
What is Type 2 Diabetes?
After you eat your food is broken down into
glucose (sugar) and carried by your blood to cells
throughout the body. Insulin is a hormone made in the
pancreas and moves glucose from the blood into the
body cells where it is used for energy.
When there is not enough insulin, glucose stays
in the blood. This makes blood glucose levels high. Two
main causes of Type 2 Diabetes are a condition call insulin
resistance and when your body is not making enough
insulin to overcome
insulin resistance.
Insulin Resistance is
when your body has
trouble using insulin,
your cells to do not or resist using insulin so glucose
cannot get into your cells. In turn, your blood glucose
becomes high. Your pancreases then tried to keep blood
glucose levels normal by making more insulin. This helps
at first but over time your cells become even more
resistance to insulin.
Some Risk Factors
Over age 45
Being overweight (especially around the waist)
Low physical activity level
You have a parent or sibling with diabetes
You are African American, Native American, Asian
American, Pacific Islander, or Hispanic American
You have had a baby weighing more than 9
pounds or had gestational diabetes
High Blood Pressure (over 140/90)
Low HDL cholesterol (40 or lower)
High triglycerides (150 or higher)
Symptoms of Diabetes
Frequent Urination
Being Very Thirsty
Being Very Hungry
Being more tired than usual
Being Irritable
Weight Loss
Experiencing Blurry Vision
Problems Related to Diabetes
Heart Disease
Kidney Problems
Foot Problems (poor
circulation, ulcers, amputation,
Nerve Damage
Eye Problems & Blindness
Myths About Diabetes
Myth: “Diabetes is nothing to worry about-it’s just a “touch of sugar”
I’m just borderline”
Fact: Diabetes is a serious condition, but there’s a lot you can do to
take care of yourself.
Myth: “If I take my
to worry about what
diabetes pill, I don’t have
I eat or whether I
Fact: All 3 waysplanning, and
together to treat
medication, meal
physical activity-work
Myth: “Once you
nothing you can do
have diabetes, there’s
to prevent health
Fact: Research has proven that keeping blood glucose, blood pressure,
and cholesterol, level on target can help prevent diabetic
complications such as heart attack, stroke, and eye problems.
Myth: “Now that I have diabetes, I shouldn’t eat sugar or
Fact: These days, people with diabetes can eat sweets, carbohydrates,
or any other food and still keep blood glucose levels on target. It’s the
amount the counts. A Dietitian can help you designs a meal plan that
includes your favorite foods.
Myth: Diabetes is caused by eating sugar.
Fact: The 2 main causes of Diabetes are a condition known as Insulin
Resistance and when your body cannot make enough insulin to
overcome Insulin Resistance
American Diabetes Association. “Are You At Risk For Type 2 Diabetes?”.
October 2011. www.diabetes.org
American Diabetes Association. “Understanding Type 2 Diabetes.” (2009)
Always Consult Your Primary Care Provider About Your Medical Needs and Diagnosis.