Title: Spatially structured food webs in coloured environments Authors: Sara Gudmundson, Frida Lögdberg, Uno Wennergren Affiliation: IFM, Theory and Modelling, Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden Email addresses: sargu@ifm.liu.se, friwa@ifm.liu.se, unwen@ifm.liu.se Running title: Spatially structured food webs Keywords: Asynchrony, coloured environmental variation, dispersal, extinction risk, food web, stability, subpopulation, synchrony. Type of article: Letter No. words in the abstract: 147 No. words in the manuscript as a whole: 5512 No. words in the main text: 4168 No. references: 34 No. figures: 4 No. tables: 1 Correspondence: Assoc. Prof. Uno Wennergren, +46 13 281666, unwen@ifm.liu.se 1 Abstract Ecological theory states that complex food webs are unstable and extinction-prone but yet species rich natural food webs do exist. This study analyse how temporal and spatial components may stabilise interactions between species. Our analyses indicate that a single measure of stability, as 1/CV, could be misleading. It does not reflect significant changes in mean densities. The ‘diamond shaped’ food web responds to an increased environmental variance by an increase of the rare species and a decrease of the most abundant species. The shift in relative abundances indicates an increase in food web stability with environmental variation. The stabilisation of environmental variation decreased with increased redness while a further increase in reality, linking environmental variation to spatially subdivided populations, increased the stabilising effect. Spatial and temporal components, jointly included and analysed with care, may become a basis for explaining the existence of large and diverse food webs. Keywords: Asynchrony, coloured environmental variation, dispersal, extinction risk, food web, stability, subpopulation, synchrony. 2 Introduction Natural food webs contain complex interaction patterns evolved through historical processes in dynamic environments (May 1973). Diverse communities are expected to have less temporal variability in biomass than species-poor counterparts (Odum 1971). However, theoretical studies predict that large complex food webs should be unstable and extinctionprone because of high connectance, many modes of oscillation and positive feedback loops (May 1973; Tilman 1999; Green & Sadedin 2005; Borrvall & Ebenman 2008). The inability of explaining nature’s diversity implies that population dynamic theory lacks important components. A second explanation could be that the stability analysis itself may not be sufficient. To address the question of important components, theoretical studies have started to include factors such as density regulation, asymmetric interaction pathways, environmental autocorrelation and dispersal (Polis 1991; McCann et al. 1998; Vasseur et al. 2005; Benincà et al. 2009; McCann & Rooney 2009). These components are known to affect local population dynamics and should be included when studying population dynamics and extinction risks (Engen et al. 2002). In this study, we will take yet another important step by investigating the stabilising role of asynchrony in the spatial dimension. As a food web model we chose the ‘diamond shaped’ food web. This model is stabilised by consumer asynchrony, resulting in stable oscillations during constant environment (McCann et al. 1998). Given these oscillations in stable environments there is a potential that temporal fluctuations in time and space may stabilize or destabilize the system. Vasseur and Fox (2007) tested the effect of temporal fluctuations and identified the important results that weak-to-moderate environmental variation actually stabilised the food web. The next step is to incorporate space and we will study whether the stability induced by consumer asynchrony and weak-tomoderate environmental variation still holds, or is even more pronounced, when adding two important components; (i) coloured (autocorrelated in time) environmental variation and (ii) 3 food web dynamics with a spatial dimension, incorporating regional dispersal between patches. Furthermore, we address the question of sufficient stability analysis by performing a thorough analysis of population dynamics. Food web stability is often measured as variability, which usually is calculated as the coefficient of variation, standard deviation divided by the mean (McCann 2000). Decreased variability implies decreased population variance which is likely to lower extinction risk (Lande 1993; McCann 2000). However, measurements of the coefficient of variation, CV, may not be enough for determining food webs ability to withstand stress. An increase in stability, measured as 1/CV, can imply an increase in mean density and a decrease in variance, or only one of these. A population consisting of just a few individuals can misleadingly be seen as robust to stress as long as its variance is low in comparison to its mean. To address the risk of misinterpreting results of stability, we evaluate mean and variance one by one in addition to standard variability measurements of food web biomass and species abundances. The environmental variance, measured in impact and frequency