Characterisation of rendering mortars by squeeze-flow and rotational rheometry F.A. Cardoso a, V.M. John a, R.G. Pileggi a , P.F.G. Banfill b a Department of Construction Engineering, Escola Politécnica, University of São Paulo 05508 900, São Paulo, Brazil b School of the Built Environment, Heriot-Watt University Edinburgh, EH14 4AS, United Kingdom This paper reports the first experimental comparison between squeeze-flow at controlled displacement rate and rotational shear at controlled speed for evaluating the rheological behaviour of mortars. Several Brazilian and European rendering products showed a wide range of workability behaviour in both testing modes. The flow curves and hysteresis effects during the shear cycle varied significantly, since the mortar’s composition affects structural breakdown, interfacial slip and phase segregation. The latter plays a critical role during squeeze-flow and is the main reason for the higher loads required to deform the samples at lower rates. A gravimetric-based methodology was developed to assess phase segregation induced by rotational tests. Encouraging agreement between the methods was observed, with yield stress in the structured (unsheared) state showing a good linear correlation. For some mortars showing low segregation it was possible to compare shear viscosity and extensional viscosity and Trouton ratios between 20 and 40 were obtained. Keywords: Rheology (A), Mortar (E), Squeeze flow. Corresponding author e-mail address: (Rafael G. Pileggi) phone number: +55 1130915442 1. INTRODUCTION Inorganic mortars, besides being a fundamental portion of concretes, are also widely used for bonding ceramic tiles, masonry and many rendering functions. Nowadays, rendering products vary according to their use and/or placement method, with speciality mortars often designed to meet more specific demands. The rheological requirements associated with the various uses and processing combinations are, therefore, expected to be diverse as well. Therefore proper rheological evaluation is crucial to providing useful information for the optimisation of fresh mortar performance. Rotational rheometry is capable of overcoming the limitations of the traditional single-point methods, by evaluating concretes and mortars under a considerable range of shear rates generated through the varying the rotation speed of the impeller or sample container [1-7]. The rheometer Viskomat (and its predecessor ViscoCorder), based on the latter setup with a concentric stationary impeller on which torque is measured [1,2,7], has been extensively applied to evaluate the flow behaviour of mortars and to determine the influence of mix proportions [1,2,8-10], binder type [11], mineral and slag additions [2,10,12], sand characteristics [13,14], admixtures [1,8,9,12,14-17] and fibres [18] on the Bingham rheological parameters g and h (equation 1). In equation 1 T is torque, N is speed of rotation and g and h are respectively proportional to yield stress and plastic viscosity [1-3]. T = g + hN 2 Equation 1 However, problems were reported regarding wall slip during evaluation of low workability (stiff) mortars in the equipment [1,8] and, moreover, phase segregation can be an issue when testing highly fluid mortars such as self-compacting compositions, which has led to the use of a basket probe to avoid both slippage and segregation [7,14]. The development / evolution of methods for concretes and mortars generally seeks more adequate experimental conditions through the use of specific devices / geometries and testing routines [3-6,19] aiming to fulfil the basic physical requirements of no slip or segregation for the proper application of rheological models and/or to simulate flow situations of scientific or technological interest. In this sense, squeeze-flow testing – i.e. compression of a cylindrical sample between parallel plates – which is widely used in food, pharmaceuticals and suspensions [20-23], has been applied as an alternative / complementary technique to assess the flow behaviour of building materials such as cement paste [24-27], lime paste [28], gypsum plaster [29], and mortars for adhesives [30-32], rendering [33-36], masonry [37], extrusion [38] and fibre-reinforcement [39,40]. Its geometry change during gap reduction makes the method particularly interesting, as it creates flow conditions similar to those involved in processing and application of pastes and mortars (for example, flow through a narrow nozzle during pumping or spraying; spread over a surface and then finishing; squeezing between bricks; extrusion of cement-based materials). Furthermore, properties of the plate(s) such as roughness [24,36,37] and absorption [27,37], can be altered in order to better simulate application of the material to different substrates. The method may also be considered for 3 the mortar fraction of concretes, which is squeezed locally between coarse aggregates during fresh concrete flow. The radial flow caused by a squeezing force or displacement occurs by shear and/or biaxial extension (or elongation) of the material, depending on the geometric setup (the likelihood of shear increases with the sample’s diameter / height ratio) and on the boundary conditions at the material-plate interfaces: for a no-slip condition, pure shear occurs but, conversely, for perfect slip (no friction), only the extensional flow occurs [20,22,36]. In practice, both types generally happen, but depending on the experimental setup (d/h and plate roughness) and on the lubrication characteristics of the material, one or the other can be predominant [20-22,36]. For building materials, previous publications [24,26] have employed both squeeze-flow and rotation to investigate pure and modified cement pastes, and the comparison of methods indicated significant differences between the behaviours measured. However, no systematic comparison between the methods on the mortar scale has been reported. Therefore, the main goal of this work is to compare the rheological behaviour of rendering mortars evaluated by squeeze-flow and rotational rheometry. 