Emotions in Organizations

Advanced Issues in Organizational Communication (COM 750)
Emotion in Organizations
3 Credits, Fall 2013
Location: Media Lab Minard 338D8, COMM Department
Instructor: Pam Lutgen-Sandvik, Associate Professor
Fall 2013, Department of Communication
Email: pamela.lutgensandvik@ndsu.edu
Office Hours: Tuesday 12:00 – 3:00 PM
Office #: Minard 338C8
Pam Phone: 505-331-4724 (mobile); 701-231-6647 (my office, use during office hours)
Department Phone: 701-231-7705
COMM750 Bulletin Description
Advanced theory and philosophy of research issues in the field of communication.
COMM750 Course Description
This graduate course in organizational communication explores the different ways emotion is
socially constructed through communication and interaction, and how emotion issues—including
emotional performances, emotional control, emotional abuse, emotion work/ labor—manifest in
everyday organizational life. Rational-functional perspectives of organizations suggest that emotion
is inappropriate in organizational life, but the expression and management of feeling is everpresent and unavoidable in these settings. Employee talk and organizational rhetoric perpetuate
and naturalize emotion norms. Employees engage in emotional activity via social interactions,
whether that activity is emotional abuse, emotion labor, or emotional support. Organizational
members cope with stress and burnout through interaction, story telling, joking and advice giving.
Topics about emotion include theoretical perspectives, positive emotion, destructive emotion,
emotion labor, emotion management, and so forth. Through class discussions, readings and
assignments, students will learn the value of understanding how emotion issues—both
organizational rules about them and employees’ ways of dealing with them—are central to the
study of organizational communication. The class is a graduate seminar, and as such, students will
spend significant time reading and analyzing advanced texts, generating discussion based upon
these texts, and bringing in their own ideas from outside, original, research.
The measurable goals of the course are as follows:
1. Increase the volume of research articles and chapters that graduate students have read about
the subject area
2. Increase knowledge about emotions and how communication both reflects and creates
emotional life
3. Increase number of graduate student publication submissions in subject area
4. Increase number of graduate student conference submissions and presentations in the subject
5. Increase level of subject area information graduate students incorporate into classes they are or
will be teaching
Emotion in Organizations Syllabus (COMM750)
Course Readings (Books available at NDSU Bookstore)
Waldron, V. R. (2012). Communicating emotion at work. Malden, MA: Polity Press. ISBN 978-074564896-5 (pb)
Hochschild, A. R. (2012). The managed heart: Commercialization of human feeling. (2nd Ed.)
Berkeley, CA: University of California Press. ISBN 978-0-520-27294-1 (pbk)
Articles/Chapters (posted on Blackboard course site). Found through login at
JOIN EMONET. Within the first few weeks of the semester, students should send an email to
Neal Ashkanasy (http://www.emotionsnet.org/emonet-list-server/) requesting to become a
member of “Emonet”—the primary listserv community of emotion and organizing scholars. The
link to the site is http://www.emotionsnet.org/.
Class Assignments and Requirements (Total 450 Points)
**All written assignments will be submitted via the Blackboard course site “Assignment” link.
1. Semester Research Project & Presentation. Any of the following may be conducted individually or
with a partner. Students are encouraged, but not required, to work with a partner on the project.
Co-authors will receive the same grade—so students are advised to choose partners with care.
Part One: RATIONALE FOR STUDYING EMOTIONS (100 Points). All students will craft a formal,
written literature review outlining past arguments (i.e., rationales) for why it is important to study
emotion in organizations. This literature review assignment has three goals:
a) to teach the process of crafting a literature synthesis-argument,
b) to familiarize students with key arguments about studying emotion, and
c) to form a foundation for the final project.
I will assign the key articles that all students will read and use as the foundation of their rationale
papers, and students will choose 10 additional articles/chapters per student author about their
specific emotion-topic of interest. That is, if two students work on the paper, they will read the
assigned articles and 20 additional articles/chapters.
Students read the articles or chapters, find the authors’ rationales and arguments for why the study
of emotions in organizational communication is important and even vital, and organize the
rationales into a creative synthesis. Rationale papers should be approximately five (5) pages in
length double-spaced. To view a creative synthesis, see To view a creative synthesis, see Powell, G.
N.,& Foley, S. (1998). Something to talk about or Lutgen-Sandvik (2003) Communicative cycle of
employee emotional abuse.
Part Two: FINAL ASSIGNMENT SMORGASBORD! (200 Points). If there is a project that you would
like to complete that varies from one of these, please feel free to approach me with the idea. All final
projects are 20-to-25-pages in length, which includes the rationale. The rationale may also serve as
the literature review, depending on how it is crafted. (Please use APA 6th Edition style.)
Emotion in Organizations Syllabus (COMM750)
Synthesis (i.e., Creative Literature Review), Theory. Student may write a 20-to-25-page paper on an
issue related to emotion and communication in organizations. Students are encouraged to make use
of the readings we do in this class as they devise their semester project. Possibilities for this paper
comprehensive literature reviews (e.g., check out examples in Communication Yearbook) or theorybased papers that link theory and practice or develop new theories.
Original Research. This option is analyzing emotions in a particular setting or population. This
project asks students to conduct original research within and write a 20-to-25-page paper including
literature review, methods, findings, discussion, and conclusion. Possibilities include studies that
are qualitative or quantitative in nature, advanced case analyses, or other approaches that fit
research questions. Possible research questions that students may explore include:
What are the emotion rules?
How do people communicatively create and enforce emotion rules?
How are emotions apparent in how people work together?
What is the impact of emotion management on workers, workgroups, and organizations?
How do employees use specific emotions at work (humor, sarcasm, emotion labor, etc.)?
What emotions are associated with a particular phenomenon?
How is emotion “written-out” of emotional topics (look at the sex/sexual harassment pieces
for examples but there are many others)
Certainly, students can ask any question of interest, as long as the question can be answered; this
list provides but a few possibilities. Students should link their projects to the course literature so
must decide which pieces explain or support the research focus. Students will read additional
research that focuses specifically on the topic of interest.
Training. Develop an in-depth organizational training on emotion and why understanding and
valuing emotion is important. Create practical suggestions on how organizations might become
more “emotion-rich” or “emotion-smart.” The final project should be a 20-to-25 page “training
manual” of sorts with three parts: (1) Executive Summary (=1 p.), (2) Literature Review of the
argument (Part One Rationale) and then literature specific to the training topic (= 9-10 pp.), (3)
Training content and logistics (14-15 pp.).