of extreme weather events, is increasing (Easterling et al. 2000). The change in climate is likely to cause increased variability and extinction risk of ecological systems (Lande 1993; Halley & Dempster 1996; Ripa & Lundberg 1996; Kaitala et al. 1997; Fontaine & Gonzalez 2005). When investigating the effect of environmental variation, it is important to consider different magnitudes of variance. Another important property of environmental variation is its correlation in time. Variation found in nature is considered to be best represented by pink 1/f noise (Caswell & Cohen 1995; Halley 1996; Ripa & Lundberg 1996; Cuddington & Yodzis 1999). It describes correlations in many different scales and does not priorities between timescales of disturbances (Halley 1996). In order to investigate the effect of environmental variation on 4 food webs, we incorporate 1/f noise with different magnitudes of variance and redness. In addition to variation in time, nature also contains variation in space. Landscapes are known to include different biotic and abiotic conditions giving rise to spatially separated subpopulations occupying patches. Dispersal between subpopulations enables re-establishments which can prolong the whole population’s time to extinction (Kareiva & Wennergren 1995; Engen et al. 2002; Liebhold et al. 2004; Greenman & Benton 2005). Subpopulations within the ‘diamond shaped’ food web fluctuate in stable limit cycles when existing in a constant environment (McCann et al. 1998, Vasseur and Fox 2007). These intrinsic dynamics makes it possible to study how dispersal alone affects how subpopulations fluctuate in relation to each other, termed (sub-) population synchrony (reviewed in Bjørnstad et al. 1999). Subpopulation synchrony determines if stability on landscape level will be different than stability on patch level. One has to identify each subpopulation specific environmental variation and their relation when modelling subpopulations in a landscape. Are all subpopulations affected by the same variation or are they affected by different environmental variation depending on patch specific conditions? Hence the landscape dimension includes not only the subpopulations themselves but also how stochasticity is distributed in space. Furthermore, each patch is populated by a food web, in our study consisting of four species. Different species situated in the same patch may respond differently to the same environmental variation. This food web dimension implies yet another level of synchrony of environmental stochasticities. By varying the cross-correlation of environmental time series affecting the species and their subpopulations, we simulate differences both in patch specific conditions and species environmental response. Crosscorrelation of environmental variation will affect population synchrony. Synchrony can be 5 measured both between subpopulations and between species. In this study, we will only measure synchrony between species. Synchrony between species has been shown to have a substantial effect on food web stability and extinction risk. Asynchronous consumers coupled with uncorrelated environmental variation can improve food web stability (1/CV) by dampening oscillations between resource and consumers (McCann et al. 1998; Vasseur & Fox 2007). A positive correlation in species environmental response implies a lower species extinction risk than during uncorrelated response (Borrvall & Ebenman 2008). We measure synchrony between species, according to Vasseur and Fox (2007). In addition, we measure the correlation between each species and their environmental variation. By measuring this correlation we aim to increase the understanding of how environmental variation affects how species fluctuate in relation to each other. This study addresses how the stability of food webs are affected by coloured environmental variation and spatial structure. We simulate the same ‘diamond shaped’ food web used in McCann et al. (1998) and Vasseur and Fox (2007) in order to clarify the implications of these components. Vasseur and Fox (2007) showed that weak-to-moderate environmental variation can stabilise the ‘diamond shaped’ food web. In this study, we show that redness decrease the stabilising effect of environmental variation whereas regional dispersal, coupled with uncorrelated response, has a strong stabilising effect. While dispersal increased stability by increasing mean biomass and lowering the variance of densities, weak-to-moderate environmental variation alone actually decreased mean biomass. Single measures of stability did not show the full picture. However, moderate environmental variation caused a change in the relative abundance of species increasing the density of the species with the smallest 6 population in a constant environment. A food web in such moderate environment would be more resistant to additional stresses, such as demographic stochasticity and catastrophes, yet the stability, measured as 1/CV, is reduced in comparison to the food web with a constant environment. Method The ‘diamond shaped’ food web contains four species. Two consumers share one resource and have one common predator (Fig. 1). The dynamics are