2. EXPERIMENTAL 2.1 Materials Fourteen proprietary factory-produced mortars (Table 1) were investigated, including Brazilian (G, H, K, P, S, Z and Alfa) and European products from Scandinavia, Portugal 4 and UK (Eur1, Eur3, Eur4, Eur5, Eur6, Eur7 and Eur16) [36] designed for different rendering purposes or application methods such as: (i) general render with multi-coat application (some also for masonry), (ii) one-coat render for external and/or internal areas, (iii) final coat with smooth or scratched finish, (iv) renovation render of brick walls and (v) final coat to receive dry dashing. Most products have both cement and lime as binders and are recommended for manual application (manufacturers’ information) with exceptions noted in Table 1. The products were delivered in bags and kept in airtight containers until used. Table 1 also shows aggregate (>75m) and matrix (<75m) contents (determined by sieving, ASTM #200) and specific gravity (Helium pycnometry, Multi Pycnometer Quantachrome Instruments) of the dry mortar mixes, maximum aggregate size D99 (99% of aggregates below this diameter as determined by laser diffraction using free fall dispersion method, Malvern MSS Mastersizer) as well as specific surface area (N2 BET, Micromeritics ASAP 2010) of the fines. Table 1 - Mortar characteristics: type of rendering use, specific gravity (), aggregate and matrix volumetric contents, matrix specific surface area (SSA), maximum aggregate size (D99), water to solids weight percentage (w/s), fresh density at 15 minutes (Fresh), air content at 15 (Air15) and 55 minutes (Air55) after mixing of the batches used for rotational and squeeze tests. 2.2. Mixing procedure Two-kilogram batches of the dry mortars were prepared in a five-litre capacity planetary mixer (Hobart - N50) with the water content specified by the manufacturer’s information 5 on the bag (Table 1). The mixing procedure used consists of two steps, starting with the dry mortar in the bowl and mixer at speed I: (1) continuous addition of half of the water content in a constant rate (5g/s, during approximately 40s) followed by mixing until 60s; (2) repetition of step 1, with the rest of the water. Total mixing time was 120s [36]. Distinct batches were prepared for squeeze-flow and rotational experiments, and the times discussed below are reckoned from the start of mixing. 2.3. Fresh density and air content Apparent density was determined by gravimetric method with a 225ml container (Brazilian standard ABNT NBR 13278) immediately after and 50min after mixing, respectively ascribed as 15 and 55min values to facilitate association with the rheological results . In the meantime the mortars remained at rest in the covered bowl. Air content was calculated from the apparent density, water content and specific gravity. 2.4. Squeeze-flow Squeeze-flow tests were conducted on a two-column universal testing machine (JJ Lloyd Instruments - M5K) with a 6kN load cell. The bottom plate (200x150mm) was mounted over the fixed compression base of the equipment and the top plate (diameter = 101mm) fixed to the load cell at the crosshead. Plates were made of steel with smooth surfaces. Immediately before testing, a cylindrical sample of fresh mortar (diameter = 101mm, height = 10mm) [36] was cast over the clean and dry bottom plate using a plastic ring mould. The squeeze-flow tests consisted of compressing the samples, at speeds of 0.1, 1 and 3mm/s, to 6 a maximum displacement of 9mm or maximum load of 1kN (whichever was reached first). Squeeze-flow tests at the different speeds were performed consecutively on different samples over a 10min period in the order 3, 1 and 0.1mm/s. The 15min tests were thus complete by 25min after mixing and the 55min tests by 65min. 2.5. Rotational rheometry The rheometer for pastes and mortars used (Viskomat NT - Schleibinger Testing Systems) is a rotating cylindrical sample container plus a measuring head that monitors the torque generated on the concentrically-fixed impeller due to the shear resistance of the material flowing around its blades [1,2,7]. The details of the measuring system (Figure 1) are as follows: sample volume ≈ 400ml; container diameter = 83mm; distance impeller - container bottom ≈ 2mm; mortar impeller 3 (diameter 60mm) [11], distance blades 3 - container wall = 13mm; mortar impeller 4 (diameter 49.6mm) [11], distance blades 4 - container wall = 18.2mm; the scraper was not used. Fig. 1 Viskomat NT testing geometry (schematic). Mortar impeller 4 (shorter blades) had to be utilized for the evaluation of stiff mortars K and S due to torque overload with impeller 3, which was employed for all other products . The correlation procedure is mentioned when appropriate. 