NCATE STANDARDS/Assessments/Descriptions/Rubrics Assessment 4. Assessment of Student Teaching Standard 4: Instructional strategies: Observation in practice by the college’s instructor Direct observations of student teachers is a vital component of a candidate’s progress through the Lehman College program, and provides effective supervision and leadership in instruction to a student teacher. Supervising faculty members: Assess a student teacher's performance objectively; Communicate, both orally and in writing, to a student teacher and university personnel, strengths and areas needing improvement during student teaching; Assist a student teacher in the understanding of students with different learning styles, special needs and cultural backgrounds. Guide a student teacher in the use of alternative methods; Insure that routine procedures are carried out effectively by a student teacher; Follow Lehman College’s student teaching policies and procedures. EDS 719 Observation Standard 4.1 Standard 4.2 Exceeds Target Meets Target Does not meet Target Candidates will use the results of assessment at least 95% of the time to help identify exceptional learning needs and to develop and implement individualized education programs, as well as to adjust instruction in response to ongoing learning progress. Candidates will use the results of assessment 94-85% of the time to help identify exceptional learning needs and to develop and implement individualized education programs, as well as to adjust instruction in response to ongoing learning progress. Candidates will use the results of assessment less than 85% of the time or will not use the results of assessment to help identify exceptional learning needs and to develop and implement individualized education programs, as well as to adjust instruction in response to ongoing learning progress. Candidates will use more than three Candidates will use three specific Candidates will use less than three specific instructional strategies which have been proven to be effective (Evidence based). instructional strategies which have been proven to be effective (Evidence based). instructional strategies which have been proven to be effective (Evidence based). Standard 4.3 Candidates will provide four or more statements as for why they adapt /modify instruction for individuals with ELN by relying on the student’s instructional profile, cultural and linguistic heritage. Candidates will provide two or three statements as for why they adapt/modify instruction for individuals with ELN by relying on the student’s instructional profile, cultural and linguistic heritage. Candidates will not provide less than two statements as for why to adapt/modify instruction for individuals with ELN by relying on the student’s instructional profile, cultural and linguistic heritage. Standard 4.4 Candidates will use more than three ways of adapting /modifying environments for individuals with ELN by relying on the student’s instructional profile, cultural and linguistic heritage. Candidates will use three ways of adapting /modifying environments for individuals with ELN by relying on the student’s instructional profile, cultural and linguistic heritage. Candidates will use less than three ways of adapting /modifying environments for individuals with ELN by relying on the student’s instructional profile, cultural and linguistic heritage. Standard 4.5 Candidates will use more than three instructional strategies to promote maintenance of previously acquired competencies when ever children need the skills. Candidates will use three instructional strategies to promote maintenance of previously acquired competencies whenever children need the skills. Candidates will use less than three instructional strategies or do not promote maintenance of previously acquired competencies when ever children need the skills. Standard 4.6 Candidates will use more than three instructional strategies to promote generalization of previously acquired competencies across environments, activities, and routines. Candidates will use three instructional strategies to promote generalization of previously acquired competencies across environments, activities, and routines. Candidates will use less than three instructional strategies to promote generalization of previously acquired competencies across environments, activities, and routines. Standard 4.7 Candidates will provide more than three opportunities for the children to independently practice targeted skills during routine, planned, and child initiated activities. Candidates will provide three opportunities for the children to independently practice targeted skills during routine, planned, and child initiated activities. Candidates will provide less than three opportunities for the children to independently practice targeted skills during routine, planned, and child initiated activities. STANDARD 5 EDS 719 Standard 5: Learning Environments and Social Interactions: Observation Exceeds Target Meets Target Does not meet Target Standard 5.1 Candidates will provide more than three fun and interesting activities for the children to engage in and children will enthusiastically respond to these activities. Candidates will provide three fun and interesting activities for the children to engage in and children will enthusiastically respond to these activities. Candidates will provide less than three fun and interesting activities for the children to engage in and children will enthusiastically respond to these activities. Standard 5.2 Candidates will choose Candidates will choose Candidates will not choose developmentally appropriate materials and will adapt them 95% of the time in order to respond to the cultural life of the children with whom they work in order to ensure that children relate to the materials. developmentally appropriate materials and will adapt them 85% of the time in order to respond to the cultural life of the children with whom they work in order to ensure that children relate to the materials. developmentally appropriate materials and will adapt them less than 85% of the time in order to respond to the cultural life of the children with whom they work in order to ensure that children relate to the materials. Standard 5.3 Candidates will collect, summarize and analyze data of behavior, learning, and achievement daily to design learning experiences that support the growth and development of individuals with ELN. Candidates will collect data of behavior, learning, and achievement weekly to design learning experiences that support the growth and development of individuals with ELN. Candidates will collect data of behavior, learning, and achievement less than weekly to design learning experiences that support the growth and development of individuals with ELN. Standard 5.4 Candidates will demonstrate mastery of more than three instructional interventions by using them with fidelity, consistency and frequency as observed by the instructor and/ or the cooperating teacher. Candidates will demonstrate mastery of three instructional interventions by using them with fidelity, consistency and frequency as observed by the instructor and/ or the cooperating teacher. Candidates will demonstrate mastery of fewer than three instructional interventions by using them with fidelity, consistency and frequency as observed by the instructor and/ or the cooperating teacher. Standard 5.5 Candidates provide a variety of toys and materials accessible to the children’s independent Candidates provide a variety of toys and materials accessible to the children’s independent Candidates do not provide a variety of toys and materials accessible to the children’s selection 100% of the time. selection 85% of the time. independent selection less than 85% of the time