Grant Proposal. This option is writing a 20-to-25-page grant proposal on an issue related to
emotions and communication in organizations (students are encouraged to make use of the
readings in this class as they devise this project). Depending on the granting agency chosen, the
requirements of the proposal will differ. Generally, however, the proposal will include:
Problem statement
Conceptual framework/literature review
Research methods
Potential outcomes
Emotion in Organizations Syllabus (COMM750)
f) (any other specific protocol called for in the application)
Part Three: CONFERENCE PRESENTATION (25 Points) The last day we meet at semester-end,
students will give a 10-to-15-minute oral presentation of the final project. Use this as an
opportunity to practice a conference-quality presentation, complete with visual aids if appropriate.
Power Point Use: I encourage you to try to use PPT for these presentations but do so in a different
manner than “slide-alogues” or “data dumps.” Check out Garr Reynold’s website
http://www.garrreynolds.com/preso-tips/ for basic direction about using PPT, especially #2 on
Design. I will grade your use of PPT with this point in mind.
2. Discussion-Leading. (20 points) Each student will lead class discussion of the assigned readings
one week during the semester. Discussion-leading will provide an opportunity to practice conceptintegration skills and presentation abilities. Dates for discussion-leading will be chosen within the
first two weeks of class. Please touch base with me to discuss the readings to cover and the time
range of your discussion-leading.
Discussion leaders should provide an outline summarizing the readings’ main points and present /
integrate the main concepts from readings in an interactive, lively manner. Furthermore, prepare 35 Discussion Questions for students to ponder and respond to in class. All students are encouraged
to respond to these questions both on-line via the discussion board and in class. Discussion leaders
will be graded on
a) submitting questions and summaries/outlines on time;
b) creating discussion questions that move your colleagues to ponder key ideas and their
c) providing an outline or summary that is succinct yet thorough and readable and
includes page numbers;
d) eliciting lively discussion; and
e) displaying a command of the topic.
Reading Summaries/Outlines and Discussion Questions are due one week before the associated
class. Upload Discussion Outlines to the Assignment link; post Discussion Questions to a new
discussion thread on Blackboard.
3. Three (3) Research Reports. (30 points; 10 points each) One of the key goals in the course is to
expose students to as much of the literature about emotions in organizations as possible. To do this,
we will “divide and conquer,” so to speak. To cover much more territory than we could if everyone
were required to read all cited pieces in the syllabus, each student will read and summarize three
(3) “report” readings (in less than 2 single-spaced pages on one sheet of paper). Reports will
provide everyone with an extensive abstract database of important articles.
The Report Options are on the syllabus according to weekly topics. Students will choose which
articles they want to use. Students may also choose something outside of these options, as long as the
chosen article is in a Communication Journal or written by an organizational or interpersonal
communication researcher and is directly applicable to emotions in organizations. The 1-2 page
single-spaced Reports should include:
a) Your name and date Report is turned in
Emotion in Organizations Syllabus (COMM750)
b) The full citation of the article (APA style)
c) A summary of the article with page numbers (this can be a sentence or phrase outline or in
paragraph format)
d) Close by taking a position on the piece, noting one or two strengths, one or two weaknesses
or limitations, or different direction for future research.
Students will discuss the reports in 3 to 5-minute informal talks. DO NOT READ THESE TO US!
Reports will be graded based on a succinct yet meaningful summary, clarity of position, appropriate
use of theoretical concepts, and extemporaneous quality of presentation and writing. See
Blackboard for a report example.
4. Participation (Attendance/Discussion) (50 Points). Students should complete assigned readings
before class and participate in seminar discussions in an enthusiastic, informed manner. To do so, it
might be helpful to make notes as you read about questions and issues to pursue in the seminar
discussion. To participate, students can offer (among other things):
a simple factual question
a point which reveals a methodological assumption
a critique of a research piece
a strong point which merits our admiration
a clarification that will help everyone to understand a class concept better
an application to your research project or to some other personal experience
I will evaluate the participation part of the grade by making weekly notations regarding the quality
and quantity of evidenced preparedness and participation. Students should strive to (1) clearly
evidence their close reading and thinking about the week’s materials, and (2) be physically and
intellectually present for the entire course period (avoiding late arrivals and early departures).
5. Emonet Summary (20 points) and Post (5 points). (25 Points). Sign up for Emonet as soon as class
starts and follow the posts that come through. This is a two-part assignment.
a) Save the listserv EMONET posts over the first 2/3rds of the semester. Before
Thanksgiving, write a 1-2 page single spaced description of the content patterns you’ve
found in the listserv users’ posts. What are listserv users talking about in terms of
emotions and organizations (key themes, post purposes, topics, resources, etc.)?
b) Sometime during the semester, post an original thread to Emonet or respond to one of
the threads (a substantive response, not just “I liked your idea about …”). Be sure to be
respectful. See the following for guides to netiquette:
Ideas for posts:
Key idea in one of the readings that points to a gap in current research
New source that you found when looking for articles on your subject of interest
Specific applications of theoretical ideas or empirical data/findings
Any of the above in response to someone else’s post
Use your imagination
6. GENOS EI Assessment Summary. (25 Points) Complete the GENOS Emotional Intelligence Inventory
– Short (Self-Assessment). Write a one-page summary of your reflections on the results. What did
you learn? What did you already know? With what did you disagree or agree?
Emotion in Organizations Syllabus (COMM750)
Assignments and Due Dates:
Part One and Two written assignments are due end-of-day on due date indicated in
syllabus (11:55 p.m.). Part 1 is due October 16; Part 2 is due 12/18/13.
Reports are due at the beginning of class on the day the reading appears on the syllabus.
Upload a copy to Blackboard Assignment link and bring hard-copies to class for instructor
and students.
Discussion Leading— Reading summaries/outlines and Discussion Questions are due one
week before the associated class. Upload Reading Summaries/Outlines to the Assignment
link; post Discussion Questions to a new discussion thread via Discussion link on
Emonet Summary and Post are due November 27
GENOS EI Assessment Summary due December 4
Class Policies
Absences: Of course I expect you to be in class. However, if there is a serious emergency or illness,
please let me know. If you miss a class, you must make up the participation points by writing an
additional article report on an unassigned reading and respond to the discussion questions (DQs)
on the Blackboard course site, if DQs are posted. Your makeup report and discussion responses will
be due by the next class meeting.
Late work: All late assignment will be penalized up to 10% for each day it is late up to 50%. Due to
logistical constraints, discussion-leading and reports will only receive credit when completed on
the day scheduled. No assignments will be accepted after December 13th when the final paper is
Course work as a whole: All assignments must be completed in order to pass the course.