7 The testing routine comprised a shear cycle (from 0 to 200rpm) applied through 15s steps at 50, 100, 150rpm and a 30s step at 200rpm, followed by a decrease to 150, 100, 50, 10, 0 rpm taking 180s in all. Samples were placed in the container up to the marked level a few minutes before the tests, which were started 15, 35 and 55min after mixing started. There was neither remixing nor reuse of specimens. Additional 35min-samples from the squeezeflow batches were also tested for control purposes. 2.6. Phase segregation tests 10 of the 14 products were subjected to the segregation tests based on gravimetric methods. New batches of the mortars were prepared following the mixing procedure described in 2.2. Segregation experiments consisted of three steps: Step 1 – Rotation: Fresh mortar samples (400ml) were subjected to the same rotational program used on Viskomat tests (2.5). The experiments were performed in the Poli-USP rheometer [36] using a rotating container with the same dimensions as the Viskomat’s container, but with no impeller shearing the sample. Step 2 – Determination of water content: Immediately after the device stopped rotating, the sample was divided in two parts (Border and Centre) using a metallic tool (internal diameter = 56mm). Both portions were weighed before and after microwave drying (Electrolux MEX55 - 1500W) for 20min. Step 3 – Determination of particle size: Both dried mortar portions, Border and Centre, were gently crushed by hand in a plastic bag and sieved. The material was sieved / 8 dispersed using a soft brush to break the agglomerates and to “clean" the aggregates from the fine particles and then the samples were actually sieved with vibration for 1 hour. The sieves used were: 2.8mm, 1.7mm, 1.0mm, 0.8mm, 0.6mm and 0.5mm. 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1. Squeeze-flow Fig. 2 shows the squeeze-flow results of the mortars tested 15 min after mixing. The loaddisplacement curves show two distinct regions of behaviour: (i) viscous flow or plastic deformation at low loads, with a roughly linear increase in deformation with small increasing load, which undergoes a transition to (ii) strain hardening with a small increase in deformation achieved in spite of a large increase in load [24,35,36]. The materials presented a wide range of behaviour. High workability mortars flowed easily (G, Eur3, Eur4 and Eur16), with a viscous flow stage at very low loads and extending for most of the curves. The transition to the strain hardening stage occurred only at large displacements (> 6.5mm). The results obtained at different displacement rates were similar, with the curves at 0.1mm/s in all cases shifted to higher loads than those at 3mm/s. Fig. 2 - Squeeze-flow results of the mortars tested at 0.1 and 3mm/s, 15min after mixing. 9 Low workability or stiff mortars (K, P and S), on the other hand, were very difficult to deform and the viscous flow stage was absent, with instead an intense strain hardening stage, even at low strains. Curves at different displacement rates could be easily differentiated. The behaviour of the mortars in the middle range of workability (H, Z, Alfa, Eur1, Eur5, Eur6 and Eur7) varied in terms of the load level and extent to which the plastic deformation / viscous flow stage occurred. Additionally, these mortars were influenced more significantly by the displacement rate, with the loads at 3mm/s considerably lower than those at 0.1mm/s, which resulted in an extended plastic deformation stage as well as greater final displacement. The strain hardening behaviour is associated with the friction between particles due to geometry restriction or increase of solids concentration in the central region between the plates [25,35,36,38]. The first occurs when the gap reaches a critical value near the maximum particle size present in the material being tested, while the latter is related to liquid-solid segregation. For granular suspensions and especially those like mortars that are highly concentrated with macroscopic particles [25,35,36,38], radial migration of liquid plays an important part in the rheological behaviour under squeeze-flow, as it causes an increase of solids concentration in the central region of the sample and, consequently, of the required loads. When the sample is squeezed at slow speeds the liquid has a long time to flow outwards throughout the porous structure of packed particles (fines and aggregates), and thus the likelihood of phase segregation is high. Conversely, when the sample is tested at high displacement rates, the liquid may not have enough time to flow separately and the chance of segregation is lower. The likelihood of segregation also increases as the 10 displacement increases and is inevitable at some stage if the gap is continuously reduced [25,35,36,38] . For mortars, it has not yet been established experimentally whether the fluid-solid segregation is due to water bleeding through fine particles or to paste separating from aggregate, because the experiments reported so far were based on visual observations of drainage [38] and water content measurements [36]. Nevertheless, phase segregation depends on mortar characteristics as well [25,35,36,38]. The ease of flow of liquid through the sample depends on its viscosity and the permeability of the packed particles: low viscosity and high permeability result in compositions prone to segregation. This was probably the case of Brazilian products K, P and S, since their results indicated that even at 3mm/s phase segregation was occurring and flow was still difficult. In contrast, the high workability mortars (G, Eur3, Eur4 and Eur16) showed a lower likelihood of segregation (probably due to their high air content 20-30%, which enhances the paste’s cohesion) and could be deformed up to high strains even at 0.1mm/s. The products with intermediate behaviour (H, Z, Alfa, Eur1, Eur5, Eur6 and Eur7) flowed much more easily at 3mm/s than at 0.1mm/s and, except for Eur1, exhibited substantially increased final displacement. The intense dependence of the rheological behaviour of these mortars on the displacement rate suggests that the critical rate (minimum speed to obtain homogeneous flow for most of the test [25,38] for each material lay within of near the 0.13mm/s range. 