Return on November 2, 2013 Conflicts Please make a copy of these conflicts to keep for yourself. You will be handing this in and your conflicts will be recorded for the season. Please study the schedule carefully. You will be expected to be present for all rehearsals and performances. If there is a conflict with your school’s calendar (music, sports, musicals, etc.), you will be excused from Junior Honors Choir; however, this will count toward your allowable absences. Please thoroughly check the Junior Honors Choir dates with your SCHOOL calendar ~ concert dates, musical rehearsals, productions, prom. You will be expected to arrange your personal, work and family schedule so that you can be a dependable, consistent member of the Junior Honors Choir. I am unable to attend the following rehearsal/performance in November and December (1 absence permitted) ________ Date __________________________________ Reason I am unable to attend the following rehearsal/performances from January through June (3 absences permitted−no more than 1 rehearsal) ________ Date ___________________________________ Reason ________ Date _____________________________________ Reason ________ Date _____________________________________ Reason Growing in Character You have been recommended to participate in the York County Junior Honors Choir because of your musical abilities and artistic creativity, as well as your character. Character is a set of behavior traits that define what sort of person you are. These are the personality traits that a member of the Junior Honors Choir will be expected to practice. Much of a person's success in achieving important goals in life is directly connected to character traits. How you act toward other people often determines their desire to deal with you. If you show that you are an honest person with a great amount of integrity, others will trust you. People like to associate with those they feel are reliable and responsible. Your willingness to be compatible, self-controlled, adaptable, careful, patient, humble and helpful, signal to your peers that you are willing to place others before yourself. Taking the initiative to come to rehearsal prepared, creates an atmosphere of teamwork and dedication to a common goal. These character traits mentioned above are not an exhaustive list. However, they are some of the ingredients that make for a strong leader. Leadership is not always easy. It takes courage to stand alone and do what is right, perseverance in the midst of a challenge, and resilience when you have been pushed down over and over. I have read the character traits listed above. I understand that I am expected to conduct myself in the best interest of those around me. It is my desire to be a person who will make a positive contribution to society, and specifically the York County Junior Honors Choir. I agree to represent my school district in the best way possible. I also understand that if my behavior is not in line with the character traits listed above, I may be asked to resign from the Choir. Student Applicant’s Name (Please print) ___________________________________________ Student Applicant’s Signature __________________________________ Date ____________ We, the undersigned (below), have read and agree to encourage our youth to grow in the character traits mentioned above. We grant permission for our son/daughter to participate in the York County Junior Honors Choir activities and will not hold the York County Honors Choirs or its members responsible for any unforeseen accident, illness, or loss of property during or in transit to/from our activities. Parent/Guardian’s Signature ___________________________________ Date ____________