of the Committee, Liqaa Al Yassin said, "The health situation in Iraq is still suffering from a lack of
doctors, and the percentage of one doctor for every forty thousand inhabitants reveal this fact."
The Inspector General of the Ministry of Health Adel Muhsin acknowledged earlier, the existence of a severe
shortage of doctors in Iraqi hospitals, and attributed this to the migration of a large number of physicians
under the threat and the circumstances of insecurity experienced in the country during recent years, pointing
to the existence of a trend in the ministry to adopt a system of "family doctor".
Muhsin explained that this system requires the existence of a doctor for a certain number of families,
expecting it will ease the pressure on the Ministry of Health.
A group of Iraqi doctors called for protest at the deteriorating health situation in front of the Iraqi Health
Ministry in Baghdad on 12.12.2011, as well as in a number of Iraqi provinces, confirming that they sent a
letter to the leaders of Iraq and to the Minister of Health included their demands, which they described as
"legitimate" and would improve the health situation in Iraq.
Ensure environmental sustainability – Safe drinking water & basic sanitation
Access to Safe Water
Nothing to report
Access to Adequate Sanitation
Contract with UAE Company to implement sanitation projects in Basra
Basra – Forat TV, Dec. 14
Basra local government signed a contract with one of the UAE companies provides for the establishment of
stations for sewage treatment in the district of Shatt al-Arab and Umm Qasr at a cost of 178 billion IQD.
The Director of Information of the province, Mohammad al-Ebadi, said that the project includes the
construction of plants for sewage treatment in the district of Shatt al-Arab and Umm Qasr area, indicating
that the districts and townships of the province are seeing for the first time the implementation of strategic
projects of this size.
He added that the project is to be completed by the company in 600 days at a capacity of 10 thousand cubic
meters, as well as the rehabilitation of sewer systems along the areas where the project will be
90% of the urban population lack access to sanitation and safe drinking water
Baghdad – Voice of Iraq News, Bawaba News Site, Sumaria News Site, Iraq for all News, Mada
Newspaper, Dijla, Nawa Radios & Fayhaa TV, Dec. 13
Minister of Municipalities and Public Works, Adel Mhoder said that "there are approximately 70 percent of the
population of cities in Iraq without access to sanitation, while 20 percent of the population are lacking
services of safe drinking water," adding that "this percentage was up to 60 percent (for drinking water) in
Mhoder added that "The ministry has put in its plan for next year 2012 the implementation of 23 projects
including 13 for drinking water, in addition to 10 projects for sanitation," noting that "among the strategic
projects of sanitation, the sewage of Kirkuk, Najaf and Mosul, as well as seven other projects in various
Mhoder explained that "The ministry’s allocation for the next year is not at the level of ambition," pointing out
that "what has been allocated is a trillion and 225 billion IQD, while the ministry needs two trillion and 500
billion IQD for the implementation of ongoing projects and the projects of next year."
It is noteworthy that all Iraqi provinces suffer from scarcity of drinking water, because of the oldness of most
active systems, which dates back to the thirties and forties of the last century, at a time the provincial
population witness an annual growth of up to 3%.
Thi Qar’s sewage doubled the served areas by 400%
Nasiriya – Forat TV, Dec. 12
Thi Qar Directorate of sewage said it was able to deliver networks of sewage and rain water to forty thousand
homes by the end of 2011 and increase the percentage of served homes in the city of Nasiriya from 8% to
It added that the Ministry of Municipalities and Public Works will implement a project to extend sewer
networks in the city of Nasiriya in the next four years, taking into consideration the future expansions until
Garbage Collection and Disposal
Nothing to report
Child Protection
Birth Registration (identity)
Nothing to report
Early Childhood Marriage
Marriage of young girls increases rates of divorce
Nasiriya – Assabah Newspaper, Dec. 12
The number of marriages of underage girls since the beginning of the year until the end of November is 215
cases in the city of Nasiriya in Thi Qar province alone, with an increase of 10 cases for the same period of
last year, which calls attention to the phenomenon that is growing in poor, uneducated communities, despite
health and social risks.
A source in the family court in Thi Qar, confirmed the existence of judicial trends that authorize the marriage
of girls under 18 years old, explaining that the family court in Nasiriya only, recorded the marriage of 215
underage girls, noting that the court subject the minor to examine the physical possibility for marriage and
obtain the approval of the competent medical committees, and then displayed on the public prosecution and
the social worker to obtain the final approvals to complete the marriage.
The source said the court issued during the month of October of this year only, 35 marriage documents of
minors aged 14 years.
Academics and jurists indicated that the marriage of minors leads to increase incidence of divorce and poor
social and health effects, while others called for the need of the government to adopt program of education to
reduce the incidence of underage marriage.
