Template for Writing Instructional Objectives

Grade Level: 4th
Subject Area: Social Studies – Virginia Studies
Title of Lesson: Jamestown
Lesson Duration: 70 - 80 minutes
Lesson 4 – Day 2
I. Objectives & Standards
 Objectives
o SWBAT Compare/Contrast the settlers and native people
o SWBAT Explain the relationship between the settlers and the native people, and
how it changed
 Standards
o VS.3 The student will demonstrate knowledge of the first permanent English
settlement in America by:
g) Describing the interactions between the English settlers and the native
peoples, including the contributions of Powhatan to the survival of the settlers.
II. Materials for Learning Activities
 Teacher Materials
 Chart paper, marker (if applicable)
 Promethean board/Smartboard (if applicable)
 Worksheet for Jigsaw activity
 Video – interaction between settlers and native people
 Student Materials
 Paper, pencils
 Textbook
 Social Studies notebook (for notes)
 Jamestown Reflection Booklet
III. Procedures for Learning Activities
 Introduction (20 minutes)
o Group Discussion
 Review yesterday’s activity
 Review previous knowledge of the settlers
o Video - interaction between settlers and Indians
 Instruction (40 - 50 minutes)
o Small Group Activity – Jigsaw – divide students into 6 groups, each group gets one
of the following 3 questions (random selection).
 Groups work on answering their question.
 Class comes back together, each group shares answers via a skit, and
students/teacher note key points on chart paper/promethean board.
 Students fill out question 1-3 on worksheet once all skits have been
completed. (answers are in red)
 How did the native peoples and the English settlers interact?
o Captain john Smith initiated trading relationships with the
native people
o The native peoples traded mainly food with English in
exchange for tools, pots and copper for jewelry
 How did Powhatan contribute to the survival of the settlers?
o Powhatan, chief of many tribes, provided leadership to his
people and taught the settlers survival skills
o Pocahontas, daughter of Powhatan, served as a contact
between the native peoples and the English
o The native peoples showed the settlers how to plant corn and
 How and why did the relationship between the Jamestown settlers
and the native people change?
o The relationship between the settlers and the Powhatans
 From cautious but friendly to violent (how)
 Powhatans realized the English settlement would
continue to grow (why)
 Powhatans saw the colonists as invaders that would
take over their land (why)
Summary (10 minutes)
o De-brief
o Reflection (in Jamestown Reflection Booklet)
 Compare the way the native people used the land to the way the settlers used
the land. Explain any similarities and differences. Who do you think used
the land better? Explain your answer.
o Homework – finish reflection booklet if you need more time.
IV. Assessment
 Formative
o Interaction worksheet
o Reflection booklet entry
 Summative
o none
V. Differentiation
 List adaptations that will be made for individual learners.
 List adaptations to assessment required.