described by a continuous-time differential equation system, modelled by Vasseur & Fox (2007) after McCann et al. (1998). Resources grow logistically and consumers and predator have natural background mortality. Consumption is limited by a type II nonlinear functional response (Yodzis & Innes 1992; McCann et al. 1998; Vasseur & Fox 2007). The parameter values above the splitting line in Table 1 are the same as in Vasseur and Fox (2007). The parameters are biologically plausible, estimated from studies on species’ body mass versus metabolic and ingestion rate (Dickie et al. 1987; Yodzis & Innes 1992; McCann et al. 1998; Vasseur & Fox 2007). Resource gain and predator preference are set higher for C1 than for C2. C1 is the strongest resource competitor and preferred prey of P. The competition irregularity causes intrinsic asynchronous fluctuations of consumers. Species densities fluctuate in stable limit cycles in constant environment. The standard deviation, σenv, and cross-correlation, ρenv, of environmental variation are independent parameters affecting the consumers. Environmental variation affects the two consumers’ mortality rates through an exponential filter (Gillooly et al. 2001; Vasseur & Fox 2007): 7 i M Ci k (t ) M Ck (0)e envk (t ) (1) where MiCk(t) is the mortality rate at time t, MCk(0) is the medial mortality rate and envik(t) is the environmental variation at time t for consumer k in patch i. Until this point, our method is the same as in Vasseur and Fox (2007). We have added an additional index, i, to the differential equation system (Fig. 1) which represents the spatial dimension and hence the patch number. The spatial dimension is also included in the environmental variation filter (eqn 1). The second part of this method description incorporates our additional components, starting off with colour in the environmental variation. At first, uncorrelated white environmental variation was generated from a random normal distribution with zero mean and σenv2 variance. Thereafter, we used Fourier transform to add colour to the environmental variation. The discrete Fourier transform of the coloured environmental 1/f noise, P(ƒ), was scaled according to: P( f ) X ( f ) f en v 2 (2) where ƒ is frequency, X(ƒ) is the discrete Fourier transform of the previously generated white environmental variation and the colour of P(ƒ) was determined by the value of the spectral exponent, γenv, where γenv = 0 gives white and γenv > 0 gives red noise. After colouring the time series, inverse Fourier transform was used on P(ƒ) to generate the coloured environmental variation, env(t). The food web model was integrated across a range of σenv, 0 to 0.6 in steps of 0.05, and γenv, 0 to 0.6 in steps of 0.2. In order to determine the effect of dispersal between spatially separated subpopulations, measurements in our study were taken both on local and regional scale. Patches, containing the food web, were either isolated or connected with the other patches by dispersal. Dispersal 8 between subpopulations was governed by a mass-action mixing process without distance dependence. Subpopulations with dispersal were connected through a dispersal matrix and their dynamics were described by a differential equation system (modelled after Caswell 2001 and Wennergren et al. 1995): L dPopsd,i dPops ,i dij Popsd, j d ji Popsd,i dt dt j i (3) where Popds,i is the density of species s in patch i when all subpopulations are connected with dispersal. s is an element of the set {P, C1, C2, R} and i is an element of the set {1, 2,..., 6}. dPops,i /dt is the differential equation for species s in patch i when isolated without dispersal (Fig. 1). The migration rate of subpopulation j to patch i, dij, was set to 0.3/(L-1). L is the total number of patches, L=6. The time series of environmental variation affecting the consumers were cross-correlated, with ρenv = -1, 0 or 1. In addition to varying the cross-correlation of environmental variation affecting the two consumer species, as in Vasseur & Fox (2007), we have added differences in cross-correlation of environmental variation affecting subpopulations of the same species. ρenv = -1 represented perfect negative cross-correlation between all pairs of time series affecting different consumer species. All subpopulations within the same species were affected by the same environmental time series. For ρenv = 0, both consumer species and all their subpopulations were affected by unique independent environmental time series. ρenv = 1 represented perfect positive cross-correlation, both consumer species and all their subpopulations were affected by the same time series of environmental variation. Simulations were made in MATLAB 7.5.0 (R2007b, The Mathworks, Natick, MA, USA). Initial densities for undisturbed isolated food webs where drawn from the same uniform 9 interval; 0.1 to 1.0, as in Vasseur and Fox (2007). These systems were integrated for 3000 time steps. The last 500 time steps, stable limit cycles, were used for generating initial densities for simulations incorporating environmental variation and dispersal. Simulations with initial densities from the stable limit cycles were run for 6000 time steps with 50 replicates. The