File - Andrus alta anatomy

Slide #1: The organs of the GI tract that breakdown food into nutrients and
make waste from food
Slide #2: What is the general function of the digestive system? Breakdown
food into usable nutrients
Slide #3: Which is chemical-- Mixing food with substances to make it digestible.
and which is mechanical digestion-- Breaking down food into smaller bits
Slide #4: Which of these are alimentary canal structures (anything the food
passes through)-- Large intestine, small intestine, stomach, esophagus and
which are accessory organs (anything that aids digestion) -- liver, pancreas, gall
bladder, teeth? NOTE: kidney HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH DIGESTION!
Slide #5: What is the difference between the alimentary canal and accessory organ?
Food passes through the alimentary canal structures—accessory organs contribute
something to the process of digestion.
Slide #6: List, in order, the six general sections of the alimentary canal. Mouth (oral
cavity) pharynx, esophagus, stomach small intestine, large intestine
Slide #7: What is saliva—mixture of water and chemicals that begin digestion in
the mouth and what are the names of the three glands that make it—1.
Parotid, submandibular and sublingual?
Slide #8: What enzyme is released by the salivary glands that begins
carbohydrate digestion and where does it begin? Amylase changes starch to
maltose and it begins in the mouth
Slide #9: What are the parts of the tooth? 1. Crown 2. Neck 3. gingivae
4. root 5. Enamel 6. Dentin 7. Pulp 8. Cementum 9. Periodontal ligament
Slide #10: Match these words with their function: deglutition-- swallowing,
mastication-- Chewing, maceration-- stomach churning, segmentation-peristalsis in the small intestine, haustral churning-- peristalsis in the large
Slide #11: Where is the fundus in the stomach? superior dome-shaped portion
What is a sphincter? Ring of smooth muscles that constrict and relax to help
move contents from one area of the digestive system to another What is rugae?
Folds in the stomach that increase the surface area What is the pylorus? Part
of the stomach that connects to the duodenum—there is a sphincter in this
Slide #12: What is the name of the acid of gastric juice? What is the name of
the substance that begins protein digestion? Hcl, pepsin begins protein
digestion in the stomach
Slide #13: Which of these organs secretes bile? Stomach, kidney, liver, pancreas
Where is it stored? Gall bladder—made in liver
Slide #14: What digestive function does the pancreas have? Completes the
digestion of fats, carbohydrates, and proteins
Slide #15: What is the function of bile? Liver makes bile, it is stored in the gall
bladder and it is used to break down fats in the small intestine
Slide #16: Which of these organs have haustra?
Stomach, esophagus, small intestine, large intestine, liver, pancreas
Slide #17: Which is the middle section of the small intestine? Jejunem, ileum,
Slide #18: Which part of the large intestine is shaped like an S?
Descending, ascending, cecum, sigmoid, rectum, anus
Slide #19: List, in order, the sections of the large intestine. Cecum-ascending
colon, transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid colon, rectum, anal canal,
Slide #20: What is an ulcer, where can it occur and how is it treated? Stomach
lining wears away and is damaged. Caused by H. pylori backteria and treated
with antibiotics.
Slide #21: What organ can get cirrhosis and what is it? Liver, liver becomes
filled with fatty tissue and hardens
Slide #22: What organ can get hepatitis and what is it? Liver—liver is inflamed
by a variety of causes