Junior College Seminar during classes

Rising Senior College Seminar
Transcripts- check over and do credit check for graduation.
2. AP testing– Check your scores the second week in July!
3. ACT test: Test prep over the summer. Take in Oct if needed. www.act.org
4. SAT II- Check with colleges you are applying to and see if it is needed. You must register
to take these tests ASAP. Go to www.collegeboard.org to register.
5. College Corner on Nova website: Check often.
6. Private College Week in June. Link on college corner. Go visit the schools that you
are thinking about and make sure that you check in so that they know you were there.
Bring along a packet of information including: Transcript, college profile and your
7. Summer hours with Ms. Danforth: Tues- Friday from 10-2. Please email me
(jdanforth@novaclassical.org) if you plan on coming so that I do not double book. You
can always stop in if you are here and your parents are welcome to come with you. 
You must meet with me once this summer!
8. Volunteer hours: 80 total. 40 may be from Nova. Forms are posted on the College
Corner, and hard copies can be found in my office and the main office.
9. Recommendation letter requests: See handout
10. Naviance
2. Resume
3. Common Application- Register for account.
4. Finalize college list by Sept 1st (before you come back to school)
1. Essay writing with Dr. Whalen