July 2012 PROJECT REVIEW FORM CRITERIA (Process B) PROJECT DOCUMENTS CRITERIA… TIME & TRAFFIC SUBMITTAL & ALL SPECIAL PROVISIONS SUBMITTAL COOP. AGR. TIMELY SUBMITTAL COOP. AGR. COMPLETE SUBMITTAL POOR TRANSITIONAL Less Than 9 wks (12 wks PS&E/Complex) N/A EXCEPTIONAL Prior to 9 (Prior to 12) Less than 11 weeks N/A Prior to 11 weeks These are based on COMPLETE submittals from the original letting date. Incomplete maint not determined, no info. beyond submittal package, major changes after submittal Enough info. to get started SEQ not complete missing minor info cost justification can’t be determined QM/QC COMPLETENESS No final form is signed or exists N/A REASON FOR LETTING DATE MOVE A District reason N/A PLAN REVIEW CRITERIA… POOR Submittal + SEQ+ colored layout + no pertinent plan sheets, maint. determination The final form is completely signed Reason outside the Districts control. ========================================================================================= TRANSITIONAL EXCEPTIONAL PAY ITEMS & SPEC BOOK COMPLIANCE Over 6% 3-6% Corr. 0-2 % Corr. Conformance to pay items as shown in the Spec. Book and on TRNS*PORT list. The Specifications and Basis of Payment are complied with. TYPICAL SECTIONS Over 5 1-5 Corr. No Corr. Are they complete and of sufficient detail to accomplish the intent of the plan? PLAN DETAILS Over 5% 1-5% Corr. No Corr. Do the details tell enough, are complete and relevant to the plan? CONFORMS TO DESIGN STANDARDS Over 4 2-4 Corr 0-1 Corr. Conformance with Standard Plans and Plates, Alignment, Profiles, Slopes, Taper lengths, Br. Width, Clear Zones, Sight Distances. TABULATIONS Over 5% 3-5% Corr. 0-2% Corr. Is there an orderly arrangement of Tables of items and are Tabulations provided for items difficult to total. PLAN CROSS REFERENCE Over 1 1 Corr. No Corr. Do the Plans show sheet Reference from Estimate to Tabulations? PLAN & PROFILE COMPOSITION Over 2 1-2 Corr. No Corr. Composite of all Trunk Highway features complete to make accurate pictorial views. PLAN REVISIONS Over 3 1-3 Corr. No Corr. How many times do revised sheets come in once the original has been submitted for review. PLAN RATING Composite of all ratings Composite of all plan ratings and the overall acceptability of the Plan . Based on above questions and subjective scrutiny. DISTRICT ADDENDUMS Over 1 1 Addendum No Addendum How many Addendums are written before letting due to Design related revisions (i.e. not things out of their control). ======================================================================================= PLAN RATING OVERALL Composite of all plan ratings and the overall acceptability of the Plan and addendums. Based on above questions and subjective scrutiny. If the addendum is…. an E then the plan rating stays the same a T and only one district addendum then plan rating stays the same, if it is >1 district addendum then it cannot be and E, otherwise stays the same. a P then the plan rating drops a level, if already a P then stays a P. PROJECT RATING OVERALL Composite of all ratings and the overall acceptability of the Plan and Documents. Based on above questions and subjective scrutiny. The following Point values are given for the PROJECT DOCUMENTATION items and PLAN RATING OVERALL… o E = 15 o T = 10 o P=5 The averages of these will be taken and added to the PLAN RATING OVERALL value. This sum will be divided by two to get the average (this makes the plan rating a higher value than the project documentation). This gives a value for the PROJECT RATING OVERALL. The following criteria apply for the values of the PROJECT RATING OVERALL. o P ≥ 7.5 o T = 7.6 – 12.5 o E ≥ 12.6