
Sedimentary Rock Notes
Essential Question: How are sedimentary rocks formed?
Read Chapter 4 Section 3 p. 102-105
Wind, water, ice, sunlight, and gravity all cause rock to physically
weather into fragments. These fragments are called _sediment__.
Dissolved minerals, such as calcite and quartz, separate from water
that passes through the sediment to form natural cement that binds
the rock and mineral fragments together into _sedimentary rock____.
Layers of rock are called __strata____. Sedimentary rock is
classified by the way it forms. There are three ways to form
sedimentary rock.
1. _Clastic______ __Sedimentary_________ __rock____ is made of
fragments of rocks cemented together by a mineral such as calcite or
quartz. They are classified by the size of the fragments.
2. __Chemical____ ____Sedimentary_____ _rock__ forms from
solutions of dissolved minerals and water. The dissolved material
crystallizes and forms rocks.
3. __Organic_____ ___Sedimentary______ _rock____ form from
the remains, fossils, of plants or animals. Coal is an example of this
type of rock. It forms from partially decomposed plant material that is
buried and changes due to heat and pressure.
___Stratification___________ is the process in which sedimentary
rocks are arranged in layers.
Metamorphic Rock Notes
Essential Question: How are metamorphic rocks formed?
Read Chapter 4, Section 4 pgs. 106 – 111.
Metamorphism comes from the Greek works meta, which means
“__changed_____”, and morphos, which means “__shape_____”.
__metamorphic_______ _rock______ are rocks in which the
structure, texture, or composition of the rock have changed. They
change due to _heat_____,pressure________, or a combination of
__Contact______ ____metamorphic_____ occurs near igneous
intrusions. The heat from magma moving through the crust changes
rocks into other minerals. The greatest change takes place where
magma comes into _direct___contact___ with the surrounding rock.
___Regional________ __metamorphic________occurs when pressure
builds up in rock that is buried deep below other rock formations or
when large pieces of the Earth’s crust collide with each other.
The texture of metamorphic rock in which the mineral grains are
arranged in planes or bands is called __foliated__________.
Ex.1. ___slate________ 2. ____schist_____3.____gneiss___
The texture of metamorphic rock in which the mineral grains are not
arranged in planes or bands is called ___nonfoliate_______________.
Ex. When limestone undergoes metamorphism, the limestone become