POLICY/PROCEDURE TITLE: WORK PLACEMENT MANAGER RESPONSIBLE: DIRECTOR OF CURRICULUM & QUALITY ISSUE DATE: OCTOBER 2014 LAST REVIEW DATE: OCTOBER 2014 NEXT REVIEW DATE: OCTOBER 2015 EQUALITY & DISABILITY IMPACT ASSESSMENT COMPLETED: YES RISK ASSESSMENT: • COLLEGE REPUTATION IS DAMAGED IF LEARNERS ARE NOT FULLY PREPARED FOR PLACEMENT • LEARNERS ARE NOT FULLY PREPARED FOR EMPLOYMENT ON COMPLETION OF THEIR COURSE • COLLEGE PROSECUTED FOR LEGISLATIVE BREACH OF SUCH AS HEALTH & SAFETY, DATA PROTECTION, EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES, CHILD PROTECTION CONTENTS PAGE NUMBER 1. Introduction 2 2. Policy Statement 2 3. Procedure 3 4. Reference to Other Policies 8 5. Appendices 1 Work placement request form 2 Employer information 3 Work placement guide 4 Work placement information and consent form 5 Sample email to employer 6 Work placement evaluation 7 Assessment of student in relation to safeguarding 1 1. Introduction Work placement is an integral part of 16-19 Study Programmes to support the preparation of students for employment and to support their future career aspirations. Kendal College is committed to enabling students to benefit from high quality work placements that contribute to the student’s overall development and recognises its responsibilities in respect of ensuring students are working in a safe environment. The policy & procedure outlined below has been developed to provide staff with a framework for managing the process. This policy applies to all full time students undertaking work placement as part of their training and with specific emphasis on assessment of risk for students under 18 years of age or who are classed as vulnerable adults. Additional processes are included in respect of students on Early Years and Health & Social Care courses. 2. Policy Statement Kendal College recognises that a meaningful work placement provides valuable experience of the work environment and helps students decide on future careers or study options whilst also giving them the opportunity of demonstrating their potential to future employers. High quality work placements allows young people to experience what it is like to be supervised in the work environment and support the development of their employability skills. The College recognises the importance of ensuring that all work placements are carried out in a safe environment and will assess the risk of each placement proportionately in line with guidance from the Health & Safety Executive. The College will endeavour to provide a work placement, wherever practicably possible, during the learner’s time at the College, recognising the prior attainment of each student and their career aspiration and ensuring each placement is purposeful, offers challenge, is well structured and well supervised. As a minimum: A suitable placement should be offered during a Level 3 two year programme Students who are not progressing to Level 3 may be offered during their Level 2 programme. For students attending a higher education programme, the course tutor should discuss the opportunities and benefits of undertaking work placement. The College will support Higher Education learners in sourcing and setting up work placement. For students on Entry and Level 1 programmes, individual consideration will be given as to the suitability and value of a placement. The College will not source placements for students under the age of 16 Exceptions will be made where it is not possible to source a placement which will allow the student to develop the skills and competences at a level aligned to their qualifications. Under these circumstances the tutors will, wherever possible, provide simulation, project opportunities, industry speakers and other work experience opportunities to enhance employability and progress. There may also be occasions where it is not appropriate to participate in work placement, such as: A mature student who already has had extensive related work experience Students already working within the industry Students who already have working commitments which would make additional placement difficult Students with caring responsibilities where the placement would significantly impact on their other responsibilities 2 Students who have specific health or additional learning needs which makes placement not in their best interests Students who are not considered to be prepared for work placement or whose behaviour on programme eg: very low attendance, challenging behaviour, give concern that this behaviour may be repeated within a workplace. The length and pattern of a placement will be determined through employer capacity, fitting in with other curriculum expectations and planning and could be offered as a block or days per week but each placement will consider the assessment of the student’s need taking into account their ability, prior attainment, career goals and work readiness. 3. Procedure Setting up and Agreeing the Placement Through the curriculum planning process, work placement is identified by the Head of School for specific groups on the Curriculum Plan. Course tutors should ensure that they are clear about the expectations for work placement with their tutor group and work with each student to identify the type of placement that will most support their development. Course tutors are responsible for assessing which students in their group require work placement and communicating the type and pattern of placement and a proposal of up to 3 dates and timings required using the form at Appendix 1 and forwarded to the Placement team within Student Services by the end of November. Preparation for work experience will include development of a CV and agreeing expected outcomes for the placement. For students on Childhood Studies and Health and Social Care programmes, responsibility for placement sourcing, health and safety checks and relevant DBS checks lies with the Professional