Incompletes: According to NDSU Policy, “Under extraordinary circumstances and at the discretion of the
instructor, a student may be assigned a grade of Incomplete (I).” NDSU has an exceedingly strict policy
about Incompletes, and I follow this policy to the letter. See NDSU Policy 336.
Attendance, Absences: According to NDSU Policy 333, attendance in classes is expected, and
attendance is particularly important for graduate courses where so much of the learning occurs in
the seminar group discussions. If students must miss class due to serious illness or emergency, they
will have to complete an extra Report Option to makeup for missed participation.
Disabilities: Any students with disabilities or other special needs, who need special
accommodations in this course are invited to share these concerns or requests with the instructor
and contact the Disability Services Office (www.ndsu.edu/disabilityservices) as soon as possible.
Academic Integrity: Each student is expected to maintain the highest standards of honesty and
integrity in academic and professional matters. The academic community is operated on the basis
of honesty, integrity, and fair play. NDSU Policy 335: Code of Academic Responsibility and Conduct
applies to cases in which cheating, plagiarism, or other academic misconduct have occurred in an
instructional context. Students found guilty of academic misconduct are subject to penalties, up to
and possibly including suspension and/or expulsion. Student academic misconduct records are
maintained by the Office of Registration and Records. Informational resources about academic
Emotion in Organizations Syllabus (COMM750)
honesty for students and instructional staff members can be found at
In this graduate course, you are expected to know APA style for citing outside sources. Plagiarism is
one of the most serious ethical missteps a student can make, so it is imperative to give credit where
credit is due.
Papers for other classes: Although it is appropriate that several graduate school papers overlap in
conceptual focus, your research project should be original work devised for this class. If you plan on
using material prepared for a different course in your assignments, please consult me regarding
who to do this.
Grading Guidelines
– goes
Very good –
Satisfactory –
average meets
basic requirements
Unsatisfactory –
fails to meet many
basic requirements
Failing – Fails to meet
requirements, nothing
submitted, or academic
A: 90-100%
B: 80- 89.9%
C: 70 - 79.9%
D: 60 – 69.9
F: 0 – 59.9
Weekly Schedule
1. The weekly schedule is subject to change via an announcement in class or discussion board.
2. Core and Report Readings Posted on Blackboard unless in one of the required books.
3. As per NDSU policy: Syllabi presented on web pages shall contain the date of last update.
Date Topic / Readings
8/28 Introductions; Course Overview; Emotion Discussion
1. Introductions
2. Syllabus & assignments
3. What is not in the readings? (AET, contagion, affective commitment, emotion capital)
4. How do present effectively using PPT
5. How to guide a discussion
6. How to present a Report
7. Attendance points
8. Choose Reports and Discussion Leading next week
9. Creating a creative rationale (Paper Part 1)
10. Emonet Listserve
9/4 Foundations
Tell me which Reports you’ll be presenting and when
Emotion in Organizations Syllabus (COMM750)
Tell me which week you’ll be the Discussion Leader
Core Readings
1. Hochschild Appendices A & B; Models of Emotion, Naming Feeling
2. Mumby, D.K., & Putnam, L.L. (1992). The politics of emotion: A feminist reading of
bounded rationality. Academy of Management Review, 17(3), 465-486.
3. Ashforth, B.E., & Humphrey, R.H. (1995). Emotion in the workplace: A reappraisal.
Human Relations, 48(2), 97-125. doi: 10.1177/001872679504800201
4. Fiebig, G. V., & Kramer, M. W. (1998). A framework for the study of emotions in
organizational contexts. Management Communication Quarterly, 11(4), 536-572.
5. Larsen, R.J, Diener, E. & Lucas, R.E. (2002). Emotions: Models, measures and individual
differences. In R.G. Lord, R.J. Klimoski, & R. Kanfer (Eds.) Emotions in the workplace
(pp. 64-106). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass
Report Options
1. Sturdy, A. (2003). Knowing the unknowable? A discussion of methodological and
theoretical issues in emotion research and organizational studies. Organization, 10,
2. Harré, R. (1986). An outline of the social constructionist viewpoint. In R. Harré (Ed.)
The social construction of emotions (pp. 2-14). New York: Basil Blackwell
3. Oatley, K. (1993). Social construction in emotions. In M. Lewis & J. M. Haviland (Eds.),
Handbook of Emotions (pp. 341 – 352). New York: Guilford.
4. Parkinson, B. (1996). Emotions are social. British Journal of Psychology, 87, 663-684.
5. Weiss, H.M. 2002. "Conceptual and empirical foundations for the study of affect at
work." In Emotions in the workplace: Understanding the structure and role of emotions
in organizational behavior, ed. by R. G. Lord, R. J. Klimoski & R. Kanfer, 20-63. San
Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
6. Ellis, C. (1991). Sociological introspection and emotional experience. Symbolic Interaction,
14(1), 23-50. doi:10.1525/si.1991.14.1.23
7. Izard, C.E. (1993). Four systems for emotion activation: Cognitive and noncognitive
processes. Psychological Review, 100(1), 68. doi: 10.1037/0033-295X.100.1.68
9/11 Communicating Emotion at Work (Waldron)
Core Readings
1. Waldron Chapters 1 – 3
2. Miller, K.I., Considine, J., & Garner, J. 2007. "“Let me tell you about my job”: Exploring
the terrain of emotion in the workplace." Management Communication Quarterly,
20:(3), 231-260. doi: 10.1177/0893318906293589 (emotion typology)
Emotion in Organizations Syllabus (COMM750)
Report Options
1. Booth‐ Butterfield, M., & Booth‐ Butterfield, S. (1994). The affective orientation to
communication: Conceptual and empirical distinctions. Communication Quarterly, 42(4),
331-344. doi: 10.1080/01463379409369941
Gayle, B.M., & Preiss, R.W. (1998). Assessing emotionality in organizational conflicts.
Management Communication Quarterly, 12(2), 280-302. doi: 10.1177/0893318998122004
3. Planalp, S. (1998). Current issues arising at the confluence of communication and
emotion. Australian Journal of Communication, 25, 65-79.
4. Saavedra, R., & Van Dyne, L. (1999). Social exchange and emotional investment in work
groups. Motivation and Emotion, 23(2), 105-123. doi: 10.1023/A:1021377028608
9/18 Communicating Emotion at Work (Waldron)
Core Readings
Chapters 4 – 6
Planalp, S. (1998). Communicating emotion in everyday life: Cues channels and processes.