11 It is also important to point out that, for each mortar, the plastic deformation (or viscous flow) stage occurred at basically the same load level regardless of the displacement rate applied, and the point where the curves started to differ from each other is probably at the displacement where fluid migration begins to affect the flow at 0.1mm/s more significantly. Fig. 3 illustrates the relationship between the maximum displacement achieved during squeeze-flow tests and the maximum particle size of the aggregates. Fig. 3(a) shows a reasonable correlation at 3mm/s if mortars K, P, S and Eur1 are excluded, suggesting that, when segregation is absent or minimal the material behaves like a homogeneous fluid, and the maximum displacement is inversely proportional to D99 (99% by volume of aggregates smaller than this value) and the minimum gap tends to this value. At 0.1mm/s (Fig. 3(b)), the only data points that remained in the same region of the linear behaviour at 3mm/s (dashed line) were those of mortars G, Eur3, Eur4 and Eur16 (which had a low segregation tendency), while the others were scattered. Fig. 3 - Maximum displacement under squeeze-flow vs. maximum particle size (D99) of the aggregates portion of the mortars tested 15min after mixing at (a) 3mm/s and (b) 0.1 mm/s. Linear regression of data at 3mm/s excluding K, P, S and Eur1 values is shown in (a) and displayed also in (b) as a dashed line just to guide the eyes. 3.2. Rotational rheometry 12 Raw rotational rheometry results (torque) for the mortars submitted to the speed profile shown by the continuous black line at 15 and 55min after mixing are shown in Fig. 4 and are presented as flow curves (torque vs speed) in Fig. 5. They group themselves into three types of behaviour. In the first group, the highly flowable mortars G, Eur4 and Eur16 (air content 20-30%) the torque remained below and the flow curve showed a Bingham plastic response (Fig. 5). The behaviour did not change significantly from 15 to 55min, and little or no structural breakdown was observed, as shown by the close coincidence of the up and down curves and nearly zero hysteresis area (Fig. 5(a)). The Bingham model was applied to the down curves and the parameters g and h and the correlation coefficient (R2) are shown in Table 2. h was around for G and Eur16 and for Eur4, while g remained in the range. Table 2 also presents the torque at 10rpm (T10rpm) during the upcurve, which can be taken as a proxy for the initial yield stress in an unsheared (fully structured) condition. For these mortars, g and T10rpm were very similar since there was little or no structural breakdown. Fig. 4 - Torque vs. time results of the mortars tested in the Viskomat 15 and 55min after mixing. In the second group, products Eur5, Eur6 and Eur7 were stiffer and displayed higher torque levels ( Eur7 showed little structural breakdown even after 55min because it is a lime-based mortar. Neither did Eur6 at 15min (Fig. 5(a)) but, after 55min, the torque levels of Eur6 increased significantly, and there was significant structural breakdown. Eur5 had the highest torque values and the greatest hysteresis area of this group. It is also 13 important to point out that the Eur5 curves (torque vs. time, Fig. 4) were the most scattered of all results, probably due to its large maximum aggregate size (4mm) interfering with the flow between the impeller and the container wall. The common feature of all Eur5, Eur6 and Eur7 curves is an increase of torque at 10rpm at the end of the tests, which can be observed in both Figures 4 and 5, and seems to be a designed thixotropic behaviour, since these three mortars are from the same producer. Because of this behaviour, the linear fitting of the downcurves was difficult (resulting in some negative h values), and, for Eur6 and Eur7 the linear fitting excluded the torque values at 10rpm (Table 2). Table 2 shows that for these three mortars T10rpm is much higher than g, confirming the structural breakdown. g was practically the same ( for these materials (and about double that of G, Eur4 and Eur16), while h was for Eur5 and for Eur6 and Eur7. Fig. 5 - Flow curves showing torque vs. rotation speed for the mortars tested 15 min after mixing. Torque values taken at the end of each speed step. In Fig.4b and Fig.5b at 15min mortars Z and Eur3 behaved similarly to G, Eur4 and Eur16 with little structural breakdown and nearly zero hysteresis but at higher torque levels. At 55min Z showed some breakdown during the upcurve, but the down curves practically coincide and consequently g and h values are very similar at 15 and 55min (Table 2). On the other hand, at 55min Eur3 showed some signs of structural breakdown and, most importantly, underwent the highest shift of torque over time. This behaviour can be 14 