Spatially structured food webs in a coloured environment Sara Gudmundson, Frida Lögdberg and Uno Wennergren* Department of Theoretical Biology, Linköping University, Sweden, *Correspondence: Email: Introduction Species rich natural food webs contain complex interaction patterns evolved through historical processes in dynamic environments (May 1973). Food webs are known to endure unstable environments for several generations (Vasseur & Fox 2007). However, theoretical studies predict that large complex food webs should be unstable and extinction-prone because of high connectance, many modes of oscillation and positive feedback loops (May 1974; Tilman 1999; Green & Sadedin 2005; Borrvall & Ebenman 2008). The inability of explaining nature’s diversity implies that population dynamic theory lacks important components. Furthermore, the stability analysis itself may not be sufficient. Density regulation, environmental autocorrelation and dispersal are known to affect local population dynamics and should be included in investigations regarding population dynamics and extinction risks (Engen et al. 2002). Coupling of asymmetric interaction pathways have been shown to facilitate food web complexity (Polis 1991; McCann et al. 1998). In this study, we add coloured environmental variation and spatial structure to the diamond shaped food web. The system has previously been used to identify stabilizing effects of consumer asynchrony (McCann et al. 1998) and weak-to-moderate environmental variation (Vasseur and Fox 2007). We investigate how coloured environmental variation and spatial structure affect the stability of the food web by performing a more thorough analysis concerning the mean and variance of densities. Food web stability is often measured as variability, which usually is calculated as the coefficient of variation, standard deviation divided by the mean (McCann 2000). Decreased variability implies decreased population variance which is likely to lower extinction risk (Lande 1993; McCann 2000). However, measurements of the coefficient of variation, CV, may not be enough for determining food webs able to withstand stresses. An increase in stability, measured as CV, can either imply an increase in mean density or a decrease in variance. A population consisting of just a few individuals can misleadingly be seen as robust to stresses as long as its variance is low in comparison to its mean. To address the risk of misinterpreting results of stability, we have evaluated mean and variance one by one in addition to variability measurements of food web biomass and species abundances. The environmental variance, measured in impact and frequency of extreme weather events, is increasing (Easterling et al. 2000). The change in climate is likely to cause increased variability and extinction risk of ecological systems (Lande 1993; Halley & Dempster 1996; Ripa & Lundberg 1996; Ripa & Lundberg 1996; Kaitala et al. 1997; Fontaine & Gonzalez 2005). When investigating the effect of environmental variation, it is important to consider different magnitudes of variance. Another important property of environmental variation is its correlation in time. Variation found in nature is considered to be the best represented by pink 1/f noise (Caswell & Cohen 1995; Halley 1996; Ripa & Lundberg 1996; Cuddington & Yodzis 1999). It describes correlations in many different scales and does not priorities between timescales of disturbances (Halley 1996). In order to investigate the effect of environmental variation on food webs, we incorporate 1/f noise with different magnitudes of variance and redness. In addition to variation in time, nature also holds variation in space. Landscapes are known to hold different biotic and abiotic conditions giving rise to spatially separated subpopulations inhabiting patches. Dispersal between subpopulations enables reestablishment of extinct patches which can prolong the whole population’s time to extinction (Engen et al. 2002; Liebhold et al. 2004; Greenman & Benton 2005). In order to investigate stabilizing properties of dispersal between subpopulations, we position our food web in six spatially separated patches connected with dispersal. When modelling subpopulations in a variable environment, one also has to specify the correlation between each subpopulations environmental response. Do all subpopulations respond the same to the environmental variation or do they have different responses? We have investigated this phenomenon by varying the cross-correlation of environmental time series affecting the subpopulations. By doing so, we simulate differences in environmental response. However, our study incorporates a food web of four species in each patch. For this reason, we have decided to add differences in environmental response both between species and between subpopulations of the same species. Differences in environmental response will affect how populations fluctuate in relation to each other. This property is called synchrony. Synchrony between species has been shown to have a substantial effect on food web stability and extinction