In P.A. Andersen and L. K. Guerrero (Eds.), Handbook of communication and emotion:
Research, theory, applications, and contexts (pp 29-48). San Diego: Academic Press
Report Options
1. Gobl, C., & Nı Chasaide, A. (2003). The role of voice quality in communicating emotion,
mood and attitude. Speech Communication, 40(1/2), 189-212.
2. Faseur, T., & Geuens, M. (2010). Communicating the right emotion to generate help for
connected versus unconnected others. Communication Research, 37(4), 498-521. doi:
3. van Dijk, E., van Kleef, G.A., Steinel, W., & van Beest, I. (2008). A social functional
approach to emotions in bargaining: When communicating anger pays and when it
backfires. Journal of Personality & Social Psychology, 94(4), 600-614. doi: 10.1037/00223514.94.4.600
4. Pereira, C. (2000, September 5-7). Dimensions of emotional meaning in speech. Paper
presented at the ITRW on Speech and Emotion, Newcastle, Northern Ireland, UK.
9/25 The Managed Heart (Emotion Labor, Hochschild)
Core Readings
Hochschild Chapters 1 – 5
1. Steinberg, R.J., & Figart, D.M. (1999). Emotional labor since the managed heart. The Annals
of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 561(1), 8-26. doi:
Emotion in Organizations Syllabus (COMM750)
2. Kruml, S.M. & Geddes, D. (2000). Exploring the dimensions of emotional labor: The
heart of Hochschild’s work. Management Communication Quarterly, 14, 8-49.
Report Options: Emotion Labor Communication Studies
1. Eschenfelder, B. (2012). Exploring the nature of nonprofit work through emotional labor.
Management Communication Quarterly, 26(1), 173-178. doi: 10.1177/0893318911424373
2. Tracy, S.J. (2000). Becoming a character of commerce: Emotion labor, self subordination
and discursive construction of identity in a total institution. Management Communication
Quarterly, 14, 90-128.
3. McGuire, T. (2010). From emotions to spirituality: “Spiritual labor” as the
commodification, codification, and regulation of organizational members’ spirituality.
Management Communication Quarterly, 24(1), 74-103. doi: 10.1177/0893318909351432
4. Sass, J.S. (2000). Emotional labor as cultural performance: The communication of
caregiving in a nonprofit nursing home. Western Journal of Communication, 64(3), 330358. doi: 10.1080/10570310009374679
5. Shuler, S. (2007). Autoethnographic emotion: Studying and living emotional labor in the
scholarly life. Women's Studies in Communication, 30(3), 255-283. doi:
6. Shuler, S., & Sypher, B.D. (2000). Seeking emotional labor: When managing the heart
enhances the work experience. Management Communication Quarterly, 14(1), 50-89. doi:
7. Tracy, S.J., & Tracy, K. (1998). Emotion labor at 911: A case study and theoretical critique.
Journal of Applied Communication Research, 26(4), 390-411. doi:
8. Miller, K. I. (2002). The experience of emotion in the workplace: Professing in the
midst of tragedy. Management Communication Quarterly, 15, 571-600.
10/2 The Managed Heart (Emotion Labor, Hochschild)
Core Readings
Chapters 6 – 9
Tracy, S.J. (2005). Locking up emotion: Moving beyond dissonance for understanding emotion
labor discomfort. Communication Monographs, 72(3), 261-283. doi:
Report Options
1. Ashforth, B. E. & Kreiner, G. E. (2002). Normalizing emotion in organizations: Making
the extraordinary seem ordinary. Human Resource Management Review, 12, 215-235.
2. Ashforth, B. E., & Humphrey, R. H. (1993). Emotional labor in service roles: The
Emotion in Organizations Syllabus (COMM750)
influence of identity. Academy of Management Review, 18, 88-115.
3. Bellas, M.L. (1999). Emotional labor in academia: The case of professors. Annals of The
American Academy of Political and Social Science, 561,96-110.
4. Cahill, S.E. (1999). Emotional capital and professional socialization: The case of
mortuary students (and me). Social Psychology Quarterly, 62, 101-116.
5. Lively, K.J. (2002). Client contact and emotional labor: Upsetting the balance and
evening the field. Work and Occupations, 29(2), 198-225. doi:
6. Lively, K.J. (2004). Client contact and emotional labor. Work and Occupations, 29, 198225.
7. Martin, S. E. (1999). Police force or police service? Gender and emotional labor.
Annals of The American Academy of Political and Social Science, 561, 111-126.
8. Morris, J.A., & Feldman, D.C. (1996). The dimensions, antecedents, and consequences
of emotional labor. Academy of Management Review, 21(4), 986-1010. doi:
9. Pugliesi, K. (1999). The consequences of emotional labor: Effects on work stress, job
satisfaction, and well-being. Motivation and Emotion, 23(2), 125-154. doi:
10. Rafaeli, A., & Sutton, R.I. (1987). Expression of emotion as part of the work role.
Academy of Management Review, 12, 23-37.
11. Steinberg, R.J. (1999). Emotional labor in job evaluation: Redesigning compensation
practices. Annals of The American Academy of Political and Social Science, 561, 143-157.
12. Stenross, B. & Kleinman, S. (1989). The highs and lows of emotional labor: Detectives’
encounters with criminals and victims. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, 17, 435 452.
13. Wharton, A. S. (1999). The psychosocial consequences of emotional labor. Annals of the
American Academy of Political and Social Science, 561, 158-176.
14. Wouters, C. (1989). The sociology of emotions and flight attendants: Hochschild’s
Managed Heart. Theory, Culture & Society, 6, 95-123.
15. Yanay, N. & Shahar, G. 1998. Professional feelings as emotional labor. Journal of
Contemporary Ethnography, 27, 346-373.
16. Zapf, D. (2002). Emotion work and psychological well-being: A review of the literature
and some conceptual considerations. Human Resource Management Review, 12(2),
237-268. doi: 10.1016/S1053-4822(02)00048-7
10/9 Positive Emotions (Positive Organizational Scholarship)
Core Readings
1. Lutgen-Sandvik, P., Riforgiate, S., & Fletcher, C. (2011). Work as a Source of Positive
Emotional Experiences and the Discourses Informing Positive Assessment. Western
Journal of Communication, 75(1), 2-27. doi: 10.1080/10570314.2010.536963
2. Lutgen-Sandvik, P. (2014) “I have the best boss in the world”— Managerial positivity,
emotion, and emotion-action tendencies. Electronic Journal of Communication,
Emotion in Organizations Syllabus (COMM750)
3. Buzzanell, P.M. (2010). Resilience: Talking, resisting, and imagining new normalcies
into being. Journal of Communication, 60(1), 1-14. doi: 10.1111/j.14602466.2009.01469.x
4. Avtgis, T.A., Polack, E.P., Martin, M.M., & Rossi, D. (2010). Improve the communication,
decrease the distance: The investigation into problematic communication and delays in
inter-hospital transfer of rural trauma patients. Communication Education, 59(3), 282-293.
doi: 10.1080/03634521003606194 http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/03634521003606194
5. Fineman, S. (2006). On being positive: Concerns and counterpoints. Academy of
Management Review, 31(2), 270-291. doi: 10.5465/AMR.2006.20208680
Report Options
1. Miller, K.I. (2007). Compassionate communication in the workplace: Exploring processes
of noticing, connecting, and responding. Journal Applied Communication Research, 35(3),
223-245. doi: 10.1080/00909880701434208
2. Fredrickson, B.L., & Dutton, J.E. (2008). Unpacking positive organizing: Organizations as
sites of individual and group flourishing. The Journal of Positive Psychology, 3(1), 1-3.
