Eclipse Activity | 35.1KB

Eclipse Activity
Name _______________________
6th Grade PSI Science
Score: ______________ / 6
When you look up at the moon does it to appear to change shapes? What happens
during an eclipse and why do they occur? The moon is constantly changes phases and
in terms of cosmic events eclipses occur relatively frequently. This activity will
demonstrate what conditions create an eclipse and the different phases of the moon.
The goal of this activity is to model lunar and solar eclipses and understand the
conditions under which they are created. Additionally
As the moon orbits around the Earth its shape appears to change. The moon goes
through different phases each month. The moon starts its cycle as a full moon, it then
almost entirely disappears at the new moon and finally it grows back to a full moon
again. Each step of the cycle is called a moon phase. When the moon is on the far
side of the Earth, furthest away from the sun, the moon is slightly above the Earth
allowing it to be illumined by the Sun and appearing as a full moon. When the Earth
passes between the Sun and the moon it casts a shadow on the moon creating a lunar
eclipse. Solar eclipse are much rarer than lunar eclipses. They occur when the moon
passes in between the Earth and the Sun, thus casting the moon’s shadow on the
Aluminum foil
Books, 2-3
Medium Styrofoam ball, tennis ball sized
Cardboard strip
Small Styrofoam ball, ping pong ball size
Cardboard tubes, 2 per group
Wire, 16 – 20 inches long
1) Take one cardboard tube and make small vertical ½ inch cuts around both ends.
2) Flare the cut pieces outwards to have the tube stand upright.
3) Tape the cut ends to the cardboard piece and glue the medium size Styrofoam
ball to the other end.
6th Grade PSI
The Universe and Its Stars
4) Cover the small Styrofoam ball in the aluminum foil.
5) Measure 5 inches on the wire and create two 90 degree bends at each end.
Stick each end of the wire into the Styrofoam balls.
a. The equator of the Earth and the moon should line up evenly.
6) Affix the second cardboard tube to the flashlight to help focus its light.
7) Place the flashlight a stack of books so that the beam of light hits the equator of
the Earth.
8) Using the model create a lunar eclipse by moving the moon behind the Earth.
9) Using the model create a solar eclipse by moving the moon in between the Earth
and the sun.
10) Draw a diagram of both a lunar and solar eclipse. Be sure to label each celestial
6th Grade PSI
The Universe and Its Stars
During a solar eclipse what is the phase of the moon?
During a lunar eclipse what is the phase of the moon?
6th Grade PSI
The Universe and Its Stars
Describe the difference between a lunar and solar eclipse.
During a solar eclipse if you were on the moon looking at earth what would you see?
Why don’t lunar eclipses occur during every full moon?
6th Grade PSI
The Universe and Its Stars