Practice Co-ordinator. Sourcing Placements The responsibility for sourcing and organising placements will be undertaken by the Placement team within Student Services who will require a lead in time of a minimum of 4 weeks to ensure placements are sourced and relevant health and safety checks completed. Finding placements to best meet the needs of the student can be carried out using a variety of sources: Tutor identified placement – using their business and sector contacts, the tutor may identify suitable placements and make the first contact with that placement, advising that the Placement Team will follow up Student identified placement – students can suggest their own contacts, including where they work part time, to identify a suitable placement. The details will be passed to the Placement Team for follow up to ensure the placement will provide the right level of experience and can be achieved during college hours. College identified placement – the Placement Team will contact businesses within a sector to establish the availability of a placement based on the information provided by the tutor. Placement sourced through Cumbria Business Education Partnership (CEBP) – CEBP hold a database of approved placements that can be accessed by the College. However, the placements are also used by schools across South Lakes and at certain times of the year there may be less availability Volunteering can also provide work experience if it takes place outside the college environment and the student is supervised by staff working for the organisation 3 Health & Safety and Safeguarding Revised health and safety guidance (HSE) to reduce bureaucracy in placements identifies the following: Employers who already employ young people do not need to repeat risk assessments for offering work placement Risk assessments are not required for each successive work experience student where an employer regularly takes them on The employer has prime responsibility for the health and safety of students while on work experience and is expected to manage significant risk. The college must satisfy itself that the risks associated with workers under the age of 18 on their premises have been assessed. This assurance can be gained through a conversation with the employer in the first instance that is noted on the “Work Placement Information” form (appendix 2). If the employer already employs staff under the age of 18, then the risks will have already been considered. In line with HSE guidance, the College will not carry out unnecessary visits to known employers with good track records, seek additional paperwork or duplicate checks already carried out by a third party, always considering a sense of proportion. The following links to HSE Guidance Booklet: “Young People and Work Experience” should be provided to employers agreeing to offer a placement to support their understanding of requirements on health and safety: http://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/indg364.pdf HSE guidance recommends that checks are carried out in proportion to the environment using the following as a guide: Low risk eg shop or office with everyday risks familiar to the student, speaking to the new employer to confirm there are no higher risks should be enough and can be part of the wider conversation on placement arrangements Environments with less familiar risk eg light assembly or packing facilities – talk to the employer and confirm they have arrangements for managing risks including induction, supervision, site familiarisation and protective equipment Higher risk environments such as construction sites, manufacturing, kitchens – discuss with the employer what work the student will be doing or observing, risks involved and how they are managed. The college needs to be satisfied that the instruction, training and supervisory arrangements have been properly thought through. In all high risk environments, it is essential to check that the employer understands specific factors relevant to employing young people eg ensuring they are not exposed to risk due to: Lack of experience Being unaware of existing or potential risks Lack of maturity through considering the layout of the workplace, agents (physical, biological, chemical) they will be exposed to, how they will handle work equipment, how work and processes are organised, the extent of health and safety training needed, risks from process, agents and work. Where there is a level of risk that the college is not satisfied about, then a decision needs to be taken as to whether the placement should be agreed or a full risk assessment carried out prior to the student commencing placement. The work placement team should discuss the concern with the relevant head of school and then agree if the placement needs to be vetted by a competent person in accordance 4 with Health and Safety Procurement Standards (HASPS). There are 2 ways of ensuring this. 1. College sourced placements (via tutor, student or business approach) The Placement Team will check if an appropriate risk assessment is already in place on the College CIS database. If a risk assessment has not been completed one should be requested through the CEBP process. 