last 3000 time-steps of these time series were used in the analysis. For isolated subpopulations, extinction risk was calculated as the risk of any population decreasing below the extinction boundary 10-6 during the time interval of the simulation. We chose to use the same extinction boundary, as in Vasseur and Fox (2007). With dispersal, populations were considered to decrease below the extinction boundary when the sum of all six subpopulations within species decreased below 10-6. Replicates with extinctions were only analysed in respect to extinction risk. Mean, variance and stability of subpopulation density, species density and food web biomass, consumer synchrony and extinction risk were calculated for each of the combinations of varied parameters. Food web biomass was the sum of all species densities in one patch, for local scale, and in all patches, for regional scale. Stability was measured as in Vasseur and Fox (2007), through: 1 x CV x (4) where CV is the coefficient of variation, σx the standard deviation and μx the mean of population x’s density time series. Consumer synchrony was calculated as in Vasseur and Fox (2007), through: C 1 N C1 C 2 C (t ) C (t ) T t 1 1 C1 2 (5) C2 where T is time series length, σk standard deviation and μk mean of consumer species k’s time series. The cross-correlation between each consumer and its environmental variation was calculated as in eqn 5, with ρenv =1, in order to evaluate the impact of environmental variation on each consumer. 10 Results The magnitude of environmental variance was of great importance for food web stability and extinction risk. Weak-to-moderate variance lowered variability of biomass and all species densities, except the resource, whereas higher variance destabilises the system (Fig. 2a, d, Fig. 3a). Compare results regarding the stability of P, C1 and C2 (Fig. 2a) with Fig. 2b, c and d in Vasseur and Fox (2007). The standard deviation of environmental variation, σenv, generating maximum stability, was species specific. C1 and P gained their maximum stability from higher σenv than C2 and R. The same pattern was found for each value of cross-correlation of environmental variation, ρenv. Reddening of the environmental variation decreased the stabilising effect of weak-to-moderate σenv and enhanced the destabilising effect of higher σenv. In addition, it lowered the σenv values generating maximum stability (Fig. 2d). Dispersal had minor affect on local stability during correlated environmental variation (Fig. 3). However, during uncorrelated environmental variation, the stabilising effect of weak-tomoderate σenv was enhanced and the destabilising effect of higher σenv was reduced with dispersal (Fig. 2d, Fig. 3). Complementary measurements on food webs with high migration rate (dij = 0.8) showed minor quantitative differences whereas low dispersal rates (dij = 0.004) enhanced the stabilising effect of weak-to-moderate σenv. Surprisingly, the regional variance of the food web affected by σenv < 0.6, was lower without dispersal than with dispersal, independent on ρenv. This gave food webs with isolated patches a higher regional stability, 1/CV, than food webs with connected patches. Studies on time series of biomass and species abundances revealed that addition of dispersal between subpopulations resulted in 11 maintenance of intrinsic dynamics during moderate σenv. The stable limit cycles where not as apparent in isolated patches during the same environmental variance (Fig. 4). Mean food web biomass decreased and biomass variance increased with increasing σenv (Fig. 2e, f), regardless of ρenv. However, a constant environment did not give the lowest variance in biomass. Weak-to-moderate σenv actually resulted in a minor decrease in biomass variance. Measurements on time series of species densities showed that the value of σenv affected the relative abundance of species (Fig. 2b). Mean density of the species with the smallest population in constant environment, C1, increased with increased σenv. In contrast to C1, high σenv decreased mean density and resulted in a major increase in variance for the largest species in constant environment, C2 (Fig. 2c). Mean density of R increased whereas the mean of P decreased with increased σenv. Reddening of the environmental variation enhanced the effects of increased σenv on biomass (Fig. 2e, f) and each species (results not shown). The same change in relative species abundance occurred, but for lower values of σenv. Dispersal coupled with uncorrelated environmental variation reduced the effects of increasing σenv on food web biomass (Fig. 2e, f) and species densities (results not shown). Subpopulation extinction risk increased with increased σenv, regardless of the value of ρenv. ρenv = -1 gave the highest extinction risk whereas ρenv =1 gave the lowest. A similar pattern was found for each species, where C2 showed the highest sensitivity to increased σenv. Reddening of the environmental variation increased population extinction risk whereas dispersal coupled with uncorrelated environmental variation reduced the risk of extinction. Consumer synchrony increased with increased σenv, regardless of ρenv. Results are in line