3. Fredrickson, B.L. (2003). Positive emotions and upward spirals. In K.S. Cameron, J.E.
Dutton, & R.E. Quinn (Eds.), Positive organizational scholarship. San Francisco: BerrettKoehler
4. Frost et al (2000). Narratives of compassion in organizations. (Fineman, 2000,
Chapter 2).
5. Frost, P. J. (1999). Why compassion counts! Journal of Management Inquiry, 8, 127-133.
6. Fredrickson, B.L., & Joiner, T. (2005). Positive emotions trigger upward spirals toward
well-being. Psychological Science, 13(2), 172-175. doi: 10.1111/1467-9280.00431
7. Fisher, C.D. (2000). Mood and emotion while working: Missing piece of job satisfaction?
Journal of Organizational Behavior, 21(2), 185-202. http://www.jstor.org/stable/3100305
8. Fredrickson, B.L. (1998). What good are positive emotions? Review of General Psychology,
2(3), 300-319.
9. Fredrickson, B.L. (2001). The role of positive emotions in positive psychology: The
broaden-and-build theory of positive emotions. American Psychologist, 56(3), 218. doi:
10. Fredrickson, B.L. (2003). The value of positive emotions: The emerging science of positive
psychology is coming to understand why it's good to feel good. American scientist, 91(4),
330-335. http://www.jstor.org/stable/27858244
10/16 Emotion Management, Emotion Work
Part 1 Paper Due: Rationale for Studying
Emotion in Organizations (11:55 PM)
Core Readings
1. Copp, M. (1998). When emotion work is doomed to fail: Ideological and structural
Emotion in Organizations Syllabus (COMM750)
constraints on emotion management. Symbolic Interaction, 21(3), 299-328. doi:
2. Hayes, J.G., & Metts, S. (2008). Managing the expression of emotion. Western Journal of
Communication, 72(4), 374-396. doi: 10.1080/10570310802446031
3. Kramer, M.W., & Hess, J.A. (2002). Communication rules for the display of emotions in
organizational settings. Management Communication Quarterly, 16(1), 66-80. doi:
4. Redden, S.M. (2013). How lines organize compulsory interaction, emotion management,
and “emotional taxes”: The implications of passenger emotion and expression in airport
security lines. Management Communication Quarterly, 27(1), 121-149. doi:
Report Options
1. Ashforth, B.E., & Kreiner, G.E. (2002). Normalizing emotion in organizations: Making the
extraordinary seem ordinary. Human Resource Management Review, 12(2), 215-235. doi:
2. Fineman, S., & Sturdy, A. (1999). The emotions of control: A qualitative exploration of
environmental regulation. Human Relations, 52(5), 631-663. doi:
3. Frost, P.J. (2004). Handling toxic emotions: New challenges for leaders and their
organization. Organizational Dynamics, 33(2), 111-127. doi: 10.1016/j.orgdyn.2004.01.001
4. Steinberg, R.J. & Figart, D.M. (1999). Emotional demands at work: A job content
analysis. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 561, 177-191
10/23 Humor, Friendships and Social Support
Core Readings
1. Lynch, O.H. (2002). Humorous communication: Finding a place for humor in
communication research. Communication Theory, 12(4), 423-445. doi: 10.1111/j.14682885.2002.tb00277.x
2. Tracy, S.J., Myers, K.K., & Scott, C.W. (2006). Cracking jokes and crafting selves:
Sensemaking and identity management among human service workers.
Communication Monographs, 73(3), 283-308. doi: 10.1080/03637750600889500
Friendships, Social Support
3. Baumeister, R.F., & Leary, M.R. (1995). The need to belong: Desire for interpersonal
attachments as a fundamental human motivation. Psychological Bulletin, 117(3), 497. doi:
4. Keyton, J., & Beck, S.J. (2009). The influential role of relational messages in group
interaction. Group dynamics: Theory, research, and practice, 13(1), 14. doi:
5. Sias, P.M., & Cahill, D.J. (1998). From coworkers to friends: The development of peer
friendships in the workplace. Western Journal of Communication, 62(3), 273-299. doi:
Emotion in Organizations Syllabus (COMM750)
Report Options
1. Lynch, O. (2010). Cooking with humor: In-group humor as social organization. Humor:
International Journal of Humor Research, 23(2), 127-159. doi:
