Senate Minutes – September 17, 2015 SUB 235 Call meeting to order 6:00 pm Roll call Present: Campbell, Chapman, Dove, Dufner, Glose, Howell, Jones, Lacy, Leach, Lynn, Manley, Marts, Murdoch, O’Keefe, O’Leary, Oswald, Sanders, Soares, Stimac, Windham, Zoltek Absent: None Review Previous Minutes o September 10, 2015 Howell- Move to approve Dove- Seconded Minutes Approved Move to public comment Phone-In: Jamie Edmondson FFA – I worked with Gwynn as vice president for Montana FFA and she has such professionalism and passion. I work with young students and leaders and it’s our job to build leaders. College students are still learning and from my perspective please think hard about the vote. Leaders shouldn’t be hung out to dry but rather come together to support her and she has an opportunity to make it up to the students. Look at the policy on her granted tuition. Look at other mistakes made by leaders, athletes, etc. and if their scholarships were taken away. Think before you take away the waiver. You have a great leader with Gwynn and we all make mistakes and she is one of the best leaders. Mackenzie Redmond Panhellenic President- I represent 300 women on campus. I created a poll that asks should the ASMSU president resign. If you answer No – everyone makes mistakes If you answer Yes – leaders should do better. 85% said Gwynn should step down. We sorority women hold ourselves to a higher standard. We believe our president should step down. What you do has an impact on this campus. Executive board in sororities is held to a very high standard. You are under a microscope in sorority life so we elect women to represent us in a specific way. Everyone makes mistakes but in a sorority this mistake would lead to dismissal or probation. If I received a DUI I would be stripped of all my leadership positions. Not questioning Gwynn’s character but lack of responsibility and accountability. Soares- How many women were polled? Redmond- About 200 Howell- What do sororities do when someone receives a DUI? Redmond- we haven’t had one in my time so I don’t know but I am on standards and deal with other issues like MIPs Howell-Speaking for your house, what is your response to treating that girl fairly and as a sister? Redmond-Always supportive of one another. Obvious legal ramifications for actions. Girl will go on either social or complete probation. Social is to not attend formal. Probation is like no vote no voice. Howell- But they wouldn’t face expulsion? Redmond-There would be something like that. Ray Porter College of Engineering- I write for the exponent and am a janitor at Big Sky. I like driving my car safely on the roads. I know someone who was granted a scholarship because the first place kid got a DUI. ASMSU runs the streamline bus system which she could’ve used. My dad went fishing in Washington and flipped the van and he lived but I wouldn’t be here if he didn’t. My dad always says if you’re drunk that’s one thing but don’t put others’ lives at risk. Hondo Ashe-Ramirez College of Letters and Science – Did BBYM in high school and when I was in a leadership position it was stated to me that I represented the community and to maintain the safety of others. A leader in my community got a DUI, he was 17 and made a dumb decision and was forced to step down. A few colleges around the US have had multiple situations similar to that of the ASMSU president and it is unfortunate that our student body is immature enough to attack (Simenuik) and I apologize but your actions have affected negatively. We as a whole have voted for you to represent ASMSU and to be a role model. It’s unfortunate that you (drank and then drove). People could’ve died. How can we as a student body trust you when you couldn’t make the decision to take a different mode of transportation or stay put? I ask you to step down. Faith Dyrud College of Agriculture – Simenuik still has qualities of leadership. She can still effectively lead and I know this because I have seen it time and time again. Her actions should not be condoned. There should be some kind of punishment like pulling her tuition waiver but making her step down would be taking a step backward not forward. John walker on behalf of Charsi Workman College of Agriculture- I still have confidence in Gwynn. She is a great asset to every team. ASMSU would have to fill a great void if she was removed. Making her step down is not the answer. She should coordinate workshops on the evils of drinking and driving. I have full confidence in her leadership position. There is nothing in the constitution to punish this action but she can still do her job as ASMSU president. She works so hard for students to feel welcome and trust her. She didn’t have to tell anyone what happened but she came forward and did. Feel privileged that she created this conversation and that is some great leadership. Zoltek to Civil Engineering: What actions do you think should be taken? Porter: Scholarship should be removed and we should find someone who does not put other lives in danger Miranda Gluettemueller College of Agriculture- No one is perfect we all make mistakes and Gwynn realizes the weight of that mistake. It shows character and integrity that she has stuck with her position instead of stepping down. She has an opportunity to grow right now and lead despite error. She can lead students who went through the same situation. The position should not be stripped. Gwynn Simenuik ASMSU President- Thank you for all the students who have voiced their opinions. I