Lesson#30 NOTES

Math 8: Linear Equations
Section #5: Verbal Expressions and Equations 8.EE.7.
Corresponds with Module 4, Lessons 1 &2.
Notes #30
Verbal Expressions and Equations
Expression: A mathematical sentence that contains numbers with one or more
Equation: An expression that contains an _________________________.
Example #1: Determine if each is either an expression or an equation.
a) 2(x – 5) = 4
b) x2 + 5x – 14
Algebraic translations of mathematical operations.
Mathematical Operations and their Signs
Key Words
Symbol English & Algebra Translation
add, plus, sum, increase, greater,
f increased by 10
more than, increased by,
f + 10
exceeded by, and.
the sum of x and 9
Subtract, minus, difference, fewer,
4 less than y
take away, less, less than, decrease,
decreased by, diminished by.
32 fewer CDs than Bill
B – 32
multiply, times, product, of
The product of 4 and t.
One-half of the pumpkin weighs 3
divide, divided by, quotient, into,
500 divided into 4 parts
for, per
500 ÷ 4
Sue cut a 24-inch board into 8
even pieces.
equals, is equivalent to,
Twice a number plus 4 is 14.
is the result of, is
2n + 4 = 14
Key Concept!
Translating Sentences into Algebraic Equations:
1. Define a ________________ to represent the unknown quantity (Let Statement).
2. Translate verbal model into an algebraic _________________ or ___________________.
3. ________________ the equation.
Example 2: Translate each sentence into an equation and find the number
a) Four more than three times a number equals sixteen
b) The quotient of a number and three decreased by six is equivalent to ten.
c) Five times a number is equal to nine less than twice a number.
d) Twice the sum of a number and 8 is equal to 5 times the difference of 10 and the number.
You Try: Translate each sentence into an equation and find the number.
1) Three more than a number divided by 2 is 7.
2) Seven less than twice a number is three.
3) The difference of eight and four times a number is equal to the number decreased by 12.
4) Three times the sum of a number and two is equivalent to twice the number decreased by
Math 8: Linear Equations
Section #1: Verbal Expressions and Equations 8.EE.7.
Corresponds with Module 4, Lessons 1 &2.
HW #26
Verbal Expressions and Equations
Define a variable for the unknown and then use it to write an algebraic expression or equation.
1) Four more than twice a number.
2) The difference of four times a number and one is eleven.
3) The quotient of a number and 2 increased by seven is 10.
4) Five less than the square of a number.
5) Twice the difference of a number and 5 is 13.
6) Five times a number decreased by 3 is 12.
7) Ten is equal to three times the sum of a number and negative four.
8) A number divided by 3 and then subtracted by 4 is the same as -10.
9) Eight more than the quotient of a number and five is three.
10) Three less than the quotient of a number and 6 is 1 less than double the number.
11) The difference between twice a number and 11 is -23.
H.O.T. Problems (Higher Order Thinking)
12) 3 times the sum of a number and 4 is 6. Find the number.