2. Meyer, J.C. (1997). Humor in member narratives: Uniting and dividing at work.
Western Journal of Communication, 61(2), 188-208. doi:
3. Martin, D.M. (2004). Humor in middle management: Women negotiating the
paradoxes of organizational life. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 32(2),
147-170. doi: 10.1080/0090988042000210034
4. Christiansen, A.E., & Hanson, J.J. (1996). Comedy as cure for tragedy: ACT UP and the
rhetoric of AIDS. Quarterly Journal of Speech, 82(2), 157-170. doi:
5. Duncan, W.J., Smeltzer, L.R., & Leap, T.L. (1990). Humor and work: Applications of
joking behavior to management. Journal of Management, 16(2), 255-278. doi:
6. Francis, L.E. (1994). Laughter, the best mediation: Humor as emotion management in
interaction. Symbolic Interaction, 17(2), 147-163. doi: 10.1525/si.1994.17.2.147
7. Hatch, M.J. (1997). Irony and the social construction of contradiction in the humor of a
management team. Organization Science, 8(3), 275-288. doi: 10.1287/orsc.8.3.275
8. Holmes, J. (2000). Politeness, power and provocation: How humour functions in the
workplace. Discourse Studies, 2(2), 159-185. doi: 10.1177/1461445600002002002
9. Holmes, J., & Marra, M. (2002). Over the edge? Subversive humor between colleagues
and friends. Humor, 15(1), 65-88. doi: 10.1515/humr.2002.006
10. Kangasharju, H., & Nikko, T. (2009). Emotions in organizations: Joint laughter in
workplace meetings. Journal of Business Communication, 46(1), 100-119. doi:
11. Pogrebin, M.R., & Poole, E.D. (1988). Humor in the briefing room: A study of the
strategic uses of humor among police. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, 17(2),
183-210. doi: 10.1177/089124188017002003
Friendships, Social Support
12. Goldsmith, D.J., & Baxter, L.A. (1996). Constituting relationships in talk: A taxonomy of
speech events in social and personal relationships. Human Communication Research, 23(1),
87-114. doi: 10.1111/j.1468-2958.1996.tb00388.x
13. Eichhorn, K.C. (2008). Soliciting and Providing Social Support Over the Internet: An
Investigation of Online Eating Disorder Support Groups. Journal of Computer-Mediated
Communication, 14(1), 67-78. doi: 10.1111/j.1083-6101.2008.01431.x
14. Saavedra, R., & Van Dyne, L. (1999). Social exchange and emotional investment in work
Emotion in Organizations Syllabus (COMM750)
groups. Motivation and Emotion, 23(2), 105-123. doi: 10.1023/A:1021377028608
15. Lee Ashcraft, K., & Kedrowicz, A. (2002). Self-direction or social support? Nonprofit
empowerment and the tacit employment contract of organizational communication studies.
Communication Monographs, 69(1), 88-110. doi: 10.1080/03637750216538
16. Sass, J.S., & Mattson, M. (1999). When social support is uncomfortable the communicative:
Accomplishment of support as a cultural term in a youth intervention program.
Management Communication Quarterly, 12(4), 511-543. doi: 10.1177/0893318999124002
10/30 Incivility, Injustice, and Emotional Abuse
Core Readings
1. Harlos, K.P., & Pinder, C. (1999). Patterns of organizational injustice: A taxonomy of what
employees regard as unjust. In J.Wagner (Ed.), Advances in qualitative organizational
research (2nd ed., pp. 97-125). Stamford, CT: JAI Press.
2. Lutgen-Sandvik, P. (2008). Intensive remedial identity work: Responses to workplace
bullying trauma and stigma. Organization, 15(1), 97-119. doi: 10.1177/1350508407084487
3. Sypher, B.D. (2004). Reclaiming civil discourse in the workplace. Southern Communication
Journal, 69, 257-269.
4. Tracy, S.J., Lutgen-Sandvik, P., & Alberts, J.K. (2006). Nightmares, demons and slaves:
Exploring the painful metaphors of workplace bullying. Management Communication
Quarterly, 20(2), 148-185. doi: 10.1177/0893318906291980
5. Waldron, V.R. (2009). Emotional tyranny at work: Suppressing the moral emotions. In P.
Lutgen-Sandvik & B. D. Sypher (Eds.), Destructive Organizational Communication:
Processes, Consequences, and Constructive Ways of Organizing (pp. 9-26). New York:
Routledge/Taylor & Francis.
Report Options
1. Cowan, R.L. (2009). “Rocking the boat” and “Continuing to fight”: Un/productive justice
episodes and the problem of workplace bullying. Human Communication, 12(3), 283-301.
2. Keashly, L. (1998). Emotional abuse in the workplace: Conceptual and empirical issues.
Journal of Emotional Abuse, 1(1), 85 – 117
3. Keashly, L. (2001). Interpersonal and systemic aspects of emotional abuse at work: The
target's perspective. Violence and Victims, 16(3), 233 - 268.
4. Keashly, L., & Neuman, J.H. (2005). Bullying in the workplace: Its impact and
management. Employee Rights and Employment Policy Journal, 8(3), 335-373.
5. Keashly, L., & Neuman, J.H. (2010). Faculty experiences with bullying in higher education.
Administrative Theory & Praxis, 32(1), 48-70. doi: 10.2753/ATP1084-1806320103
6. Leets, L., & Giles, H. (1999). Harmful speech in intergroup encounters: An organizational
framework for communication research. Communication Yearbook, 22, 91-138.
7. Lutgen-Sandvik, P. (2003). The communicative cycle of employee emotional abuse:
Generation and regeneration of workplace mistreatment. Management Communication
Quarterly, 16(4), 471-501. doi: 10.1177/0893318903251627
8. Lutgen-Sandvik, P. (2006). Take this job and ... : Quitting and other forms of resistance to
workplace bullying. Communication Monographs, 73(4), 406-433.
Emotion in Organizations Syllabus (COMM750)
9. Lutgen-Sandvik, P. (2007). "But words will never hurt me": Abuse and bullying at work, a
comparison between two worker samples. Ohio Communication Journal, 45, 81-105.
10. Spector, P.E., & Fox, S. (2002). An emotion-centered model of voluntary work behavior:
Some parallels between counterproductive work behavior and organizational citizenship
behavior. Human Resource Management Review, 12(2), 269-292. doi: 10.1016/S10534822(02)00049-9
11/6 Sex, Romance, and Sexual Harassment
Core Readings
Romance, Sex
1. Dillard, J.P., Witteman, H. (1985), Romantic relationships at work: Organizational and
personal influences. Human Communication Research, 12, 99-116.
2. Horan, S.M., & Chory, R.M. (2013). Relational implications of gay and lesbian workplace
romances: Understanding trust, deception, and credibility. Journal of Business
Communication, 50(2), 170-189. doi: 10.1177/0021943612474993
Sexual Harassment
3. Clair, R.P. (1993). The use of framing devices to sequester organizational narratives:
Hegemony and harassment. Communication Monographs, 60, 113-136.
4. Dougherty, D.S. (1999). Dialogue through standpoint: Understanding women’s and men’s
standpoints of sexual harassment. Management Communication Quarterly, 12(3), 436-468.
doi: 10.1177/0893318999123003
5. Scarduzio, J.A., & Geist-Martin, P. (2010). Accounting for victimization: Male professors’
ideological positioning in stories of sexual harassment. Management Communication
Quarterly, 24(3), 419-445. doi: 10.1177/0893318909358746
Report Options
Romance, Sex (note how emotion-less much of this research is as written)
1. Cole, N. (2009). Workplace romance: A justice analysis. Journal of Business Psychology,
24, 363-372. doi:10.1007/s10869-009-9117-1
2. Dillard, J. P., Hale, J. L. and Segrin, C. (1994). Close relationships in task environments:
Perceptions of relational types, illicitness, and power. Management Communication
Quarterly, 7, 227-255
3. Dillard, J.P. (1987) Close relationships at work: Perceptions of the motives and
performance of relational percipients. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 4, 179193.