with Vasseur and Fox (2007). Reddening of the environmental variation enhanced this effect 12 whereas dispersal coupled with uncorrelated environmental variation reduced the synchronising effect of increased σenv. Both consumers become increasingly negatively correlated with their environmental variation during weak-to moderate σenv. However, results differed for σenv > 0.3. The negative correlation between C1 and the environmental variation continued to increase while the negative correlation between C2 and environmental variation started to decrease for higher σenv. Reddening of the environmental variation amplified the effect whereas dispersal coupled with uncorrelated environmental variation decreased the effect of increased σenv. The pattern of differences in correlation was retained for all different scenarios tested. Discussion The ‘diamond shaped’ food web was first used by McCann et al. (1998) to show stabilising effects of consumer asynchrony in constant environments. Vasseur and Fox (2007) simulated the same food web and investigated the effects of environmental variation. By simulating the same model, used in McCann et al. (1998) and Vasseur and Fox (2007), our aim was to clarify the implications of coloured environmental variation and spatial structure on the stability of food webs. We show that redness decreases the stabilising effect of environmental variation whereas regional dispersal may increases the stability of the system. In addition of using the same stability analysis as in Vasseur and Fox (2007), we also include direct analysis of mean and variation of densities. We initiate our investigation by confirming results of Vasseur and Fox (2007): (i) weak-tomoderate environmental variation increases the system’s stability coefficient, 1/CV, by dampening predator fluctuations, (ii) stronger environmental variation increases the variability of densities, destabilising the system. Results from our study reveal that measuring 13 stability only by 1/CV can be misleading. When environmental variation increases the stability coefficient it also causes a decrease in food web biomass (Fig. 2e). Decreased biomass implies increased system sensitivity to demographic stochasticity and catastrophes with increased extinction risks as a result (Lande 1993). Independent studies of mean and variance of densities also show that variation over time can shift the relative abundance of species in the food web, increasing the density of the smallest population, C1 (Fig. 2b). The shift is caused by C1 having a better ability to make use of the resource than C2 during high environmental variance. In contrast to C2, C1 was increasingly negatively correlated with the environmental variation during the whole interval of σenv. C2:s poor resource tracking abilities resulted in high density variance. The high variance gave C2 the highest extinction risk at high σenv, despite being the species with the largest mean density. Shifts in relative abundance with increased σenv indicate that addition of stress factors, such as catastrophes and demographic stochasticity, may affect the relationship between extinction risk and environmental variance. Moderate environmental variation may decrease system extinction risks by increasing the density of the species with the lowest population in a constant environment. Further studies including these mechanisms may clarify the effect of environmental variation and the importance of multiple measures when analysing food web stability and extinction risk. The second phase of our investigation was to add additional components to the ‘diamond shaped’ food web. Environmental variation is considered to be positively correlated in time (Caswell & Cohen 1995; Halley 1996; Ripa & Lundberg 1996; Cuddington & Yodzis 1999). Positively correlated, red, variation is dominated by low frequencies. This property results in bad/good conditions being retained for several time steps. Red variation gives populations more time to respond to differences in their environment, increasing the probability of 14 environmental fluctuation tracking (Ripa & Lundberg 1996). The stabilising power of weakto-moderate environmental variation was reduced and extinction risks where increased with increased redness. These results are explained by reddened environmental variation causing larger density variance than white environmental variation (Fig. 2f), compare with Greenman and Benton (2005). Cuddington and Yodzis (1999) support our results by showing that reddening of variation can decrease mean persistence time in overcompensating single population models. Reddening of the environmental variation also amplified the shift in relative abundances of species and increased consumer synchronisation. That redness may increase the positive correlation between populations has also been shown in Greenman and Benton (2005). Reduced stabilizing effects and increased extinction risks caused by redness reduce the importance of environmental variation as an important stabilising property of food webs. However, addition of dispersal between subdivided populations re-emphasizes the importance of abiotic variability. Dispersal had a strong stabilising effect