The Environmental Noise Directive (END) requires EU member states to assess exposure to noise from key transport and industrial sources with two initial reporting phases: 2007 and 2012. Where the recommended thresholds for day and night indicators are exceeded, action plans are to be implemented. This country fiche is an Annex to the EEA report ‘Environmental Noise in Europe, 2014’ and presents data related to END assessments as reported to EEA by 28 th August 2013 for the two key END indicators: Lden (day evening and night exposure) and Lnight (night time exposure). Where possible this is presented for second round assessments reported for 2012 and trends are presented as the change in exposure from 2007 to 2012, for comparable sources only. IRELAND Noise sources covered by this assessment Trends on noise exposure 2007 - 2012 First Implementation Round1 Second Implementation Round2 1 2 564 km 8294 km 58 km 129 km 1 1 Dublin International Airport Dublin International Airport Number of agglomerations* - Major roads* - Major railways* Number of major airports Name of major airports Trends on noise exposure show, for both implementation rounds: For agglomerations: the relative value of people exposed to more than 55 dB Lden and to more than 50 dB Lnight due to different noise sources (values are expressed in %). For major airports: total number of people exposed to more than 55 dB L den and to more than 50 dB Lnight (values are expressed in real numbers). Major airports: Lden Lnight First Round Second Round First Round Second Round 0 0 0 0 Dublin Airport Agglomerations: Name of agglomerations and number of inhabitants** Dublin 1 150 000 Dublin 1 273 100 Cork *Differences observed in the number of agglomerations and in the length of major roads and major railways is due to a change of the threshold being specified in the END between first and second implementation round (2005-2009 period and 2008-2014 period respectively). **The number of inhabitants is only given for agglomerations that should have been mapped for both implementation periods 1 END period 2005-2009: noise sources delivered in 2005, and strategic noise maps delivered in 2007. 2 END period 2008-2014: noise sources delivered in 2008 and 2010, and strategic noise maps delivered in 2012. Air (values in %) First Round Lden Second Round First Round Lnight Second Round Dublin 0,3 1,0 0,0 0,1 Industry (values in %) First Round Second Round First Round Second Round Dublin N/D N/D N/D N/D Lden Lnight Railway (values in %) Lden Lnight First Round Second Round First Round Second Round Dublin 1,8 1,9 1,1 1,1 Road (values in %) First Round Lden Second Round First Round Lnight Second Round Dublin 95 56 83 37 N/D: Data not provided or data not suitable to derive trends (e.g. data not applicable in the first implementation round and values of exposure provided in the second implementation round) Decrease in population exposed No change Increase in population exposed Number of people exposed to different noise bands per Lden and Lnight (2012) 900 Lden 800 Number of people in thousands 700 600 Lnight 500 400 300 200 100 0 Lden Lnight Airports Lden Lnight Lden Industry Lnight Railways Agglomeration Data not applicable in 2 agglomerations for industrial noise, out of 2 agglomerations. Lden Lnight Roads Lden Lnight Airports Lden Lnight Railways Major Lden Lnight Roads Data relating to END mandatory noise contour maps (2012) Country area (km2) Km of noise sources reported in spatial format Area of contour map in the 55-65 dB Lden band (in km2) Share of area of contour map in the 55-65 dB Lden band per km of noise source reported Percentage of the country area occupied by contour maps in the 55-65 dB Lden band (in %) Area of contour map with more than 65 dB Lden (in km2) Share of area of contour map with more than 65 dB Lden per km of noise source reported Percentage of the country area occupied by contour maps with more than 65 dB L den (in %) *N/A: Not applicable. N/D: No data in suitable format to perform the spatial analysis Major Roads 69638,15 8293,93 1812,78 0,22 2,60 216,98 0,03 0,31 Major Railways 69638,15 129,24 13,71 0,11 0,02 3,22 0,02 0,00 Major Airports 69638,15 N/A 40,56 84,21 0,06 7,61 15,79 0,01 Total number of people exposed inside agglomerations (2012) Dublin Major Airports Airports Industry Railways Major Railways Roads Major Roads Cork 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 Thousands Number of people exposed to Lden > 55 dB 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 Thousands Number of people exposed to Lnight > 50 dB Total number of people exposed to Major Airports outside agglomerations (2012) 55-59 50-54 60-64 55-59 Dublin Airport 65-69 60-64 70-74 65-69 >75 >70 100 0 Number of people exposed to Lden 0 100 Number of people exposed to Lnight For futher information about environmental noise in Europe please consult the full report at or visit the Noise Observation & Information Service for Europe at .