PIO DRIVER REPORT AT 160 MHz Nishank R Shinde The Driver macro is tested at 160MHz for set of process corners and temperatures combinations. The enable pin is added to the schematic and the layout to have more control on the input data. Corresponding DRC and LVS checking has also been done. The simulations results done at critical points (worst cases) and resulting plots are shown below. Also, the driver block is tested for both ON and OFF states for enable. Schematics Enable Fig. PIO Driver testbench schematic Simulation Cases Simulations showing variation of output current with process corners Process corner Temperature TT FF SF FS SS 25 C 25 C 25 C 25 C 25 C Current levels 010 010 010 010 010 Voltage Enable 1.2 V 1.2 V 1.2 V 1.2 V 1.2 V 1 1 1 1 1 LVDS_P Current -1.03 mA -1.09 mA -1.07 mA -997.1 uA -985.2 uA LVDS_N Current 1.03 mA 1.09 mA 1.07 mA 997.1 uA 985.2 uA Output check Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 1|Page Process corner TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT Process corner TT TT TT TT Simulations showing variation of output current strength with input current combinations Temperature Current Voltage levels 0C 000 1.2 V 0C 001 1.2 V 0C 010 1.2 V 0C 011 1.2 V 0C 100 1.2 V 0C 101 1.2 V 0C 110 1.2 V 0C 111 1.2 V 0C 111 1.2 V Enable 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 LVDS_P Current -34.9 uA -520.46 uA -1.03 mA -1.53 mA -2.03 mA -2.51 mA -2.99 mA -3.45 mA -34.9 nA LVDS_N Current 34.9 uA 520.46 uA 1.03 mA 1.53 mA 2.03 mA 2.51 mA 2.99 mA 3.45 mA 34.9 nA Output check Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Simulations showing variation of output current with temperature Temperature Current levels -25 C 010 0C 010 25 C 010 50 C 010 Voltage 1.2 V 1.2 V 1.2 V 1.2 V Enable 1 1 1 1 LVDS_P Current -1.022 mA -1.031 mA -1.039 mA -1.047 mA LVDS_N Current 1.022 mA 1.031 mA 1.039 mA 1.047 mA Output check Yes Yes Yes Yes Plots Note: The left side in the plot(s) represent differential voltage (LVDS_P – LVDS_N) and right side of the plot(s) represents the din, current through LVDS_P and current through LVDS_N terminals. Process corner: FF, Temperature: -25 C, Current levels: 111, Enable: ON 2|Page Process corner: FF, Temperature: -25 C, Current levels: 111, Enable: OFF Process corner: FS, Temperature: 25 C, Current levels: 010, Enable: ON Process corner: SS, Temperature: 50 C, Current levels: 000, Enable: ON 3|Page Process corner: TT, Temperature: 0 C, Current levels: 000, Enable: ON Process corner: TT, Temperature: 0 C, Current levels: 001, Enable: ON Process corner: TT, Temperature: 0 C, Current levels: 100, Enable: ON 4|Page Process corner: TT, Temperature: 25 C, Current levels: 010, Enable: ON Process corner: FF, Temperature: 25 C, Current levels: 010, Enable: ON 5|Page Process corner: FS, Temperature: 25 C, Current levels: 010, Enable: ON Process corner: SS, Temperature: 25 C, Current levels: 010, Enable: ON 6|Page Conclusion The above simulations were successfully performed on the extracted model of the PIO driver at 160 MHz. The simulations were conducted on most important test cases (including worst case scenarios). The effect of enable can be clearly seen from the simulation cases – when the enable is ON and current level combination is 000, there is no significant current flowing the LVDS_P and LVDS_N terminals. When enable is OFF, the current level 111 at process corner TT at 0 C results in negligible current (few nA) drawn at the LVDS_P and LVDS_N terminals. Effects of entities in the simulations can be summarized as follows. 1. At a particular temperature and input current level, output current increases from process corner SS to process corner FF by 25 uA. 2. Output voltage swing depends on termination resistance. 3. At a particular process corner and input current levels, output current increases as temperature increases from 1.022 mA at -25 C to 1.047 mA at 50 C. 4. At a particular process corner and temperature, output current increases with corresponding increase in input current levels. The output current value increases from 34.9 uA at input current level of 000 to 3.45 mA at input current level of 111. 7|Page