The social worker Raad Salim considers the phenomenon of underage marriage as a major problem facing
the growth of the community naturally as this problem had produced a large number of divorced women in
this age without mention rights as well as the emergence of a new generation that is far from balanced family
Salim added, "The majority of these marriages are formed on the basis of sexual desire and lack of equal
parties to build a stable married life and this issue has become a major concern, especially in light of the
increase of such cases due to customs and traditions to get rid of the responsibility of girls earlier as well as
the misconception about the possibility of deviation in the age of adolescence," stressing the need of the
authorities to take firm action against this phenomenon through the enactment of legislation prohibiting the
early marriage.
Disabled Children (physical and mental)
Environment Committee reports 2,500 victims for landmines blasts
Maysan - Aswat al-Iraq News Agency, Mashriq, Azzaman Newspapers & Forat TV, Dec. 14
The Chairman of Southern Maysan Province's Environment Committee has announced on Wednesday that
2,500 persons have been victims for land mines explosions since the end of the Iraq-Iran War in 1988.
"The Team of the Field Program for Victims of Landmines had registered 2,500 victims of the landmines, left
since the end of the eight-year Iraq-Iran War in 1988," Maitham Lafta al-Fartousi said, charging that none of
the local administrations or humanitarian organizations had paid any attention for that since long time.
He added that the existence of over 5 million landmines, planted on the eastern borders of Maysan since the
end of the Iraq-Iran War had caused daily blasts, saying that "the Center that was opened recently in the
Province had been the first of its kind on the level of Iraq," explaining that the "program was implemented by
the Iraqi Environment Ministry's Landmines Affairs Department, through cooperation with the Iraqi Health
Ministry, represented by Maysan's Health Department and the Iraqi Red Cross Society.
Youth Employment
Nothing to report
Nothing to report
Child Labour
Nothing to report
Violence Against Children (beating, maiming, killing, abduction, trafficking, sexual, forced genital
mutilation, etc.)
Baghdad Hosts Int'l Conference on Children's Books
Baghdad – Voice of Iraq News, AKnews Agency, Mada, Mutamar, Assabah, Azzaman Newspapers &
Fayhaa TV, Dec. 13
Children's Culture House, a foundation of Ministry of Culture, held the Second International Conference on
Children’s Culture today and will last three days.
A range of researches which portray the slogan of the conference "Book, Child's Open Window for Life" will
be discussed by intellectuals, artists, academics and experts in book industry from across the country and
The conference will also include various literary activities; including reciting some literary works, a drawing
exhibition for children and another for the painters of Children's Culture House.
The conference was attended by Deputy Prime Minister Saleh al-Mutlaq, Undersecretary of the Ministry of
Culture Fawzi al-Atrushi and the Presidency Adviser, Jalal Almashta.
Girls schools targeted in Maysan
Maysan – Voice of Iraq News, Dec. 13
Two sound bombs exploded targeting two Girls schools in Maysan Province.
The Head of the Security Committee in Maysan Provincial Council, Sarhan Salim Younis, stated that
"Targeting al-Amara and Dar al-Salam Girls Schools is aiming at arousing fears among the students and to
destabilize the security situation in the province."
The school guards were arrested for interrogation.
A conference for cadres in the Ministries of Labour of Baghdad and Kurdistan on dealing with the
Baghdad - Voice of Iraq News, Dec. 12
A conference was held in Erbil today for staff of the Ministries of Labour and Social Affairs in the federal
government and the Kurdistan Regional Government on dealing with kids.
The Undersecretary of the Ministry of Labour in the federal government, Dara Hassan said, "Today's
conference has been held with the assistance of UNICEF and the World Medical Organization and the World
Judiciary Board to train ministry staff on dealing with children."
He added that "The conference will discuss the achievements of the two ministries during the year 2011 in
educating citizens on how to deal with the kids, and the plan of the two ministries for the next year," saying
that "the conference will last five days."
Hassan said that "the conference aims to create a state of peace in the hearts of children and how to provide
protection for them as well as to invite the Parliament to pass laws that affect the lives of children."
National conference of justice for children
Erbil – Iraq Hurr Radio & Mada Newspaper, Dec. 11
In order to increase understanding of the current system of juvenile justice in Iraq, and to agree on a
roadmap for the development of a national action plan for justice for children, a national conference on this
matter has been launched in Erbil on Saturday.
The conference discusses systems of social justice, the international standards, law of care for juveniles in
Iraq, areas of strength, and gaps and challenges in the current system of juvenile justice in Iraq.
In a statement, Dara Yara, Undersecretary of the Iraqi Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, said the
conference aimed to "create a culture of love and respect in the new Iraq, protecting children, and not to
consider a child who resort to crime as a criminal, but a victim of society either politically, economically or for
administrative and financial corruption."
Yara added that the financial and technical issues are the most important problems facing the ministry to
develop the conditions of the juveniles in the country.
