Art Walking, Anew High Level Design (HLD) Document 1. Introduction The Louvre is opening a new 24-hour gallery. We have been hired to help maximize traffic in the gallery while also maximizing the number of pieces displayed in the gallery by creating an Agentsheets model. The model will simulate visitors in the gallery looking at art. The visitors will either become happy, from looking at the art, or unhappy, from running into too many visitors. We need to keep track of the number of happy and unhappy visitors to determine the optimal number of art pieces. 2. Subject Matter Experts Agreement List Name Title/Role Mandatory Reviewer (Y/N) Apprentice name Developer Y Phil List Supervisor Y Eric Horton Intern-apprentice wrangler Y Mentor Mentor Y Approved 3. Requirements a. An Agentsheets model showing the interactions of agents which exhibit the following behaviors: i. Background/floor agent 1. Holds visitor and art agents ii. Visitor Agent (normal depiction) 1. Moves 1 block in a random direction (up, down, left, right) 2. If that block is already occupied by another visitor, don’t move and increase the “blocked count” by one 3. If next to art, views art b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. 4. Each visitor will be assigned a random number between 5 and 25 when they enter the gallery as a “crowd tolerance.” iii. Visitor Agent (happy depiction) 1. Moves towards exit iv. Visitor Agent (unhappy depiction) 1. Moves toward exit v. Art Agent 1. Stays still and lets people look at it Start with 3 pieces of art in the gallery. Every 24 hours, a new piece will be added. Keep adding pieces until either 80% of visitors are unhappy or the model runs for 30 days. Each visitor will stop moving for a random number of time steps between 1 and five when they are next to art A random number of people between 0 and 4 will enter the room at every time step. Visitors can’t move if the square they want to move to is occupied by another visitor. Each visitor will keep track of the times they are kept from moving. If a visitor has seen 50% or more of the art in the gallery, they will become happy and head directly to the exit. If the number of times a visitor has been blocked from moving equals their crowd tolerance, they will become unhappy and head directly to the exit. Count how many people leave happy and how many leave unhappy. One time step = 30seconds; Gallery size = 20x40; People, entrance, exit, art = 1x1 4. Timeline The project is due as soon as possible, preferably before 8 August. 5. Desired Behavior / Components View art a. Choose a random number between 1 and five b. Wait for that number of time steps Exit a. Determine which direction the exit is b. Move one block toward the exit c. If that block is occupied, don’t move Move a. Randomly choose a direction to move in b. Move one block in that direction c. If that block is occupied, don’t move 6. Conclusion The goal is this activity is to help maximize the quantity of art and the number of visitors. Therefore, you must keep track of the number of people who exit happy and unhappy. It would also be good to show this in a graph, for easier interpretation.