2. CEBP sourced placement: If the placement is sourced from the CEBP database, the Work Placement team will advise CEBP 6 weeks before the start of the placement (except for Childhood Studies and Health and Social Care placements where a different protocol has been set) the name of the student and other relevant details. Placements on the CEBP database will already have been risk assessed and the database will show the level of risk assessment that has been undertaken. Under no circumstances should a student undertake a work placement with an employer where the risk level has not been established and noted on the employer form. Enhanced DBS check with barred list checks are not required to be requested for staff supervising children aged 16 to 17 on short term work experience. Additional arrangements for students undertaking placements of more than 15 days This section applies to students on Early Years, Health and Social Care, Animal Care or Traineeship programmes For learners on placements lasting more than 15 days over an extended time-frame, a check of the barred list or an Enhanced DBS may be required of the placement supervisor, especially where the placement involves:- Regular lone working with an employer over long periods (rule of thumb would suggest anything over half a day at a time) – this may lead to the requirement for an enhanced DBS check that the College will pay for - Placements located in particularly isolated environments with 1:1 working - Placements involving a high degree of travelling on a 1:1 basis - Vulnerable due to educational, medical or home circumstances - Placements which include a residential element will require an enhanced risk assessment in relation to safeguarding The Work Placement Team or Professional Practice Co-ordinator will record the information on the form (appendix 7) and then complete a risk assessment process with the relevant Head of School. Where a score of 20 or above is assessed, then an enhanced DBS check should be completed for relevant staff members. Placements in family homes would indicate an increased risk for learners on extended placements and so an enhanced DBS check should be completed for relevant family members. In most cases, family placements are only accepted where there is already evidence that a DBS check has been completed. Where a student is to be placed on an extended placement such as a school or care home, the setting should provide written confirmation that supervising staff have had an enhanced DBS check. A letter should be sent to the placement provider to request this. Students on extended placements and working with children and vulnerable adults are required to undertake an enhanced DBS check through the College and an explanation of this should be forwarded to the placement provider. 5 Where the learner has specific physical and/or medical needs the College will need to liaise with the Learning Services team in the first instance to undertake a bespoke assessment. Prior to placement Prior to the student starting placement The Work Placement team should be satisfied that the location and work patterns are reasonable and do not expose the student to unreasonable risks. The employer will be provided with full details of the aims and objectives of the placement plus the details of the student attending placement including any other relevant details where appropriate eg: medical conditions. Prior to the work placement students will be provided with information which includes:- Work placement setting - Hours of work - Length of placement - Supervisor’s name and contact details and their role in providing supervision and training - Aims and objectives of the placement - Assignment/diary records to be completed - Dress code/protocols and behaviour The Course tutor is responsible for setting targets for work placement on the student’s Pro-Monitor record and monitoring these throughout and after the placement during tutorial sessions. Hours of work to be undertaken by the student should take account of the Working Time Regulations ie: - Young workers under the age of 18 may not be employed for more than 40 hours a week or for more than eight hours on any day - Subject to certain exceptions, young workers under the age of 18 may not be employed at night between 10.00 pm and 6.00 am (or 11.00 pm and 7.00am where their contract requires them to work after 10.00 pm). - Work patterns agreed should also be sensitive to and enable the student to observe religious practices if required Students will be responsible for making their own arrangements for travel to and from placement. Where the student has financial difficulties a request may be made to the Learner Support Fund via Student Services, subject to funding availability . Prior to placements the Placement Team will write to parents/carers of under 18 year olds and vulnerable adults at least 3 weeks before the start of the placement confirming the arrangements, confirming that risk has been assessed and a health and safety assessment completed if required, gaining the consent of the parent/carer using the documentation in Appendix 4. Tutors must ensure that students are prepared and briefed generally about health and safety and understand how to identify hazards and the sort of control measures that can be put in place to reduce the risk of injury or accident prior to commencing their placement. A copy of the risk assessment (where applicable) should be given to the student and any particular hazards should be discussed with the student. An email (appendix 5) confirming the details of the placement, contact details of the supervising tutor and an outline of responsibilities which reflects the above 6 controls must be sent to the placement provider before commencement of the placement along with an evaluation form (Appendix 6). Employer Responsibilities As part of the agreement for work placement, it is crucial that employers understand that students on work experience placements are designated as employees for the purposes of health and safety, and as such, employers have the same responsibilities for the health, safety and welfare of students on work placements as they do for their own workforce. This includes compliance with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, Management of Health and Safety Regulations 1999 and the Working Time Regulations 1998. Students with Additional Needs It is crucial that students with additional needs are able to enjoy the benefits of work experience. As with all students, it is important that those with special educational needs and/or disabilities are carefully