STAAR REVIEW 4 1920s THE REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTS *___________________________________Sought a “return to ________________________” after WWI __________________________________ scandal *___________________________________No right to strike against the public safety Believed business of America is _______________________ *___________________________________Engineer who organized food production in WWI; Secretary of ______________ As President, predicted an end to _____________________________ Believed in rugged individualism; Felt government interference should be Minimal to the economy REASONS FOR PROSPERITY OF 1920s *________________________________________ Cars allowed greater mobility; Model T priced less than ____________ *OTHER NEW INDUSTRIES: __________________________ and electric ______________________________ Radio, motion pictures, vacuum cleaners *MORE EFFICIENT PRODUCTRION TECHNIQUES____________________________________, standardized parts *AGE OF ____________________________________ advertising stimulated demand; retailers introduced installment buying CULTURAL VALUES OF THE 1920s: ATTMEPT TO PRESERVE ______________________________________________________ *______________________________________:_________________________ banned alcoholic drinks Social experiment was a failure; ______________ amendment ended prohibition. *______________________________________(1925): Pitted traditional _______________________ values against Darwin’s Theory of ____________________________________________. *NEW RESTRICTIONS ON IMMIGRATION: Growth in __________________________________ sentiment. Immigration Acts of __________, ___________, ____________ EMERGENCE OF NEW VALUES IN 1920s *___________________________: ________Amendment (right to vote); _________________; greater independence; New morals and manners *YOUTH AND ________________________________________; fads included flagpole sitting and marathon dancing Rejected desire for material wealth. Disillusioned writers such as Hemingway, Sinclair Lewis, and _______________________________. *________________________________________New optimism and growth of African-American culture. __________________________ (poet and novelist) __________________________ (Black historian) __________________________ (Leader of Back-to-Africa Movement) KEY INDIVIDUALS ________________________________________ Convicted and executed of a robbery in part because of the hysteria Against foreigners ________________________________________Early auto manufacturer who pioneered new production techniquest (assembly line) ________________________________________Aviation pioneer who developed airplanes that landed on water _________________________________________Active in the Temperance and Women’s Rights Movement _________________________________________ Represented Scopes at the “Monkey Trial” on evolution in 1925 _________________________________________Helped prosecute John Scopes at the “Monkey Trial” _________________________________________African-American poet and writer during the Harlem Renaissance _________________________________________Believed in black-owned businesses; led Back-to-Africa Movement _________________________________________First person to fly solo across Atlantic Ocean; international hero _________________________________________Wrote The Great Gatsby; captured the spirit of the Jazz Age ONE LAST NOTE: ______________________ A PSEUDO-SCIENTIFIC BELIEF THAT THE HUMAN RACE COULD BE IMPROVED BY BREEDING. _______________________ SECTION OF NEW YORK CITY THAT BECAME THE CENTER FOR SONG-WRITING AND MUSICAL IDEAS “I will build a motor car for the great multitude. It will be large enough for the family but small enough for the individual to run and car for. It will be constructed of the best materials, by the best men, after the simplest designs that engineering can devise. But it will be so low in price that no man making a good salary will be unable to own one—and enjoy with this family the blessing of hours of pleasure in God’s open spaces. -HENRY FORD, 1909 1. Which management innovation helped Henry Ford to realize this vision? A. PROVIDING VARIOUS MODELS OF CARS B. CREATING A BUSINESS MONOPOLY C. DOWNSIZING THE LABOR FORCE D. USING ASSEMBLY-LINE PRODUCTION METHODS 2. The executions of Sacco and Vanzetti in the 1920s demonstrated the— A. FEDERAL GOVERNMENT’S WAR ON CRIME B. THE PERSISTENCE OF LYNCHINGS C. CORRUPTION OF POLITICAL MACHINES D. INCREASE IN NATIVIST ATTITUDES 3. Prohibition, established by the Eighteenth Amendment, stated that— A. ONLY IMPORTED ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES COULD BE SOLD B. THE MANUFACTURE AND SALE OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES WAS BANNED C. AMERICANS MUST BE 18-YEARS OLD TO PURCHASE ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES D. ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES COULD BE SOLD ONLY IN GOVERNMENT-RUN STORES 4. What was Frances Willard’s contribution to American society? A. SHE HELPED OVERTURN THE EIGHTEENTH AMENDMENT B. SHE SPOKE OUT AGAINST THE INTRODUCTION OF EUGENICS C. SHE FOUGHT FOR OWMEN’S RIGHTS AND BAN ON THE SALE OF ALCOHOL D. SHE SPEARHEADED IMPORTANT INNOVATIONS IN MANUFACTURING IMMIGRATION BEFORE AND AFTER FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN FROM SOUTHERN AND EASTERN QUOTA LAWS EUROPE EUROPE AND ASIA AVERAGE ANNUAL NUMBER OF 176,983 685,531 IMMIGRANTS (1907-1914) IMMIGRATION ACT OF 1921 198,082 158,367 IMMIGRATION ACT OF 1924 140,999 21,847 IMMIGRATION ACT OF 1929 132,323 20,251 5. BASED ON THE CHART, WHAT EFFECT DID THE PASSAGE OF IMMIGRATION LAWS HAVE ON IMMIGRATION TO THE UNITED STATES? A. THEY ENDED ALL IMMIGRATION TO THE UNITED STATES B. THEY HAD LITTLE EFFECT ON THE FLOW OF IMMIGRANTS ENTERING THE UNITED STATES C. THE NUMBER OF IMMIGRANTS FROM SOUTHERN AND EASTERN EUROPE AND ASIA DECLINED DRAMATICALLY D. THE NUMBER OF IMMIGRANTS FROM NORTHERN AND WESTERN EUROPE INCREASED 6. Which aspect of the 1920s is most closely identified with the emergence of Tin Pan Alley? A. THE PRINTING AND DISTRIBUTION OF PROHIBITION PAMPHLETS B. THE SUCCESSFU FLIGHT OF THE FIRST HYDROPLANE IN NORTH CAROLINA C. THE LOCATION OF THE MUSIC PUBLISHING INDUSTRY IN NEW YORK CITY D. THE REPEAL OF THE TWENTY-FIRST AMENDMENT Use this cartoon and your knowledge of social studies to answer the following questions… 7. This carton is from the 1920S. It shows attempts of the United States government to deal with the issue of— A. FOREIGN TRADE B. TRANSPORTATION GRIDLOCKS C. IMMIGRATION D. MIGRANT WORKERS