risk. Asynchronous consumers coupled with uncorrelated environmental fluctuations can improve food web stability (1/CV) by dampening oscillations between resource and consumers (McCann et al. 1998; Vasseur & Fox 2007). A positive correlation in species environmental response implies a lower species extinction risk than during asynchronous response (Borrvall & Ebenman 2008). We have measured synchrony between species, according to (Vasseur & Fox 2007). In addition, we have measured the correlation between each species and their environmental variation. By measuring this correlation we aim to increase the understanding of how environmental variation really affects how our species fluctuate in relation to each other. This study addresses the stability of food webs affected by coloured environmental variation and spatial structure. We simulated the same diamond shaped food web used in McCann et al. (1998) and Vasseur and Fox (2007) in order to clarify the implications of our additional components. Vasseur and Fox (2007) showed that weak-to-moderate environmental variation can stabilise the diamond shaped food web. We show that redness decrease the stabilising effect of environmental variation where as dispersal, coupled with uncorrelated response, has a strong stabilising effect. While dispersal increased the stability by increasing mean biomass and lowering the variance of densities, weak-to-moderate environmental variation actually decreased mean biomass. Single measures of stability did not show the full picture. However, environmental variation also caused a change in the relative abundance of species increasing the density of the species with the smallest population in a constant environment. This food web would be more resistant to additional stresses, such as demographic stochasticity and catastrophes, than the same food web situated in a constant environment. Method The diamond shaped food web contains four species. Two consumers share one resource and have one common predator (Fig. 1). The dynamics are described by a continuous-time differential equation system, modelled by Vasseur & Fox (2007) after McCann et al. (1998). Resources grow logistically and consumers and predator have natural background mortality. Consumption is limited by a type II nonlinear functional response (Yodzis & Innes 1992; McCann et al. 1998; Vasseur & Fox 2007). The biologically plausible parameter values have previously been used by Vasseur & Fox (2007) and McCann et al. (1998) (Table 1). The values are estimated from studies on species’ body mass versus metabolic and ingestion rate (Dickie et al. 1987; Yodzis & Innes 1992; McCann et al. 1998; Vasseur & Fox 2007). Resource gain and predator preference are set higher for C1 than for C2. C1 is the strongest resource competitor and preferred prey of P. The competition irregularity causes intrinsic asynchronous fluctuations of consumers. Species densities fluctuate in stable limit cycles in constant environment. Figure 1 The diamond shaped food web with differential equation system (modeled after McCann et al. (1998) and Vasseur and Fox (2007)). P is the density of the top predator, C1 first consumer, C2 second consumer, R the resource species and β¦i,j, represent the trophic interaction strength between the species. Table 1 Parameter explanation and their values. The parameter values are the same as in Vasseur and Fox (2007) except our addition; colour of environmental variation. The standard deviation, σenv, colour, γ, and cross-correlation, ρenv, of environmental variation are independent parameters affecting the mortality rates of the consumers. Uncorrelated, white, environmental variation was generated from a random normal distribution with zero mean and σenv2 variance. Fourier transform was used to generate coloured 1/f noise. The discrete Fourier transform of the coloured noise, P(ƒ), was scaled according to: π(π) = |π(π)|2 π −πΎ (1) where ƒ is frequency, X(ƒ) is the discrete Fourier transform of the previously generated white noise and the colour of P(ƒ) was determined by the value of the spectral exponent, γ, where γ = 0 gives white and γ > 0 gives red noise. After colouring the time series, inverse Fourier transform was used on P(ƒ) to generate the coloured environmental noise, envi(t). The food web model was integrated across a range of σenv, 0 to 0.6 in steps of 0.05, and γ, 0 to 0.6 in steps of 0.2. Environmental variation affects the two consumers’ mortality rates through an exponential filter (Gillooly et al. 2001; Vasseur & Fox 2007): MCi (t) = MCi (0)eenvi (t) (2) where MCi(t) is the mortality rate at time t, MCi(0) is the medial mortality rate, envi(t) is the environmental variation at time t for consumer i. In order to determine the effect of dispersal between spatially separated subpopulations, all measurements in our study were taken from one patch of 6 in the landscape. Patches, containing the food web, were either isolated or connected with the other patches by dispersal. Dispersal between subpopulations was governed by a mass-action mixing process without distance