4. Gutek, B.A. (1985). How differing environments influence sexuality. Sex and the
workplace (112-128). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
5. Gutek, B.A. (1985). Sex and the workplace: The Issues. Sex and the workplace (pp. 1-21).
San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
6. Gutek, B.A. (1985).The workplace: A setting for sexual behavior. Sex and the workplace
(22-41). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Emotion in Organizations Syllabus (COMM750)
7. Horan, S.M., & Chory, R.M. (2009). When work and love mix: Perceptions of peers in
workplace romances. Western Journal of Communication, 73(4), 349-369. doi:
8. Horan, S.M., & Chory, R.M. (2011). Understanding Work/Life Blending: Credibility
Implications for Those Who Date at Work. Communication Studies, 62(5), 563-580. doi:
9. Mainiero, L. A. (1989). Love in the workplace. Office romance: Love, power, and sex in the
workplace (3-29). New York. Rawson Associates.
10. Mainiero, L. A. (1989). The realities and risks. Office romance: Love, power, and sex in the
workplace (75-101). New York. Rawson Associates.
11. Mainiero, L. A. (1989).The positive side of office romance. Office romance: Love, power,
and sex in the workplace (49-74). New York. Rawson Associates.
12. Malachowski, C.C., Chory, R.M., & Claus, C.J. (2012). Mixing pleasure with work:
Employee perceptions of and responses to workplace romance. Western Journal of
Communication, 76(4), 358-379. doi: 10.1080/10570314.2012.656215
13. Pierce, C.A., Byrne, D. & Aguinis, H. (1996). Attraction in organizations: A model of
workplace romance. Journal of Organizational Beahvior,17, 5-32.
14. Powell, G. N. (2001). Workplace romances between senior-level executives and lower-level
employees: An issue of work disruption and gender. Human Relations, 54, 1519-1544.
15. Powell, G. N.,& Foley, S. (1998). Something to talk about: Romantic relationships in
organizational settings. Journal of Management, 24, 421-448.
Sexual Harassment (note, little actually talks about emotion)
16. Clair, R.P. (1993). The bureaucratization, commodification, and privatization of sexual
harassment through institutional discourse: A study of the Big Ten universities.
Management Communication Quarterly, 7(2), 123-157. doi:
17. Dougherty, D., & Smythe, M.J. (2004). Sensemaking, organizational culture, and sexual
harassment. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 32(4), 293-317. doi:
18. Keyton, J., & Rhodes, S.C. (1999). Organizational sexual harassment: Translating research
into application. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 27(2), 158-173. doi:
19. Pierce, C.A., & Aguinis, H. (2001). A framework for investigating the link between
workplace romance and sexual harassment. Group & Organization Management, 26(2),
206-229. doi: 10.1177/1059601101262005
20. Pierce, C.A., Aguinis, H., & Adams, S.K.R. (2000). Effects of a dissolved workplace
romance and rater characteristics on responses to a sexual harassment accusation. Academy
of Management Journal, 43, 869-880.
11/13 Strong Emotions
Core Readings
1. Flam, H. (1993). Fear, loyalty and greedy organizations. In S. Fineman (Ed.), Emotion in
organizations (pp. 58-75). London: Sage.
Emotion in Organizations Syllabus (COMM750)
2. Goodall, H.L., Jr. (1995). Work-Hate: Narratives about mismanaged transitions in times of
organizational transformation and change. In R. K. Whillock & D. Slayden (Eds.), Hate
Speech (pp. 80-121). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
3. Martin, M., Anderson, C., & Horvath, C. (1996). Feelings about verbal aggression:
Justifications for sending and hurt from receiving verbally aggressive messages.
Communication Research Reports, 13(1), 19-26.
4. Rozin, P., Lowery, L., Imada, S., & Haidt, J. (1999). The CAD triad hypothesis: a mapping
between three moral emotions (contempt, anger, disgust) and three moral codes
(community, autonomy, divinity). Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 76(4),
574. doi: 10.1037/0022-3514.76.4.574
5. Salanova, M., Bakker, A.B., & Llorens, S. (2006). Flow at work: Evidence for an upward
spiral of personal and organizational resources. Journal of Happiness Studies, 7(1), 1-22.
doi: 10.1007/s10902-005-8854-8
Report Options
1. Bono, J.E., & Ilies, R. (2006). Charisma, positive emotions and mood contagion. The
Leadership Quarterly, 17(4), 317-334.
2. Martin, D.D. (2000). Organizational approaches to shame: Avowal, management, and
contestation. The Sociological Quarterly, 41(1), 125-150. doi: 10.1111/j.15338525.2000.tb02369.x
3. Poulson, C.F. (2000). Shame and work. In N. Ashkanazy, C. E. Hartel & W. J. Zerbe (Eds.),
Emotions in the workplace: research, theory, and practice (pp. 250-271). Westport, CT:
4. Sloan, M.M. (2004). The effects of occupational characteristics on the experience and
expression of anger in the workplace. Work and Occupations, 31(1), 38-72. doi:
5. Tiedens, L.Z. (2000). Powerful emotions: The vicious cycle of social status positions and
emotions. In N. M. Ashkanasy, C. E. Härtel & W. J. Zerbe (Eds.), Emotions in the
workplace: Research, theory, and practice (pp. 72-81). Westport, CT: Quorum.
Emotion and Culture; Emotion and Gender
Core Readings
Emotion and Culture
1. Early, P.C., & Francis, C.A. (2002). International perspectives on emotion and work In N.
Schmitt, R. G. Lord, R. J. Klimoski & R. K. Kanfer (Eds.), Emotions in the workplace:
Understanding the structure and role of emotions in organizational behavior (pp. 370-401).
San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
2. Kotchemidova, C. (2010). Emotion culture and cognitive constructions of reality.
Communication Quarterly, 58(2), 207-234. doi: 10.1080/01463371003717892
3. Meares, M.M., Oetzel, J.G., Torres, A., Derkacs, D., & Ginossar, T. (2004). Employee
mistreatment and muted voices in the culturally diverse workplace. Journal of Applied
Emotion in Organizations Syllabus (COMM750)
Communication Research, 32(1), 4-27. doi:10.1080/0090988042000178121
Emotion and Gender
4. Buzzanell, P.M., & Turner, L.H. (2003). Emotion work revealed by job loss discourse:
Backgrounding-foregrounding of feelings, construction of normalcy, and (re)instituting of
traditional male masculinities. Journal Applied Communication Research, 31(1), 27-57.