am really impressed that everyone cares so much for this university. I respect the thought that has gone into support or not support. I feel complete shame and it is very personal to many students. I understand concerns and students with personal incidences. I have lost some of my closest friends to this and I disrespected them in the worst way. I understand everyone’s care for this issue. I am ashamed of my actions but not of myself. I believe I have handled this problem in a way to keep me being an effective leader. I believe in transparency and I owe it to the students to be honest. I knew the consequences and that’s why I released my story. I have been listening and responding to students and I am grateful for that because they are valued. It is important for our leaders to have humility. I asked to be held accountable, have guidance, and rebuild their trust. I am still here listening to students who care so much about their university. I will not let this issue be unresolved. Teamwork is important and senate should communicate with faculty. I can still effectively collaborate with senate and be a great leader. We have great things coming up in asmsu like appointing freshman ambassadors, public relations plan, and bobcat taskforce, academic calendar with the provost, traditional dead week, renter’s literacy, Romney renovation meeting, and increase parking security. We should expect our leaders to not give up when things get tough but come out stronger. It is a time for reflection and growth. Whether I stay on as president or take on a non-formal position I am determined to make a difference at this university. I ran on the platform to increase student engagement. Ray Porter College of Engineering: Are DUIs on public record? Simenuik: Yes End of public comment Move to Presentations Ryan Diehl Outdoor Recreation- Three years ago I was in senate trying to get this position in outdoor recreation. We are celebrating 40 years at outdoor recreation. We have modernized in that time. It is one of the most exciting and engaging programs at MSU. We have had successes such as trip leader training programs, expanded our product line, outdoor classes for credit are in the works. See packet for an outline of 2015-2016 year. We want to hire an assistant director to further our reach and impact. We updated our front end operations with new computers. This is due to increased student budget funding. Over 8 thousand items were rented out to the public. 800 participants went on trips. Over 8 thousand patrons in total. Soares- How’s the assistant director search coming? Diehl: Small hiccup but it is coming Soares- Website progress? Diehl: December 10th is should be up and running Glose – What classes for credit? Diehl- Kayaking, rock-climbing, back country skiing, outdoor survival, rafting. Glose- Fees associated? Diehl- Yes but variable $100-$500 and that is public record Zoltek- Hiring outside or under your program? Diehl-Reach outside of programs bounds to mend schedule conflicts. Hiring from instructor pool. Diehl – I will be back to speak about an early stages project like a climbing boulder and the Roskie beach area. Waiting on approval then present to get support. O’Keefe-On Roskie fields or in middle area of new freshman dorms? Diehl-Not taking up any playing space but open space behind Roskie Dufner-Basketball court? Diehl- Not aware of the current plans Admin Reports Simenuik- Birky and I were just at board of regents. It was introductory and pay dues. $525 and in the budget paid for already. Brainstorming ideas. Main project is substance abuse and how it may affect their schools and setting goals for this year. Next meeting is here during Cat/Griz so you guys should come and speak. Next week is the Romney renovation meeting. Didn’t pass in legislature this year but still an msu 2017 priority. Bobcat editorial draft has been sent out and senate will read it. Academic calendar will be discussed with Martha. Early student registration is in the office so sign up. Freshman ambassador and judicial council appointments coming up. October 1st at 5:30 here is pictures so look nice. Soares-Was there discussion about increase in dues at mass meeting? Simenuik-They’re not fighting for any increases Marianne Brough director of operations- Great things in ASMSU: received 6 thousand dollars in funds added to budget. Birky got a grant to fund budget 1.4 thousand dollars. Code of conduct is up at university council. Con audit we fought for a year and we did it in four weeks. We are ahead of the game and I am very proud. Senators have grown immensely in the past few weeks. Off to a great start. Soares-Code of conduct from last year or already voted on? Brough-Bill of rights is what I meant sorry Birky- Regents meeting announced research initiative. Money is back in the university system. Community college workforce development. Update on MUS budget. Substance abuse was discussed. Trust lands held by MUS are extensive. Got news back on that grant and thanks to Carsten Kirby. I’ll be going to finance board next week to get tier three stipend. Impartial body will me a must have. One senator will serve on the interview process with me. Completed director one on one meetings. Soares-Resolution in support of bill of rights. Potential bill for judicial bylaws. Been working on for justice’s responsibilities and roles. Committee assignments EFAC committee needs two more members. CFAC needs one more member. Tammi Brown will talk next week about the new residence