dependence. Subpopulations with dispersal were connected through a dispersal matrix (Caswell 2001 and Wennergren et al. 1995) (Table 2). Table 2 Dispersal matrix with six patches. dij represents the proportion of the subpopulation in patch i that migrates to patch j in one time step. 0 d21 d31 d41 d51 d61 d12 0 d32 d42 d52 d62 d13 d23 0 d43 d53 d63 d14 d24 d34 0 d54 d64 d15 d25 d35 d45 0 d65 d16 d26 d36 d46 d56 0 Migrating proportions, dij, were generated from a random normal distribution with mean (patches)-1 and variance 0.2*(patches)-1. The distribution was truncated by 0 and 1.2*(patches)-1. The same dispersal matrix was used for all four species in this study. The time series of environmental variation affecting the consumers were cross-correlated, with ρenv = -1, 0 or 1. ρenv = -1 represented perfect negative cross-correlation between all pairs of time series affecting subpopulations of different consumer species. All subpopulations within the same species were affected by the same environmental time series. For ρenv = 0, all subpopulations was affected by unique independent environmental time series. ρenv = 1 represented perfect positive cross-correlation, all subpopulations were affected by the same time series of environmental variation. Simulations were made in Matlab 7.5.0 (R2007b, The Mathworks, Natick, MA, USA) with 100 replicates and 3000 time-steps. Initial subpopulation densities where chosen on the uniform interval; 0.1 to 1.0. Extinction risk was calculated as the risk of populations decreasing below the extinction boundary 10-6 and by how many replicates that had all subpopulations staying above the extinction boundary until the end of the simulation. With dispersal, populations were considered to decrease below the extinction boundary when the sum of all subpopulations within species decreased below 10-6. Replicates with extinctions were only analysed in respect to extinction risk. The first quarter of the simulated time series was excluded from analysis to avoid initial transients. Mean, variance and stability of patch density, species density and food web biomass, consumer synchrony and extinction risk were calculated for each of the combinations of varied parameters. Food web biomass was the sum of all subpopulations. Stability was measured as density variability: 1 ππ = πΆπ ππ (3) where CV is the coefficient of variation, σi the standard deviation and μi the mean of population i’s density time series (Vasseur & Fox 2007). Consumer synchrony was calculated through: ππΆ = 1 πππΆ1 ππΆ2 π ∑(πΆ1 (π‘) − ππΆ1 ) (πΆ2 (π‘) − ππΆ2 ) (4) π‘=1 where N is time series length, σi standard deviation and μi mean of consumer species i’s time series (Vasseur & Fox 2007). The cross-correlation between each consumer and its environmental variation was calculated as equation (4), when ρenv =1, in order to evaluate the impact of environmental variation on each consumer. Results The magnitude of environmental variance was of great importance for food web stability and extinction risk. Weak-to-moderate variance lowered variability of biomass and all species densities, except the resource, whereas higher variance destabilises the system (Fig. 2a, d, Fig. 3a). The standard deviation of environmental variation, σenv, generating maximum stability, was species specific. C1 and P gained their maximum stability from higher σenv than C2 and R. The same pattern was found for each value of cross-correlation of environmental variation, ρenv. Reddening of the environmental variation decreased the stabilising effect of weak-tomoderate σenv and enhanced the destabilising effect of higher σenv. In addition, it lowered the σenv values generating maximum stability (Fig. 2d). Dispersal had minor affect during correlated environmental variation (Fig. 3). However, during uncorrelated environmental variation, the stabilising effect of weak-to-moderate σenv was enhanced and the destabilising effect of higher σenv was reduced with dispersal (Fig. 2d, Fig. 3). Studies on time series of biomass and species abundances revealed that addition of dispersal between subpopulations resulted in maintenance of intrinsic dynamics during moderate σenv. The stable limit cycles where not as apparent in isolated patches during the same environmental variance (Fig. 4). Mean food web biomass decreased and biomass variance increased with increasing σ env (Fig. 2e, f), regardless of ρenv. However, a constant environment did not give the lowest variance in biomass. Weak-to-moderate σenv actually resulted in a minor decrease in biomass variance. Measurements on time series of species densities showed that the value of σenv affected the relative abundance of species (Fig. 2b). Mean density of the species with the smallest population in constant environment, C1, increased with increased σenv (Fig. 2c). In contrast to C1, high σenv decreased mean density and resulted in a major increase in variance for the largest species in constant environment, C2. Mean density of R increased where as the mean of P decreased with increased σenv. Reddening of the environmental variation enhanced