Grading Criteria level 4 LTI draft master 2013 Grading Criteria - Level 4 Grade Knowledge & Understanding Application/problem solving Analysis Outstanding exploration of topic, showing excellent depth and breadth of knowledge and understanding. Outstanding application of content to context. Highly developed consideration and problem solving. Outstanding ability to interpret information and the interrelationship of different parts. Highly developed skills of analysis. Excellent depth and breadth, interrelates well with other areas of knowledge and understanding. Excellent application to context. Demonstrates wide application and problem solving. Excellent level of analysis, interpretation of information and relationship of parts to each other. Very good level of knowledge and understanding. Covers all relevant points and issues correctly. No substantial errors or omissions. Very good application of content to context Provides some ability to problem solve. Very good analysis, interpretation of information and relationship of parts to each other. Evaluation Synthesis Referencing Presentation & structure Outstanding ability to synthesise knowledge, breaking it down into parts and combining different elements coherently to construct new ideas. Outstanding and comprehensive range of references Accurate presentation of references in text to list. Complete and accurate presentation of reference list. Outstanding presentation, clarity & structure Fluent & highly articulate. No significant errors of grammar and spelling. Excellent judgements and evaluation made on the basis of given criteria. Excellent ability to combine different elements of knowledge demonstrating an ability to modify and construct some new ideas. Excellent range of references. Accurate presentation of references in text to list Complete and accurate presentation of reference list Excellent presentation Logical and wellstructured Fluent & articulate Very few errors of grammar or spelling Very good judgements, assessment and evaluation techniques of the given criteria. Very good management of aspects of knowledge demonstrating an ability to modify and construct some new ideas. Very good range of references Accurate presentation of references in text to list Mostly complete presentation of reference list Very good presentation Clear & well structured Mostly fluent & articulate Very few errors of grammar or spelling Weighting 80-100 Outstanding 70-79 Excellent 60-69 Very Good Outstanding quality of judgements. Correct use of evaluative techniques. 1|Page Grading Criteria level 4 LTI draft master Grade 50-59 Good 40-49 Satisfactory 30-39* Knowledge & Understanding Application/problem solving 1 – 19 Little or Nothing of merit Evaluation Synthesis Referencing Presentation & structure Good level of knowledge and understanding demonstrating a grasp of the topic and some of its implications. Minor errors/ omissions. Good application of content to context. Reasonable ability to problem solve. Good level of analysis, interpretation of information and relationship of parts to each other. Good attempt to evaluate the given criteria to defend and support the argument. Good understanding of the different parts demonstrating some ability to summarise and generate new ideas. Good range of references. Some minor errors of presentation within text to list and in the reference list Well presented. Good structure that on the whole is logical Writing is mainly clear & articulate Some spelling and grammar errors Satisfactory knowledge & understanding. Satisfactory grasp of the topic, but limited awareness of implications Some errors / omissions Satisfactory application of content to context. Minimal ability to problem solve. Satisfactory level of analysis, mainly descriptive. Information is interpreted superficially. Satisfactory evaluation of some of the criteria. Justification is superficial and subjective. A collection of parts of knowledge reconstructed to a satisfactory level to generate a few new ideas. Satisfactory range of references. Some errors/omissions of references in text and/or reference list Satisfactory presentation Structure & flow not always logical. Writing style acceptable. Some spelling and grammar errors Limited knowledge and understanding. Many errors/omissions Limited application /problem solving of content. Limited level of analysis, interpretation of information is descriptive. Limited use of evaluation techniques which lacks justification to defend the argument. Limited ability to synthesise, parts of knowledge have been broken down but not rebuilt to summarise or compose new ideas. Limited range of references. Inaccuracies in presentation of references in text and/or reference list Poor structure and illogical sequencing Writing style lacks clarity Spelling and grammar errors throughout. Very limited/inaccurate knowledge and understanding, many omissions. Very limited application, little or no evidence of problem solving Lacking in analysis, mainly descriptive No evidence of problem solving. Very limited evaluation of the given criteria. No judgments made that support the argument. Very limited range of references Many inaccuracies and/or omissions of references in text and/or list Very poor structure Poorly written. Many spelling and grammatical errors throughout Little or no application of content to context. No evidence of problem solving Little or no evidence of analysis. Purely descriptive. Little or no evaluation or judgments demonstrated. Lack of content does not allow for any synthesis of knowledge or creation of new ideas based on the evidence. Little or no synthesis or inappropriate proposal of new ideas. Little or no appropriate use and/or presentation of references. Little or no discernible logic or structure Difficult to follow Numerous spelling and grammatical errors Marginal Fail 20 - 29 Clear Fail Analysis 2013 Little or no knowledge and understanding. Missing and/or inaccurate content. 2|Page Grading Criteria level 4 LTI draft master Knowledge & Understanding Practical action points to take forward for your next assignment Define Recognise Recall Appropriate/relevance Breadth Depth Demonstrate 2013 Application/problem solving Analysis Evaluation Synthesis Referencing Presentation & structure Interpret Demonstrate Illustrate Apply Utilise Solution Implement Question Level Appropriate Depth Relevance to context Appraise Compare/contrast Select Argue Justification Measurement Appropriate Relevance Accurate Diagnose Planning Summarise Construct Create Propose Relevance Assemble Generate Ideas/concepts Breadth Depth Currency Integration Accuracy Citations Appropriate style Logical Accurate paraphrasing Clarity Fluency Sentence structure Spelling Grammar Overall feedback Level 4: knowledge of the underlying concepts and principles associated within their area of study, an ability to present, evaluate and interpret concepts and evidence from a range of sources; start to develop lines of argument and make judgements where appropriate; accept responsibility for determining and achieving personal and/or group outcomes. Final Grade First: Outstanding (80-100) Outstanding scholarship for subject and ability to apply, in the right measure, the skills necessary to interpret theoretical information, make judgements and develop new ideas in a fluent manner. First: Excellent (70-79) Breadth and depth of knowledge and understanding is excellent. A well-developed ability to appreciate concepts and their inter-relationship is demonstrated. Clear evidence of independent thought. Presentation of work is fluent, focused and accurate. Upper Second: Very good (60-69) Knowledge base is very good, up-to-date and relevant. A significant ability to apply theory, concepts, ideas and their inter-relationship is illustrated. Lower Second: Good (50-59) Sound comprehension of topic. Reasoning and argument are generally relevant but not necessarily extensive. Awareness of concepts is apparent, but the ability to conceptualise, and/or to apply theory is reasonable. Third: Satisfactory (40-49) Knowledge is satisfactory but limited and/or superficial. In the most part, description/assertion rather than argument or logical reasoning is used. Marginal fail (30-39) Minimal awareness of subject area. Presentation and communication of knowledge frequently inarticulate and/or irrelevant. Clear Fail (20-29) Poor grasp of topic concepts or of awareness of what concepts are. Failure to apply relevant theory and skills. Work is inarticulate and/or incomprehensible. Little or nothing of merit (0-19) Unacceptable grasp of the topic or awareness of what the concepts are. Failure to apply relevant theory and skills. Work is inarticulate and/or incomprehensible. 3|Page