
Gastrointestinal Terms:
cheil/o - lips
chol/o - bile
cholescyst/o - gall bladder
Col/o - large intestine or colon
dent/o - teeth
enter/p - small intestine
esophag/o - stomach
duoden/o - duodenum
gingiv/o - gums
gloss/o - tongue
hepat/o - liver
pancreat/o - pancreas
rect/o - rectum
stomat/o - mouth
G.I. Diagnostic Terms
arophagia - swallowing too much air
ascites - excess fluid in the space between the tissues lining the abdomen and
the abdominal organs
cholecystitis - sudden inflamation of the gallbladder that causes severe
abdominal pain
Cholelithiasis (biliary calculi) – gallstones; pebble-like deposits that form inside
the gallbladder
Cirrhosis (liver) – scarring in the liver and poor liver function as a result of
chronic liver disease
Diverticulitis – swelling in an abdominal pouch (diverticulum) in the intestinal
Diverticulosis – pockets forming in the large intestine
Esophagitis – swelling of the esophagus
Fistula – abnormal connection between two epithelium-lined organs or vessels
that normally don’t connect
Gastritis/gastroenteritis – inflammation of the stomach’s lining
Hepatic coma – a coma as a result of liver failure
Hiatal hernia – a portion of the stomach protrudes upward toward the chest
Ilelitis – Crohn’s Disesase; an inflammatory bowel disease
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) – a group of inflammatory conditions of the
colon and small intestine (ulcerative colitis & Crohn’s disease)
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) – disorder of the lower intestinal tract
Malabsorbtion syndromes – difficulty digesting or absorbing nutrients from food
Pancreatitis – inflammation or infection in the pancreas
Peritonitis – inflammation of the tissue that lines the wall of the abdomen
Portal systemic encephalopathy - the occurrence of confusion, altered level of
consciousness and coma as a result of liver failure
Sprue, nontropical (celiac disease, gluten enteropathy) – genetic digestive
intolerance to gluten in the diet caused by damage to the intestinal villi
Ulcer – discontinuity of the skin that stops it from completing normal functions
Ulcerative colitis – IBD that affects the large intestine and rectum
G.I. Operative/Surgical Procedure Terms:
Anastomosis – connection between two tubular structures
Cholecystectomy – gallbladder removal
Colostomy – stoma is formed by drawing the healthy end of the large intestine
through an incision in the abdominal wall
Diverticulectomy – removal of the diverticulum
Gastrectomy – removal of all or part of the stomach
Gastroduodenal anastomosis (Billroth I) – surgery; the end-to-end joining of
the upper stomach to the duodenum after resecting the lower stomach
Gastrojejunal anastomosis (Billroth II) – connects the stomach directly with
the jejunum
Gastrojejunostomy – surgical formation of a passage between the stomach and
jejunum (middle part of small intestine)
Ileostomy – surgical formation of an artificial anus
Jejunostomy – opening through the abdominal wall into the jejunum
Pancreatectomy – surgical removal of the pancreas
Pyloroplasty – plastic surgery on the pylorus (part of the stomach that connects
to the small intestine)
Vagotomy – division of the vagus nerve
G.I. Symptomatic Terms:
Achorhydria – absence of HCl from gastric juice
Anorexia – eating disorder; loss of appetite
Aphagia – inability/refusal to swallow
Borborygmus – stomach growling
Bulimia – eating disorder; purging/binging
Colic – acute abdominal pain localized in the organ part
Constipation – bowel movements that are infrequent
Diarrhea - loose, watery, and frequent stool
Dumping syndrome – digested foods bypass the stomach too rapidly to enter
the small intestine
Dysgeusia – distortion of taste
Dyspepsia – upset stomach/indigestion
Epigastric – upper/middle region of the abdomen
Flatulence – expulsion through the rectum of a mixture of gases that are
byproducts of the digestion process of mammals
Hepatomegaly – enlarged liver
Hyperchlorhydria – gastric acid levels are higher than the normal range
Hypochlorhydria (achyliagastrica) – when production of gases in the stomach
is low
Jaundice – yellowish pigmentation of the skin
Melena – black, tarry feces that are associated with gastrointestinal hemorrhage
Nausea – sensation of unease and discomfort in the upper stomach
Polyphagia – “eating to much”
Steatorrhea – excess fat in feces
G.I. Abbreviations:
Abd – abdomen
BE – Barium Enema
BM – bowel movement
Cath – catheter
GA – Gastric Analysis
GE – Gastric Emptying
Gb – gallbladder
GBD – Granulomatous Bowel Disease
GBS -Gastric Bypass Surgery
GERD – Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
GI – gastrointestinal
GIT – Gastrointestinal Tract
LES – Lower Esophageal Sphincter
MOM – Milk of Magnesia
N/G – Nasogastric
PCM or PEM – Protein Energy Malnutrition
PU – Peptic Ulcer Disease
SI – small intestine
TPN – Total Parenteral Nutrition