2013-2014 Dean`s Assessment Response to Department

2013-2014 Dean’s Assessment Response to Departments – Levels of Accomplishment
Department/Program: Counselor Education
Date: 10-10-14
The dean has reviewed the department’s Assessment and Closing the Loop Report for the 2013-2014 AY. The
department’s assessment efforts have been evaluated using the rubric below. Our goal is to assist all departments/
programs in moving to stage 5. Deans will provide this feedback to departments by October 1, 2014.
Assessment Stage
Description of Stage
There is evidence that the department’s/program’s
assessment project has reached Level Four and that the
department has integrated on-going assessment of SLOs,
reporting, closing the loop actions, dissemination of
results, as sustainable processes into its standard yearly
operating procedures.
Results of the assessment project are reported to and
reviewed by the departmental faculty (and noted in the
assessment report). The faculty have recommended
action(s) for improvement of their curriculum and
instruction based on their assessment results. Any actions
the department has taken or plans to take as a result of
the current assessment results are described in the
department’s Assessment and Closing the Loop Report
to the school dean.
The assessment projects implemented involve direct
assessment – expert evaluation of actual products of
student work (Brockport faculty or appropriate outside
consultants); assessment data demonstrate in a specific
way the degree to which each outcome under study is
being achieved. Departments keep written or electronic
records of assessment data and file assessment reports on
time as required by the Academic Assessment System.
The department has implemented a plan that will result
in the assessment of all student learning outcomes within
a 3.5-year cycle. 2012-2013 AY is the initial period of that
The department has a written set of student learning
outcomes stated in a form that can be assessed. There is
a written plan for assessment of all SLOs in a three-year
cycle (3.5 years for current cycle). These materials are
filed (and kept up-to-date) with the department/program,
and reviewed by school dean, vice provost, and
Academic Assessment Committee.
The department has no student learning outcomes stated
in a form that can be assessed.
[continue to page 2]
Assessment Feedback Form Dean to Department 07 01 14 version.docx
Not Achieved
Not Achieved
Not Achieved
Not Achieved
Not Achieved
Dean’s comments on this department’s assessment project(s) in the 2013-2014 AY:
1. Meaningfulness of the assessment results reported:
 Focused on SLOs that are critically important to the profession and that are convincingly linked to the
standards of the profession.
 Range of direct assessments of student performance related to SLOs and standards
 Careful and thoughtful strategies for looking at department level SLOs across the three programs.
2. Appropriateness of the closing the loop actions proposed:
 Actions are clearly and convincingly grounded in rigorous data analysis and interpretation.
 Actions include continued monitoring, curricular and pedagogical changes, and further investigation
 Raised important questions about what constitutes developmentally appropriate expectations for student
performance at different points in the program.
3. Availability of resources to address action items (if requested by department):
 Resources used: Tremendous amount of faculty time, support of assessment office (Keith Nobles and
Leigh Robinson), TK20, Brendan Post (TK20 and Blackboard), graduate students in EDC 606
 Resources needed: More faculty time, more faculty in the department, additional graduate assistants,
additional PEU and IT staff to support college assessment, compensation for assessment coordinators that
recognizes the increased workload, continue to need the resources used in past year
4. Any general comments on this year’s assessment work:
 Presentation demonstrates that the department has made a strong commitment to successfully integrating
meaningful, robust assessment throughout all aspects of its work. Assessment committee comprised on
senior faculty members, involvement of all faculty.
 Engaged students in investigating assessment findings as part of research coursework, e.g., engaging
graduate students in EDC 606 in researching possible causes for targeted assessment findings, with findings
reported at the department’s fall scholarly conference.
5. Suggestions for improvement for next year’s assessment work:
Assessment Feedback Form Dean to Department 07 01 14 version.docx
NOTE: A special meeting of the dean and the school’s faculty will be scheduled to discuss the 2013-2014
assessment projects. This meeting will take place as scheduled by the dean’s office in Fall 2014.
Deans will send the completed form to the department chair with a copy to the vice provost’s office for use by the Academic Assessment
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