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Unit 1, Chapter 2, Part 1
ELD- The Development of Feudalism in Western Europe: Part 1 (Pages 19-21)
Middle Ages Feudalism Charlemagne Knight Serf Peasant Barbarians
2.1 Introduction
In the last chapter you learned about the legacy of the Roman Empire.
Its fall in 476 C.E. is the beginning of the Middle Ages. In this chapter,
you will learn about the system of feudalism that developed in Europe
during the Middle Ages.
Historians divide the Middle Ages into three periods. The Early Middle
Ages from about 476 to 1000 (524 years) C.E. The High Middle Ages lasted from about 1000
to 1300 (300 years). And the Late Middle Ages lasted from 1300 to 1450 (150 years).
Changes Over Time: Complete the timeline below with the 3 different periods of the Middle Ages.
After the Roman Empire collapsed, life was difficult and dangerous in
Western Europe. People worked very hard simply to survive while
also needing to protect themselves from barbarians and other
neighboring kingdoms. Due to these challenges an economic and
political system (feudalism) was created. In feudalism people Medieval Knight
promised their loyalty to a lord, or powerful landholder. In return,
the people received protection from the lord. Knights, or armed
warriors, fought on behalf of the lord. Peasants, worked the land.
Serfs, at the bottom, were peasants not free to work the lord’s land.
Perspectives: How many perspectives can you identify far? _____________________________
2.2 Western Europe During the Middle Ages
For 500 years much of Europe was controlled by the Roman Empire. The rest of the
continent was controlled by groups of people Romans called barbarians. When Rome fell
the rest of Europe was conquered and controlled by these groups of barbarians. With no
more central government or system of defense, kingdoms were created. These different
kingdoms often fought each other for control of land. The winners were usually those with
the best warriors, or knights.
Charlemagne’s Empire- One powerful group at this time was the Franks1. They became
very powerful because of the unique style knights2 used by fighting on horses. To get and
hold power, the ruler needed many knights to be loyal to him. The ruler then rewarded
them with land and privileges.
One of the great first leaders of the Franks was young warrior named Clovis. Five
years after becoming the King of the Franks, he defeated the last Roman army. During
Today, the country of France gets its name from these people.
Knights were well protected with suits made of steele. See picture above.
the 30 years that he was king, he extended the territory of the Frankish Kingdom.
Clovis also helped lead the Franks in Christianity after he married a Christian woman
and was eventually baptized in the Roman Catholic Church. Many of his loyal
followers would also become Christian. The most important leader of the Franks was
Charlemagne (Charles the Great). He ruled for over 40 years. Primary documents say
that he was six feet four inches3. He was extremely tall for his time. Legend has it that
he could not read or write, but loved having someone else read to him. He
encouraged education and scholarship, but most importantly he unified all of the
Christian lands in Europe into one empire.
Charlemagne built his empire with the help of Pope4 Leo III.
During this time the church was a central part of society.
For Charlemagne, the blessings of the church sent the
message “God is on my side.” In return, the pope needed
someone with an army, such as Charlemagne. In return for
Charlemagne’s help, Leo III crowned Charlemagne Holy
Roman emperor. After Charlemagne’s death his empire fell to barbarian attacks.
A Need for Order and Protection
In the 9th (800s) and 10th (900s) centuries, western
Europe was threatened by three main groups.
Muslims, or followers of the religion of Islam, attacked
Spain. Magyars, a central Asian people, pressed in
from the east. And Vikings swept down from present
day Norway and Denmark. The Vikings were fierce
warriors who struck fear into the people of Europe. At Invasion Routes of Western Europe
times, they wanted to take the land to set up settlements and live there. But they
were best known for their terrifying raids, or attacks, on towns and villages.
Clearly, the people of western Europe needed ways to defend themselves. To protect
themselves and their property, they gradually developed the system we call feudalism.
In your own words, find the meaning of the words below:
Middle Ages:______________________________________________________________________
Barbarians :_______________________________________________________________________
Kobe Bryant is 6 feet 6 inches.
Pope: Supreme leader of the Roman Catholic Church