Quick Write sameness giver

Quick Write
The Giver
A Great Debate.
Debate the question "Is it better for all people to be alike or for people to be different?" What problems
are eliminated if everyone is the same? What problems are created if everyone is the same.
You will be assigned to support one of the two following groups: Pro-Sameness or Pro-Diversity. To
prepare for the debate, brainstorm ideas to support your side and organize your best defense. You may
wish to find facts that support your position from the novel or other sources.
As you debate the issue at your table, fill out the following chart:
Arguments for Sameness
Arguments for Individuality and diversity
After debating the issue of sameness, think about the concept of “Sameness” introduced to
us in The Giver. The Community went to Sameness in order to control and eliminate all of the
harmful and deadly things that have afflicted mankind. Using evidence from your debate and
from the novel, describe the pros and cons of sameness, and then conclude if you think giving
up individuality is worth it.
Response should be 300 words with a clear claim and strong support. You must also analyze
a counter-argument.