All: Activity Bounce Cards

Formative Assessment Table-Based Center
Formative Instructional Strategy: Bounce Cards
Himmele, P. and Himmele, W. (2011). Total Participation Techniques: Making Every Student an Active Learner, (pp.
68-70) Alexandra, VA: ASCD.
Student involvement opportunities:
 Listening
 Speaking
 Summarizing/Synthesizing
 Affirming/Refuting/Inquiring
How it works:
1. Teacher selects a student with whom to model deep engagement in conversation (listening and responding). The
rest of the class observes this conversation
2. Teacher and student model the “wrong” way to have a conversation…one in which the conversation that ends
quickly after each party have shared their responses, with no back and forth dialogue. Then the teacher
discusses the importance of conversational skills that allow ideas to bounce from one person to the next.
3. Teacher instructs class on three approaches to responding to peers that encourage deep conversation.
a. Bounce: Students take what their peers say and “bounce” an idea off of it or “extend” the idea.
b. Sum it up: Students rephrase what their peers say and comment on certain parts.
c. Inquire: Students ask a question regarding what their peers say.
4. Teacher and student model a deep, engaging conversation using the Bounce Card sentence starters.
5. Allow students to practice, using prepared topics or prompts and provide effective feedback on the
6. Students may enjoy adding on to the sentence starters (cards and/or charts). At some point they may not need
any prompts to engage in deep, reflective conversation.
Benefits: This strategy encourages deeper, longer, more memorable conversations and encourages participants to
listen intently to others before responding. This also helps to build community between and among classmates as
well as reflect on and synthesize individual learning.
Bounce: Take what your classmate(s) said and bounce an idea off of it. For example, you can start your sentence
 “That reminds me of…”
 “I agree, because…”
 “True. Another example is when…”
 “That’s a great point, and…”
Sum It Up: Rephrase what was just said in a shorter version. For example, you can start your sentences with—
 “I hear you saying that…”
 “So, if I understand you correctly…”
 “I like how you said…”
Inquire: Understand what your classmates mean by asking them questions. For example, you can start your
questions with—
 “Can you tell me more about that?”
 “I’m not sure I understand…?”
 “I see your point, but what about…?”
 “Have you thought about…?”