ascribed mainly to its substantial loss of entrained air, from 23.5 to 13% (Table 1). At 55min, Eur3 also showed an increase of torque at 10rpm (like Eur5-7) and this value had to be eliminated from the fitting. Mortars H and Eur1 (Fig. 4b) showed the typical breakdown pattern of an increase of torque with rotation speed followed by its decrease during the dwell time at each speed [13] at both tested times. For Eur1 this pattern was more intense and occurred at higher torques, especially at 55min. Hysteresis area (even at 15min) was large for both mortars (Fig. 5b) and, although T10rpm was considerably higher (especially for H) than for the other mortars, and g of both H and Eur1 was similar (, Table 2), h of Eur1 ( was twice that of H, and both were considerably higher than h of the other materials (Table 2). Besides lying at the same torque levels of Eur1, the behaviour of mortar Alfa was the reverse, as it presented only a little structural breakdown at the beginning of the test (small hysteresis area), the highest g and T10rpm (Table 2) and low h ( at 15min). Table 2 - Rotational parameters of the mortars tested 15 and 55min after mixing: T10rpm = torque at 10rpm during accelerating curve; g = torque proportional to Bingham yield stress; h = parameter proportional to Bingham plastic viscosity; R2 = coefficient of determination of the linear regression (downcurves). The final group were the stiff mortars K, P and S and their results are shown in Figures 4c and 5c. Due to their stiffness, products K and S could not be tested using the mortar impeller 3 because the torque overloaded the transducer and the instrument cut out. Hence, 15 these mortars were tested with impeller 4 (with shorter blades) and a calibration curve was constructed from the ratio of the results of mortar P tested with both impellers at 35min. In Figure 4c, an intense reduction of torque during the upcurve can be seen for all three mortars (K, P and S) and, then, the torque remained almost constant for mortar P, while for K and S it continued reducing slightly. As a consequence, flow curves (Fig. 5c) show a significant drop during the upcurves and an almost horizontal line for the downcurves. Such unusual behaviour may be a result of slippage at the mortar-container interface due to their very low workability [1] and the smooth container surface. A second possibility is the loss of contact between the blades and the material during the test. After the first few revolutions of the container, a hole in the centre of the sample may be created if the material is insufficiently fluid to flow back after being deformed. In these plastic mortars with high yield stress the impeller could be underestimating the resistance to flow. Visual confirmation of this possibility is hindered by the design of the instrument. Thirdly the behaviour may be due to phase segregation, with the aggregates moving radially out of the measuring zone. The fact that mortars K, P and S presented very low displacements during squeeze-flow tests (Fig.2), which were characterized by a strainhardening behaviour caused by phase segregation (liquid phase migrates radially and increases solids concentration in the central region) is consistent with this suggestion. Furthermore, previous work on fibre cement composites reported that stiff compositions with strain-hardening behaviour in a cone consistency test resulted in heterogeneous products when cast by spinning [41]. 16 Further investigation of the segregation in these stiff mortars under rotational testing is described in the next section but it is clear that the results of K, P and S are compromised. 3.3 Phase segregation The occurrence of phase segregation during rotational testing was assessed by simulating the rotation program by gravimetric methods. Table 3 confirms that all mortars contained more water in the centre than in the border of the sample, although the relative difference was small (around 1%) for most of the products. Mortars P and Eur5 presented higher values of approximately 3%, while mortar S, with almost 10%, showed the most fluid-solid segregation. Table 3 – Water content and difference in water content between the Centre and Border of the samples subjected to rotational segregation tests. As the container rotates a centripetal acceleration is generated and, for the configuration with paddle 3, at 200rpm (maximum rotation speed) this acceleration varies from 7m/s2 at the middle of the blades to 18m/s2 near the container wall. Depending on the viscosity of the paste and the size of the aggregates, the latter moves radially outwards of the measuring zone, hence increasing the water content in the centre. 17 Segregation as a function of particle size was small, but also took place as can be seen in Table 4. Most of the mortars presented a slightly higher content of bigger particles in the border (positive values), while the centre had more particles smaller than 0.6mm (negative values). Mortars Eur5 and Eur6 displayed more significant differences of particles greater than 1mm. Table 4 – Particle content as a function of size and difference in particle content between the Centre and Border of the samples subjected to rotational segregation tests. Among the stiff mortars, S showed the most liquid-solid segregation, while P showed a moderate difference in water content and K’s water content remained practically homogeneous. The differences in particle size distribution between centre and border were very low for all three products. Therefore, it seems that phase segregation cannot explain the unusual rheological results for P, K and S, since a more significant segregation was measured only for S. While segregation is certainly occurring for these mortars, it is not clear whether these levels of segregation have any measurable influence on the rheological behavior. 