matched to placements and effectively supported throughout, including customising the placement monitoring and risk assessment to individual learners’ needs. In certain cases it will be necessary for reasonable adjustments to be made in the workplace. Advice relating to adjustments may be provided by the Learning Services team. During Placement During each work placement the Placement team will contact placement line managers ensuring that the student is making effective progress and that the placement objectives are being progressed Where a young person or vulnerable adult on placement alleges harassment or discrimination whilst in placement the issue should be investigated as appropriate by a member of the College staff After Placement The Placement Team will ensure that the placement provider completes an evaluation on the student’s performance using the form at Appendix 6. This should be forwarded to the student and course tutor. Students should record details of their placement on their ProMonitor records and evaluate what knowledge and skills they have learnt and developed on their placement, leading to the setting of additional targets in readiness for further work. The employer will receive feedback at the end of the year from the College on the placement impact on students’ skills and progression into further education or employment, including a recognition for their contribution and request for further placements. In summary the flow chart in Table I may be used by staff to assist them in managing the work placement process 7 Table 1 – Course Tutor Role: Work Placement at Kendal College Check Curriculum Plan – is whole group undertaking work placement YES NO Consider whether any individual within the group needs a work placement Tutor completes work placement template of requirements and sends to the Placement Team in Student Services by end of October Yes Details of work placement returned from Student Services Prior to work placement in tutorial: Set placement targets on Pro-Monitor (including English and Maths) Discuss Health and Safety in the workplace Discuss behaviour and personal presentation After placement: Evaluate the learning on placement and record on Pro-Monitor Consider feedback from employer Set new targets for development on Pro-Monitor 8 Table 2 – Managing Work Placement at Kendal College: Placement Team, Student Services Liaise with employers to secure placement. Assess the likely risk and carry out telephone assessment to provide assurance that H&S is appropriate for level of risk. Where a full assessment is needed, agree the process. Confirm details with the student, and their parents if under 18. See appendix 4 for communication. Confirm details with the employer. See appendix 5 for communication. During the placement contact employer and student to ensure placement is progressing effectively and safely. During the placement ensure the employer completes the evaluation form with the student. See appendix 6. 4. Reference to Other Policies 5. Safeguarding Health & Safety Student DBS Checks Appendices 1 Work placement request form 2 Employer information 3 Work placement guide 4 Work placement information and consent form 5 Sample email to employer 6 Work placement evaluation 7 Assessment of student in relation to safeguarding 9 Appendix 1 Work Placement Request Form Please return this form to Student Services by the end of November. Please also send an up-to-date CV and covering letter for each student as soon as possible. Course Details Course Name & Group Tutor Name: Suitable days/ dates/ times for your students to go on placement: 1st Choice 2nd Choice 3rd Choice Do any of your students have additional needs which should be taken in account when setting up the placement and ensuring their safety (please circle): Yes/ No Student Details Name of Student Student ID Number College or Student Sourced Placement? What industry would they like to gain experience in? Student Services Sourced Where ideally would they like to be based? 10 What skills would they like to develop? Student or Tutor Sourced Name of employer Contact name Contact number & email Appendix 2 completed in conjunction with employer WORK PLACEMENT INFORMATION For Work Placements, it is sufficient for you to use your existing arrangements for assessing and managing risks to young people or to consider risk if you are not already employing young people. Under HSE health and safety law, every employer must ensure, so far as reasonably practicable, the health and safety of all their employees, irrespective of age, ie balancing the level of risk against the measures needed to control the real risk in terms of money, time and trouble. The following link will provide you with more information: http://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/indg364.pdf Contact Details Employer Name Nature of Business Employer Address Supervisor Name & Phone Number Supervisor Role Contact Email Address Placement Role Details Job Title Job Description Hours of Work Dress Code Meal Arrangements Liability & Insurance Do you currently employ people aged 16 and over? Assumed level of risk - Low, less familiar, higher risk Are age appropriate risk assessments in place? Are there any training requirements? Is an induction programme in place? Are there any health restrictions to this placement? If yes, please specify Is disabled access available? Contact details for Health and Safety concerns I can confirm that we comply with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, Management of Health and Safety Regulations 1999 and the Working Time (Amendment) Regulations 2013. This includes giving the student any information, instruction, training and supervision necessary for their health and safety. Name ___________________________________ Date: ___________ 11 Appendix 3 (to be given to the tutor to distribute to the student) WORK PLACEMENT GUIDE Name of