the effects of increased σenv on biomass (Fig. 2e, f) and each species. The same change in relative species abundance occurred, but for lower values of σenv. Dispersal coupled with uncorrelated environmental variation reduced the effects of increasing σenv on food web biomass (Fig. 2e, f) and species densities. Figure 2 Stability, mean and variance for species population densities and food web biomass with environmental fluctuation strength, σenv and uncorrelated environmental variation, ρenv=0. Left column; measurements on species population density with white environmental variation of γenv=0, without dispersal. P is predator, C1 first consumer, C2 second consumer and R resource. Right column; measurements on food web biomass with coloured environmental variation of γenv=0-0.6, without and with (crosshatch lines) dispersal. Figure 3 Stability of food web biomass with standard deviation of environmental variation, σenv and cross-correlation of environmental variation, ρenv. a) isolated patch b) patch connected by dispersal. Figure 4 System responses to continual synchronous point perturbations with standard deviation of environmental variation, σenv= 0.3 and uncorrelated environmental variation, ρenv=0. The patch that is connected by dispersal with the other patches maintains the intrinsic dynamics of the food web. * as in Vasseur & Fox (2007). Subpopulation extinction risk increased with increased σenv, regardless of the value of ρenv. ρenv = -1 gave the highest extinction risk whereas ρenv =1 gave the lowest. A similar pattern was found for each species, where C2 showed the highest sensitivity to increased σenv. Reddening of the environmental variation increased population extinction risk where as dispersal coupled with uncorrelated environmental variation reduced the risk of extinction. Both consumers become increasingly negatively correlated with their environmental variation during weak-to moderate σenv. However, results differed for σenv values above 0.3. The negative correlation between C1 and the environmental variation continued to increase while the negative correlation between C2 and environmental variation started to decrease for higher σenv. Reddening of the environmental variation amplified the effect where as dispersal coupled with uncorrelated environmental variation decreased the effect of increased σenv. The pattern of differences in correlation was retained for all different scenarios tested. Consumer synchrony increased with increased σenv, regardless of ρenv. Reddening of the environmental variation enhanced the effect where as dispersal coupled with uncorrelated environmental variation reduced the synchronising effect of increased σenv. Discussion We have added coloured environmental variation and spatial structure to the diamond shaped food web. The model was first used by McCann et al. (1998) to show stabilising effects of consumer asynchrony in constant environments. Vasseur and Fox (2007) simulated the same food web and investigated the effects of environmental variation. The aim of our study was to identify how coloured environmental variation and spatial structure affects the stability of food webs. We chose to simulate the same food web used in the two well done studies by McCann et al. (1998) and by Vasseur and Fox (2007) in order to clarify the implications of coloured environments and spatial structure. In addition of using the same stability analysis as in Vasseur and Fox (2007), we have done a more comprehensive analysis of stability concerning mean and variation of densities. Vasseur and Fox (2007) show that weak-to-moderate environmental variation stabilise the diamond shaped food web by interrupting initial consumer asynchrony. Stronger environmental variation destabilise the system by increasing the variability of species densities. The stabilisation by weak-to-moderate environmental variation is caused by the systems intrinsic dynamics. Consumer synchronisation causes a shift in total resource predation pressure which affects resource density. The shift in resource density causes another quick consumer response dampening predator fluctuations. Fluctuation dampening decreases the variance in the system, increasing the stability coefficient (1/CV). The highest stability was found when consumers were affected by positively correlated environmental variation, ρenv. (Vasseur and Fox 2007) We first confirm the results of Vasseur and Fox (2007) in order to clarify effects caused by the components we add to the model. Our results show that coloured environmental variation and spatial structure had major implications for the stability of the diamond shaped food web. Redness decreased the stabilising effect of environmental variation whereas dispersal between spatially subdivided populations increased the stability of the system. The mixing of individuals from subpopulations in different environments diluted the destabilizing effect of variation in time. According to our results, variation in space had a much stronger stabilizing effect than variation in time. However, measuring food web stability