3.4. Comparison of rheological parameters 18 In order to compare the results of rotational and squeeze-flow testing it is necessary to use fundamental units of stress and viscosity. 3.4.1. Yield stress As already noted, the initial yield stress was taken from the torque at 10 rpm (T10rpm ) in the upcurve. There are two reasons for this: (1) in the very beginning of the rotational test there is no influence of phase segregation or slippage and (2) the squeeze-flow tests were performed on unsheared specimens. Prior calibration of impeller 3 [11] gives the initial yield stress 10rpm in Pa as 10rpm = 6.417 x 10rpm Equation 2 The squeeze-flow yield stress assumed for the comparison was the normal stress (load / area of the top plate) at 0.5mm of displacement 0.5mm) (5% strain) taken from the low speed (0.1mm/s) tests. The comparison of yield stress results in Fig. 6 indicates a coherent behaviour between the values obtained by the different techniques. If the stiff mortars (K, P and S) are excluded there is a reasonable linear correlation, which is an encouraging result from this, the first comparative investigation of rotational and squeeze-flow rheometry. Further work to resolve the approximately five-fold difference in yield stresses is justified. Factors that could contribute to this difference are (i) the fact that the calibration of the Viskomat is based on the behaviour of the flowing material, leading to a yield stress obtained by extrapolation to zero shear rate [1], whereas initial yield stress is a static measurement, and 19 (ii) the state of the structure existing in the mortar at 10rpm in the Viskomat and at 0.5mm squeeze-flow displacement may not be identical, particularly since structure is very sensitive to shear history in the early stages of shearing [3]. Fig. 6 - Shear stress at 10rpm during accelerating curve (10rpmvs. squeeze stress at 0.5mm and 0.1mm/s 0.5mm). Linear regression: K, P and S (green); other mortars tested at 15 (blue), 55 (red) and 15 + 55min (black). 3.4.2. Viscosity Comparison of viscosity results is a more complex issue because rotational rheometry estimates shear viscosity but during squeeze-flow both extensional and shear strains occur and which is dominant depends on the interfacial slip conditions. In the present work, the boundary condition was defined as a perfect-slip interface owing to the use of smooth metallic plates, so a biaxial extensional model was assumed [21,35]. However, as the rheological models require that the fluid remains homogeneous during the tests, extensional viscosity curves were calculated as follows, for only those mortars that displayed low segregation – G, Eur3, Eur4 and Eur16. The biaxial extensional strain rate B is equal to one-half the vertical Hencky strain rate H [21,35]: B 20 H v 2 2h Equation (3) where: h is the instantaneous height of the sample, v is the displacement velocity of the top plate. The extensional viscosity B is defined as the ratio between the biaxial extensional stress B , which is the squeezing load divided by the top plate area, and the extensional strain rate: B B h vt 2L 0 2 B vR Equation (4) where: L is the load, h0 is the initial height and R is the radius of the sample [21,35]. Fig. 7 shows biaxial extensional viscosity curves as a function of the extensional strain rate, for the mortars tested both at 0.1 and 3mm/s. Viscosity values increased when the strain rate increased as a result of gap reduction for all the tested samples, however after a compaction phase that occurs at the beginning of each curve a plateau value is reached after which the viscosity starts to increase significantly as strain-hardening starts The plateau value is taken as the biaxial extensional viscosity and varies by almost two orders of magnitude, indicating that extensional viscosity of mortar is very sensitive to the displacement rate used in the test. Fig. 7 - Biaxial extensional viscosity B) vs. biaxial extensional strain rate °B) curves of mortars G, Eur3, Eur4 and Eur16 tested 15min after mixing. Curves showing the variation of biaxial extensional strain rate °B) with displacement at each speed are also shown. 21 Because mortar is non-Newtonian comparisons of viscosity between different techniques must be done at the same strain rate. From equation 3 and Fig. 7 the extensional strain rate at 5mm of displacement is 0.01 s-1 at 0.1mm/s and 0.3 s-1 at 3mm/s. The apparent viscosity app of a Bingham material under rotational shear at a shear rate is given by: app 0 Equation 4 where 0 and are the yield stress and plastic visosity, respectively. To ensure a similar degree of structural breakdown in each technique, the torque value at 10rpm during the upcurve (T10rpm) is used. The corresponding yield stress is given by [1]: 0 K G T10rpm where K Equation 5 6.42 by calibration of the Viskomat [11]. The plastic viscosity, obtained from G h, the slope of the downcurve, is given by [1]: 1G h where 1 G Equation 6 0.709 by calibration [11]. Using equations 4, 5 and 6, the apparent viscosity under rotational shear can be calculated at the two shear strain rates of 0.01 and 0.3 s-1. Table 5 summarises the resulting shear and extensional viscosities. 