Student: ____________________________________ A work experience placement has been organised for you at x. Your start date will be x and your end date will be x. Your hours of work will be from x to x. Work experience is a valuable part of your learning programme and will offer you opportunities to develop skills for your future employment. Please find enclosed: Important contact details; what happens before, during and after placement; and tips for a successful experience. Placement information, including contact details; job description; hours of work; what to wear; health & safety and other important information. (Nb high risk placements may be subject to a risk assessment that will be shared with you on completion). Consent & Information Form –please return this to Student Services before x. If you have any further queries please do not hesitate to contact us. Yours sincerely, Work Placement Team Student Services 12 Work Placement is a very important part of your course. The Work Placement Team in Student Services will support you in your work placement by: Arranging your placement Providing you with information about your placement Monitoring your progress by telephone with the placement provider Resolving any difficulties that may arise in placement We hope you find this information useful. If you have any queries/concerns relating to any part of this experience, please do not hesitate to come and discuss it with us. We very much look forward to working with you and enabling you to make your work placement a very positive experience. The Work Placement Team Student Services workplacements@kendal.ac.uk/ 01539 814748 WHAT HAPPENS WHEN BEFORE your work placement: You need to return your consent form to Student Services. If funding the costs of travel and/or meals to placement could be difficult, speak to Student Services about financial support through the Bursary funds. The employer may invite you for an interview or pre-placement visit (this will be written on the Placement Vetting Form). You may like to contact the employer to find out more information. Here are some suggested pre-placement questions: Which other staff will I be working with? Who do I report to on the first day? Which room will I be working in and what will I be doing on my first day? Is there a staffroom? If so, will I be able to eat my lunch there? Is there anything I need to bring with me? DURING your work placement: We will contact you to check everything is going well. At the end of the placement, the employer will meet with you to complete an evaluation of your time with them. AFTER your work placement: You will meet with your tutor to share the evaluation, talk about your experiences and will record these on Pro Monitor. 13 PROFESSIONALISM It’s important that you act in a professional way during your time on work placement. Here are some top tips on how to ensure a successful placement: CONFIDENTIALITY You will be treated as part of a staff team in placement and may be privy to private information. You must never repeat to anybody information that has been given to you by your placement supervisor as that information may be confidential (unless you hear that someone is at risk of harm or harming others, and in this instance, you must report it). DRESS Your clothing for placement should be appropriate. Businesses don’t usually allow students to wear jeans even though this is acceptable in College. Plunging necklines, low cut trousers and mini-skirts are also unacceptable and be aware of cigarette smells on clothing. PUNCTUALITY AND ATTENDANCE Make sure you are punctual and arrive prior to the agreed start time. If you are sick and unable to go to your work placement you must contact Student Services and the employer as soon as possible and always before the start time. Appointments to see a doctor or dentist should not be made in placement times unless for an emergency. INITIATIVE You need to familiarise yourself with the daily routines. Don’t be afraid to offer your services, this will show that you are using your initiative. TEAM WORK You will be working as part of a team and so it’s important to get to know the staff you are working with. Don’t be afraid to join in discussions or contribute ideas. Offer to help with all the daily tasks, some of which may be cleaning duties but nonetheless may be an important part of the work placement’s routine. MOBILE PHONES Finally – never have your mobile phone switched on in placement. If somebody needs to contact you urgently they can phone the employer and leave a message for you. FACEBOOK / SOCIAL NETWORKING / TWITTER / BLOGS You should be aware that your content on social networking sites represents your public image. Content discussing placement would breach confidentiality (this would include statuses and photographs). ATTITUDE It is important to demonstrate a happy, positive and consistent attitude in placement. You must leave your personal problems at home. Show enthusiasm and commitment in my placement by willingly carrying out tasks and by asking questions and seeking advice. Look as though you want to be there, join in and contribute ideas and don’t forget to . HEALTH & SAFETY Be aware of the placement’s Health & Safety requirements and discuss with your supervisor any medical conditions or disabilities you may have which would be pertinent to Health & Safety in the workplace. Report any accident immediately to both your placement supervisor and the work place team in college. Obey all security regulations. Never put yourself at risk and ensure you follow all health and safety guidelines displayed in the workplace or advised by your supervisor. 