during uncorrelated environmental variation (Fig. 2d, Fig. 3, Fig. 4). Individuals from patches with good conditions were able to migrate to patches with poor conditions, compare with result of Engen et al. (2002) or Liebhold et al. (2004). The migration undermined consumer synchronisation and evened out destabilising effect of environmental variation. The equalising effect caused by dispersal had major implications for food web stability and extinction risks. The food web with dispersal affected by highly red environmental variation was more stable than the food web in an isolated patch with white variation (Fig. 2d). Extinction risks with dispersal were actually close to zero, for environmental variance and redness used in our study. Higher σenv values generated similar destabilising effects of redness as in the case with isolated subpopulations. Kaitala et al. (1997) supports our results by showing that increased system complexity can reduce the 15 effect of redness. Engen et al. (2002) showed that increasing dispersal between patches, withholding single species, results in longer time to extinction. Gouhier et al. (2010) studied a discrete version of the ‘diamond shaped’ food web, investigating how local, nearestneighbour, dispersal affected food web response in a spatially uniform environment. They conclude that local dispersal may be a contributing factor determining food web response to uniform environmental fluctuations. Results indicate that differences in dispersal rates will have large effect on the capacity of correlated environmental variation to disrupt compensatory dynamics. This phenomenon is not evident in our study. Results of Gouhier et al. (2010) are dependent on one specific dispersal regime giving rise to autonomous fluctuations on the regional scale, in constant environment. The results are difficult to compare with results of Vasseur and Fox (2007) and ours because of differences between the difference equation system used in Gouhier et al. (2010) and the differential equation systems used in McCann et al. (1998), Vasseur and Fox (2007) and our current study. The minor differences in results between migration rate 0.3 and 0.8, found in our study, depend on a small actual difference in migrating proportion. Note that such migrating proportion can be approximated from migration rate in analogue with the conversion of intrinsic to discrete per capita rate of growth. Although our study is not mainly studying the effect of different migration rates we also performed a study on very low migration rate since it ought to render slightly other dynamics and may explain some findings of Gouhier et al. (2010). The effect of low dispersal was as expected from general theory: the synchronising potential of dispersal diminishes and patches are as unsynchronized as the environmental variation over a long transient period. The length of the transient period will depend on the dispersal rate and as the rate approaches zero the length of the transient period approaches infinity. Hence, low dispersal coupled with weak-to-moderate environmental variation reduces the amplitude of 16 the stable limit cycles, lowering variability and increase stability. These broad and general results are fairly close to the findings in Gouhier et al. (2010) more specific study. We chosed to use mass action mixing in our study although it is not close to most natural scenarios, one may for example expect distance dependence. The mass action mixing infers similar probabilities of dispersal between all patches. However, we find it to be a good starting point when investigating general effects of dispersal itself without confounding effects of distance dependence and aggregational patterns etc. Our approach can be further developed towards more specific spatio temporal systems with heterogeneous landscapes and dispersal kernels (Lindström et al. 2008). Results from Petchey et al. (1997) showed minor differences in population persistence when comparing landscapes with local and regional dispersal. The primary focus of this paper has been measurements on local scale. However, it is important to consider differences between local and regional scale when estimating food web resistance (Kareiva & Wennergren 1995). The choice of scale will have major effect on estimated extinction risks. Results obtained on local scale, showing a stabilising effect of dispersal with uncorrelated environmental variation, appear to contradict measurements on regional scale. Differences between scales are caused by the spatial dimension affecting subpopulation synchrony. Isolated subpopulations, without dispersal, fluctuate in their own phase depending on initial densities and environmental variation. When measuring densities on regional scale, we take the sum of all subpopulation for each time step. The asynchrony between patches makes the summation of density time series to even out fluctuations over time. This gave the regional density time series an artificially low variance and hence generated a high overall stability. With dispersal, subpopulations that initially fluctuate in 17 their own phase became more synchronised by migration between patches (Bjørnstad et al. 