"A Louisiana Christmas Tree " Tina Grigsby Ruston Jr. High "During the weeks leading up to Christmas, I wanted a unique way to celebrate it in Louisiana. Therefore, I have my students create Louisiana Christmas Tree ornaments. My students all know their Louisiana symbols, but the problem that I tend to have is that they all want to do all the same ones. So, therefore, I end up having 50 crawfish or 50 magnolias. After asking Louisiana101 for help, our ornaments my take on a new dimension." First: I provide each student will a small piece of poster board (or they can bring their own plain Christmas ball and decorate it). Their decoration must be something dealing with Louisiana (maybe a symbol, or parish, see list ideas below). It is really very simple. Second: I give one of my students the coveted honor of building the tree topper. Last year, one of my "favorite" students built the state capital and I used it as the topper and it was beautiful. (I am still deciding whether or not to do the capital as the topper or to try something else.) I usually take one full class period to allow them to create their ornaments for the tree. Suggestions: Make Ornaments featuring various Louisiana festivals. Ornaments featuring various Louisiana cities. Ornaments featuring various Louisiana sports teams. Ornaments featuring various Louisiana foods. Ornaments featuring various Louisiana flags. Ornaments featuring various Louisiana parishes. Ornaments featuring various Louisiana symbols. Ornaments featuring various Louisiana styles of music. Ornaments featuring famous Louisiana people. Ornaments featuring historic Louisiana events. Ornaments featuring various Louisiana tourist sites (homes, buildings, battlefields). Ornaments featuring various Louisiana words. Third: Give each class a different topic to give variety to the tree.