Rubric 6th grade Enduring Skill(s): Writing, solving, and understanding variables in mathematical expressions and equations. Criteria Expressions Beginning Mastery Students read numerical and algebraic expressions, including those that contain whole number exponents. Identify parts of an algebraic or numerical expression using mathematical terms. Equations and Inequalities Approaching Mastery Students write, read, and evaluate numerical and some algebraic expressions, including those that contain whole number exponents. Identify parts of an algebraic or numerical expression using mathematical terms. Mastery Beyond Mastery Students write, read, and evaluate numerical and algebraic expressions, including those that contain whole number exponents. Students write, read, and evaluate numerical and algebraic expressions, including those that contain whole number exponents. Identify parts of an algebraic or numerical expression using mathematical terms. Identify parts of an algebraic or numerical expression using mathematical terms and views one or more parts of an expression as a single entity. Identify equivalent expressions using properties of operations. Recognize and use equivalent expressions in different forms using properties of operations. Students use variables to represent numbers and writes expressions and single-step equations to solve mathematical problems. Students use variables to represent numbers and writes expressions and single-step equations to solve real-world and mathematical problems. Students use variables to represent numbers and write single-step equations to solve real-world and mathematical problems and understand their solutions. Students relate tables and graphs to equations. Students relate tables and graphs to equations. Students express a relationship between dependent and independent variables and relates tables and graphs to equations. Identify equivalent expressions using properties of operations. Students use variables to represent numbers and writes expressions and single-step equations to solve real-world and mathematical problems and understand their solutions. Students analyze the relationship between dependent and independent variables and relates tables and graphs to equations.