5. Lutgen-Sandvik, P., Dickinson, E., & Foss, K.A. (2012). Painting, priming, peeling, and
polishing: Constructing and deconstructing the woman-bullying-woman identity at work. In
S. Fox & T. R. Lituchy (Eds.), Gender and the dysfunctional workplace (pp. 61-77).
Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing.
6. Meyerson, D. E. (1998). Feeling stressed and burnout out: A feminist reading and
revisioning of stress-based emotions within medicine and organizational science.
Organizational Science, 8, 103-118.
Report Options (Posted online but not presented in class)
Emotions and Culture
1. Heelas, P. (1996). Emotion talk across cultures. In R. Harré & W. G. Parrott (Eds.), The
emotions: Social, cultural and biological dimensions (pp. 171-199). London: Sage.
2. Mirchandani, K. (2003). Challenging racial silences in studies of emotion work:
contributions from anti-racist feminist theory. Organization Studies, 24(5), 721-742. doi:
3. Qu, R., & Zhang, Z. (2005). Work group emotions in Chinese culture settings. Singapore
Management Review, 27(1), 69-86.
Emotions and Gender
4. Hall, E.J. (1993). Smiling, deferring, and flirting doing gender by giving “good service”.
Work and occupations, 20(4), 452-471. doi: 10.1177/0730888493020004003
5. Leidner, R. (1991). Serving hamburgers and selling insurance: Gender, work, and identity
in interactive service jobs. Gender & Society, 5(2), 154-177. doi:
6. Ollilainen, M. (2000). Gendering emotions, gendering teams: Construction of emotions in
self-managing teamwork. In N. Ashkanazy, C. E. Hartel & W. J. Zerbe (Eds.), Emotions in
the workplace: Research, theory and practice (pp. 82-96). Westport, CT: Quorum.
Stress and Burnout
Emonet Post Due no later
than today
Core Readings
1. Cropanzano, R., Rupp, D.E., & Byrne, Z.S. (2003). The relationship of emotional
exhaustion to work attitudes, job performance, and organizational citizenship behaviors.
Emotion in Organizations Syllabus (COMM750)
Journal of Applied Psychology, 88(1), 160. doi: 10.1037/0021-9010.88.1.160
2. Miller, K. I., Stiff, J. B. & Ellis, B. H. (1988). Communication and empathy as precursors
to burnout among human service workers. Communication Monographs, 55, 250 – 265
3. Miller, K., Birkholt, M., Scott, C., & Stage, C. (1995). Empathy and burnout in human
service work an extension of a communication model. Communication Research, 22(2),
123-147. doi: 0.1177/009365095022002001
4. Ray, E. B., & Miller, K. I. (1991). The influence of communication structure and social
support on job stress and burnout. Management Communication Quarterly, 4, 506-527.
5. Snyder, J.L. (2012). Extending the empathic communication model of burnout:
Incorporating individual differences to learn more about workplace emotion,
communicative responsiveness, and burnout. Communication Quarterly, 60(1), 122142. doi: 10.1080/01463373.2012.641837
No Report Options
Students may choose articles for reports about emotion and stress that are not in the
syllabus. If so, students will post the Report but not present the report in class.
12/4 Emotional Intelligence
GENOS EI test summary due
Core Readings
1. Dougherty, D.S., & Krone, K.J. (2002). Emotional intelligence as organizational
communication. Communication Yearbook, 26, 202-229.
2. Goleman, D. (2004). What Makes a Leader? Harvard Business Review, 82(1), 82-91.
3. Myers, L.L., & Tucker, M.L. (2005). Increasing awareness of emotional intelligence in a
business curriculum. Business Communication Quarterly, 68(1), 44-51. doi:
4. Fineman, S. (2004). Getting the measure of emotion-and the cautionary tale of emotional
intelligence. Human Relations, 57(6), 719-740. doi: 10.1177/0018726704044953
5. Salovey, P., & Mayer, J.D. (1989). Emotional intelligence. Imagination, cognition and
personality, 9(3), 185-211. doi: 10.2190/DUGG-P24E-52WK-6CDG
Report Options
1. Bryan, S.P. (2006). Emotional intelligence and intrapersonal conversations. Issues and Recent
Developments in Emotional Intelligence.
2. George, J.M. (2000). Emotions and leadership: The role of emotional intelligence. Human
Relations, 53(8), 1027-1055. doi: 10.1177/0018726700538001
3. Herkenhoff, L. (2004). Culturally tuned emotional intelligence: an effective change
management tool? Strategic change, 13(2), 73-81. doi: 10.1002/jsc.666
4. Hughes, J. (2005). Bringing emotion to work emotional intelligence, employee resistance and
the reinvention of character. Work, Employment & Society, 19(3), 603-625. doi:
5. Huy, Q.N. (1999). Emotional capability, emotional intelligence, and radical change. Academy
Emotion in Organizations Syllabus (COMM750)
of Management Review, 24(2), 325-345. doi: 10.5465/AMR.1999.1893939
6. Jordan, P.J., & Troth, A.C. (2004). Managing emotions during team problem solving:
Emotional intelligence and conflict resolution. Human performance, 17(2), 195-218. doi:
7. Jordan, P.J., Ashkanasy, N.M., Härtel, C.E.J., & Hooper, G.S. (2002). Workgroup emotional
intelligence: Scale development and relationship to team process effectiveness and goal focus.
Human Resource Management Review, 12(2), 195-214.
8. Palmer, B.R., Stough, C., Hamer, R., & Gignac, G.E. (2009). The Genos Emotional
Intelligence Inventory: A measure designed specifically for workplace applications. In C.
Stough, D. H. Saklofske & J. D. A. Parker (Eds.), Assessing emotional intelligence: Theory,
research, and applications New York: Springer.
9. Quebbeman, A.J., & Rozell, E.J. (2002). Emotional intelligence and dispositional affectivity
as moderators of workplace aggression: The impact on behavior choice. Human Resource
Management Review, 12(1), 125-143. www.HRmanagementreview.com
10. Wang, T.R., & Schrodt, P. (2010). Are emotional intelligence and contagion moderators of
the association between students' perceptions of instructors' nonverbal immediacy cues and
students' affect? Communication Reports, 23(1), 26-38. doi: 10.1080/08934211003598775
12/11 Last Day Classes; Paper Presentations
12/18 Finals Week
Paper Part 2 Due 11:55 PM
Note for Blackboard:
The core readings are in this Content Area but in a different file. Scroll down to the file
folder icon "Core Readings." I will not post all the Report Options. I have pdfs for nearly all
of them so if you cannot find them on your own, email me and I'll send the piece to you.