only by variability (1/CV) can be misleading. Results from our study shows that independent studies of mean and variance of densities is needed in order to evaluate the actual stability of the food web. The stabilising effect of weak-to-moderate environmental variation, found by Vasseur and Fox (2007), can be questioned because of the resulting decrease in mean food web biomass and increased extinction risk. A decreased mean has negative effects on population persistence, such as increased effects of demographic stochasticity and catastrophes (Lande 1993). However, our study reviled that variation in time can shift the relative abundance of species. The species with the smallest population in a constant environment actually gained a larger density during environmental variation (Fig. 2b). The shift in relative abundance of species was caused by the intrinsic dynamics of the food web. It is important to have in mind that food web structure and choice of model parameter will affect the degree of sensitivity to different kinds of environmental variation (Greenman and Benton 2005). In the diamond shaped food web, C2 has a lower ingestion rate than C1. This means that C1 has a better ability to take advantage of its resource than C2 during high environmental variance. Despite the increase in available R, C1 was still affected by a high predation pressure from P limiting its density increase. Even though P prefers C1, it was negatively affected by the drastic density decrease of the originally large C2 population. This caused P:s population to decrease with increased σenv. C1:s superior ability to take advantage of R was apparent in the correlation between each consumer and the environmental variation. The negative correlation between C1 and the environmental variation increased continuously with increased σenv where as the negative correlation between C2 and the environmental variation decreased after reaching a σenv threshold. A density increase of the smallest population, C1, will have positive effect on the persistence of the food web. Food webs withholding species with large populations will have a smaller overall risk of suffering from catastrophes and demographic stochasticity than food webs withholding small populations. In addition to measures of stability, we have investigated how different magnitudes of environmental variance affect the extinction risks in our model food web. As expected from earlier studies (Lande 1993, Engen et al. 2002), extinction risk for each species in the food web increased with increased σenv. Lowered mean densities and increased variance increased the risk of populations reaching extinction boundaries. C2:s poor resource tracking abilities gave C2 the highest extinction risk at high σenv, despite being the largest population in a constant environment. The result was caused by C2:s high density variance (Fig. 2c). Isolated subpopulations with uncorrelated and negatively correlated environmental variation had higher mean extinction risks than isolated subpopulations withholding a positively correlated environmental variation. Results may be explained by decreased variance in species densities with increased correlation (Borrvall & Ebenman 2008). Results of shifts in relative abundance with increased σenv indicate that addition of stress factors, such as catastrophes and demographic stochasticity, may affect the relationship between extinction risk and environmental variance. Moderate environmental variation may decrease the risk of extinction by increasing the density of the species with the lowest population in a constant environment. Further studies including these mechanisms may further clarify the effect of environmental variation and the importance of multiple measures when analysing food web stability and extinction risk. Environmental variation found in nature is considered to be positively correlated in time (Caswell & Cohen 1995; Halley 1996; Ripa & Lundberg 1996; Cuddington & Yodzis 1999). Red variation is dominated by low frequencies which result in bad/good conditions being retained for several time steps. Red environmental variation gives populations more time to respond to differences in their environment, increasing the probability of environmental fluctuation tracking (Ripa & Lundberg 1996). The stabilising power of weak-to-moderate environmental variation was reduced and extinction risks where increased with increased redness. These results are explained by reddened environmental variation causing larger density variance than white environmental variation (Fig. 2f). The same results have been found by Greenman and Benton (2005). Cuddington and Yodzis (1999) support our results by showing that reddening of variation can decrease mean persistence time in overcompensating single population models. Reddening of the environmental variation also amplified the shift in relative abundances of species and increased consumer synchronisation. Redness increasing the positive correlation between populations has also been shown in Greenman and Benton (2005). Reduced stabilizing effects and