Mandarin 2A 2013 年 6 月 3 日 名字:_______ Final Review Part 2 二、写汉字 Learn to write Please write the following words in Chinese characters 1. Sun 15. We 2. Moon 16. Am, is, are 3. mountain 17. Who 4. tree 18. Teacher 5. woods 19. Yes/No question word 6. forest 20. How old ( to ask a child) 7. person 21. How old ( to ask a child or an adult) 8. mouth 22. This 9. fire 23. That 10. water 24. What 11. Hello 25. Family 12. I 26. Have 13. He 27. Measure word “ge” 14. She 28. Dad 29. Mom 48. High school 30. Older brother 49. College 31. Older sister 50. Grade 32. Younger brother 51. Friend 33. Younger sister 52. Number, date (hào) 34. Number 0-10 53. Today 35. What nationality 54. Tomorrow 36. China 55. Yesterday 37. America 56. This year 38. England 57. Next year 39. Japan 58. Happy Birthday! 40. Chinese 59. Monday to Sunday 41. English 60. Big 42. Japanese 61. Small 43. Can 62. Tall 44. Speak 63. Short 45. School 64. Fat 46. Elementary school 65. Skinny 47. Middle school 66. Long 67. Short 75. Juice 68. Like 76. Chinese food 69. Eat 77. Want to… 70. Fruit 78. Drink 71. Tasty 79. Sports 72. Not tasty 80. play soccer 73. Hungry 81. play tennis 74. Thirty 三、句子 Sentences Please write the following sentences in Chinese (You don’t have to translate the English name into Chinese; Use as many characters as possible) 1. Hello 2. How are you? 3. What’s your name? 4. My name is David. 5. I am a teacher. 。 6. How old are you (to ask a little child)? 7. How old are you (to ask a child or adult)? 8. I am 11 years old. 9. I am 2 years old. 10. Who is he? 11. Who is she? 12. What is this? 13. Whose is that? 14. That is mine. 15. Is this yours? 16. This is not yours. 17. How many people are there in your family? 18. My family has 5 people. 19. This is my dad. 20. I have two elder brothers and one little sister. 21. How many older brothers do you have? 22. My mom is a teacher. 23. Is your mom a teacher? 24. My family name is White and my full name is David White. (Famliy name :姓) 25. Do you have younger brothers? 26. What’s your nationality? 27. I am Chinese. 28. Are you American? 29. No, I am not American. I am Japanese. 30. Can you speak Chinese? 31. I can speak Chinese and English. 32. Which school do you go to? 33. I go to WP high school. 34. Which grade are you in? 35. I am in 11th grade. 36. Are you in 10th grade? 37. Yes, I am in 10th grade. 38. Please write the following dates in Chinese a. Tuesday, January 1, 2013 b. Monday, January 21, 2013 39. What should you say in Chinese in the following situations? Use complete sentences with as many characters as possible. a. To find out today’s date b. To find out what day of the week it is today. c. To find out someone’s birthday d. To wish your friend happy birthday. 40. Yaoming is very tall. 41. My younger brother is short. 42. My younger sister has big eyes. 43. She is a little bit fat. 44. Her older sister is very skinny. 45. I am really hungry 46. I am not hungry. I am thirty. 47. Today is really hot! 48. What do you want to eat? 49. I like to eat Chinese food. 50. What kind of fruit do you like to eat the most? 51. I like apple the most 52. What kind of fruit do you like to eat the least? 53. I like grape the least. 54. Do you like to eat pineapple (using verb-not-verb structure) 55. Watermelon tastes good. 56. What sports do you like? 57. I like swimming. 58. Do you like to play basketball? 59. No, I don’t like play basketball. I like to play table tennis. 60. Let’s go to play tennis!