Unit Focus Question Lines of Inquiry Australia Then & Now Year Level How has Australia changed over time? 3/4 Who lived here first and how do we know? Why did the Europeans settle in Australia? What was the impact of the gold rush in Australia How has life changed in Victoria since early settlement Links to Framework (AUSVELS) Historical Knowledge & Understanding Historical Skills The diversity and longevity of Australia’s first peoples Sequence historical people and events (ACHHS081) and the ways Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Use historical terms (ACHHS082) peoples are connected to Country and Place (land, Pose a range of questions about the past (ACHHS083) sea, waterways and skies) and the implications for Identify sources (ACHHS216) their daily lives (ACHHK007) Locate relevant information for sources provided (ACHHS084) Stories if the First Fleet, including reasons for the Identify different points of view (ACHHS085) journey, who travelled to Australia, and their Use a range of communication forms (oral, graphic, written) and digital experiences following arrival (ACHHK079) The journey(s) of AT LEAST ONE world navigator, explorer or trader up to the late eighteenth century, including their contacts with other societies and any impacts (ACHHK078) ONE important example of change and ONE important example of continuity over time in the local community, region, or state/territory; for example, in relation to the areas of transport, work, education, natural and built environments, entertainment, daily life (ACHHK061) Reference: AusVELS 2013 technologies (ACHHS087) Understandings The content provides opportunities to develop historical understanding through key concepts including sources, continuity and change, cause and effect, perspectives, empathy and significance. Summative Assessment Formative Assessment Pre-assessment – jumbled timeline Construct 2 powerpoint slides KWL Chart Create timeline Concept map Present findings in chosen activity Forum discussion Write a recount of a navigator, explorer or trader Think, Pair, Share Venn Diagram Rocket Writing Project on Goldfields Reflection in reflection journals Create poster on what they have learned Discussion on ‘My Place’ blog Phases Tuning In: Learning Experiences Resources Pose focus question: View Images & Documentaries How has Australia changed over time? *Let’s find out what we already know about this inquiry Engagement, gathering prior knowledge, preassessment, early immersion/front loading, questions for the inquiry, goal setting Ask students: What theories do we have? How do we understand this? How could we find out more about this? Learning Intention We are learning about the many cultural groups that make up Australia and how they have contributed to our way of life. Success Criteria Explain how life has changed in the past Identify aspects of the past that remained the same Describe the experiences of an individual or group Recognise the significance of events in bringing change Sequence events and people in chronological order to identify key dates Identify sources and locate information to answer these questions Recognise different points of view Develop and present texts Use historical terms Learning Activities Pre-assessment – Jumbled timeline KWL chart Brainstorm – Whole class Mindmapping The first Aboriginal People Australia before European Settlement The First Fleet & European Settlement Aboriginal life after European settlement Life in Early Australia Australia now Brainstorming – De Bono’s 6 thinking hats for questioning White How many ships came on the voyage to Australia? Red How do you think Aboriginal’s felt when the European’s came and took over their land? Black Why didn’t the Aboriginal’s like it when the European’s came to Australia? Green What events happened in Australia’s history? Yellow Why did the European settlers like the land in Australia? Blue What was so good about Australia’s Gold Rush? (Brennan 2007) Finding Out: Who lived here first and how do we know? *Let’s find out about our inquiry. Learning Activities Excursion to Sovereign Hill, Ballarat Gathering data first hand, in a arrange of ways, that adds to the collective knowledge base. Students experience the work of a researcher. Grow student thinking about the inquiry, build their capacity to inquire. Think, Pair, Share – Interviewer & Interviewee on perspectives on life on the Goldfields, based off excursion at Ballarat – record each other on ipads. Students pair up to construct 2 slides using Prezi or powerpoint on an aspect of an Australian history of interest. (Use Australian Stories to research information) Ask students: What can we do to find out more about this? How can we record our findings and data? What questions will help us dig deeper? Australian Indigenous cultural heritage The Dreaming European discovery and the colonization of Australia The Australian Gold Rush Early Explorers The changing face of early Australia Choose a story on ‘My Place’ and discuss on Weebly forum what you found interesting, questions and what you have learned. http://education.sovereignhill.com.au/students/ http://www.abc.net.au/abc3/myplace/ http://www.australia.gov.au/about-australia/australianstories Sovereign Hill, Ballerat 3350 Phone: 053 311 944 Fax: 053 311 528 www.sovereignhill.com.au/education Sorting Out: Learning Activities *Let’s sort out what we have discovered about our