increased extinction risks caused by redness speak against the importance of environmental variation as an important stabilising property of food webs. However, addition of dispersal between subdivided populations clarifies the importance of abiotic variability. Dispersal had a strong stabilising effect during uncorrelated environmental variation (Fig. 2d, Fig. 3, Fig. 4). Individuals from patches with good conditions were able to migrate to patches with poor conditions (Engen et al. 2002, Liebhold et al. 2004). The migration undermined consumer synchronisation and evened out destabilising effect of environmental variation. The equalising effect caused by dispersal had major implications for food web stability and extinction risks. The food web with dispersal affected by dark red environmental variation was actually more stable than the food web in an isolated patch affected by white variation. Extinction risks with dispersal were close to zero, during the interval of environmental variance and redness. However, higher σenv values generated similar destabilising effects of redness as in the case with isolated subpopulations. Kaitala et al. (1997) supports our results by showing that increased system complexity can reduce the effect of redness. Engen et al. (2002) showed that increasing dispersal between patches, withholding single species, results in longer time to extinction. Mass action mixing has no distance dependence. This infers similar probabilities of dispersal between all patches. The assumption can be far from dispersal found in nature. However, results from Petchey et al. (1997) showed minor differences in population persistence when comparing landscapes with global and local dispersal. Despite the lack of distance dependence, a minor increase in stability was observed in some patches when adding dispersal during correlated environmental variation. This effect can be explained by the variance in dispersal rate between patches caused by our dispersal matrixes generation method. The small variance in dispersal rates makes it possible for individuals in patches with larger dispersal rates to save other patches with lower dispersal rates at the cost of their original subpopulation density. Further studies on distance dependent dispersal withholding negative effects, such as additional death rates on dispersers, would further clarify the importance of dispersal between subdivided populations. Food web stability and extinction risk were measured at subpopulation level in this study. It is important to consider the differences between patch and landscape level when estimating food web resistance. The choice will have large effects on estimated extinction risks! When comparing species with and without dispersal during correlated environmental variation, the stability of the food web in the landscape without dispersal was much higher than the one with dispersal. Without dispersal, all subpopulations affected by weak variation, will fluctuate in their own phase, depending on initial densities. This asynchrony minimises the variance of the sum of all subpopulations which leads to larger landscape stability. With dispersal, patches that originally fluctuate in their own phase will eventually be more synchronised, preserving the variance in the sum of all subpopulations. Time lagged dispersal, more close to dispersal found in nature would decrease this synchronising effect. However, it is still important to think of these different scales both when investigating model food webs and when measuring populations empirically. The addition of coloured environmental variation and spatial structure had major implications for the stability and extinction risk of the diamond shaped food web. Redness decrease the stabilising effect of environmental variation where as dispersal, coupled with uncorrelated response, stabilise the system. Dispersal increased the stability by increasing mean biomass and lowering the variance of densities. Weak-to-moderate environmental variation actually decreased mean biomass in the same time as it increased the value of the stability coefficient (1/CV). Single measures of stability did not show the full picture. Environmental variation also caused a change in the relative abundance of species increasing the density of the species with the smallest population in a constant environment. This food web would be more resistant to additional stresses, such as demographic stochasticity and catastrophes, than the same food web situated in a constant environment. However, an important implication of the shift in relative abundances is that present large population sizes may not give species insurance towards future increase in environmental variance. Interaction pathways, exemplified in our study, have been shown to repeat at different resolutions, making food web stability scale invariant (McCann 2009). Our model may be seen as a building block for more complex food webs indicating that dispersal coupled by variability in space and time can be the missing component in theory explaining the resistance of diverse food webs.