22 Table 5 – Comparison of viscosities at strain rates of 0.01 and 0.3s-1. Shear: apparent viscosity at 0.066rpm (app0.066) and 1.98 rpm (app1.98). Biaxial extension: viscosity at displacement of 5mm and velocities of 0.1mm/s B0.1) and 3mm/s B3). The clear points to emerge from Table 5 are that the two measurement techniques place the viscosity of the four mortars in the same rank order, that viscosity decreases with increasing shear rate and that extensional viscosity is 20-40 times the shear viscosity. These are further encouraging results from this comparison of rotational and squeeze-flow rheometry. The ratio between extensional and shear viscosity, the Trouton ratio, for a Newtonian liquid in biaxial extension is 6 [42], while for non-Newtonian liquids, such as polymer solutions, which are prone to entanglement of chains and show significant elasticity, values up to 3000 have been reported. The results in Table 5 are consistent with mortar being a granular but relatively inelastic material. 4. CONCLUSIONS The first systematic comparison of squeeze-flow and rotational rheometry (Viskomat) for evaluation of rendering mortars with a wide range of workability levels has been performed. The products presented three main groups of behaviour when tested by squeezeflow. The first group included mortars that could be easily deformed up to large displacements with low loads both at slow and fast displacement rates, without phase segregation. On the other hand, a group of stiff mortars were very difficult to squeeze (even at faster rates) and required high loads to achieve only small deformations, mainly as a result of phase segregation in the test. The intermediate group was mainly composed of materials that were sensitive to the rate of squeeze-flow displacement: at higher rates the loads were lower and consequently larger maximum displacements were achieved, while at 23 lower rates phase segregation had time to occur and mortar flow was more difficult. Besides the occurrence of segregation, which also depends on mortar characteristics such as paste viscosity and aggregate packing permeability, the results showed that the maximum particle size in the material limits the maximum displacement (or minimum gap) that can be achieved. Rotational test results not only confirmed the wide range of torque levels of the materials tested, but also pointed out differences in measured rheological parameters (plastic viscosity and yield stress) and structural breakdown. In general, the results agreed between the two test methods, which were able to arrange the materials in the same rank order. Yield stresses in squeeze-flow were about five times those in rotation, while extensional viscosities were 20-40 times the shear viscosities. The stiff mortars were difficult to evaluate properly by rotational rheometry, resulting in unusual flow curves, due either to wall slippage (on the mortar-container interfaces) or to loss of contact between mortar and impeller blades. While low to moderate liquid-solid and particle size segregation took place during rotational testing, this does not seem to be the main cause of the behaviour of the stiff mortars (K, P and S). Nevertheless, an experimental methodology for the evaluation (both identification of type and quantification) of the segregation phenomenon was successfully developed and can be used as complementary technique to provide a better understanding of the rheological results of concentrated suspensions containing macroscopic particles. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors would like to thank: the Brazilian agencies FAPESP and CNPq for funding; Fábio Campora (ABAI – Brazilian Association of Mortar Industries), CONSITRA (Brazilian Consortium for Innovation of Rendering Mortars Technology), Votomassa and Cimpor Brasil for support; Dr. Paul Houang and Weber Saint-Gobain (Brazil and Europe) 24 for major assistance with European products; Andy Cowland (CPI Euromix) for mortar samples; and at Heriot-Watt University, Dr. Gerry Starrs for rheometer instructions and James Maguire for laboratory assistance. REFERENCES [1] P.F.G. Banfill, Use of the ViscoCorder to study the rheology of fresh mortar, Mag. Concr. Res. 42 (153) (1990) 213 – 221. [2] P.F.G. Banfill, The rheology of fresh mortar, Mag. Concr. Res. 43 (154) (1991) 13 – 21. [3] P.F.G. Banfill, Rheology of fresh cement and concrete, Rheol. Rev. (2006) 61–130 [British Society of Rheology]. [4] E.P. Koehler, D.W. 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Linear regression of data at 3mm/s excluding K, P, S and Eur1 values is shown in (a) and displayed also in (b) as a dashed line just to guide the eyes. 31 G_55min Eur16_55 Eur6_55 90 G_15min Eur16_15 Eur6_15 Eur4_55 Eur5_55 Eur7_55 Eur4_15 Eur5_15 Eur7_15 (a) 150 50 100 Speed (rev/min) Torque ( 200 50 10 0 H_55min Alfa_55 Eur3_55 1H_15min Z_552 Time (min) Alfa_15 Eur1_55 Eur3_15 Z_15 3 Eur1_15 (b) 200 150 90 100 50 50 10 0 290 0 K_55min1 K_15min Time (min) S_55 S_15 2 P_15 Speed 3 200 250 Torque ( (c) 210 150 170 100 130 90 Speed (rev/min) Torque ( 130 Speed (rev/min) 0 170 50 50 10 0 0 1 Time (min) 2 3 Fig. 4 - Torque vs. time results of the mortars tested in the Viskomat 15 and 55min after mixing. 