1.4 Study Questions: Early Humans

Name _____________________________________
Date ________________________ Period ________
Study Questions 1:1, Early Humans, pp. 9-12
Neatly write the answers on the back of this page. Some answers will be only one word while others will
be several words or phrases. Don’t write on the question side of the page, because you will be using this
sheet later as a study guide.
1. Historians say that history began ___ years ago, when people first began to ___.
2. The time before the invention of writing is known as ___.
3. Both archaeologists and anthropologists study early humans; a scientist who looks for clues about
human life by looking at items buried in the ground is called a(n) ___, while a scientist who studies
human society is called a(n) ____.
4. Items that were made by humans (such as weapons and tools) are called ___.
5. Traces of plants and animals preserved in rock are called ___.
6. Historians call the early period of human existence the ___, because during this time humans ___.
7. The word Paleolithic means ___ in Greek.
8. The Paleolithic Age lasted from approximately ___ to approximately ___.
9. During the Paleolithic Age, early humans got their food by ___.
10. Paleolithic people had to move from place to place to find food; people who move from place to
place are called ___.
11. The two main tasks of Paleolithic women were ___ and ___.
12. The main job of Paleolithic men was ___.
13. Early Paleolithic people lived in ___ for protection from the cold, but later they began to build
structures made of ___ for shelter.
14. Early humans were able to survive the last Ice Age because of the discovery of how to use ___.
15. The last Ice Age lasted from approximately ___ to ___.
16. Other ways that early humans adapted to the cold of the last Ice Age was by ___.
17. During the Paleolithic Age, early humans also developed ___, which helped them to work together
and pass knowledge from one generation to the next.
18. Paleolithic people may have painted animals on the walls of caves because they thought that ___.
19. The use of tools and other methods to help humans perform tasks is called ___.
20. The type of stone that early humans often used to make tools was ___.
21. This type of stone was used because when early toolmakers hit it with a hard stone, it would ___.
22. The earliest stone tools were ___ or ___.
23. Over time, humans became more skilled at toolmaking and they started making finer tools, like ___
and ___.
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