KS1 04.01.16 1 11.01.16 2 18.01.16 3 25.01.16 Maths English Who were the Romans? Multiplication/ What does a Division front cover look like? Design front cover of book. Information text. SPAG – s or es? Role play – fort. What did the Romans wear? Multiplication/ Descriptive Division language. Character descriptions of different people – child. Exploring clothing. SPAG – un prefix. What did they look like? Language comparison. Comparing various character descriptions. SPAG – est and er. What was the army like? Science ICT Geography History Music Art/DT MFL PSHE RE PE Information technology, communication and networking (can we always belief what we read on internet?) Reading a map. How did Romans come to England? Using historical vocabulary (timeline). Who were the Romans? Where do they fit in comparison to us? What were Roman songs and chants like? What are folk songs? Is curious about different materials; tries things out. Creating role play & Roman soldier. Homes, shops. Getting on and falling out. Prayer and Islam. Dodgeball (3) Dance (4) Gym (5) Words to describe that relate to the past. What did the Romans wear? What are the characteristics of a folk song? How and when were chants used? Using different materials. Using charcoal to sketch Roman’s (describing for partner to draw). Homes, shops. Getting on and falling out. Prayer and Islam. Dodgeball (3) Dance (4) Gym (5) Words to describe that relate to the past. What did they look like? Instruments to accompany songs and chants….finding the beat and creating rhythms. Is aware of variations produced by changing tools or technique [e.g. makes thin and thick lines and marks, light and dark tones]. Designing Roman jewellery. Homes, shops. Getting on and falling out. Prayer and Islam. Dodgeball (3) Dance (4) Gym (5) Rocks & Soils. Archaeological dig. Information technology, communication and networking (can we always belief what we read on internet?) Describing rocks’ properties, sorting and classifying. Information technology, communication and networking (can we always belief what we read on internet?) Naming towns & cities. In our locality. 4 01.02.16 5 Using persuasive & interesting language. Considering character description & job application for Roman soldier. What was the army like? Speaking and listening. Interviews for jobs. 08.02.16 6 What was the army like? Diary writing – A day in the life of a Roman soldier. 22.02.16 What were the houses like? Develops positive attitudes towards, and stamina for, writing, by writing for Group rocks together based on their characteristics & physical appearance. Information technology, communication and networking (can we always belief what we read on internet?) Use sources, including parts of stories, to provide simple answers to questions. Mr. Benn book to explore soldiers. Exploring the relationship between drums and the military…how do drums create tension and atmosphere? Exploring their ideas. Designing soldier shield. Homes, shops. Getting on and falling out. Prayer and Islam. Dodgeball (3) Dance (4) Gym (5) Describe and explore fossils. Information technology, communication and networking (can we always belief what we read on internet?) Explore some of the ways in which we find out about the past [e.g. stories, artefacts, photos, pictures and archaeology]. How do we notate our drums patterns? Looking at ancient music notation….creating our own patterns and notating our own compositions. Uses a range of materials creatively. Making their shields. Homes, shops. Getting on and falling out. Prayer and Islam. Dodgeball (3) Dance (4) Gym (5) Describe how fossils are formed. Information technology, communication and networking (can we always belief what we read on internet?) Identify similarities and differences between ways of life in different periods they have studied. Compare Roman army with our army. Exploring fanfares and triumphant/ victory music….how have we created atmosphere/ painted a picture with our own music? Make links between the art they learn about and their own. Evaluating. Homes, shops. Getting on and falling out. Prayer and Islam. Dodgeball (3) Dance (4) Gym (5) Forces. Planning for building aqueducts and buildings. Presentation of work. Researching houses. (Taught with art). What did Roman music sound like? What instruments did the Romans invent? Using different materials to make their houses. (Taught with history). Getting on and falling out. Easter – is it true Jesus came back to life? Coordination (3) Games – striking & fielding (4) 29.02.16 07.03.16 14.03.16 21.03.16 different purposes. Selling Roman House SPAG – commas in a list. What were the houses like? Rereading and editing in preparation for typing. Typing up estate agent details. Where did they go shopping? Advertising their market stall – price list & leaflets. What did the Romans do for fun? Listening to stories, discussion, writing down ideas. Story writing. What did the Romans do for fun? Combining sentences to write a narrative. Story writing. Tag Rugby (5) Forces. Planning for building aqueducts and buildings. Presentation of work. Researching houses. (Taught with art). Using different tools to show different effects. Make houses. (Taught with history). Getting on and falling out. Easter – is it true Jesus came back to life? Coordination (3) Games – striking & fielding (4) Tag Rugby (5) Soil & plant growth. Presentation of work. Researching shops – comparisons, bartering. (Taught with art). Street music…… busking /drum accompaniments with chant and dance Making shops to add to their Roman village. (Taught with history). Getting on and falling out. Easter – is it true Jesus came back to life? Coordination (3) Games – striking & fielding (4) Tag Rugby (5) Plants. Presentation of work. Roleplay entertainment in amphitheatre. Rotate with creating their own – labels (mini scenes). Music as entertainment ….. performance skills…..voice projection Painting scenes for amphitheatre. Getting on and falling out. Easter – is it true Jesus came back to life? Coordination (3) Games – striking & fielding (4) Tag Rugby (5) Plants. Presentation of work. Roleplay entertainment in amphitheatre. Rotate with creating their own – labels (mini scenes). Evaluating our performances …..theatre reviews. Painting scenes for amphitheatre Getting on and falling out. Easter – is it true Jesus came back to life? Coordination (3) Games – striking & fielding (4) Tag Rugby (5)