32 Torque ( 90 G Eur5 50 H Torque ( Eur16 Eur7 (a) 50 10 170 0 100 Z 150 Speed Eur1(rev/min) Eur3 200 Alfa (b) 130 90 50 10 290 0 50 100 KSpeed (rev/min) P 250 Torque ( Eur4 Eur6 150 S 200 (c) 210 170 130 90 50 10 0 50 100 150 200 Speed (rev/min) Fig. 5 – Flow curves showing torque vs. rotation speed for the mortars tested 15 min after mixing. Torque values taken at the end of each speed step. 33 2.8 S 10rpm (kPa) 2.4 y = 0.12x + 1.19 R² = 0.96 2.0 K 1.6 S P 1.2 y = 0.20x R² = 0.80 y = 0.21x R² = 0.92 0.8 KP S 15min 55min y = 0.19x R² = 0.63 0.4 K Linear (15+55min) 0.0 0 2 4 6 0.5mm (kPa) 8 10 12 Fig. 6 - Shear stress at 10rpm during accelerating curve (10rpmvs. slow speed (0.1mm/s) squeeze stress at 0.5mm 0.5mm). Linear regression: K, P and S at 15 and 55min (green); other mortars tested at 15 (blue), 55 (red) and 15 + 55min (black). 34 1.E+07 9 7 1.E+06 6 B (Pa.s) G Eur3 Eur4 Eur16 1.E+05 5 4 3 1.E+04 2 0.1mm/s 3mm/s 1.E+03 1.E-03 Displacement (mm) 8 1 0 1.E-02 . B (s-1) 1.E-01 1.E+00 Fig. 7 - Biaxial extensional viscosity B) vs. biaxial extensional strain rate °B) curves of mortars G, Eur3, Eur4 and Eur16 tested 15min after mixing. Curves showing the variation of biaxial extensional strain rate °B) with displacement at each speed are also shown. 35 Tables Table 1 - Mortar characteristics: type of rendering use, specific gravity (), aggregate and matrix volumetric contents, matrix specific surface area (SSA), maximum aggregate size (D99), water to solids weight percentage (w/s), fresh density at 15 minutes (Fresh), air content at 15 (Air15) and 55 minutes (Air55) after mixing of the batches used for rotational and squeeze tests. Rendering Mortar use G generalc H one coat d general K P generalc S generalc one coat Z one coat Alfa internal Eur1 Eur3 one coat e Eur4 generald Eur5 scratched Eur6 renovationf Eur7 smoothg Eur16 dash receiv. e c Anhydrous characteristics AgregMatrix SSA D99 3 (g/cm ) (%v) 2.68 2.85 2.47 2.69 2.72 2.79 2.65 2.67 2.66 2.68 2.74 2.60 2.61 2.62 80.2 60.2 71.6 66.9 83.9 76.0 73.3 73.1 64.2 71.1 76.0 78.6 68.5 85.7 Rotational rheometry Squeeze-flow w/s Fresh Air15 Air55 Air15 Air55 (%v) (m2/g) (mm) (%wt) (g/cm3) (%) (%) (%) (%) 19.8 39.8 28.4 33.1 16.1 24.0 26.7 26.9 35.8 28.9 24.0 21.4 31.5 14.3 23.6 12.2 1.4 8.2 8.6 22.7 12.5 11.8 23.5 21.6 6.7 14.0 11.0 31.6 21.5 11.6 0.1 7.5 20.7 10.5 8.9 13.0 - 22.8 12.8 1.4 9.7 8.2 24.4 13.6 19.1 18.1 5.5 11.2 7.6 30.9 18.9 0.5 9.0 12.7 16.8 4.3 8.9 5.3 27.4 2.5 1.6 5.1 4.1 4.0 1.1 1.8 2.0 1.1 1.7 3.8 2.7 4.6 - 2.2 1.4 0.6 0.8 2.0 1.9 2.7 1.8 3.0 2.7 4.0 2.7 1.2 0.6 15.0 16.5 18.0 16.0 17.0 17.2 15.0 16.0 21.0 18.0 16.0 18.0 24.0 20.0 also used for masonry; d also for spray application; lime-based mortar; g lime-based mortar. 36 e 1.68 1.99 1.99 2.00 1.99 1.71 1.91 1.91 1.58 1.67 2.06 1.80 1.77 1.43 for spray application; f hydraulic Table 2 - Rotational parameters of the mortars tested 15 and 55min after mixing: T10rpm = torque at 10rpm during upcurve; g = torque proportional to Bingham yield stress; h = parameter proportional to Bingham plastic viscosity; R2 = coefficient of determination of the linear regression (downcurves). 55min 15min Parameter T10rpm ( g ( h ( R2 T10rpm ( g ( h ( R2 G Eur4 Eur16 Eur5 Eur6 Eur7 Eur1 Eur3 Alfa K P S 28 27 26 20 5.3 1.8 0.98 0.99 17 16 4.6 0.98 83 63 67 123 67 85 54 130 271 214 282 37 39 43 41 39 42 42 80 31 70 49 4.0 1.8 1.3 10.3 5.9 20.1 8.1 3.4 2.5 2.8 1.3 0.82 0.83 0.97 0.99 0.97 0.99 0.98 0.88 0.45 0.88 0.42 33 33 29 22 3.8 1.6 0.99 0.95 20 19 4.3 0.99 109 129 84 137 90 136 124 172 357 49 48 49 48 44 48 94 78 36 5.0 3.6 1.5 9.4 4.4 23.7 5.7 7.3 2.4 0.70 0.92 0.90 0.95 0.93 0.99 0.86 0.98 0.51 Obtained by linear fitting excluding torque at 10rpm 37 Mortar H Z - 405 78 0.1 0.01 Table 3 – Water content and difference in water content between the Centre and Border of the samples subjected to rotational segregation tests. Water content (%wt) Mortar h 38 Difference (%) Nominal Border Centre Total Absoluteh Relativei G 13.04 12.70 12.85 12.75 0.15 1.17 K P S Z Eur3 Eur4 Eur5 Eur6 Eur7 15.25 13.79 14.53 14.68 17.36 15.25 13.79 15.25 19.35 14.86 13.51 13.65 14.36 17.01 14.98 13.06 14.89 19.03 0.12 0.43 1.41 0.28 0.11 0.18 0.36 0.22 0.21 0.81 3.16 9.83 1.94 0.67 1.18 2.72 1.45 1.07 14.98 13.94 15.06 14.64 17.13 15.16 13.42 15.11 19.23 14.91 13.71 14.35 14.50 17.07 15.06 13.23 15.00 19.12 Centre-Border; i 100*(Centre-Border)/Total Table 4 – Particle content as a function of size and difference in particle content between the Centre and Border of the samples subjected to rotational segregation tests. Particle content (%wt) Total Absolute difference j Mortar Size (mm) Size (mm) <0.6 0.6-1.0 >1.0 <0.6 0.6-1.0 >1.0 G 73.4 22.6 3.9 0.12 -0.14 0.02 k l m l 98.5 1.4 0.1 -0.045k 0.04 0.005m K P 97.9 2.1 0.0 0.10 -0.10 0.00 S 92.3 4.9 2.8 -0.20 0.07 0.13 Z 92.5 6.0 1.5 -0.12 0.14 -0.02 Eur3 78.8 9.1 12.1 -0.58 0.47 0.10 Eur4 87.8 8.1 4.1 -0.57 0.13 0.44 Eur5 55.5 11.1 33.4 -1.22 0.00 1.22 Eur6 69.6 15.1 15.2 -0.93 -0.70 1.63 Eur7 93.8 6.0 0.2 -0.30 0.32 -0.02 39 j Border particle content-Centre particle content k <0.5mm; l 0.5-0.6mm; m >0.6mm Table 5 – Comparison of viscosities at strain rates of 0.01 and 0.3s-1. Shear apparent viscosity at 0.066rpm (app0.066) and 1.98 rpm (app1.98). Biaxial extension: viscosity at displacement of 5mm and velocities of 0.1mm/s B0.1) and 3mm/s B3). Mortar G Eur3 Eur4 Eur16 Shear η app0.066 η app1.98 0 Pa Pa.s kPa.s 180 347 173 109 3.8 5.7 1.3 3.3 18 35 17 11 Extensional η B0.1 η B3 Comparison 0.01s-1 0.3s-1 kPa.s kPa.s kPa.s η B/η app η B/η app 0.6 1.2 0.6 0.4 460 1177 458 430 12 30 12 10 25.6 33.9 26.5 39.4 19.9 25.8 20.8 27.3