hall. Cowles-procrastinator is killing it 80% of last year’s ticket sales. It will be met by the end of this semester. Reach out to your liaisons. Dove-Met with ADA and talked about building wheelchair accessibility issue Senate Reports Glose-club sports leadership council must be cpr and first aid certification. Race here in Bozeman this weekend, Bobcat Triathlon. Cat/Griz rugby game coming up. O’Keefe-Fitness center and Rec meeting. Steering committee may be coming to present to us and strive to get Spartan race here for MSU. New massage website. New equipment in the gym. Howell- Exit gallery exhibit comparing narratives of Bozeman residents of the past. It beautiful so go. Soares-It’s pretty sweet Lacy- To Glose: are leaders of clubs required to pay for their cpr? Glose-Budget covers certification fees so no Dufner- I’m going to re pass out sign-up sheet for homecoming volunteer after senate on September 24th O’Keefe-If you signed up last week sign up again Move to new business Reading of Censure of Gwynn Simenuik Sponsors Josh Soares, Brad Jones, Garrett Leach Leach-Suspend rules move to second reading Glose-Second Move to vote Yes-14 No-5 Obstention-1 Leach- move to approve Windham-second Leach-move to approve Glose-seconded Leach-This is no small offence and reflects poorly on us as a student body and government. There is no precedent at our university for this but I believe we have settled on appropriate punishment. We need to officially state we do not condone these activity and are disappointed in the actions. Howell- I agree with leach but the language is not necessary in this document. Our feelings are apparent. ‘Immense’ and ‘outrage’ are unnecessary and do not add value. Cowles- ‘body’ is said like 25 times so it should say asmsu senate and ‘outraged’ is inappropriate. Make sure you are proud of this document in professionalism. Waiver is spelled wrong. O’Leary- line 14: I believe Simenuik is still able to perform her duties friendly amendment to change to not all of instead of not any. Glose-seconded Howell-Think carefully about the message this sends to people Windham-Sounds wishy-washy and obscure. Think about wording must be careful Move to vote Yes 4 No 15 Motion fails Soares-back to original document Zoltek-point of information: how much research was done in coming up with this punishment? Soares-based on conscience of acceptable punishment to move forward. It’s right in the middle. Zoltek- I’m not disagreeing but I think we should research it further before reaching this punishment as a decision it would be more professional since it will be seen by a lot of people. Soares-there are a finite number of options and must vote on conscious Windham-friendly amendments: language like excess of ‘body’ needs to be changed to ‘the senate’ Friendly amendment accepted Windham-negate ‘and outrage’ because it is unnecessary Friendly amendment rejected Windham-line 29 change misspelling of waiver Friendly amendment accepted Windham- the censure is a good compromise but from my college I received a few emails and they said that aside from Simenuik’s character ‘we do not believe we should have someone in leadership with a DUI’ I worked very closely with Simenuik on campaigning and she is a great leader however we want our leadership to be something we can stand behind. Looking at other leadership positions most people would’ve stepped down. We want to have full trust in our leadership. I want to hold my asmsu president to a higher standard than that. I love Gwynn but we want leadership that we can stand behind and hold them to higher standards. My personal thoughts and constituents thoughts. If Gwynn doesn’t step down we should do something to say we don’t support drunk driving. I also want to add another friendly amendment to line 21 to keep consistent language. Friendly amendment accepted Chapman- friendly amendment sent to Erin Murdock at the exponent and gale Shwanser Accepted Campbell- clarification line 28 and 29. Soares- intention of this line was for her to forfeit tuition within one week before senate makes a decision on it. Campbell- I disagree on doing more research I think we need to take action right now. Amend and remove ‘outrage’ Glose- seconded Howell- also consider taking out ‘immense’ since the censure already has that point. It make us look bad. Zoltek-Same Sanders-suggest take out the word possibly because it’s redundant Campbell- I want to add that to my amendment Lacy- this document might be quoted and if you are unfamiliar with a censure you may not understand the weight that it carries and what it means Leach-a lot of the student body is unfamiliar with a censure the descriptive language means more to students and community Glose- I agree however it’s pretty clear what is going on and ‘immense’ and ‘outrage’ are excessive. Demand makes it clear how we feel and the other words are unnecessary. Soares- this document is intended to be immense and colorful. It redundant and flavorful and that was intended. Zoltek- are you referring to a collective opinion? Soares- this is a representation of the whole body Campbell- remove ‘and outrage’ Zoltek-add amendment the word immense Marts- we must get the wording right. Language must be precise. It says everything it needs to say. Dove-People have a lot of issues with the wording but some of the words are a little strong. This resolution should be tabled and more than three senators should work on it. Only three is not represented enough for the whole body. Soares- what’s the magic