File - DMPS Visual & Performing Arts

ART 2010
- Art Standard 1
Overarching Essential Questions for all Standards: Why create? What is Art? What is NOT Art? Why should I care about art?
Does art reflect culture or shape it? Who puts the price/value on art?
Who needs to be able to visualize, create, perform, and understand visual communication?
Who makes the rules for art and intellectual property? Who breaks them? Who enforces them?
Essential Questions: Why do artists select one medium over another?
Why do artists use techniques and processes in a variety of ways to manipulated media in a variety of ways?
Students will understand that:
• Artists make thoughtful choices in creating works of art.
• Artists use a variety of techniques and processes to manipulate media to achieve desired effects.
• Artists must understand media, techniques and process as tools to communicate.
• Artists consider multiple approaches to visual problems.
• Artists create works of art employing both conscious and intuitive thought.
Content Objectives
Iowa Core Statements
Common StudentStandards
Centered Learning
• I can
• I can
Art Standard 1
Art Materials,
Techniques, and
Graduate Ends
Graduates demonstrate
knowledge and understanding
of a rigorous core curriculum
• They demonstrate proficiency
in reading, writing, speaking
and listening
• They demonstrate proficiency
in mathematics, including
algebra and geometry
• They demonstrate proficiency
in science, including life, earth
and physical science
• They demonstrate proficiency
in civics and government
• They demonstrate financial
and economic literacy
1 Draft
ART 2010
• They demonstrate an
understanding of the value of
fine and performing arts in
- Art Standard 2
Essential Questions:
How and why is art used as a vehicle for communication?
To what extent does good design integrate form with function?
To what extent is a work of art dependent upon the context/point of view of the artist?
Students will understand that:
• Art is a form of expression that employs a system of visual symbols.
• Art provides opportunities for expression beyond the limits of language.
• Form and function may or may not be related one to the other.
• Every work of art has a point of view.
Content Objectives
Iowa Core
Common StudentCommon Assessments
Centered Learning
• I can
Writing Standards
• I can
(1). Write arguments
Art Standard 2
to support claims in
an analysis of
substantive topics or
Functions, and
using valid reasoning
and relevant and
Elements of Design
sufficient evidence.
(Line, Color,
(10). Write routinely
Shape, Form,
over extended time
Texture, Value,
frames (time for
research, reflection,
Principles of
revision) and shorter
Design (Unity,
time frames (a single
Rhythm, Pattern,
sitting or a day or
two) for a range of
tasks, purposes, and
2 Draft
Graduate Ends
Graduates possess the
knowledge and skills to be
self-directed and autonomous
• They exercise sound reasoning
in making complex choices
• They monitor their own
understanding and learning
ART 2010
Variety, Balance)
- Art Standard 3
Essential Questions:
What is art? What is not art?
How does the use of specific symbols influence the meaning of a work of art?
What makes art more or less authentic?
What’s the difference between a thoughtful and a thoughtless artistic judgment?
Students will understand that:
• Art may be created solely to fulfill a need to create.
• Art is a universal symbol system that transcends language barriers.
• Art draws upon all aspects of human experience.
• The process of choosing and evaluating subject matter, symbols and ideas may be deliberate or intuitive.
Content Objectives
Iowa Core Statements
Common StudentStandards
Centered Learning
• I can
Writing Standards 6–12
(1). Write arguments to support
Art Standard 3
claims in an analysis of substantive
• I can
Choosing and
topics or texts,using valid reasoning
Evaluating a
and relevant and sufficient evidence.
• I can
Range of Subject
(10). Write routinely over extended
Matter, Symbols,
time frames (time for research,
• I can
and Ideas
reflection, and revision) and shorter
Reflection and
time frames (a single sitting or a day
or two) for a range of tasks, purposes,
Merits of Their
and audiences.
Work and the
Work of Others
3 Draft
Graduate Ends
knowledge and
understanding of
a rigorous
integrated into all
content areas
• They demonstrate
proficiency in
reading, writing,
speaking and
• They can access
and evaluate
information from a
variety of sources
to continue their
•They understand,
manage and create
oral, written and
ART 2010
Graduates possess
the knowledge and
skills to be selfdirected and
• They exercise
sound reasoning in
making complex
Graduates possess
technological and
information literacy
• They can access and
evaluate information
from a variety of
sources to continue
their learning
• They understand,
manage and create
oral, written and
• They utilize
technology to apply
or analyze
4 Draft
ART 2010
- Art Standard 4
Essential Questions:
To what extent does history reflect upon and have an influence on art?
To what extent does art reflect upon and have an influence on history?
Students will understand that:
• Art has been created by all peoples, in all times and in all places.
• Art preserves and depicts history in ways words cannot.