Some participants in the conference pointed to the gravity of the Welfare of Juveniles Law in Iraq, but there is
a need to make some amendments to it.
Elias Diab, Official of Child Protection in UNICEF sees that the conditions of the juveniles will not improve in
Iraq unless creating comprehensive plans backed by legal systems, adding that "The protective environment
will not completed without legal and social systems, and the recent events that struck Iraq weakened the
legal systems and the work of judicial bodies and courts, and today we are developing comprehensive plans
as the beginning of the road which is not easy, but the existence of an integrated system can make things
Violence Against Women (beating, rape)
Nothing to report
Displacement (internal and refugee)
The Parliamentary Foreign Relations Committee discusses the situation of refugees
Baghdad - Voice of Iraq News & Mada Newspaper, Dec. 14
The Parliamentary Foreign Relations Committee discussed with the General Federation of Iraqi refugees
reports on the situation of Iraqi refugees in the world, especially in Europe.
A statement by the Office of Chairman of the Committee, Homam Hamoudi said, "The situations of Iraqi
refugees in Europe and the rest of the world were discussed with the secretary of the General Federation of
Iraqi refugees, Dashti Jamal."
Hamoudi affirmed that, "The Committee is backing all Iraqis in the framework of international law," and
promised "to follow up the matter with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs."
For his part, the Secretary of the Federation of Iraqi Refugees showed reports saying that many of the
refugees exposed to beatings and forced deportation in European countries, and urged the Committee "to
support the Iraqis who are exposed to such violations of their rights."
Minister of Migration demands Sweden to respect the agreement between two countries and not to
deport Iraqis by force
Baghdad – Voice of Iraq News, Mowaten, Mashriq Newspapers & Forat TV, Dec. 11
The Minister of Displacement and Migration, Dindar Doski continues his meetings with the heads and
representatives of countries and international humanitarian organizations to participate in the International
Forum for Migration and Development in order to find appropriate solutions for the ministry’s categories of
Doski and the accompanying delegation discussed the frameworks of cooperation between Iraq and Sweden
during his meeting with Swedish Minister of Immigration, stressing the need to respect the rights of Iraqi
immigrant and refugee on Swedish territory and in all European countries and to not abuse using of the
memorandum of understanding signed between the Iraqi Foreign Ministry and the Swedish Ministry of
Immigration to deport Iraqis by force from the European countries to Iraq, in addition to the importance of
adhering to the terms of the memorandum, which states that the asylum seeker has the right to go to the
Swedish immigration courts.
In a related development Doski discussed in a meeting with the High Commissioner for Refugees (Antonio
Guterres) the efforts of his ministry to help the Iraqis through a package of measures, including (the
registration of returnee families - increase the returning grant - support the return of competencies).
Doski added that the Ministry has a major role in distributing grants among 4300 families in Jordan and 1300
families in Lebanon as well as recording the return of more than 140 thousand families in addition to
developing an ambitious plan to end the file of displacement, stressing that there is a major obstacle
preventing the return of many families that is the provision of suitable job opportunities.
Guterres has praised these efforts which were obvious by decreasing significantly the number of Iraqis who
were visiting the UNHCR offices to seek assistance.
Media Coverage Summary
No. of articles
1-Eradicate Poverty
2-Primary Education
Child protection
2-Education Services
Early childhood marriage
1-Eradicate Poverty
7-Environmental sustainability
7-Adequate Sanitation
Child protection
Violence Against Children
1-Eradicate Poverty
6-Combat diseases
Child protection
6-Health Services
Violence Against Children
Child protection
Disabled children & Displacement
Child protection
Disabled children & Violence Against
Child protection
7-Environmental sustainability
7-Adequate Sanitation
7-Environmental sustainability
7-Adequate Sanitation
Iraq Hurr
Child protection
Violence Against Children
2-Primary Education
7-Environmental sustainability
Child protection
2-Education Services
7-Adequate Sanitation
Violence Against Children
7-Environmental sustainability
Child protection
7-Adequate Sanitation
Disabled children & Displacement
Voice of Iraq
2-Primary Education
5- Improve maternal health
6-Combat diseases
7-Environmental sustainability
Child protection
2-Education Services
5-Maternal Health Services
6-Health Services
7-Adequate Sanitation
Violence Against Children & Displacement
Sumaria News
2-Primary Education
5- Improve maternal health
7-Environmental sustainability
2-Education Services
5-Maternal Health Services
7-Adequate Sanitation
Ikhbariya News
2-Primary Education
2-Education Services
All Iraq News
2-Primary Education
2-Education Services
Bawaba News
7-Environmental sustainability
7-Adequate Sanitation
Iraq for all News
7-Environmental sustainability
7-Adequate Sanitation
Aswat al-Iraq
Child protection
Disabled children
AKnews Agency
Child protection
Violence Against Children