HUMI 2221 -- Humanities

HUMI 2221 -- Humanities – Fall 2011
Dr. Rhonda Kelley-Heath
212 Davis Hall; 260-4303;
Office Hours: T/H: 9:30-12:15; M/W: 11:00-12:15, 1:00-2:15
Landmarks in Humanities Second Edition by Gloria K. Fiero (ISBN: 978-007-734240-1)
Online Texts (see Course Web Page)
In-class Movies
Humanities stresses the interrelationship of literature, the fine and performing
arts, philosophy, and world religions with man and his need to explore, build,
and create. We will survey a wide variety of arts and cultures from the ancient
world to the early modern world. You will be required to use the Internet for
some of the daily readings.
Hopefully, you will leave this class with an increased ability to read and to think
critically. I ask of you only that you come to class, having read the day’s
assignment, with an open mind, and the intention to respect everyone’s right to
be heard. Please check political correctness, as well as your personal feelings
about politics, homosexuality, and religion at the door. Finally, learning is
supposed to be FUN; so smile and laugh at frequent intervals.
Students will apply critical thinking processes in the development of
informed opinions and values.
Students will demonstrate the ability to communicate at a college level
in written and oral form.
Students will demonstrate a basic knowledge of literature, the arts, and
other cultures
Students will demonstrate the ability to use appropriate technology to
produce presentations and reports and/or to conduct research and data
Reading Quizzes, etc
You are permitted 4 absences for the entire semester. For each absence
beyond the 4 allowed your final grade will be decreased by 1%.
Please note that if you are here, but engaged in something other than class
discussion, you obviously are not participating and will be counted absent.
You should also know that much of what appears on tests stems from class
discussion and lectures. Everything I say is fair game for a test. Therefore, if
you miss class, I advise you to get notes from someone who was there.
Tests are not cumulative.
Everything that is assigned (readings and movies) and anything I say during
class is “fair game” for an exam.
Each exam will cover only what we have already discussed in class (readings
assigned for exam days will be covered on the next exam).
The format for exams will vary, but may include short answer, multiple
choices, explications, vocabulary, and quote identifications. You should
know the title, author, original language, and date of everything we read and
the title and director of every movie we watch.
Quizzes are always given at the beginning of class (DON’T BE LATE) and are
never announced ahead of time. Quizzes cannot be “made up.”
Course Web
Our course web page can be found at and can
also be accessed through SGC’s main web page ( by clicking on
“Faculty Web Pages.”
Student Email
Every SGC student has a student e-mail account. You MUST check your student
e-mail account on a regular basis because I will post updates and schedule
changes via e-mail and on our course web page. I will send a “test” email after
drop/add; it is important that you activate your Tiger Mail by then.
You can get more information about your student e-mail account and
instructions for accessing the account via the SGC main web page. Go to and click on “Student E-mail” or go directly to for
instructions and FAQ’s regarding your Tiger Mail accounts.
Assignments may be made up only at the discretion of the instructor.
The reading and exam schedule is subject to change.
Occasionally, the subject of sex and/or sexuality may come up during our
discussions, and we may discuss portions of the Bible as literature (not
absolute truth); if you cannot participate in (or at least listen to) such
discussions, this is not the class for you.
I strive to respect and listen to all points of view, but I will not tolerate
intolerance, disrespect, or close-mindedness in my classroom. BE NICE.
Please see the Plagiarism Policy posted on my website. Students guilty of
plagiarism will receive a 0 on the assignment and an F for the course.
Students requiring classroom accommodations or modifications because
of a documented disability should discuss this need with the instructor at
the beginning of the semester. Students who have not presented
validation for learning disabilities from the Regents' Center for Learning
Disability (University System of Georgia) should complete all necessary
paperwork and submit this to Ms. Annette Nation, Disability Services
Coordinator, Powell Hall, Room 118. The telephone number is (912)260-4435. Students who have not presented validation for physical
disabilities should register with the Office of Disability Services.
Week of
Aug 15
Intro. To Course
Read Book (Landmarks in Humanities) Chapter 2: Classicism
Aug 22
Read Online Plato's Allegory of the Cave
Read Book Chapter 3: Empire
Aug 29
Read Online: Watching Movies Guide
Watch movie: Gladiator
Sep 5
Monday: Labor Day -- No Class
Read Book Chapter 4: Revelation
Read Online: Selections from The Hebrew Bible, The Gospels, and The Koran
Sep 12
Read Book Chapter 5: Synthesis
Read Online: Courtly Love and “Lanval” by Marie de France
Sep 19
Watch Movie: Ladyhawke
Sep 26
Midterm Exam
Read Book Chapter 6: Christendom
Oct 3
10/07: MID-SEMESTER: (Must drop by this date to avoid academic penalties)
Oct 10
Watch movie: The Name of the Rose
Oct 17
Read Book Chapter 7: Rebirth
Read Online Vasari's Lives of The Artists (Leonardo Da Vinci and Michelangelo)
View online accompanying artwork
Oct 24
Read Book Chapter 10: Baroque
Read Book Chapter 11: Enlightenment
Oct 31
Watch Movie: Amadeus
Nov 7
Read Book Chapter 12: Romanticism
Read Book Chapter 14: Modernism
Nov 14
Nov 21
Nov 28
Fri. Last Day of Classes
Dec 5
Final Exams
See SGC Web Page for Final Exams Schedule