University Outstanding Creative Activity Award Nominee

University Outstanding Creative Activity Award
College of Arts and Sciences
A. Purpose:
 This award shall be given for outstanding creative work. Creative contributions shall include,
but not be limited to, the following: painting, sculpture, film, drama, musical composition,
choreography of a dance, poetry, a novel, creative non-fiction, creative media programming.
The contribution(s) must have been recognized in the field as having national and/or
international significance. This award is not designed to recognize a single major work, but
recognizes consistent and sustained contributions to the profession/discipline/field.
B. Criteria for Eligibility:
 Nominees must be tenured or probationary tenure faculty members currently
contributing to their discipline(s) through creative expression. Full time
administrators (e.g., Deans, Department Chairs/School Directors, Associate
Deans, etc.) are not eligible for these faculty awards. Administrators returning to
the faculty become immediately eligible for the award. Work created during their
time as administrators may be included in their nomination materials. Nominees must
have been at Illinois State University for a minimum of three academic years prior to
 Members of the University Research Council are ineligible during their terms of
service. Previous recipients of the award are ineligible.
C. Procedure for Submission of Nominations:
 Eligible faculty members may ask to be considered for nomination by the College
Research Committee; they may be nominated by any faculty member or department
chair/school director in the College; or they may be nominated by the College
Research Committee. Application materials are provided to each College Dean for
distribution to applicants in the College. Applications are submitted to the College.
 The Dean of the College, in conjunction with the College Research Committee, may
submit to the University Research Council up to three individuals from among the
 These College nominees must seek a minimum of three solicited letters in support of
their applications, including one letter from the Dean. At least one letter should be
external. The external evaluator should be able to contextualize the applicant’s work
and its significance in light of the award criteria. (see guidelines below)
 The College Dean shall submit the completed applications to the Associate Vice
President for Research. Requirements for a completed application are listed below.
The College nominees should be unranked.
 The final evaluation of applications will be made by the University Research Council.
During deliberation, the Council may request supporting materials from nominees
and/or may ask the College Deans for additional information.
 The University Research Council will recommend to the Provost up to two recipients
from the list of nominees forwarded to the Council by the College Deans.
D. Portfolio Preparation:
 Cover sheet (provided in these application materials).
 Letters of Support (3)
o Each nomination letter must indicate the significance, volume, and quality of
the candidate’s creative activity in such a way as to clarify the nominee’s
activities for individuals from other disciplines;
o Letters must address clear evidence of the national or international stature of
the candidate’s creative activity. This evidence should reflect recognized
evaluation in the form of presentation/performance reviews by recognized
critics or experts, books, and other forms of recognition (e.g., invited
presentations, juried exhibitions, awards, honors). A fuller listing of these
should be provided in the nominee’s curriculum vitae; and
o Letters of nomination must address the candidate’s continuous record of longterm creative activity.
 A Full-Career CV
 Statement from Nominee summarizing his/her creative activities and contributions,
goals for current creative endeavors, and the rationale involved in the development of
long-term creative endeavors. The statement should be written at a level appropriate
for peers outside the discipline. In addition to a description of current activities, the
statement should address the significance of the nominee's total body of creative work
to the field. (1 to 1½ pages single-spaced)
 No more than three representative pieces of work or products of creative expression
(e.g., music CD, written materials, scores, art slides, videotape/DVD, audiotape, work
of fiction or non-fiction, piece of artwork, etc.). Please bear in mind that materials are
most helpful when they are manageable in scope.
E. Criteria for Evaluation:
 A nominee's record of creative activity while at Illinois State University will be given
greatest weight in the Council's deliberations, although a full career curriculum vitae
for each nominee will be evaluated.
 Nominees will be evaluated for (a) nationally and internationally recognized creative
work, (b) quality of creative work, and (c) contribution to profession/discipline.
 Letters of Support/Endorsement
NOTE: Please be aware that reviewers of the University Outstanding Creative
Activity Award nominees are colleagues with expertise in diverse scholarly fields.
It is important to address each nominee's achievements with information
clarifying how the work qualifies as outstanding in the particular discipline
F. Distribution of Award
 Each recipient receives $3000, payable as $1000 in salary and $2000 in operating
funds. Funds must be expended by the end of the fiscal year in which the award is
University Outstanding Creative Activity Award Nominee
Cover Sheet/Application
Office PhoneE-mail ___________________________________
To be included in Application Materials
 Cover Sheet/Application
 Letters of support (3)
 Full career CV
 Nominee's statement
 No more than three representative pieces of work or products of creative expression
College dean forwarding nomination package:
Nominee/Applicant's Signature
College Dean's Signature
The College sends this cover and application materials to the Associate Vice President for Research, 310
Hovey Hall, Campus Box 4040,