1999). When taking the sum of such subpopulations, the variance of the time series will be more preserved resulting in a higher variance producing a lower stability. Our results implicate that if stability is measured by variance, as in 1/CV, one have to be assured that the time series are not a summation of sets of local time series. We anticipate that this may become a problem in empirical work since it can be cumbersome to discriminate between subpopulations. The addition of coloured environmental variation and spatial structure had major implications on the stability and extinction risk of the ‘diamond shaped’ food web. Redness decreased the stabilising effect of environmental variation whereas dispersal, coupled with uncorrelated response, stabilised the system. Dispersal increased the stability by increasing mean biomass and lowering the variance of densities. Weak-to-moderate environmental variation actually decreased mean biomass in the same time as it increased the value of the stability coefficient, 1/CV. Single measures of stability did not show the full picture. Environmental variation also caused a change in the relative abundance of species increasing the density of the species with the smallest population in a constant environment. The food web affected by moderate environmental variation would actually be more resistant to additional stresses, such as demographic stochasticity and catastrophes, than the same food web situated in a constant environment. However, shifts in relative abundances of species may have unexpected implications for species with present large population sizes. Large populations today may not insure species against future increase in environmental variance. Interaction pathways, exemplified in our study, have been shown to repeat at different resolutions, making food web stability scale invariant (McCann & Rooney 2009). Our model may be seen as a building block for more complex food webs indicating that dispersal coupled by variability in space 18 and time can be the missing component in theory explaining the existence of large and diverse food webs. Acknowledgements … Table 1 Parameter explanation and their values. The constant parameters above the splitting line are the same as in Table 1 in Vasseur and Fox (2007). The food web model was integrated across a range of σenv (0 to 0.6 in steps of 0.05), γenv (0 to 0.6 in steps of 0.2) and ρenv (-1, 0 and 1). Parameter Description Value r Resource intrinsic rate of growth 1.0 K Resource carrying capacity 1.0 JC 1 Consumer (C1) ingestion rate 0.8036 JC 2 Consumer (C2) ingestion rate 0.7 JP Predator ingestion rate 0.4 MC1(0) Medial consumer (C1) mortality rate 0.4 MC2(0) Medial consumer (C2) mortality rate 0.2 19 MP Predator mortality rate 0.08 R01 Half saturation constant 0.16129 R02 Half saturation constant 0.9 C0 Half saturation constant 0.5 ΩPC1 Preference coefficient 0.92 ΩC1R Preference coefficient 1.0 ΩC2R Preference coefficient 0.98 σenv Standard deviation of environmental variation 0 - 0.6 γenv Colour of environmental variation 0 - 0.6 ρenv Cross-correlation of environmental variation -1, 0, 1 Figure 1 The ‘diamond shaped’ food web with differential equation system (McCann et al. 1998; Vasseur and Fox 2007). The equation system is the same as in Fig. 1 in Vasseur and Fox (2007) except for our additional index, i, the patch number. P is the density of the top predator, C1 first consumer, C2 second consumer, R resource and Ωa,b, is the consumption preference of species a for species b. Figure 2 Local stability (μ/σ), mean (μ) and variance (σ2) for species population densities and food web biomass with environmental fluctuation strength, σenv, and uncorrelated environmental variation, ρenv=0. Left column; measurements on species population densities with white environmental variation, γenv=0, without dispersal. P is predator, C1 first consumer, C2 second consumer and R resource. Right column; measurements on food web biomass with white and coloured environmental variation of γenv=0-0.6, without and with (crosshatch lines) 20 dispersal. * P, C1 and C2 density stability as when ρenv=0 in Fig. 2b, c and d in Vasseur & Fox (2007). Figure 3 Local stability of food web biomass (μB/σB) with standard deviation of environmental variation, σenv, and cross-correlation of environmental variation, ρenv. a) isolated patch b) patch connected by dispersal. Figure 4 System responses to continual synchronous point perturbations with standard deviation of environmental variation, σenv=0.3, and uncorrelated environmental variation, ρenv=0. The patch that is connected with the other patches by dispersal maintains the intrinsic dynamics of the food web. σenv=0.3 gave the highest predator stability when patches were connected. * as in Vasseur & Fox (2007). References Benincà, E., Jöhnk, K. D., Heerkloss, R. & Huisman, J. (2009). Coupled predator–prey oscillations in a chaotic food web. Ecol. Lett., 12, 1367-1378. Bjørnstad, O. N., Ims, R. A. & Lambin, X. (1999). Spatial population dynamics: Analyzing patterns and processes of population synchrony. Trends Ecol. Evol., 14, 427432. Borrvall, C. & Ebenman, B. (2008). 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