
Museums Education Service
Newsletter and Resources
Autumn/Winter 2015
Welcome to our latest newsletter and update from Southend Museums Service.
As some of you may know, Mike Culley, the museum’s Education and Learning
Officer, has left for pastures new. However, as they say – business as usual. In the
coming months there will be a few changes but the Museum’s Education Service
remains here to support your studies as always.
“An awesome visit. We had an excellent time – very interesting and helpful.”
“A brilliant visit – very interactive. Children learnt a lot and enjoyed themselves”
“Thank you so much we all had a wonderful time and learnt a great deal. We hope
to have more visits for other activities and periods of history.”
“A brilliant talk and demos. Children learnt a lot. Very enjoyable.”
“Very educational and the children thoroughly enjoyed it.”
Here is a quick guide to the sessions we offer. Let us know if you want either the full brochure or details
of the sessions you would be interested in.
Education Sessions offered by Southend Museums
‘British Prehistory’
Prehistoric people and their lives and
The Romans
Original artefacts from the area + replicas.
The Saxons
‘The Saxons!’
Life and language of the ‘Saxons’ Including
Prittlewell finds and Beowulf (optional).
Tudor local history
‘Tudor Life’
Southchurch Hall. Life in a Tudor hall.
Re-creation and ‘hands on’.
17th century local history ‘The London’
(coming soon)
Life onboard a ship – The London’s story.
The Victorians
‘Flora’s Family’
Object handling, domestic life + displays.
Victorian local history
‘Peggy’s Priory’
Object handling + local Scratton children.
WW1 local history
‘Southend’s War’
Southend during WW1. Object handling.
+ case studies from people of the time.
WW 2 local history
‘Southend’s War’
Southend during WW2. Object handling
+ accounts from local children of the time.
Also offered as part of our Local History sessions
Local History
‘Southchurch Hall’
Tour/talk on the medieval hall.
Local History
‘Prittlewell Priory’
Tour/talk on the medieval priory.
Local History
‘Seaside Walk’
Tour/talk along the historic seafront.
Local History
‘Southend’s Journey’
Tour/talk - Victoria Avenue as a timeline.
Beginners’ History*
‘The Old Manor House’
Life in a medieval hall. Compared with now.
Beginners’ History*
Materials, toys old and new. How children
played in the past.
‘Archaeology is Rubbish’
Concepts of archaeology + object handling.
‘The Night Sky’/‘Space Plus’
The stars and the solar system.
‘Myths and Legends’
Stories of the Greeks and Romans depicted
in the constellations.
‘What’s for dinner?’
Food and food etiquette in the past.
‘A Priory Christmas’
Christmas traditions using the Priory’s story.
‘Southend in Art’
Exploring the Beecroft Art Gallery.
*Aimed at Key Stage 1
Sessions are either £2.90 per child/student or £3.90 per child/ student. Teachers and adult helpers are admitted
£2.90 sessions are standard single sessions
£3.90 sessions are double sessions such as The Night Sky and Space Plus or The Romans and Archaeology for
example. Also included are extended sessions such as Tudor Life, A Priory Christmas and The Saxons with Beowulf
Please note that sessions can be adapted to other age groups and also to include themes relevant to teachers.
Southend’s War – World War 1
Southend in the ‘Great War’ is examined by our Role of
Honour Outreach officer, Chris Langdon. The stories of
ordinary Southend people are explored as is the role of
prison ships, the military hospital, Zeppelin raids on Southend
and so on. ‘Private Langdon’ dons the role of a First World
War soldier to bring the life of a soldier vividly back to life.
This can be either an outreach session in your class room,
Central Museum or based at Prittlewell Priory – home of the
Role of Honour memorial itself.
Being HLF funded these sessions are offered for free but are
only available up to the end of February.
For further information please contact Chris Langdon or telephone
01702 534072
A Priory Christmas
The traditions of Christmas are
explored in this engaging and
festive session. Three distinct
periods of Prittlewell Priory’s
fascinating history are brought
back to life in our exploration of
Christmas past. The Priory,
home of a religious community
of monks; the manor, an
Elizabethan household owned
by the Riche family; and the
house in the nineteenth century,
owned by the Scratton family.
Questions will be explored such as ‘How did the monks celebrate Christmas?’ ‘Why were Tudor
Christmas trees prickly and their mince pies square?’ and ‘Who invented the Christmas card and
the Christmas cracker?’. Children will discover the ancient roots of Christmas and the origins of
a modern Christmas. With stories, parlour games and ending with Christmas songs or carols by
the tree, the children will gain an insight into Christmas traditions in the past and how they
have influenced their own traditions.
Sessions are offered from the 1st to the 11th December at 10am or 1pm. Cost is £3.90 per child
with teachers/adult helpers admitted free.
We are currently working on Topic Boxes to help support your own teaching sessions in the
classroom. Current boxes include:
British Prehistory
The Romans
The Tudors
The Victorians