Terms for REL 101: Understanding the Bible Last updated 8 February 2016. You are responsible for learning all the terms in this list as they are used in class or appear in the assigned readings throughout the semester. Look in the textbook(s) for definitions or explanations. Use also other sources listed in the syllabus as well as resources in the library or on the Web. Pay attention to the use of these words in your readings and in class. Never be afraid to ask me or others what a term means (but do the research yourself first). Terms in yellow may be on the midterm exam. In addition, terms in green may be on the final exam. 666 Aaron Abba Abel Abraham actual Jesus AD Adam adonai agape Alexander the Great Alexandria allegory Alpha & Omega Amos anachronism Ancient Near East angel (the) Annunciation anthropomorphism anti-Christ Antioch Antiochus IV Epiphanes (the) Antitheses aphorism apocalypse apocalyptic (literature) Apocrypha apodictic apology apostasy apostle Aramaic Ark of the Covenant Armageddon (the) Ascension Asia Asia Minor Assyria Athens atonement Augustus Ave Maria Baal Babel Babylon Babylonian exile baptism Barabbas Bathsheba BC BCE Beatitudes beloved disciple Bethel Bethlehem Bible bibliolatry bishop Caesarea Cain Cana Canaan canon Capernaum catholic Catholic Epistles CE centurion Cephas cherub(im) Christ christological titles Christology Chronicler’s History church circumcision codex Code of Hammurabi cosmopolitan ethos cosmopolitanism Court History (Succession Narrative) covenant cult Cyrus (the Great) D Damascus Daniel David Davidic covenant Day of Yahweh deacon Dead Sea Scrolls Decalogue demon deuterocanon(ical) Deuteronomic Deuteronomic Code Deuteronomic Reform Deuteronomistic Deuteronomistic History Deutero-Isaiah deutero-Pauline devil Diaspora (or Dispersion) Diatessaron Dionysus disciple Docetism documentary hypothesis (= source hypothesis) doxology dualism E Eden egalitarian ethos Egypt eisegesis ekklesia El El Shaddai Elijah Elohim emperor cult endogamy Enuma Elish Epicureanism epiphany epistle eponym eschatology eschaton Essenes Esther etiology Eucharist Euphrates evangelist Eve exegesis exile Exodus exogamy exorcism expiation Ezekiel Ezra faith Fertile Crescent Former Prophets Four Horsemen fundamentalism Galilee Gehenna genealogy Gentile Gethsemane Gideon Gilgamesh epic glossolalia gnosis Gnosticism Gnostics golden calf the Golden Rule Golgotha Goliath Gomorrah golden calf gospel Gospel Gospel of Thomas grace Greco-Roman world Greece Hades haggadah halakah Hanukkah Hasmoneans Hebrew Hebrew Bible Hebron hell Hellenism Hellenist Hellenistic Hellenistic period Hellenistic world Hellenization henotheism herem heresy hermeneutical circle hermeneutics Herod (the Great) hesed heterodoxy heteropraxy Hexateuch Hezekiah high places historical criticism historical Jesus Holiness Code Holy of Holies Holy Spirit holy war Horeb Hosea hour of glory hymn idol idolatry imago Dei Imitatio Dei immanence Immanuel (the) Incarnation inerrancy Isaac Isaiah of Jerusalem Ishmael Isis & Osiris Israel J Jacob James (“the Lord’s brother”) Jeremiah Jeroboam I Jerome Jerusalem Jesus Jesus Seminar Jew Jewish Scripture Jewry Jezebel Job Johannine epistles John of Patmos John the Baptist Jonah Jordan River Joseph Joshua Josiah Judah Judaism Judas Iscariot Judas Maccabeus Judea judge Jupiter justification by faith justified kairos kenosis kerygma kerygmatic Christ King James Version Kingdom of God Kingdom of Heaven Koine L Lament lamentation Last Supper Latter Prophets the (Jewish) Law Lazarus Levites lex talionis liturgy logos LORD Lord’s Prayer Lord’s Supper LXX M Maccabees magi (the) Magnificat Manasseh manna manuscript Marduk Markan priority martyr Mary Mary Magdalene Masada Masoretic Text Mediterranean Sea Mesopotamia messiah messianic secret Micaiah ben Imlah midrash Minor Prophets Miriam Mishnah Mithras monolatry monotheism Mosaic covenant Moses Mount of Olives MT mystery (= mystery religion) myth(ology) Nag Hammadi Nazarene Nazareth Nehemiah Nero Noah numerology Nunc Dimittis Old Testament Omri (house of) oracle oral Law oral tradition orthodoxy orthopraxy P pagan Palestine pantheism pantheon papyrus parable Paraclete parallelism parenesis parity treaty (or covenant) (the) Parousia (the) Passion Passover Pastoral Epistles Pastorals (= Pastoral Epistles) patriarch Paul Pax Romana Pentateuch Pentecost pericope Persia Peter Pharisees Philemon Philippi Philistines philosophy Phoenicia pistis Plato polytheism Pontius Pilate predestination presbyter priest Priestly history Promised Land prophecy prophesy prophet Prophets propitiation proverb providence Psalm Psalter Pseudepigrapha pseudonymity Ptolemies Q Qoheleth (Koheleth) Qumran rabbi Rahab realized eschatology reconciliation redaction criticism redactor redeemer Rehoboam repent resurrection revelation righteous(ness) Roman Empire Rome Rosetta Stone Sabbath Sadducees salvation history Samaria Samaritans Samson (& Delilah) Samuel Sanhedrin Sarah (the) Satan Saul Saul of Tarsus savior scapegoat scribe scripture Sea of Reeds Second Isaiah Second Temple Seleucids Semites Septuagint seraph(im) Sermon on the Mount seven seals Shechem (the) Shema Sheol shofet signs signs source simile Simon (Mount) Sinai Socrates Sodom Solomon Son of God Son of Man soul Stoicism Sumerians suzerainty treaty (or covenant) synagogue syncretism Synoptic Gospels Synoptic problem Synoptics (=Synoptic Gospels) tabernacle Talmud Tanak(h) Temple Ten Commandments testament Tetragrammaton Tetrateuch theocracy theodicy theology theophany Third Isaiah (Trito-Isaiah) Thomas Tigris Torah tradition transcendence Transjordan tree of life Tribal Confederacy the Twelve two-document theory (= twosource hypothesis) Tyndale, William undisputed letters universalism Vulgate Wisdom Wisdom Literature Wycliffe, John Yahweh YHWH Zealots Zeus (= Jupiter) (Mount) Zion Zion theology Zoroastrianism