inquiry. Organising, analyzing, synthesizing gathered information, making meaning, making connections, making sense, reviewing questions and original thinking, revising, communicating learning, refining thinking. Ask Students: What meaning can we make from this data? What are we learning? How is our thinking changing? Create a timeline or other visual representation of key stages in Australia’s history Venn Diagram comparing life on the Goldfields Present your findings – children choose one way they would like to present their findings (Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences) Watch “The Rabbits” clip, accessed from Weebly and do a Rocket Writing piece on the perspectives of Aboriginal people. Investigate a world navigator, explorer or trader – create a recount Venn Diagram KWL chart Computers/iPads (Lunenburg & Lunenburg 2014) – Multiple Intelligences Going Further: * Let’s find out more about this part of our inquiry Questions and wonderings – conduct further research on topic of interest (independent or small group) Independent inquiry, small group work, pursue own interests, student choice, differentiation, revisiting questions, raising questions, independent research, extending experiences, challenging assumptions. (Dependent on students skills and readiness to work with content independently) Ask students: What do we still need to find out about? What new questions do we have? What would we like to know more about? Brainstorm as a class for further investigation Sovereign Hill website: http://education.sovereignhill.com.au/ National Museum Australia http://www.nma.gov.au/engage-learn/schools/classroomresources/by_subject/indigenous_culture_and_history Making Conclusions: *Let’s share what we have learned Synthesis thinking, evaluate information, make judgements, communicate and clarify understandings, explicit connections, make generalisations, make comparisions, see the ‘big picture’. Ask students: What do we think and know now? What statements can we make about our inquiry now? How do we feel? Create a project about life on the Goldfields eg. school, housing, work etc Create a Concept map about one aspect of their research eg. Early Aboriginals, The First Fleet, The Gold Rush, one explorer etc KWL chart – What have we learned Reflection/Action: *Let’s think about how our inquiry went. What can we do with what we have learned? Shared or individual action, reflecting on the unit, make links with students world, future planning. Ask Students: Now what? What can we do with this knowledge? What can I do now? How can I use this? Is there an action that seems important to undertake? Exhibition of students work – invite families and/or members of the school Reflect about unit in reflective journals Do the poll on Weebly identifying what you enjoyed the most of this unit Create a poster about your learning References: ABC 2015, ‘My Place’, accessed 10 April 2015, http://www.abc.net.au/abc3/myplace Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority 2013, ‘Australian Curriculum’, Australia, viewed 9 April 2015, http://www.acara.edu.au Australian Government, ‘Australian Stories’, accessed 13 April 2015, http://www.australia.gov.au Bernard Kotze 2009, ‘The Rabbits, Part 1’, video file, viewed 10 April 2015, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kTvXe84UqIQ&feature=youtu.be Brennan, B 2007, ‘You get what you give, no. 179, p. 34-35 Cheynus7 2012, ‘Australian History Timeline’, video file, viewed 10 April 2015, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7y6pDwmoD0E&feature=youtu.be Churchill, R, Ferguson, P, Godinho, S, Johnson, N, Keddie, A, Letts, W, Mackay, J, McGill, M, Moss, J, Nagel, MC, Nicholson, P, Vick, M 2011, Teaching: Making A Difference, 1st edn, John Wiley & Sons, Milton, Qld. Commonwealth of Australia 2015, ‘Cyber Smart’, Australia, viewed 11 April 2015, http://www.cybersmart.gov.au Garhart Mooney, C 2013, Theories of childhood: Introduction to Dewey, Montessori, Erikson, Piaget and Vygotsky, 2nd edn, Redleaf Press, USA Lunenburg, FC & Lunenburg MR 2014, ‘Applying multiple intelligences in the classroom: A fresh look at teaching writing’, International Journal of Scholarly Academic Intellectual Diversity, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 1-14 Mooroolbark East PS 2014, ‘The Australian Gold Rush for Australian Primary School Students’, video file, viewed 12 April 2015, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R8suJWjxRmg&feature=youtu.be National Museum Australia, accessed 10 April 2015, http://www.nma.gov.au Skwirkonline 2013, ‘Australia day animations – The first colony’, video file, viewed 12 April, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H2xFJ4QkJMs&feature=youtu.be&list=PLQ6y3qf062ehxw9T9QlotwYBUjjtkYwIe Skwirkonline 2015, ‘Dreaming Stories’, video file, 13 April 2015, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8Lj35RLN1s&feature=youtu.be Sovereign Hill 2011, ‘Sovereign Hill promotional video’, video file, viewed 12 April 2015, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UkK4P_3LSUY&feature=youtu.be Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority 2012, ‘Historical skills scope and sequence: Foundation to level 6’, Australia, viewed 9 April 2015, http://vcaa.vic.edu.au Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority 2013, ‘Level 4 Humanities History’, F-10 AusVELS Curriculum, Australia, viewed 9 April 2015 http://ausvels.vcaa.vic.edu.au