14 Appendix 4 Consent & Information Form Student Name Course Date of Birth Contact Details (Email & Phone) Medical Information Do you have any conditions that require medical treatment, including medication or any specific support needs? Yes No If yes, please give details... Do you have any special dietary requirements? Yes No If yes, please give details... Are you allergic to any medication? Yes No If yes, please give details... Emergency Contacts Name & Relationship to Student Home Number & Mobile Doctor’s Name & Surgery Student Consent I agree to take part in this Work Placement and to act with professionalism. I agree to hold in confidence any information about the Employer's business, which I may obtain during this work period, and not to disclose such information to another person without permission. I agree to observe all safety, welfare, security and other regulations laid down by the Employer and made known to me either by the Employer's representative or by displayed instructions. I agree to inform the employer and college immediately of any incident or accident that I may be involved in, no matter how small it may seem. I understand that the college will share this form and the details within it with the employer. I will inform my tutor as soon as possible of any changes in medical or other circumstances between now and the work placement. Signed: ______________________________ (Student) Date: _______________ Parent/Guardian Consent (for students under 18) I have read and understood this form, and other accompanying documents, and I agree to he/she undertaking a work placement. I undertake that he/she will observe the conditions set out and is capable of undertaking the tasks outlined. I also understand that he/she will receive no payment for taking part in this scheme. I confirm that any medical conditions or specific support needs are detailed on this form. I confirm that I have seen the Employer Information Sheet provided to my son/daughter/ward. I confirm that I will contact the college should I become aware of any incident or accident that my son/daughter may be involved in. I confirm that if the placement involves outdoor-activities; or activities on water; or involving horses or livestock; my son/daughter is capable and proficient in the activities outlined. Signed: _______________________________(Parent/Guardian) Date: ____________________ 15 Appendix 5 (Email template to send to the employer with evaluation attachment) Dear x Re: Thank you for agreeing to provide a placement for the above student, which I am sure will be a very valuable experience. They will start on x and finish their placement on x. They will work between the hours of x and x. Please find attached the student’s consent form for your information. At the beginning and end of the placement we would be most grateful if you could complete the attached evaluation with the student, so they can continue to develop their work skills. Students on work experience placements are designated as employees for the purposes of health and safety, and as such, employers have the same responsibilities for the health, safety and welfare of students on work placements as they do for their own workforce. This includes compliance with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, Management of Health and Safety Regulations 1999 and the Working Time (Amendment) Regulations 2013. This would include giving the student any information, instruction, training and supervision necessary for their health and safety. We will be in touch with you shortly by telephone to ensure that the student has settled into placement. If you have any concerns please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you once again for offering this valuable learning opportunity and we look forward to working with you to make this placement a success. Yours sincerely The Work Placement Team Student Services 16 Appendix 6 Work Placement Evaluation Please complete, scan and email to us at the end of the placement. Alternatively, you can post it to: Work Placement Team, Kendal College, Milnthorpe Road, Kendal, LA9 5AY. Placement Date: Student’s name: Placement name and address: Supervisors’ name/job title: Student to complete at the beginning of the placement: I would like to develop the following skills during this work placement… I’m most looking forward to… I’m worried about… Please rate how confident you feel about working in this industry (1 = low confidence, 10 =very confident) Employer to complete at the end of the placement: What were the student’s strengths during this placement? What things could they improve on? Could you give 3 top tips to help them progress in this industry? Student to complete at the end of the placement: What have you learnt during this experience? What were the highlights? Please rate how confident you feel about working in this industry (1 = low confidence, 10 =very confident) Supervisor’s signature: …………………………… Date: ………………….. Student’s signature: ………………………………. Date: ………………….. 17 Appendix 7 Assessment of Student in Relation to Safeguarding and Protection for Work Experience Placements Using the following scale please assess the risks for students on placements (more than 15 days). Where confirmation has been received that staff are already DBS checked this process is not necessary. Scale 0 Not at all 1 Rarely during placement 2 Occasionally during placement (at some point every 5 days) 3 Regularly during placement (at some point every 3 days) 4 Frequently during placement (at some point each day) 5 Continuously During placement Score Working one-to-one with a staff member e.g. gardening) rather than part of a team over Extended periods of time Placement located in an isolated area Placements involving travelling one-to-one with a staff member Student is vulnerable due to educational, medical or home circumstances Placement has a residential component Total score Where a total score is more than 20 an enhanced DBS check should be completed for relevant staff members or placement providers. Signed Tutor: ……………………………………………………………… Signed Head of School: ……………………………………………………………… Date: ……………………………………………………………… 18