MFL SCITT App GCSE Page 1 : what I’m aiming for Page 2 : self-evaluation and self-diagnosis Page 3: coaching questions Page 4 : further resources Page 1 What I’m aiming for Over time, (e.g. the first 2 or 3 years of your teaching) you will need to develop a good understanding of the rquirements of GCSE. There are many useful materials on exam board websites (e.g. materials for standardisation of marking, Chief Examiner reports). In your SCITT year, you should seek to understand key features of spoken and written performance at grades C,B,A, and A*. In this way, you will be well placed to offer guidance on how students might boost their performance from D to C , from B to A etc. Ultimately, students will need to have an understanding of what examiners are looking for, in order to develop as ‘self-improving learners’. Thus you will need to be able (a) to identify key features of different grades in ‘pupil speak’ and (b) develop students’ skills in self-evaluation and target setting. Core (OFSTED 2, 2/3) You have a good grasp of what is required to achieve grade C (2 tenses mostly accurate; occasional longer sentences with some variety of connectives; opinions and some reasons; communication (in sp, wr) is clear and readily understandable even if not 100% error free) . You have a good grasp of what is required to achieve grade A (3+ tenses mostly accurate; frequent longer sentences with a good variety of connectives; complex grammar used accurately and confidently [e.g. object pronouns, who/which, indirect speech, verb + infinitive etc.] frequent justification / explanation; high, though not perfect accuracy) . You mark KS4 work with reasonable accuracy (even if not as confident as you would wish to be); you can identify to students techniques and features which will further boost their performance You track students’ performance against KS4 target grades and intervene both promptly and effectively to address potential underachievement. Extension (OFSTED 1) You have a sound grasp of grades D to A* enabling you to set more precise and more apposite improvement targets to help students raise their work to the next grade. e.g. D C : greater accuracy with verbs; fewer cognates and simple language; longer sentences with connectives other than ‘and’ or ‘but’; opinions expressed in a variety of language e.g. C B : few short simple sentences,; 3 tenses used accurately and confidently; connectives and phrases used to boost ‘coherence’ (flow of language); opinions always justified / explained; good overall accuracy e.g. A A* : wider variety of and more frequent complex grammar (e.g. object pronouns, ‘if’ clauses, conditional perfect, modals / 2nd verb infinitive, after having …. / before ….ing); frequent use of idiomatic vocabulary and phrases; 3 – 4 tenses used confidently, effectively and accurately; very high degree of spoken and written accuracy. You effectively convey to students in accessible language the targets they need to work on to achieve the next grade up from their current performance. You develop students as ‘self-improving learners’ able to (a) self-assess effectively (b) to set useful and appropriate targets Your assessment of students’ work is becoming more ‘forensic’ such that you intervene effectively both to support weaker pupils and to challenge and extend abler pupils. Page 2 Self-evaluation 1. How well do you understand GCSE performance criteria for speaking and writing ? How can you strengthen this understanding ? 2. How confident are you to mark GCSE work with reasonable accuracy ? What will help you be more accurate in awarding GCSE grades to work which you mark (esp. sp, wr) ? 3. How clearly do you know key features of performance in speaking at grades C,B,A,A* ? 4. How clearly do you know key features of performance in writing at grades C,B,A,A* ? 5. How well can you translate these key features into ‘pupil speak’ and thus communicate effectively to pupils how they can improve their work ? 6. What are you doing in lessons to develop KS4 pupils as ‘self-improving learners’ ? 7. How well are you tracking individual pupils’ current performance against anticipated target grades ? Are you intervening effectively to turn around under-achieving pupils ? How well are you challenging and extending abler pupils within your group(s) ? Page 3 Self coaching (but could also usefully be done with the support of your mentor) 1. Have you read Chief Examiner’s reports from the exam board website to know what are common weaknesses in speaking and writing ? 2. How well are you using colleagues / your mentor / on-line resources in order to make your marking of KS4 spoken / written work more accurate and more confident ? 3. What can you do to identify potential under-achievers in your class(es) ? What are the best ways to help them turn their performance around, including involving the individual pupils themselves in devising improvement strategies ? 4. What can you do to boost my confidence in setting improvement targets for the varied individuals in my KS4 class(es) ? How do you know that the improvement targets you set are (a) the most appropriate (b) effective ? 5. How can you, over time, boost pupils’ skills as self-improving learners who are able (a) to selfassess accurately and (b) to set the best possible and most effective improvement targets 6. How can you develop a ‘team ethos’ in your class such that (a) pupils help one another cooperatively to improve (b) pupils feel that they and the teacher are ‘in it together’ seeking to maximise pupils’ exam grades. Page 4 Possible further resources Learning to Teach Foreign Languages in the Secondary School: A companion to school experience Norbert Pachler, Michael Evans, Ana Redondo E8QFjAH& omparison%2520version%252013.doc&ei=DuYFVLzHA9LpaJbxgZgB&usg=AFQjCNECHFt1A2J alcH2cRT3lkKrXj6TJw AQA website OCR website Edexcel website WJC website