Mythology Essay

Mythology Essay
Name: ________________________ Date: ______
Remember that mythology exists for three reasons: to teach, to explain, and to entertain.
In two detailed, well-organized paragraphs, discuss how Greek myths fulfill these purposes. One
paragraph should show how the myths explain natural phenomena or origins of humankind to the
world, while the other paragraph should discuss how Greek myths teach humans how to behave
in society. For each paragraph, you should provide 2-3 examples of how myths explain and
teach. This means you will need to discuss quite a few myths, so your paragraphs will have to be
carefully organized and transitions will be a must!
Paragraph 1
- Topic Sentence claiming that one purpose of Greek myths was to explain natural
phenomena and the origins of the world.
- Introduce the first explanation being discussed.
- Give the myth that shows this explanation and provide a BRIEF summary of the
- Specifically DISCUSS how and why this myth is so effective in explaining
__________________. Pick out a few details of the myth to emphasize what is
interesting and link directly to what is being explained.
- Use a transition word or phrase and introduce the second explanation being
- Provide the myth that explains this and provide a bried summary of the myth.
- Specifically discuss how and why this myth is so effective in explaining
___________. Emphasize a few important details that link to the explanation.
- Repeat for third explanation and myth, if applicable.
- Provide a concluding sentence that rephrases the idea of the topic sentence.
This sentence should also move (transition) reader into your next topic.
Paragraph 2
- Use a TRANSITION word or phrase and provide a topic sentence claiming that
one purpose of Greek myths was to teach people how to behave (or to teach
cultural values).
- Introduce the first lesson being discussed.
- Introduce the myth that teaches this lesson and provide a BRIEF summary of the
- Specifically discuss HOW and WHY this myth is so effective in teaching
________________. Pick out a few details of the myth to emphasize what is
interesting and link directly to the lesson being taught. You must convince your
reader that is actually a lesson of the myth. You might discuss what the Ancient
Greeks would have taken away from such a story.
- Use a transition and introduce the SECOND lesson being discussed.
- Provide the myth that teaches this lesson and briefly summarize it.
Specifically discuss HOW and WHY this myth is so effective in teaching
________________. Pick out a few details of the myth to emphasize what is
interesting and link directly to the lesson being taught. You must convince your
reader that is is actually a lesson of the myth. You might discuss what the
Ancient Greeks would have taken away from such a story.
Repeat for third lesson and myth if applicable.
Provide a concluding sentence that “sums up” or rephrases the idea presented in
the topic sentence.
- MLA format
Myths and smaller works are in quotes.
Talk about literature in PRESENT TENSE. So, this means that “Arachne IS full of
hubris” (as opposed to “Arachne WAS full of hubris”).
Edit and Proof your work for
o Run-ons
o Fragments
o Word Choice (high school vocabulary – avoid words like “got”)
o Transitions help!!!
o No first or second person point of view (no “I” or “You”)
o Awkward sentences (read out loud to catch these issues!)
While very few papers are 100% perfect when turned in, I expect you to take the time to EDIT
AND PROOFREAD your papers before I start to read them. In high school, I should be
discussing the level of your ideas and your sentence fluency, not correcting capitalization and
other minor errors. Thank you.