number? Dove- just more than three that’s not enough Windham- this is really messy. We need to be careful of what we say however we want to leave this meeting with something we need a decision and not table it. Campbell-I move the previous question Seconded Move to previous question Move to remove ‘and outraged’ on line 21 Motion passes Howell- we should strike lines 13 14 and 15 Windham-can I get a definition please? Cowles- it is a noun. You vote that you have no confidence. Howell- still want to move to strike lines Seconded Glose- if you want to propose a no confidence in the future this wording would be appropriate but right now no Campbell- can someone explain why this paragraph is here? Soares- without the trust of the student body how can we trust you to speak on your behalf. Zoltek-we need more of a reason for why we are taking away the tuition Soares- we don’t need an explanation. It’s a consequence and we move forward Glose- floor to Birky: tuition waiver for spring or fall or both? Leach-I don’t think it’s possible to revoke tuition for fall but it is for spring Windham-agree with leach Howell- three levels to vote of no confidence: ask to step down, impeach, or just no confidence. You need to seriously consider taking 13 14 and 15 out. Leach- there is a difference between this language and a vote of no confidence. It is a statement of fact not a vote of no confidence. Sanders- 13, 14, and 15 speak to our student body as a whole and we don’t all share the same view point. Its safe to say we disapprove of her actions but I don’t want to be held accountable for something I do not support. Not all of us share the same ideas. Vote to strike lines 13, 14, and 15 Motion carries lines are struck Glose- friendly amendment to change Montana State Law to State of Montana Law Friendly amendment accepted Glose-What other options were considered in the censure Soares- impeachment. Public apology has already been done Glose-amend line 21 Seconded Howell-it does not need to be there its redundant Manly- we all know how we are going to vote move to previous question Motion carries move to previous question Immense remove from line 21 Motion carries Glose-more research should be done into this document and time to think about it id like to table it but also entertain discussion. Oswald-we’ve had a long time with this information and Marianne has made a pr plan it needs to be decided this week. We want to have a fresh start by October 8th. No reason to table it. Jones- same opinion we’ve had three weeks to talk to people. If we keep prolonging it they will think we are trying to sweep it under the rug. Students will take action of their own. Windham-agree with previous speakers. We need to leave this room with a decision. Leach- open house on October 8th and need to move on by then Campbell- like the soup. We are losing the confidence of the student body each day that we do not do something. Howell- we should take this as a learning experience. We are too far in to put this on the table. Murdoch- we are not only setting precedent for future incidents but we are setting our timeliness. It shows we are transparent and care Lacy- yield floor to Marianne Brough- we have a fragile reputation. If you don’t like the language change it but we need a decision today Oswald-heard from Panhellenic and community. A few are in support of her staying but the question is what we expect from our leadership. In a sorority we deal with issues like this and positions get revoked almost immediately it’s not a personal attack it’s just a statement of leaders don’t act this way. Its saying you forfeit your leadership the moment you do wrong. I don’t disagree but it doesn’t move me in a way of being completely dealt with. I fear this document doesn’t completely deal with the issue and its not enough for the community. Impeachment is the only thing stronger than this. Campbell- Censure changed to lower case c Erin Murdoch- it should be lower case Friendly amendment accepted Campbell- move to previous question Seconded Motion fails Glose- friendly amendment: change ‘the senate’ to ASMSU senate Friendly amendment accepted Windham-lets work this out fairly quickly Marts- grammatical error should be changed to ‘accused of and admitted to’ Friendly amendment accepted Lacy-POI: 28-29 what amount will be waived? Simenuik- $2500 Erin Murdoch- if this does pass tonight we will run this document tonight and pick it apart at the exponent. Jones- for those holding out, you can write a further resolution. On a different note, for Simenuik to maintain her position and how we stand on it it’s defining her ability vs right to lead. Right is different than ability. Windham- echo jones, same as what I said last time we need to make a decision Oswald- don’t think waiting a week is a good idea. Call for recess to edit it? Cowles- take five, make changes, come back. Soares- we should move to a vote and not recess Oswald- what if this gets voted down? Soares- it’s done and we do something else next week Windham- can we please read the document as amended Soares reads censure 2015-R-08 Windham- friendly amendment one week to weeks’ time Accepted Glose- line 18 best interests not interest Accepted Move to roll call vote Motion passes Move to new business 2015-R-09 freshman ambassadors First reading by Josh Soares Senate announcements Howell-met to discuss gender inclusive housing on campus as soon as fall 2016 Campbell-my area code is 907 not 406 on the handout Move to adjourn Meeting adjourned 8:27