• Art celebrates the unique characteristics of all cultures.
• Subject matter, symbols and ideas are all rooted in culture.
• Natural resources have influenced the creation of indigenous art forms.
Content Objectives
Iowa Core Statements
Common StudentStandards
Centered Learning
Writing Standards 6–
• I can
Art Standard 4
(1). Write arguments to
support claims in an
• I can
History and
analysis of substantive
topics or texts,
• I can
using valid reasoning
and relevant and
sufficient evidence.
(10). Write routinely
over extended time
frames (time for
research, reflection, and
revision) and shorter
time frames (a single
sitting or a day or two)
for a range of
tasks, purposes, and
5 Draft
Graduate Ends
ART 2010
- Art Standard 5
Essential Questions:
What makes some works of art great?
When does a work of art have merit?
To what extent is it adequate or appropriate to say “I like it” or “I don’t like it” when discussing the merit of a work of art?
Students will understand that:
• Timeless works of art are deemed important for a number and variety of reasons.
• Reflection, assessment and refinement are key steps in the process of creating art.
Content Objectives
Iowa Core
Common StudentCommon Assessments
Graduate Ends
Centered Learning
Writing Standards 6–
• I can
Art Standard 5
• I can
(1). Write arguments
to support claims in an
Reflection and 
analysis of substantive
topics or texts,
Merits of Their
using valid reasoning
Work and the
and relevant and
Work of Others
sufficient evidence.
(10). Write routinely
over extended time
frames (time for
research, reflection,
revision) and shorter
time frames (a single
sitting or a day or two)
for a range of
tasks, purposes, and
6 Draft
ART 2010
- Art Standard 6
Essential Questions:
How is learning deepened through a study of visual art?
In what ways do the learning processes occurring in visual art differ from the learning processes in other disciplines?
Students will understand that:
• Learning can be deepened by connecting visual art to other disciplines.
• Many people favor learning in a visual and tactile way.
• The process of creating art requires critical and creative problem solving.
• The means to create art always changes.
Content Objectives
Iowa Core Statements
Common StudentCommon Assessments
Graduate Ends
Centered Learning
Art Standard 6
Writing Standards 6–
Graduates have world
• I can
(1). Write arguments to
• I can
support claims in an
• They understand the
analysis of substantive
Between Visual
rights and obligations of
topics or texts,
Art, Other
citizenship at local,
using valid reasoning
Disciplines and
state, national and
and relevant and
Daily Life
global levels
sufficient evidence.
(10). Write routinely
• They learn from and
over extended time
work with individuals
frames (time for
representing diverse
research, reflection, and
cultures and religions in
revision) and shorter
a spirit of mutual respect
time frames (a single
in school, work and
sitting or a day or two)
community contexts
for a range of
tasks, purposes, and
• They are aware of
issues facing the world
• They are actively
engaged in community
Introduction to 2D and 3D Design - Art Standard 7
Essential Questions:
Why do I need to be accountable?
How do my character and ethics influence family, school, community and workplace?
7 Draft
ART 2010
Students will understand that:
• Tolerance, appreciation and understanding of individual differences are necessary in order to establish healthy working relationships.
• Goal setting, planning, decision making, and problem solving skills are essential to achieving personal goals and success in the workplace.
• Choices we make as individuals affect self, family, community and the world.
Content Objectives
Iowa Core Statements
Common StudentCommon Assessments
Graduate Ends
Centered Learning
Writing Standards 6–
Graduates possess the
Art Standard 7
knowledge and skills to
(1). Write arguments to
be self-directed and
support claims in an
Success Skills
analysis of substantive
topics or texts,
• They demonstrate an
using valid reasoning
understanding of the
and relevant and
attributes of physical
sufficient evidence.
and mental well-being
(10). Write routinely
over extended time
• They act responsibly
frames (time for
with the interests of the
research, reflection, and
larger community in
revision) and shorter
time frames (a single
sitting or a day or two)
• They understand the
for a range of
role of work and
tasks, purposes, and
productivity in shaping
the circumstances of
Employability Skills:
their daily lives
• Communicate and
work productively with
others, incorporating
different perspectives
and cross cultural
understanding, to
increase innovation and
the quality of work.
• Adapt to various roles
and responsibilities and
8 Draft
ART 2010
work flexibly in
climates of ambiguity
and changing priorities
• Demonstrate
leadership skills,
integrity, ethical
behavior, and social
responsibility while
collaborating to achieve
common goals
• Demonstrate initiative
and self-direction
through high
achievement and
lifelong learning while
exploring the ways
individual talents and
skills can be used for
productive outcomes in
personal and
professional life
• Demonstrate
productivity and
accountability by
meeting high
9 Draft